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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by summerset

  1. summerset

    FAD DIETS after WLS

    This. However, if you fail with WLS you're the true miserable loser. Of course diets don't work, but WLS does always. And if it doesn't, it's your fault alone. How I hate this attitude! The irony about this is that patients who had WLS are the worst when it comes to this and they don't seem to be able to realize that they're acting and thinking like the people who told them to "just put down the fork and move more". As if years and years of dieting and dealing with ignorant people wouldn't have taught us a lesson or two about weight loss and success.
  2. summerset

    FAD DIETS after WLS

    Yes, and if they just ate less and moved more WLS would have been unnecessary...
  3. Your body is telling you exactly what to do here. Listen to it.
  4. Carbs are not crap. Good lord... Why not eat a sensible diet that includes all macronutrients within reasonable amounts?
  5. summerset

    FAD DIETS after WLS

    Yes, no more diets for me. That got me into trouble in the first place.
  6. For me the restriction and feeling full way sooner than before seems to do the trick. It is a difference how much you eat, even when you eat high quality nutrition only. You can overeat on high quality food and eat too much calories as a result (though this seems to be a concept many people out there obviously don't get)
  7. summerset

    Can my stomach stretch?

    Matthew Weiner has an interesting youtube video on this issue. Also on some popular WLS myths.
  8. summerset

    Going to the emergency room finally

    Best you can do. Don't risk anything on this!
  9. summerset

    Going to the emergency room finally

    I was on shots for 14 days and that's the standard procedure here. I don't know why it seems uncommon in the US.
  10. summerset

    Vitamix Blender??

    I have a VitaMix blender since years. I don't think that you need a blender that is as expensive as the VitaMix for as little as a few weeks. If you're planning to continue using it I'd highly recommend it.
  11. summerset

    Transverse colon mass

    Your GP will now be the person you should go to. He or she will tell you what to do next. What did they say about this "mass in the transverse colon"? Was a CAT scan done? A colonoscopy?
  12. Same reason why lots of people subscribe to the channel of Eugenia Cooney maybe? It's some kind of a modern freak show.
  13. Getting plastic surgery whether insurance will cover it or not. I deserve the best my body can be.
  14. I've read his book. I like especially what he says about nutrition - and he doesn't mean "lean meats over everything else" when he talks about high quality nutrition.
  15. It's not like regain is impossible with the DS though. No 100% guarantee for any procedure out there when you look at the studies.
  16. summerset

    Did your style change

    It's nice to go into a shop while know that the sizes will fit. Sometimes the fitting size will be out of stock though. Did my style change? So far not. I basically wear the same stuff in smaller sizes.
  17. Might also be because recovery from surgery essentially sucks for many people. A lot of the "Oh, I so regret this"-people are only a few days(!!!) out. After a few months (or even only weeks) you begin to reap the benefits and you feel fine again.
  18. summerset

    MGB vs mini RNY

    There is RNY and MGB (or single-anastomosis bypass). Both can be done laparoscopically.
  19. I think this is an important thing to consider. You can research until you're blue in the face - the reality of it is still different. You do your research about complications and how often they occur after surgery but you can never ever know if you will be the one suffering complications. And when you're suffering complications it doesn't matter a bit if there is only a 0.000001 likelihood to suffer from complication. You're the screwed one if you get that rare complication.
  20. summerset

    Anyone here making their own protein bars?

    After reading this I have to make my own protein bars again. Usually I'm too lazy to make then though but the store bought ones get old after a while. I should make my own at least from time to time.
  21. ... is not a magic bullet. If it was there wouldn't be the need for WLS. Yes, I'm afraid as well that this might be only temporary. However, I did quite well maintaining with the lap band before I got revision so I have hope that I will doing quite well with maintaining after MGB again.
  22. summerset

    Why no fried food?

    Depends. My stomach gets a little bit queasy if I eat too much fat. Some people get diarrhea. Some people avoid it only because of the calories.
  23. summerset

    Can't edit stats

    Go to the patients tab on top of the page.
  24. summerset

    Can't edit stats

    I have a macbook, too.
  25. summerset

    Can't edit stats

    go to patients -> my surgery -> progress

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
