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Everything posted by MrsFlipFlops

  1. I eat it and am fine. Haven't had a problem yet (but I'm on fill number 2). I really am realizing everyone is different. I know people who can't eat bread once they're banded- but I can eat bread as long as I chew.
  2. MrsFlipFlops

    Restriction at Last!

    I'm going in for my third fill in a week and a half. I thought I had restriction, so I put it off, but nope... must have been gas! :smile: lol. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I get frustrated as time goes on and the same few pounds go up and down.
  3. Well, not for my lapband- but when I had kidney stone surgery I woke up and they were just beginning to take it out. I was too drowsy to really understand what was going on, but it did freak me out a little bit because no one told me I was going to get a tube to begin with!!
  4. MrsFlipFlops

    who supports right to choose

    I skimmed over this topic a few pages ago. Someone had mentioned the rights of the fathers and my question is this- why should the sole choice be with the woman? A woman choosing to have the child will forever change the man's life too. It seems like men should have a choice in the matter too. Sure, a woman can say the man doesn't have to be in the child's life- well that's fine, but what about the women who will hound a man into child support for the next 18 years? Why can a woman say she doesn't have the financial resources (or whatever reason) but the man (whose 1/2 the reason for the 'tissue' growth) not have that same right? I don't buy the "it's her body" argument though- it's his pocketbook. I've mulled this over in my mind a few times, interested in people's theories.
  5. MrsFlipFlops

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    I'm sorry, but you don't know the experiences of every Christian person. When someone "spouts" they may have been persecuted, it doesn't mean that at some point you weren't persecuted, it just means that they were! By admitting someone else was treated poorly, it doesn't take away from your own experiences. "Persecution is the active, systematic mistreatment of an individual or group by another group or individual." If you can claim persecution, then so can Christians, who have experienced the exact same thing as you. Personally- on some other topics- I don't believe in prayer in schools or moments of silence. Not because someone's rights- but because parents should be taking the lead in teaching children. As far as having all types of decorations on city halls or other government buidings... your tax dollars go to benefit ALL types of programs. Pro-abortion, Pro- life, domestic violence shelters, studies to determine racism, taking children away from their parents, giving money to homeless, giving money to help AIDS patients, giving money to help sex offenders, money to republicans, money to democrats, money to libertarians, and money to a various flurry of churches and organizations. If you're going to fight a $30 Chrismas tree- you should be fighting all the other expenses as well. It's not just about putting up a Hannukah decoration- it's about putting up Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Ramaddan, heck even Festivus! They don't put up decorations to recognize every religion, they put them up because the majority of people like them. I don't care if they're up or not on government buildings. It doesn't change the holiday. But I don't get all offended when I walk into a Shaw's in Sharon, MA (where the majority of people are Jewish) and they only have Hannukah decorations. The majority of the people who live there believe in that holiday. I consider it a cultural learning lesson! Also, non Christians alike are getting the "perks" of Easter and Christmas. Days off work, better pay if you do work that day. The people who should really be crying foul are the holidays that are recognized by other religions where the people DON'T get that time off. Jewish holidays happen yet they don't get formal time off for it. They have a better complaint.
  6. MrsFlipFlops


    On that same note, I sometimes can't help but be offended (my own fault) when a survey asks me if I'm hispanic of non-hispanic. It's like, what are they REALLY trying to gather stats on and could they be LESS obvious.
  7. MrsFlipFlops


    It may not have been the fluffiest way to say the point, but I've got to agree with Snuffy on the points that were made. Racism does of course exist in all directions. I agree that stereotypes aren't always correct, but do exist due to some grains of truth or past experience. I think that we as a society are overly sensitive. I remember being in a training about socioeconomic status and someone using the term ghetto. Another person got terribly offended saying that not all black people are ghetto, when the first person wasn't referring to race, but rather a place and state of mind and it had no implication of who might live in the ghetto or "act ghetto". I think that we as a whole are almost seeking out opportunities to be offended.
  8. MrsFlipFlops

    Hi all, I'm checking in

    Well welcome back! Definately come here and be accountable to us. A fill should definately help you.
  9. The negative comments... for me anyway, ended when I got surgery. My dad was against the surgery, but once I got it, he was supportive of me (not necessarily my decision). I only told two friends. No one else knew, and quite frankly they don't need to know. When I went in for kidney stone surgery, I didn't tell everyone! Why should I for this? I would tell your friend you understand what's she's saying, but you really need her support. I always say, I know WHAT to do to lose weight, I know I'm physically capable of it, but I'm NOT doing it- for whatever reason for however many years I'm NOT doing it. My dad wanted to "challenge" me to a diet with him. He was willing to put up lots of cold hard cash to send me to a fat camp (like NIF in CA). But I just told him no. I know I can do it, but I'm clearly not doing it. I'm not going to keep banging my head against the wall trying the same old thing and getting the same old results. I paused a little when I read this. I don't know, something struck me... I recognize I may lose a friend or two throughout life, but the losing a husband. I've had to pause and think about that for awhile. Luckily, my husband is the best thing I've got going for me. :crying: But I pondered this for a little while. If it was a matter divorce because of my band or no band... I would choose no band.
  10. MrsFlipFlops

    My 1st Time Ever....

    Hey, welcome! I post blogs too occasionally. It's a little scary to let it all out, but really nice since I don't have anyone around here currently that knows what I'm going through. What do you do for work?
  11. Ah, great thread Jennie. My newest favorite is my face, it's really thinned out in the last couple months. I no longer have a triple chin! I've just got a 1 and a half chin! I noticed myself doing my hair and makeup more often too, as if to highlight "Hey, check out my thinning face!"
  12. MrsFlipFlops

    Utter sadness and pure joy

    I had my surgery Monday Feb. 11, 2008. This whole week I feel I have been in mourning, just truly sad. I feel like I have given up my best friend... food. Food has been there happy, sad, bored, excited. It didn't matter what emotion I had, food was there. It sounds bizarre I think, that I'm really upset about missing food, but I am. This week has been hard... so hard. This morning I woke up at found I lost 21 pounds since starting my pre op diet. A HUGE SMILE went across my face. Everyday is a struggle, but that few moments of looking at the scale made it all worth it. I am actually excited, for the first time ever, for exercise and being active! I can't wait to do things with my husband, travel, play, explore! This is all! Onward to freedom! Freedom of food!
  13. MrsFlipFlops

    A BIG Eye Opener at the Grocery Store...

    Yes! I completely understand that feeling. I went (and am still going through) a process of mourning over losing my best friend of food. It fades as time goes on. The gap I used to have is slowing closing. It's a hard thing for people to realize, but you're SO right there with how I feel! I wonder though, how come you can't have whole milk anymore??
  14. MrsFlipFlops

    who supports right to choose

    Although I disagree with you on the topic, I thought I'd give you props on the statement, it was really quite funny. I snorted Water on my keyboard when I read it. :blushing:
  15. MrsFlipFlops

    Beck Diet Solution- Day One

    So, I've started reading this book called the Beck Diet Solution. It gives you daily activities to accomplish and at the end of six weeks, promises it will change your way of thinking to the thinking of a thin person. Well, clearly what I was doing wasn't working, so there's nothing to lose by trying this. Day One- Today’s assignment is to list out, on a 3″x5″ card (I've chosen to do it online, since I always have access to this blog), all of the advantages of losing weight. And then state if it's very important, important, somewhat important. This will be a tool for those times when it just doesn’t seem worth it and it’s so hard to stick with the diet. Having firm reasons in mind helps battle temptations and makes it possible to say, “Losing weight is much more important to me than the temporary pleasure of eating this food.” Feeling healthy- not constantly worrying that my health is going to fail soon and that I won't live a long life- very important Looking more attractive to my husband- very important Being able to travel, ride roller coasters, play games without having an initial thought of "Will I fit?"- very important Walking easier to the car and to work- important Feeling in control- somewhat important Not have my life revolve around food- important Be capable of having a healthy pregnancy- VERY IMPORTANT Get pregnant- very important Since starting this lap band journey, I have continued to have a roller coaster of emotions when it comes to food and my health. One moment I'm feeling on top of the world and the next I'm feeling like I have failed at something yet again. I am really excited to have CONTROL so that I can maintain a more level attitude about food. My life is so busy, so full of things and people and thoughts. I feel like I might not be able to handle everything I have going on. Hopefully by gaining perspective into my mental attitude, I can gain more control over my emotions which frequently alter my eating habits.
  16. MrsFlipFlops

    Beck Diet Solution- Day One

    So, I've started reading this book called the Beck Diet Solution. It gives you daily activities to accomplish and at the end of six weeks, promises it will change your way of thinking to the thinking of a thin person. Well, clearly what I was doing wasn't working, so there's nothing to lose by trying this. Day One- Today’s assignment is to list out, on a 3″x5″ card (I've chosen to do it online, since I always have access to this blog), all of the advantages of losing weight. And then state if it's very important, important, somewhat important. This will be a tool for those times when it just doesn’t seem worth it and it’s so hard to stick with the diet. Having firm reasons in mind helps battle temptations and makes it possible to say, “Losing weight is much more important to me than the temporary pleasure of eating this food.” Feeling healthy- not constantly worrying that my health is going to fail soon and that I won't live a long life- very important Looking more attractive to my husband- very important Being able to travel, ride roller coasters, play games without having an initial thought of "Will I fit?"- very important Walking easier to the car and to work- important Feeling in control- somewhat important Not have my life revolve around food- important Be capable of having a healthy pregnancy- VERY IMPORTANT Get pregnant- very important Since starting this lap band journey, I have continued to have a roller coaster of emotions when it comes to food and my health. One moment I'm feeling on top of the world and the next I'm feeling like I have failed at something yet again. I am really excited to have CONTROL so that I can maintain a more level attitude about food. My life is so busy, so full of things and people and thoughts. I feel like I might not be able to handle everything I have going on. Hopefully by gaining perspective into my mental attitude, I can gain more control over my emotions which frequently alter my eating habits.
  17. MrsFlipFlops

    Rep Power

    LilMiss- can you view the comments people put? I couldn't find mine in User CP- maybe mine is just from the amount of postings I've done. I don't really see the point of this, why did it suddenly appear?
  18. MrsFlipFlops

    My own worst enemy

    Ang- I was banded in February, but completely have felt the same way as you. I can eat and eat and eat if I wanted to. No PB, no slime. It's so hard for me to push the plate away and say no, I tend to do it about 7 bites after I should. I haven't lost anything for the past two weeks and don't want to get on the scale tomorrow to show I've lost nothing in three! I'm getting so frustrated and hurt by MYSELF I don't know what to do. All that to just say, you're not alone. I feel ya girl! Heidi
  19. MrsFlipFlops

    who supports right to choose

    Pix- I've maintained this whole time that I agree abortion should be an option for those who are victims of rape, incest... I should specify everytime I make a comment, I'm sorry. I'm talking about other side of the spectrum, those who do have choices.
  20. MrsFlipFlops

    who supports right to choose

    Pix and BJean, No one said anything about morals. I would not state or imply that anti-life (if we want to use the wording logic presented by BJean) people don't have them. I simply don't believe that you lack morals. I believe you do. What I was stating and asked was whether or not you think that young woman- if it had not been a hoax- should have a consequence. An answer no one has yet to give to me! If you believe she should have had a consequence (again, assuming it wasn't a hoax) then it seems to me you're only prochoice when it's convenient to you. I wasn't asking about your take on her "art". I don't really care if you find it insightful or disgusting- it's not relevant. My question is about consequences and legality. We also weren't talking about any other topic besides abortion. My views on gun toting is also irrelevant. My question wasn't about something unrelated- it was about abortion. I'm Pro Choice too- I believe that women have the right to not put themselves in a position where they get pregnant and can't have the child. They can CHOOSE to have sex and have the possibility to conceive, or they can CHOOSE not to and remain 100% positive they won't have a child. As a WOMAN- I have a choice over my body. And prior to my married life, I wasn't choosing the possibility of pregnancy.
  21. MrsFlipFlops

    who supports right to choose

    My point is that it is still legal. I don't apologize for my statement. Pro Choice people- as it's been my understanding this entire thread, that a woman has a right to determine what to do with her own body. Had she really followed through with what ended up being a hoax, the legality of it doesn't change. My statement of it being okay means that there would be no consequence for this young lady had it not been a hoax. If this had not been a hoax- would you believe there should be a consequence to the student?
  22. I saw this thread yesterday- it took me forever to read through it all- I kept getting interrupted! I smelled something foul from his very first post. Anyone who is looking to really share doesn't begin with saying he's got book/talk show deals. You all did a great job! I have to say, I really loved reading everyone's postings. :thumbup: Some of them had me laughing for awhile- whew, what a workout. Kat- thans so much for sharing all this. You are so knowledgeable! That sounds so interesting, I had to go do some research on it!! Anyway, just thought I'd throw in my change (.02).
  23. MrsFlipFlops

    who supports right to choose

    Gadget- I did read about that a couple days ago before it was stating to be a hoax. I was in shock! I can't even believe that someone would even think of such a thing! What's sad is that even if it wasn't a hoax, it would still be okay with pro choicers since it wasn't a life to begin with.
  24. MrsFlipFlops

    Polygamy Sects

    Jennie- there's no need for you to apologize, I wasn't offended. I think we agree on the fundamentals- no one is going to argue child abuse should happen. We just disagree on the extent that government can/should go to find out. This question is really a question for the state laws. The fact is for a child abuse allegation to be investigated, the state doesn't need any "proof". Anyone can call on anyone else. I hear the argument that they could have gone in and found THIS girl and investigated that allegation only, but the state is required to investigate all the children of a household. The compound could be considered one household and therefore EVERY child should be investigated. I've done investigations where someone called in on a child in a shelter and I therefore had to interview EVERYONE in the shelter. Obnoxious, maybe. Unfair, well, that's up to interpretation. I have friends and associates who are down there helping out with the investigation. I hear you say you have "inside information" but with so many people involved, that information is traveling quite a ways. With so many people involved, children, parents, law enforcement, judge, media, CPS workers, volunteers, etc... EVERYONE has their own opinion and can share that, but I would be careful about what you choose to believe or not... and with what you share, especially on a public forum. You can get people in trouble for that kind of thing- even just that statement that you've been told information can cross the boundaries of privacy acts. Let me say this though. I loved doing investigations- as hard as it was it had it's moments of payoff. I'm glad I no longer work for Texas CPS. I'd like to say I have faith that everything that's going on down there is Kosher, but I've seen my fair share of wrongdoings. I can pray for the children, who I really have heartbreak for. The SYSTEM is broken. Not just for these children, but for millions of children across our nation being abused- there's no publicity for them, no advocate, no judge to take them to a safer place. I guess I'm on the other side of the spectrum- I would rather the rights of a few be hurt to ensure we're protecting our children.

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