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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by summerset

  1. summerset

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Labs can take a long time before become pathologic. They're not necessarily a good indicator. However, I'm totally with you that this "lean animal protein, protein and more protein" doesn't sound like the ideal diet. The typical WLS diet seems to neglect important phytonutrients and fiber. With all this protein patients are eating it's no wonder to find several threads about "not being regular".
  2. Fast is, obesity treatment is frustrating for both the patient and the doctor because the results are usually very poor unless surgery is involved and his suggestion didn't cure your obesity so you might have liked his suggestion but it didn't really help you when it comes to getting to a normal weight. On top of this many patients have given up and so have many doctors (how many frustrating tries does one need to give up unless something really promising is available on the horizon?). That's also the case with smoking. Most of our patients that are treated with PTA have heard countless times to stop smoking. Did that make them stop? Not the majority.
  3. Me neither. There is a difference between telling things like they are and being an a*****e.
  4. Never seen an internet discussion platform of any kind where it doesn't occur. So I guess it's normal.
  5. summerset

    Band to sleeve - reflux

    May I ask why?
  6. summerset


    If a member gets on your nerves, just block him or her. Helps tremendously.
  7. summerset

    Alcohol for Bariatric Vets

    I'd also be careful with alcohol regarding possible ulcers.
  8. summerset

    Protein oatmeal

    You might have to experiment with different powders. I like only one mixed with oatmeal - anything else was *blargh*.
  9. summerset

    I gave in

    So? Don't beat yourself up over this. I personally think we have to remind ourselves of a few things when it comes to using food as a coping mechanism: 1) everyone does it (yep, even those skinny normal eaters). 2) food is meant to give us pleasure. If eating was a chore only we would have vanished from this planet long ago. 3) it will happen again. For sure. Really. It will. Guaranteed. Might get used to it as soon as possible and learn to tame and ride this particular dragon instead of running from it and find yourself posting a thread like "HELLLLLP!!! I fell off the wagon (again)!!!!!!!" in 1 or 2 years. "Using food for fuel only" is IMHO an unattainable ideal many people seem to run after. Don't believe it? Browse around a bit and read all the threads with titles like "HELLLLLP!!! I fell off the wagon (again)!!!!!!!" There are lots of good self-help books or homepages about eating as a coping mechanism. It's worth reading and working with them.
  10. Holy crap! So this really is some kind of religion!
  11. summerset

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    People don't want to give up dairy and meat.
  12. The patients at the hospital I got surgery at clear patients for all foods after 4 weeks (yes, that includes these evil, evil "carbs") as long as they don't feel uncomfortable after eating the food. In the end it's your choice alone if and when you want to experiment with foods.
  13. I absolutely understand it as well. It only makes me sad that so many people seem to believe that their bodies can't be trusted under any circumstances. My body gives me many signals and cues - I still continue to ignore too many of them but at least I now know that even a battered body like mine still sends out signals that want to be heard and I don't think that I'm the big exception. But we have to listen, understand and then finally act on these signals.
  14. This. And it's exactly why I offered a different opinion on this. One size does not fit all and I firmly believe that we can learn to trust our bodies again and treat them as a friend and ally - not as a treachery enemy that needs to be watched like a hawk and fought all the time. Life's too short to be at constant battle. No need for hard feelings, folks.
  15. They should, but even they don't. Kids are given food for various reasons, not only when hungry so a lot of them learn at a rather early age not only to eat when hungry (I'm in the same boat).
  16. This line makes me cringe. I think mistrusting our bodies and not listening to them got us to 300 lbs or more.
  17. If you're successful with the advice your treatment team is giving you then don't bother with the diet fetishes of other users.
  18. He's a 6'3'' guy while you're a 5'3'' woman. 1000 cals is not much for a guy of his height. ETA: Kind of random but related thought on this: I sometimes wonder if some nutritionists really don't care about the individual circumstances when giving their recommendations.
  19. Curiosity? I tested my limits as well after I was converted to MGB. Knowing I could eat this or that was liberating. That doesn't mean that I do all the time. I'm not in the mood to live in fear of certain foods. I remember times when I did and it was horrible. I know though that many users on this board have a different view on this issue. In the end everyone has to do what works for the individual.
  20. Be grateful that you're the one without issues. I'm glad I can eat most things at least in little amounts (apart from a few foods that I already couldn't stomach that well before surgery). Not sure though why you're so surprised that you can handle "carbs". You're a sleeve not a bypass according to your profile. Sleeve patients rarely dump.
  21. It's all over various sites about exercise, fitness etc.
  22. I don't go to the gym as well. I have in the past but didn't really enjoy it. It's also a matter of time. When you can start exercising at your door (like when you go running or walking) IMO that's always better. I only exercise outdoors or at home.
  23. This. You're exactly right IMO. I'd be very unhappy if my nutritionist would be pushing a low carb and high in animal protein diet at all cost. Others wouldn't even think about limiting animal protein, let alone cutting it out completely. This again. I personally love the endorphin rush of relatively short and hard sessions (like Freeletics) and I enjoy long bike rides. I also do yoga and go running. (Dammit, now that I'm writing this I notice that I feel quite low at the moment - I had laparoscopic adhesiolysis three weeks ago and the only exercise I enjoy I can do at the moment is cycling and I have to be careful about going up hills. The wounds still hurt a bit when engaging the abdominal wall).

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