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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by LaMonica

  1. Thank you so much for the photo comments!! And one day I hope to be able to see as much of my ankle bones as you can see!! You look great, congratulations!

  2. Thank you so much for the pic comment!!! I have lost 81 pounds so far from my highest weight...currently at 199 and my goal right now is 170. I still have hanging fat on the back of my arms, and my tummy is still about 3mos preggo lol!!! But I'm trying my best...

  3. Thank you, you look great also!! Congrats on your success so far! I would say the biggest thing for me is take it one day at a time, and don't worry about small slip-ups!! Do the best you can every day with diet/exercise, and if you don't do what you want wake up and try again the next day. Try to get into a routine, and make sure not to deprive yourself of what you love, just learn to balance it out!

  4. Thank you so much! That means a lot...you are SUCH an inspiration to me you have no idea!!!!! I love reading your thread updates....hope you are having a wonderful day!

  5. Wear it!!!!!!!!!! The summer is almost over!!!!!!!! I bet your thighs aren't anything like they used to be so be proud! :0)

  6. Thanks!!!! It's a size large too....couldn't fit any in the plus size section!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Thanks for the message! Good luck with your upcoming surgery...sorry I'm getting back to you so late I've been out of town. 1st tip would be to read threads on this site, and make sure to pay attention to your doctor's orders! Any other questions or anything you need help with, just let me know!

  8. Hi Ivy how are you? Congrats on your date! The best thing I would say is follow the plans your doctor gives and then after a few months mold it to what you need/can do. I have learned to balance meals, and eat several times a day, and drink a lot of water even when I want something with flavor. Exercise is KEY! So start with walking and it would be best to then join a gym where you can do various cardio/weights at least 3-5 times per week.

  9. Thanks so much for the photo comment!!!

  10. Hi Soror! No unfortunately I'm not at goal yet...been stuck for a while but I'm not giving up! I'm about 30 pounds away from my true goal, and once I get there I will evaluate my body (fat and stuff) to see if I am where I want to be. I look at my goal as less of a weight but more of how my body looks. How are you doing so far? Excited??? :-)

  11. Aww :-). Well I guess then we're even...but remember some of my curves are from fat...I've gone down so many bra sizes it's ridiculous!!! But that's okay...I'd rather be small/healthy with small boobs than fat with bigger ones! Keep up the good work mami!

  12. Thanks for the wonderful comments!!!!! How are you?

  13. Thanks girl! Things are better, I've gone to the gym 2 days this week and I plan to go tonight and tomorrow morning! How are you...where are your pics? Your baby is adorable!

  14. LOL that's a lot of cardio! I'm trying to get on that level....we'll see how far I get. Yeah you gotta switch it up. I need to do weights to tone my arms and legs and to keep my butt from drooping lol! It still looks good for now t hough. I'm in TX so it's been hot since Feb ha! I'm trying to fall back in love with the gym....but you do look great a little toning and you'll be straight!

  15. HAHA! You look much better than me but I'm trying to get there! I definitely eat enough to maintain weight instead of lose right now but I had a complication so I had to unfill a little...but in 2 weeks it will all be back in and I'll have restriction again! Plus I dealt with some depression issues last month but now I'm back with a smile on my face and back in the gym! I did 1 hour on the treadmill yesterday, 3.11 miles, and I wanna go back tonight and do cardio + weights. What do your workouts look like? Thanks for the compliments...

  16. Thank you so much for the photo comment!!! Let me browse through yours to see your sexiness!! Congrats on your success, I'm trying to build up my workout endurance to resemble yours!

  17. Thank you for the compliments! I know the pain is worrysome, but trust it will be gone before you know it!!! Good luck and keep me updated on your progress!

  18. Thank you! I still have a lot of weight/fat to lose, but so far I don't have any issues with loose extra skin.

  19. Hey chica!!!! You were on my mind - again - and I just wanted to stop by and say you are looking mighty sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

  20. Thank you very much for the photo comment!!!

  21. Thank you for your message! Sorry so late getting back to you but I haven't been on here in a while but I'm trying to get my act back together lol. I haven't had any issues with my hair, it is actually healthier now than it was this time last year! But you still have to make sure to get in your protein for overall health of your skin, nails, and hair and diet. Thank you very much for the compliments...my glowing face is mostly from the flash (lol) and otherwise from my mom/grandma! My only problem areas that I hate to look at are my stomach of course, but it's not loose skin, and the back of my arms. But I'm working on it so I'm sure they'll go down with time, most likely be the last areas that get fit! Good luck to you on your journey and sisterly love back at ya!

  22. Hey and thanks a bunch! I'm sorry I'm so late getting back to you, haven't been on here in a while. I have not had ANY hair loss or any issues with skin or hair since surgery a year ago. My doctor was Dr. Felts in Dallas on the border of Dallas and Richardson and he's awesome. I've heard of Dr. Barker also, and haven't heard anything bad from him. Just make sure to get in your protein as that is the main ingredient for healthy skin, nails and hair! Right after surgery and for about a month or so it might be difficult to get in the recommended amount, but don't be discouraged!!! I've hit a plateau and am not happy about that, but I still am about 80lbs down from my highest weight ever! I'm getting back in the gym and I'm due for a fill and my weight loss should resume shortly! Good luck with everything...how is your process going so far?

  23. Well I actually had a set back a couple of weeks ago, I had to get fluid taken out b/c my stomach was irritated from being sick. So who knows what my weight is now...but I will get back on track after my next fill!! Thanks a lot...I just follow instructions from my dr

  24. Thank you Soror....good luck to you the day is coming soon!

  25. Thank you very much! And yes, I am a Delta.

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