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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    looking_forward reacted to JennsJourney in 3 Months Post-Op!   
    I'm finally seeing a difference in my body! I'm 3 months post-op as of today and I'm down 74 lbs. I'm staring to feel "normal" again and I'm loving it. I took a picture this weekend and was finally able to see some of my progress. We have to Celebrate all along the way!

  2. Like
    looking_forward reacted to DavidOso in TWO, what a wonderful number   
    Morning Gents. 297! $%#@^&%*&^!YEAH!!! This is the first time there has been a "2" as the first number of my weight since 1993. All sorts of great numbers are happening in close proximity. 18# ago I hit 200 lost, 2# ago I broke into the 200's, in 2 more # I will have lost 2/3 of my extra weight, and in 4 more # I will break through to the 30's for BMI. All that yumminess from a guy who was 515 10 months ago. SO YES BOYS, GREAT THINGS DO HAPPEN...Now onto my next goal. YEEEEEeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaa....(that's me driving off to the gym).
    Keep up all of your hard work 'cause I want to hear your success stories too.
  3. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Andrea72 in Coworkers...   
    I am so with you on that. I'm 7 weeks post op, and except for a bad day that led to me buying a slice of chocolate cake, I haven't craved any of my old comfort foods. I figure if I'm not craving them, I am so not going to try it and possibly ruin a good thing. Even when u could only eat two bites. Lol.
    Speaking of coworkers....I work with a lady that had GB two years ago. She is constantly complaining that she has regained 40 pounds. I made the comment, in a nice way, that she is always eating chips.
    Her reasoning? When she eats Protein, she can't have very much before she gets full but she has discovered she can eat quite a bit of chips without them making her feel full and miserable.
    Seriously? The thought process of some people kill me!!
  4. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Megall9 in Have you gotten rid of the winter season clothes ?   
    Not yet. I'm only 6 days post op, and even though I see the scale going down I'm still too afraid to throw my old winter coat away. I'll wait until maybe the fall, I'll be a few months out then and hopefully it will all be "real" to me then. I've been the same size for the last 6-7 years, it's hard for me to comprehend even the possibility of being smaller.
  5. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Christinamo7 in Protein, Protein, Protein   
    of course you are! but this is an internet forum we are participating in, so it is only natural that we would discuss these things? At the end of the day I am going to listen to my team (I am paying them for their advice after all!) discuss with my peer group (my LOVELY friends here #1) and then sort out what is going to be best for me.
    there was more than one person on here on many threads advocating what I think are really dangerous practices - so, here we are discussing. it's good!
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    looking_forward reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Protein, Protein, Protein   
    I have been reading with alarm several posts from people lately who have recently had surgery and don't seem to have gotten the message about how important Protein is to their healing and their weight loss.
    It is as if a whole group have completely skipped any nutrition education and think that it is ok to starve themselves.
    Protein is critical (a minimum of 80-100 grams, depending on your surgeon's recommendation for your specific needs)
    Fluid is critical (at least 64 oz.).
    You do not get bonus points for not reaching those goals. In fact, it will slow your weight loss and healing.
    (Climbing down off of my soap box for now.)
  7. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Jasmine Smith in Update: 9 months post op   
    Hey guys...it has been a while since I posted. Life has been great. I've actually become this fitness fanatic. I love working out now...never saw that coming. My RNY changed my life and I'm so grateful. Still have a ways to go but I'm so happy with my progress. Starting weight 519lbs...surgery weight 428lbs...current weight 262lbs[emoji123] 
  8. Like
    looking_forward reacted to sassyfrass23 in Mind games = my worst enemy   
    Everything went fantastic! I'm feeling much much better today although I just can't seem to wake up. So glad yours was a success @@choicemun !
    Also- I did so well on my preop diet and shrank my liver so much, he didn't even have to do a biopsy! He is very pleased with my mobility and efforts thus far so I will for sure be going home today! He told my family that he wished all of his patients were like me. That was comforting to hear.
    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App
  9. Like
    looking_forward reacted to sassyfrass23 in Mind games = my worst enemy   
    Yesterday marked 3 weeks until my "BIG" day. And I feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack.
    I have always struggled with anxiety, and as I have aged, it has improved significantly unless something major triggers it. But even then, my rebound time is much faster than it was 5+ years ago. My coping skills have improved. Go me!
    However, between the surgery being right around the corner, and a VERY stressful job...this little lady is all out of sorts. I tried the whole "retreat" mechanism which is my first instinct when things get tough. I shut down. I shut everyone near and dear to me out. And I process. And while I enjoy this option more, I know that it is unhealthy and what has played a huge role in my weight. Because while I am secluded in my own little world, all I need is me and my food. Gimme that chocolate and some of those potatoes. And I slowly begin to reappear, eventually. So here are my concerns:
    -Work (stressful job + unhealthy relationship with a superior)
    -Pre op and post op diet
    (I've done the research. I have a ton of material from my surgeon's office. I truly am prepared. But I have totally allowed my mind to screw with me and convince me that I'm not. Anxiety, remember? I'm not worried about the length of the specific diets or stages or what I can or CAN'T have. I literally just feel like everything I've learned over the last 9 months has suddenly vanished. My diet starts Tuesday. So I plan to sit and dive right back into my manuals within the next day or so and re-educate/reassure myself that I do know and I do understand what I am to do.......)
    -Energy levels after WLS (I've read where it is not uncommon to feel less than par for up to 6 weeks after surgery. Some sooner, some longer. I'm worried that I'm going to tire more easily and am concerned with how this will affect my job performance..if at all? I work as an IT consultant and we have multiple clients which include 3 hospitals + multiple physician and Lawyers offices. I am constantly on the freakin go. Work begins before I leave my house in the morning and continues after I arrive home. I am hands on and regularly crawling on the floor to look at/repair computers, servers, you name it. The one upside to my job is that I am on my feet more so than not. So, I'm always sure to average between 7,000 and 10,000 steps at work alone.)
    -There are a few more concerns...but I'll stop there
    So, my concerns aren't whether I'm going to lose fast or have excess skin. I mean...those are possibly there...but way way wayyyy down on the list. I'm mostly concerned about my emotional well being after surgery. I know that this is going to be as much mental...if not more...than physical. And I don't know whether to reach for a Xanax or a brown paper bag
    I do know that I've got to get out of my head and some of my concerns are probably minute and a waist of energy. Which is why I am here. I know that I need to get these things off my chest and talk them out. Only then will I feel better and become more comfortable with what is about to take place in my life. So here is Megan...in all her glory....vulnerable and transparent. [patting self on back]
    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App
  10. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Today I exercised!!!! And real exercise too! I took my baby for a jog/run! I can not even begin to tell you how much easier it is now that the rolls are gone and the boobs aren't flapping around! OMG night and day! I actually enjoyed the hell out of it!!! I also put this picture on FB! Where people can see my stomach and everything . I never in my entire life ever could have imagined I would show my stomach!

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    looking_forward reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    If it turns out any thing close to this I will be thrilled. See belly dancer! I wasn't kidding when I said that. I LOVE that curvy body shape!! I think it's so womanly and beautiful. Is it weird that I don't want to be "skinny" even after all of this. When everyone is like "make me as flat as you can, suck all the fat off " I'm over here saying NO! I want curves don't you dare take all that off!! I guess it's all in what you find attractive.

  12. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Today I had my PS visit and got all the tape removed and my belly button stitches out!!!! I feel so much better! That was it. Now all I have to do is get through this swelling phase. My TT scar is amazing!!! I wasn't exactly sure what it would look like under the tape but I couldn't ask for a better scar! I'm so proud of her work. If you have to have a large scar at least make it a tiny good one! My belly button is beautiful now that the stitches are removed. You wouldn't be able to tell I had any work done by looking at it. It just looks normal. She hid the scar on the inside of my belly button so unless you go digging around in my belly button you would never see them. My breast are a bit different because they still look odd once she took the tape off as far as around the nipples. The dissolvable stitches are still pulling tight so it's impossible to tell what they will actually look like at this point but the cut down the breast and under the breast as immaculate. The under boob one is invisible when I'm standing up since she placed it exactly in the crease and the ones down my boob are super thin! Over all I'm thrilled to death with it all. I was going to take some pictures of the TT & BB but I'm too swollen right now. I will try in the morning.
  13. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@Dub Just give it all little more time. You will get there. It took me 17 months. I'm still not technically done. I have a lot of toning to do yet. I don't know if we're ever really done but you get to a point where it's not an urgency anymore. It's not something that consumes your whole life anymore. You just start to live "normal". Or at least that's how it's been for me. I get countless inboxes and messages asking me how I did it. We all want results like yesterday but it takes time. I especially feel for the ones who are only 6 months out and doubting everything based on my results. I think people forget I'm not so "new" anymore. In November it will be 2 years. This doesn't just happen. There are a lot of ups and downs along the way. You just have to keep pushing, keep the faith and give it the appropriate amount of time. I'm not magic.
  14. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@BestDayEver I actually did it the worst way possible. I looked up plastic surgeons in my area (there are only about 6) She was one of the only women. I wanted a woman. Who knows more about boobs and what a woman wants than a woman? She has her own practice and has been in practice for 29 years. I researched her more after. I actually only saw 3 pictures of hers. There are hardly any reviews for any of the plastic surgeon that we have. I didn't know anyone who had been to her. Only two friends that had ever had anything done and they weren't thrilled with what they had so that was useless. I got a good feeling from her the first appointment. I ended up having 3 more spur of the moment appointments with her out of fear and questioning everything. She found time to fit me in and even took my random phone calls. I researched exactly what I wanted and I came prepared on surgery day with pictures of the body shape I wanted. It seems to me that if you don't give a clear picture of what you expect and want they will sometimes do whatever they want. I've read too many stories. PS aren't mind readers and there are tons of different body modifications they can do but if they don't have a clear understanding of what you want then you will get what you get. There are limits to what can and cannot be done according to your specific body and they will tell you that. When she did her markings I told her exactly where I wanted my TT scar. I didn't want a high scar. I wanted it as low as humanly possible. I have seen some high scars that I would NOT find acceptable and I showed her pictures of that too. She drew her line and then I took the marker and drew mine. She said she would work hard for mine but if she couldn't we would have to use hers (which was still low) We ended up with mine. Only time I was thankful for stretched out skin! I was very specific. This is the only body I have. I didn't want it screwed up or not the results I wanted do to a misunderstanding. This is an elective procedure, which means I paid a good price for it and I wanted my monies worth. I was not afraid of offending her with my "demands" or expectations. If she couldn't meet them then I would go elsewhere until I found someone who would. IMO you have to be assertive and take control over what you can. I listened to her opinions, some I agreed with and some I refused. We worked until we found a happy medium for both of us. I think in doing that I got some fabulous results that we are BOTH proud of. Do your research! Mine took up the entire month. I wanted a more rounded curvy body. Not a flat body. It's the body type I find beautiful. I made that clear as well. I didn't need ever once of fat removed from my stomach. I wanted the hip curves and contoured stomach. Soft contours. I got that. I didn't have any Lipo. They are all my original curves. My body minus all the loose skin and fat rolls. Now when it came to the breast that was all hers. I let her do what she had to do because I was sick about it and didn't have much of an opinion. She has won awards for her breast construction and TT. I felt good with her.
  15. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    (Continuation from the post below ).....I figured once all the skin was removed I wouldn't have hardly anything left. So I agreed to do the staged procedure. Now fast forward to today. It took me the longest time to take my compression bra off and look at them. I was too scared. I had envisioned seeing nothing but some nipples. I was completely shocked at what I saw. Not only do I have boobs, they are soooooo cute and perky! They are just perfect! It blows my mind. I am really debating on not getting the implants. I don't think I want them anymore. I don't have to wear a support bra now, I can wear cute little tops, in don't have to pick them up out of my armpit when I'm laying down. No more tucking them into a bra and having a saggy mess looking back at me! I feel like I'm 14 all over lol!! I never in my life thought I would ever be content with a lift but my PS is truly magical! I just look at them and they are so happy looking lol!! I had to find a way to show her work without being too graphic so I did the best I could. I'm only doing this because I know there are a lot of you struggling with this same body issue. I want you to see that you are not alone! Everyone remarked about how I don't look like I had any loose skin, ect... I was good at hiding it in clothes. I don't have to do that anymore. I feel freed.

  16. Like
    looking_forward reacted to BayougirlMrsS in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@KindaFamiliar Well i text mess her yesterday and today.... Drops mike and exits stage.... Bam....... LMAO
  17. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Well it's 5am and still not in any pain. I am so incredibly thankful! I thought this was going to be horrific and stressed over it for a full month, every stinking day! It's almost scary how well it's going. I have a bit of a achy sensation but that's it. I've stayed on my Dilaudid only taking one instead of two every 4 hours. It's a miracle drug for sure. I didn't have any other pain methods such as the pain pump or exparel (the 3 day lasting lidocaine) what she did use was Maracaine a shot 3-ish hour acting numbing injections in the muscle repair. It's worn off by now and I'm still pain free for the most part. My c-sections were way worse as was the VSG surgery. We will see how today goes. I've read where people have more pain on day 2/3. I'm eating and drinking just fine. No problems there. No nausea. I eat graham crackers before I take my meds and push the fluids. It actually feels good to get up out of this chair and walk around my house. I do that every time I go to the bathroom for some "exercise'. My husband and daughter (15) have been the perfect nurses! My daughter took over the night shift and made sure I got up and took my pills ect... This last time my husband snuck in and held my hand and rubbed my cheek. He was checking on me I guess but I was awake so he helped me with everything and I shut my daughters alarm off so she could sleep. School for her tomorrow. Ok, well that's probably more than anyone cared to know but I'm updating while I'm awake. So far I couldn't ask for a better experience.
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    looking_forward reacted to KindaFamiliar in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Please note that I was the first to 'like' the above post so that means I care the most...
  19. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Babbs in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Haha. Just another Tuesday at Wal Mart. I try to avoid that place the best I can for that reason.
    I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. Please don't die. I kind of like you.

  20. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@kranky813 I will! I'm going to do the best I can while drugged up! I'm requesting right now that if I type out some crazy long weird post that we all just laugh (to ourselves) and never mention it again! I'm going to try to reframe from singing the "kitty" song from Big Bang Theory but I can't promise that. Now that I know I'm going to have a "flat kitty" it's inevitable that it will be brought up and HOPEFULLY I will not be intoxicated enough to share any pictures of such kitty. If I do we shall ignore them too!!!! LIKE.IT.NEVER.HAPPEND.
  21. Like
    looking_forward reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Thank everybody!! I think I've hit all the emotional stages and today I feel happy. Hopefully that can continue into tomorrow? I'm trying to get myself in the right mindset. Maybe it won't be that bad and maybe it will but I've researched enough that I shouldn't be surprised by it. It's happening so stressing about it is a waste of time. I should know by now I'm a pretty strong chick. I've made it this far and survived so I'm going to make it through this too!
  22. Like
    looking_forward reacted to BayougirlMrsS in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@Elode i saw that body suit thing you bought.... omg. Trust that will be what you will look like... Flat as a fritter.... I love that thing... wish i would have had one like that. I want to be the first to see a bikini pic..... You will look banging HOTTTTT. Your stomach is already better than mine before your TT... so i know it will be better after. Make sure he knows you want a low cut, and to pull up to flatten out Kitty... Make sure he knows how important your belly button is... i told mine before... you mess up, your going to be do some redo's for free... and i was not joking... and he knew it. Your paying for all this and you must get what you want...
  23. Like
    looking_forward reacted to BayougirlMrsS in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@Elode so you and i have had chats about your Plastics.... and i know you are going to come through this like a champ. I know i have mentioned this before, but if you have a recliner... sleep there or up on the couch. The bed was difficult for me. My TT was so tight that lying down was the worse. Remember the C-Sections... how sitting up was the best.... Same thing doll.
    You are going to look so freaking amazing...(you already do). I am super excited for you. Remember the giant kotex (placed them on top of incision for comfort), and keep that compression garment on (i felt better when my stomach was compressed).
    My before and at one year
    and at 4 years post op

  24. Like
    looking_forward reacted to 2goldengirl in Breast lift, no implants-where to begin?   
    Following because a lift is something I wanted even pre-sleeve. It will be my "getting to goal" gift to myself.
  25. Like
    looking_forward reacted to VSGAnn2014 in When will I stop regretting this surgery?   
    Fortunately, I also didn't struggle much emotionally after WLS. Yes, the reality of having 85% of my stomach removed was considerably different than the theory. But I understood pre-op what to expect and adapted post-op to the actuality of my new situation.
    Now, over 20 months later, I've lost 100 pounds and am maintaining at 135 pounds. I have also lost my arthritis, my agoraphobia, my lower back pain, my stress incontinence. I have gained a waistline, a jawline, a social life, and a closet full of clothes sized 2 to 8. My jeans are size 4s.
    If you're dehydrated, you will definitely feel depressed. If you are not moving or walking more each day, you will feel depressed. If you are depressed and have not consulted with your doctor(s) to find out how they can help you in this area, you will probably become more depressed than you are now.
    So hydrate, stand up and move and keep moving, and call your doctor.
    All this crap will pass. Very best wishes to you!

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