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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Hugs
    #BirdDog got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Calling all vets- where are you   
    Almost three years and still around...
  2. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from FluffyChix in Chinese Food Puree   
    This is good advise, it’s the route I went as well. Two weeks seems like an eternity when you’re in the middle of the purée diet. But in the scheme of things it’s a really short amount of time. Use it to get your body adjusted. It’s your time to get mind over matter. You’ll be successful no doubt, just be patient. If there is some taste you are craving, get creative, hit up Pinterest or google and search low or no carb foods for whatever you desire. Tons of stuff out there.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  3. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from FluffySaysForkIt! in Anyone use a CPAP machine?   
    This is the one I’m using , it’s the DreamWear by Respironics. *not me in the picture, I’m much better looking than that guy

  4. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from FluffySaysForkIt! in Anyone use a CPAP machine?   
    My medical supplies company that did my initial mask fitting and set me up with the equipment is who I went through to try several masks. I did some online research and found a few masks I wanted to try. At my initial fitting they sent me home with one, I called them and said it wasn’t working for me. They let me come by the office and pick up a couple others that I mentioned. After a few nights I was able to let them know which one was working best for me and that’s the one they had me use. I did find after my surgery and weight loss I had to go to a smaller mask size. The original size was leaking a LOT.
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    #BirdDog got a reaction from FluffySaysForkIt! in Anyone use a CPAP machine?   
    I had a very difficult time with a CPAP, so much that I wasn’t using it and my apnea ended up out of control. I was falling asleep at work, driving, in meetings, etc. it was bad. I spoke to my sleep doctor and they were able to switch me to a Bi-Pap which gives me a different pressure when I exhale as opposed to when I inhale. It’s much more comfortable to use. I went through five or six different masks before I found one that worked for me. Once I had the combination right I started sleeping HARD. Usually I slept on my side, with the machine I sleep on my back and for the first couple months I slept so deep and didn’t move all night that I would wake up sore.

    Might want to look into the Bi-Pap and try a few masks. The first nights with the machine and the correct mask had me wired all day. Haven’t had so much energy in years!

    As for them postponing the surgery if you’re not using it. I can’t speak to that. But I would think the chances of that are slim. But each surgeon will have their own requirements. Mine was more concerned with me getting sick prior to the surgery. He didn’t want me to have a cold or the flu. That would have caused him to postpone.
  6. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from FluffySaysForkIt! in Anyone use a CPAP machine?   
    I took mine with me to the hospital and slept with it on. Still use it religiously, never slept better! Mine is a bi-pap and they have set it to auto, it runs on the lowest setting all the time. Might not need it anymore, but I’ve put off having another sleep study and I don’t really want to give it up.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
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    #BirdDog got a reaction from FluffySaysForkIt! in Anyone use a CPAP machine?   
    This one is more of a cushion that presses against your nostrils as opposed to in. On this one if it’s not positioned correctly it will hiss. I’ve never used the inside the nostril ones.
  8. Hugs
    #BirdDog got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Calling all vets- where are you   
    Almost three years and still around...
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    #BirdDog reacted to New_Me2019 in Anyone use a CPAP machine?   
    Wishing you the best on this journey. A year ago I had no clue about sleep apnea. I have read so many post of people who see sleep apnea as a way to qualify for their surgery. But if you have sleep apnea then it is serious and may or may not disappear quickly. I also have sleep apnea. I have my appointment next month to see if we can adjust or reduce use but I am choosing to not make those medical decisions on my own. Best of luck.

    New_Me 2019

  10. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from FluffyChix in Chinese Food Puree   
    This is good advise, it’s the route I went as well. Two weeks seems like an eternity when you’re in the middle of the purée diet. But in the scheme of things it’s a really short amount of time. Use it to get your body adjusted. It’s your time to get mind over matter. You’ll be successful no doubt, just be patient. If there is some taste you are craving, get creative, hit up Pinterest or google and search low or no carb foods for whatever you desire. Tons of stuff out there.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  11. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from catwoman7 in 6 months post op and gaining? :(   
    When I tried to bring in Protein Bars I had the regular Quest bars. They seemed to have the best numbers for me. But I found if I had more that one or two during the week, that I would have a stall. That’s just me so YMMV, but that’s what I’d cut to see if the weight loss kicks in again. Then adjust as necessary. I still have them every once in a while. Keep a couple in my desk for those days where I just can’t get away for a real lunch or the days I forget it on the counter. :/

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  12. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from catwoman7 in 6 months post op and gaining? :(   
    When I tried to bring in Protein Bars I had the regular Quest bars. They seemed to have the best numbers for me. But I found if I had more that one or two during the week, that I would have a stall. That’s just me so YMMV, but that’s what I’d cut to see if the weight loss kicks in again. Then adjust as necessary. I still have them every once in a while. Keep a couple in my desk for those days where I just can’t get away for a real lunch or the days I forget it on the counter. :/

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  13. Like
    #BirdDog reacted to KCgirl061 in 2 weeks after sleeve need advice   
    You aren't going to be hungry for a while. Revel in it, and take this time while you're not hungry to transform your previous eating habits into healthier ones. You're fueling your body right now, so fuel it right.
    Purchase a unflavored Protein Powder and add it to your yogurt to boost your Protein intake.
  14. Like
    #BirdDog reacted to KCgirl061 in Needing advice   
    It still seems like a low grade fever - a natural response to the body after just having surgery. Call you doctor with your concerns or review your discharge paperwork from the hospital. It should tell you when to call as far as fever limits go.
  15. Like
    #BirdDog reacted to Deedee12 in Failed EVERYTHING, need to know I'm not alone.   
    Well done Pollywolly!!!!!!!!! Hats off to you!! You should feel so darn proud whether it's 20lbs or 2lbs you have lost, it's the fact that your head is back in the game that counts!!!! Well done!!! I'm pre surgery and I am already inspired by your heart!!
    Well done my friend and KEEP IT UP! You have us here rooting for you!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Like
    #BirdDog reacted to Tracyringo in Stretched Pouch?   
    2 1/2 years? Yes you can reverse it. You have described yourself as lazy. You wont be able to reverse it unless you are ready to work it. Stop grazing and pushing limits and get back on track or you could end up where you started. Good luck.
  17. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from nourishing heather in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    Not at all! So here are the two statements that I found through my research, these are from obesitycoverage.com.
    Gastric bypass patients lose between 60 to 80 percent of excess body weight in the first year. Gastric sleeve patients lose between 50 to 70 percent of excess body weight in two years.
    First of all, I don't care if I lose the weight in one or two years, this is a lifetime change. Now, taking those numbers and assuming I attain the high end of their average I can plug in my actual weight and compare them. In the beginning of the process I weighted 370 lbs, to not be considered overweight by BMI calculations I would have to be no more than 169lbs. (Which I believe is too light for my body). So my excess weight is 201 lbs. The bypass at 80% would be 160lbs of weight loss, and the sleeve would be 140. A difference between the two surgeries is 20 pounds. Coming down from 370 lbs I am not real concerned if I am 210 or 230, as long as I'm not 370. So the difference of pounds lost wasn't a big deal to me.
    Now those numbers are averages, there are a lot of people that lose 100% of their excess weight with both surgeries. In fact I think those numbers are highly skewed by the people that are not ready for this extreme lifestyle change. No matter how you look at the surgeries, if you are not ready mentally, physically, and emotionally to never eat the same crap in the same manner as you did before then you will not be successful. You have to make a change. These are just tools to get there.
    I had success with every diet I ever tried. I've lost 100 lbs several times. However my body would sabotage my plans. Hunger would push me to eating things I shouldn't. My lifestyle would have me pushing timelines until I was so hungry I would make poor choices. I would start craving things, and one slice of pizza turned into three, which turned into half a pizza, which turned into a whole pizza. The sleeve removes a large portion of the stomach giving me restriction so I can't be pushing that amount, as well as it cut back on the amount of the "hunger hormone" Ghrelin.
    The bypass is a much more invasive surgery, moving of the intestines and changing the route of food. With that you have more life long side effects than you do with the sleeve. In fact my digestive tract is intact and unchanged, only difference is my stomach is much smaller now. So I have less of a concern with not getting in my necessary Vitamins.
    As time has gone on where they have been tracking long term success between the two surgeries the amount of excess weight lost and kept off is getting closer and closer. I am in this for the long run. I have to make lifestyle changes, I have to make dietary changes, I have to make exercise changes. I still need to do my part, but this tool is giving me a "cheat code" if you will. A leg up on the diet world.
    I have enjoyed some benefits already, I am no longer on Metformin as my blood sugar has been fine after surgery, I am also off of three medications for high blood pressure. That is four chemicals that I no longer have to put into my body to stay alive. If that is the only benefit I get from this surgery it was well worth it.
    I'm sure the bypass has been the right decision for many people, and if you look hard enough you will be able to find different numbers or experiences than the ones I used to make my decision. Each person needs to work with their bariatric team, research, and soul search to determine which surgery, if any, is the right one for them.
  18. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from shan0520 in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    Put together a new set of before and after photos.... 370lbs to 209lbs.

  19. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from jolomom in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    A short video I made about 10 things I wish I had know before I had weight loss surgery. . For those of us on the forums it's probably old news, but for some its food for thought. Lol. Pardon the pun.

  20. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from jolomom in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    A short video I made about 10 things I wish I had know before I had weight loss surgery. . For those of us on the forums it's probably old news, but for some its food for thought. Lol. Pardon the pun.

  21. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from Deanna V. in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    Surgeon wanted me under 200 lbs. didn't really set a goal weight for myself. But I woke up this morning and weighed in....

    Pretty stoked!!!!
  22. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from mdbryan53 in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    Well I did it. Yesterday they did the gastric sleeve operation at 7:30am.
    When I arrived for checking they did some paperwork that allowed the hospital to bill my insurance, then they took me back to pre-op. In pre-op they had me strip down and put on a gown. I didn't have any valuables with me but that is when they would have taken them and put them in the safe. A gentleman came in and started the IV. Another nurse came in and was asking me about what I had to eat and drink prior to the surgery date. Then I met the nurses that would be assisting the surgeon. They gave me a shot of blood thinner to protect from blood clots. I met the anesthesia person, he asked about if I'd ever been under or if any family members had issues with anesthesia. The surgeon came in and asked if I had any questions before we got started.
    They then wheeled me off to the operating room. In the OR there were several people work on getting everything ready, they hooked up to my IV, set up the heart monitor. Then anesthesia gave me something to relax. He then came over with a mask that covered my mom and nose and said he was going to give me some oxygen. Next thing I remember is waking up in recovery.
    For me this was the worst part, not feeling good coming out of the anesthesia and being in pain. There was one nurse to every two people. Unfortunately the other person that my nurse was watching was being combative so he the attention of a lot of staff members. Once things started to clear up for me a bit they adjusted my pain medication to something a bit stronger. After about an hour of being awake in recovery they wheeled me off to my room.
    On the way up to my room we stopped and got my family from the waiting room and they followed me up. I was pretty out of it from all the drugs they had been giving me. So I don't remember much about the day of surgery once I made it up to my room. It was mostly keeping me comfortable. They got me to the room around noon, and had me take a short walk at about 6pm. I was able to urinate for them so no need for a catheter. Yay!!! They gave me some more pain medicine and let me rest. Throughout the night someone came in about every two hours to check on me and my vitals and checking my blood sugar.
    The next morning they came in and gave me another shot of blood thinner, I had been sipping Water this entire time. I got up and went for a couple walks around the floor. Had to prove I could still urinate. Then the surgeon came in and talked about the surgery and answered more questions. He gave the okay for me to be released.
    I've made it home. Still in a bit of pain from one of the incisions but not the others. So far no real issues with nausea or vomiting. I feel this was the right decision for me and am excited to start this new chapter in my life. So far I'm doing good, as far as the pain, it sucks but I know each day it will get better and better. Just focusing on getting in my Water and walking as much as I can.
    I'm just now laying down for the night, sure will be nice to sleep in my own bed.
  23. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from Deanna V. in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    Surgeon wanted me under 200 lbs. didn't really set a goal weight for myself. But I woke up this morning and weighed in....

    Pretty stoked!!!!
  24. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from Deanna V. in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    Spent a little time today putting together a video of my before and after pictures. I think it turned out pretty well. I'm having a ton of fun with my new grasp on life! Trying to take advantage of the opportunity to do things I could never do before.

  25. Like
    #BirdDog got a reaction from Deanna V. in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    Today I had an awesome NSV!!!

    I work for the State Patrol and they are supporters of the Special Olympics. They were looking for people to run our leg of torch run. So I participated. It wasn't pretty but I got it done. From Olympic Drive in Gig Harbor to the war memorial SR16/Jackson. It was a good 4 miles. Doesn't sound like much but considering this time last year the only way I would have completed it would have been in the back of an ambulance... this was a major win for me. Not only was it a win for me but it was for an awesome cause.

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