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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Firework

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 07/30/1976

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    Overland Park
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  1. Firework

    May 2018 RNY Scheduled

    Glad to find this thread! I'm scheduled for my RNY one day before you, Little Green. A-May we go!!
  2. Firework

    Lapband removal and RNY in May

    I am go glad I found this thread. I had my band removed, and I am scheduled for the RNY on May 16th. I am very excited.
  3. Firework

    Anyone getting bypassed in May?

    My band is out, and my bypass is scheduled for May 16th. I am very excited.
  4. Happy 37th Birthday evelas5000!

  5. Happy 36th Birthday evelas5000!

  6. Firework

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    My PS was just over 5 weeks ago, and I am finally feeling back to normal. I am still a bit sore, but no where near where I was. I had a post op appointment last week and was cleared to return to cardio. We spoke about doing a thigh lift in February, along with any touch ups he deems appropriate. Lynn- I know you had both a TT and thigh work done. Were the thighs anywhere near as big of a deal as the tummy? I know it's far away, but I hate to think of going through it all again. Thanks, Erika
  7. Firework

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    My doc said the "depressed" feeling can be expected after surgery. He said something about getting down as you recover because you are not able to do as much in the beginning. I am feeling ok, not great, spirit wise. It's still hard to get from point a to point b, I still walk around a bit hunched over, and I always go to bed at night with pain in my lower back. But above all, I keep my eyes ahead to the longer result. Our energy levels will return soon enough. Thanks for the info about mederma...I'll give it a try!
  8. Firework

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I'm still here, just about 2 weeks after ps and just now starting to feel human again. It really took a lot out of me, and I am far from 100%, but I am up and moving. The doctor says I still have swelling and will for several months. He is very proud of himself and wants to eventually use me on his website in his before/after section. I am very happy with the results so far. I just hate the ugly scars. Anyone know anything about any good scar therapy?
  9. Firework

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Finally feel good enough to post. Even though I can already say it was worth it, it has NOT been easy. My PS has been wonderful. I did a lot at once- a circumfrencial fleur de lis abdominoplasty, which means I have an incision going all around my lower stomach, as well a a vertical incision from below my breasts down. Also, at the same time, I got a breast lift with implants. My abdominoplasty involved liposuctin as well. Needless to say, I was out of it for several days, on percocet and valium. I had to lay off te percocet because of constipation,and now my scars are starting to itch. Did any of you experence itching scars? I KNOW it will be awhile before I feel anywhere near 100%. I am just taking one day at a time and not pushing myself. PS was my only option. I am 33 and have been working out hardcore with a trainer 4 days a week for over 2 years. My sagging skin was there to stay. I am justgrateful I had this option! Goodluck to the upcoming surgeries! Erika
  10. Firework

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Tomorrow is the big day. I am supposed to be at the surgery center at 7:30, and the surgery is set for 8:30. I will be so glad when it is all over and I am feeling good again. The procedure is outpatient. Part of me would rather stay the night at the hospital, but that is not the way my surgeon does it. I will post when I am feeling up to it again... I hope it's sooner rather than later!
  11. Firework

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    5 days until my plastic surgery. I am running around like crazy trying to get everything prepared. I have 3 kid who just started back at school and they are finally settling in. I filled all my prescriptions already and purchased tons of pillows and bedding to keep me as comfortable as posible. Any extra tips/ideas/suggestions of must haves for the recouperation period? I am a little freaked out by the amount of percosets and valiums that my doctor has given me. For how long were you guys hunched over? Will I feel like the Hinchback of Notre Dame? I think I am justfreaking out as this gets closer. I am trying to think ahead to how happy I'll be a month or two down the road.
  12. Firework

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I am 12 days away from plastic surgery. I can hardly believe it. Lynn and Scrappy, did your surgeons recommend getting an unfill before your procedures or not?
  13. Firework

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hello all. I haven't posted in a long while, but I have been lurking. I too have some plastic surgery scheduled for the end of August. My surgeon is recommending a "fleur de lis" abdominoplasty. This will involve not only a circumfrential incision around my lower abdominal region, but also a vertical incision to take care of the upper stomach issue as well. He said that the added scar will be worth it because of the huge diference it will make to remove that upper skin. I am both excited and nervous.
  14. Firework

    Shamrocks Friday Weight In.

    aJoneen.........................+1 75 pounds lost! Bandana....................... 0 92 lbs lost BrandNewLisa............0 80pounds LOST forever!!! evelas5000...................-1 50 pounds Lost Desdemona...................0 Fenton...........................0 100 POUNDS LOST !! HarleyGirl....................0 85 pounds LOST! Hopeinapril................. .0 55 pounds lost! Kpodski......................... -4 Lynnt1215.....................0 NurseNiki......................0 Nycm00........................0 OUCH Potatie............................0 132 POUNDS LOST!! Scrappy_Friend........-3 160 POUNDS LOST!!!! SpecialK........................0 102 GONE forever! Sugarbean....................0 117 POUNDS LOST !!! Sharona.........................0 stellabella......................0 75 POUNDS LOST! Tess415..........................0 Thin2bme....................0 100 POUNDS LOST !! WestCoastMom............0 Wishin4...........................0 78pounds gone!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
