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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Sumaire got a reaction from Veroc26 in Seven Weeks Out...   
    Seven weeks out and 35 pounds down from surgery weight, 51 pounds down from my highest weight.
    I am absolutely giddy and gobsmacked over how this is going so far. When I started, I was wearing size 44 men's cargo pants, and I'm currently in size 42 cargo pants. That said, I can pull those pants off and on without undoing the button or zipper.
    I'm focusing on Protein, and I know how expensive that can be when you're having to do something like that.
    Last night, I hit my favorite local Korean market, Super H Market, and bought a couple salmon heads for a whopping $.99 a pound. I like to steam them, so the meat is nice and soft.
    You just have to be careful taking them out of the pot, because at that point, the head is going to try and fall apart on you. LOL
    I added salt, and some sliced fresh ginger, and steamed one of the heads for 20 minutes. It was absolutely yummy. I had somewhere between two and 3 ounces and then let my daughter have the rest. She annihilated what was left.
    I'm going to have head number 2 tonight. I will probably add some Chinese chili oil to give it a little bit of a kick.
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    Sumaire got a reaction from FDclerical in Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery 10/24/2016   
    I have not had acid reflux in the almost 4 weeks since my RNY surgery. I so do not miss it. This is such a blessing for me.
  3. Like
    Sumaire reacted to joy cox in Problems with chicken?   
    Oh OK. I haven't tried this but I love sushi. I have something new to try
    Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App
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    Sumaire reacted to pammieanne in Early Plateau after 7 weeks   
    If you increase your calories by 150 calories every 3-5 weeks, when are you going to stop? Because in only a few months you will have increased your calories up to an unsustainable amount. The less you weigh, the less calories you will need to continue to lose and/or maintain.
    A 1200 calorie diet isn't for someone that has had RNY and in active 'loss' mode.
    Exercise doesn't typically burn as much as most of the electronic gadgets say it does. There is plenty of scientific research to back this up. You can rarely, if ever, out exercise your intake of food. Only VERY aggressive training warrants added calories.
    You are in the honeymoon phase of your surgery. Yes, exercise is good for your body in many ways, but 95% of weight loss is calories, only 5% is diet. Exercise is to strengthen your muscles, and cardio system, not to lose weight.
    If you get used to eating more at only 7 weeks out, where will you be in 2 years when your appetite is bigger and your stomach can hold more? You will have a harder time maintaining.
    I get in no less that 70G of protein a day eating up to 850 calories a day. I eat dense protein so I'm not hungry in between. Or if I do snack, I make good choices like beef Jerky, cheese, and other protein intense foods. I'm not perfect by any means, but I learn a lot from people that have been out of this surgery for YEARS, and who are successful. I prefer to learn from someone that has been successful.
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    Sumaire reacted to Gordita81 in My Weight Loss Story   
    My name is Patricia. I have been on here for a while, bir never told my full story that me here. I apologize if this is too long.
    I started struggling with my weight at 17 years old. Before that I always stayed between 130 & 145 lbs. I got pregnant at 16, during which time I gained approx 50 lbs. I only lost about 10 lbs after giving birth which left me at 186 lbs at 17. I tried everything to lose the weight but nothing worked. I was in a relationship for 2 years that ended badly. I literally could not eat or sleep. My weight went down to 160 lbs in 3 months. I was happy with it, but then got pregnant again at 20. I have had 4 children. Each one adding more weight to me. No amount of diet or exercise ever helped. I never really paid much attention to how much I actually weighed as long as I still looked good in the clothes I liked.
    I started to notice the size of my clothes going up. I could no longer shop at my favorite stores because I was over an 18. I no longer looked at myself in full length mirrors (which made clothes shopping difficult). I only bought clothes if I absolutely needed them because every time I did, I left crying. I stopped wearing dresses and skirts. I hated myself very much. I weighed in at 225 and decided it was time to do something. I went to an informational seminar and decided this was it.
    I started the process with one surgeon but denied by my medical because I didn't have sufficient documented weight loss attempts. I continued to work with their nutritionist and started losing weight. After 2 months I stalled. That lasted a month before I gained it all back and then some. Finally at 245, I went to another surgeon. After his initial testing, my paperwork was submitted to my medical. A year went by and I hadn't heard anything back. I was slowly gaining weight. I had reached 267 by the time I found out my surgery was approved. Because of the gain, my surgeon almost denied the surgery. He didn't and my surgery was 9/26/16.
    Now here I am, 4 weeks post op and more than 20 lbs down. My first post op appointment with my nutritionist is tomorrow. Can't wait to see how much I have lost now. I do know that my pants that fit me 2 weeks ago are loose today! My Shapewear that was tight actually feels comfortable. Mt stomach that used to stick out now hangs down. I am happy right now and will be even happier as I lose more!
    Thank you for bearing with me through this story!
    Sent from my LGMS428 using the BariatricPal App
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    Sumaire reacted to justhere4theshow in Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery 10/24/2016   
    I can advance my diet today and I am so happy! I am very pleased with my restriction when I eat, rather than drinking everything. My pain is *almost* gone, but still have some soreness on the left side. I don't anticipate it lasting much longer. I hope all is well for all of you!
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    Sumaire reacted to DelRey310 in Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery 10/24/2016   
    Congrats, we are literally neighbors like you said, and our dates are so close!! I would love to stay in touch.....today is my three weeks post op so stoked!

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    Sumaire got a reaction from DelRey310 in Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery 10/24/2016   
    We're nearly neighbors! I live in Pomona, and had my surgery in Glendale on October 27th. Things were fairly uneventful, except for the "substantial" hiatal hernia he had to repair while I was on the table. Even with that, surgery only took two hours.
    The pain will eventually go away. I haven't had gas pain, so much as pain from the hernia repair site, but that's finally calming down, too, a little over two weeks later.
    I wish you well on your journey. :-)
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    Sumaire reacted to x0stina in Anyone from So Cal   
    Kaiser in the IE that would be me.????????
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    Sumaire reacted to Racshelle in Medical Alert Bracelet   
    As a nurse and RNY I believe it is very necessary due to our altered physiology. There is no way that in an emergency situation EMS or physicians would know initially without a family member's disclosure or an ultrasound, which may not be called for. I ordered a medic alert Bracelet from Amazon for $11.99 with free engraving. It will say Gastric bypass: No NSAID'S, No blind NG tubes, No sugar. ICE: two family members phone numbers. We are so delicate now and our lives can be in real danger in an emergency.
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    Sumaire reacted to Lynn614 in Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery 10/24/2016   
    I had my RNY the same day as you did. I had no problem getting fluids and shakes down. I started on food yesterday and it's totally different. One scrambled egg must have really filled my pouch, I was so uncomfortable for a few hours. I'll be eating less and more slowly at my next meal!
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    Sumaire reacted to justhere4theshow in Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery 10/24/2016   
    My RNY feels very different from my sleeve. The sleeve was very restrictive, which is good, but it felt much more uncomfortable. I have good restriction with my pouch also, but it doesn't feel uncomfortable. I just feel satisfied--not stretched or stuffed. I am so glad to be rid of the reflux!
  13. Like
    Sumaire got a reaction from KristenLe in October 27th...   
    Surgery went just fine.
    Five holes in my belly.
    He put in three sutures to repair the hernia, so that's the thing is giving me the most pain now.
    No gas pain to be had. Coughing is a nightmare at the hernia repair site.
    Was released on Saturday afternoon to full fluids, which surprised me.
    My surgery weight was 283, and this morning I was at 277.2. That's the lowest I have been in several years.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    Sumaire reacted to gigiinDC in October 27th...   
    Congrats!!! I know it feels great to be down to a weight you haven't seen in years.
    I was sleeved on 10/27 at 271lbs. Also had my gallbladder removed and the combination caused severe nausea. I'm feeling so much better now! With the drain and gallbladder removal I ended up with six holes. The worst for me is the drain site. I too experienced no gas pain whatsoever. This morning I was down to 254.4lbs which is pretty amazing.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Like
    Sumaire reacted to DelRey310 in Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery 10/24/2016   
    Hi everyone,
    Just wanted to introduce myself...I am Liz, 32 years old, I live in Santa Monica, Ca. I have a 12 year old daughter & a nine year old son. I had my surgery just five days ago. I have a lot of abdominal pain and I think the majority of it is coming from the carbon dioxide that was injected into my abdomen. Other than that I have been able to take multiple sips of Water at a time, as well as finish two Protein shakes during the day. I bought the Carmel shakes (the ones they gave to me at the hospital) called Opti Source which are really good. I also have vanilla from Premier Protein, chocolate & strawberry from GNC, & one from costco which is Organic and Plant Based called Orgain. I was a little worried because when I do sip, I am able to take a few sips and not feel so full...has anyone else experienced this?
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    Sumaire reacted to izzy13 in 3 weeks post op numbers if anyone is willing?   
    I will be 3 wks on Wednesday!
    HW 225
    SW 216
    CW 191
    34 lbs total, and I never thought I'd see below 200 in my adult life time!!!
    I'm in a bit of a stall, was 192 all last week now 191 but I'm not freaking out bc my pants are too big lol. My boyfriend says last night, "babe you look great, but your butt in those jeans looks a little droopy" I was so happy with that compliment
  17. Like
    Sumaire reacted to Besson in Omgosh I can't take this   
    Hummm u almost don't want to ever be able to. Then you will know u stretching. Over time u will be able to chug liquid but not healthy.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Sumaire got a reaction from laliza in October 2016 Bypass Buddies?   
    Tomorrow is my surgery day. I cannot wait!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    Sumaire got a reaction from laliza in October 2016 Bypass Buddies?   
    Tomorrow is my surgery day. I cannot wait!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    Sumaire got a reaction from KristenLe in October 27th...   
    Getting things packed for tomorrow morning.
    I have to be at the hospital by 6 AM, and then surgery is scheduled for 8 AM.
    The doctor has decided he is going to fix the hernia as well as do the bypass.
    Initially, he was going to wait on the hernia repair until everything healed up inside.
    I am looking forward to this new path in my life, and have no regrets.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    Sumaire reacted to laliza in October 2016 Bypass Buddies?   
    Tomm afternoon is my surgery revision. VSG to RNY tomm in Fresno. Supper nervous
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    Sumaire reacted to gigiinDC in October 27th...   
    Good luck! I'm also getting sleeves on 10/27! So excited
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Like
    Sumaire reacted to Tosha-248 in October Surgery Buddies   
    Oct 24 sleeve date
    Sent from my LGLS992 using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    Sumaire reacted to Moogle in So upset!   
    I have a desk cycle. I used to live in a terrible neighborhood. I wasn't going to go outside by myself and risk getting mugged, run over or worse. The apartment was tiny - 600 sq ft. I would walk around when I could, but two adults with a lot of stuff and four cats means not much room for anything. I got the desk cycle so I could pedal while at the computer or while sitting on the couch. My team really liked this idea and said they would recommend it to patients with space issues. I would still get up and shuffle around the rooms the best I could several times a day. Thankfully I've moved to a much more rural part of the state where I can walk freely and my college campus pretty much forces me to walk 30 minutes a day between classes and my car.
  25. Like
    Sumaire got a reaction from Havasumoma in So upset!   
    I bought a recumbent exercise bike off Amazon for less than $200, and I use that for my exercise.
    Our temperatures here in Southern California have been running towards 90° and over and I don't walk well in those kind of temperatures. Plus, I have back issues that make walking for long distances very hard for me. Downright painful.
    Just an idea.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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