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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to cookarue in Bypass vs. Sleeve   
    The bypass is the golden standard for weight loss procedures. There are many people who get revised from sleeve to bypass. I take medications, and never needed a higher dose of anything.
    As far as I can tell the lack of absorption means that, no you won't absorb everything you put into your mouth, so you won't get those calories either. Which is a good thing if you're trying to lose weight and maintain for the rest of your life.
    Both surgeries you have to take Vitamins daily.
    I, too, was concerned about hunger. Before surgery I was worried that I'd be hungry still, well no - not for weeks and months. I am 2 months out and my hunger is returning, BUT a tiny meal and I'm stuffed for hours. Lol. I am able to feel very satisfied all day long on about 400-500 calories a day. However, Head hunger (cravings) won't be going away with either surgery.
    Also, the complication rate is less than 1% with the bypass. Higher than the sleeve? Sure, but still it's very unlikely.
    I've gone from 237 hw to now 189 in 2 months.
    Good luck to you on whichever surgery you decide.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to livvsmum in Very First Weigh-In   
    I believe they used my initial weight at the first doctors consultation. But I've heard of others using even the weight at the hospital on the day of surgery. You might want to clarify with your ins co. just so there are no surprises if you are borderline. I was also borderline for having a high enough BMI, but never had an issue. I don't think they even weighed me at the hospital the day of the surgery.
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    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from MeFirst in Very First Weigh-In   
    I forgot to update. @@jane13 ... I ended up being exactly 5'5". Lol .. Also, I asked the nurse and she said they go by my referral weight. So, even if I had lost weight then, it would have been okay.
    But I am glad I waited till my official weigh in..
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    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from wheezysmom in Options Prgm with Kaiser   
    Thank you SO much @wheezysmom you've been such a great help
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    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from amazon in SLEEVE OR BYPASS? WHY?   
    Yes I'm definitely still reading on everything. I just wanted to know how it went for people who have had either procedure. Thank you so much for your responses.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to candi256 in Stretched Sleeve   
    this is just something I found interesting. I was told by the doc and the nut from the beginning no carbonated drinks ever, it will stretch your sleeve. (not that that's what you did, just saying) from the beginning I was told that was a major deal, (stretching of the stomach. ) 5 Ways To Prevent Stretching Your New Stomach
    Don’t overeat. This is the obvious one but it needs to be said. It takes more than one meal to stretch your stomach and cause issues. However, if you give yourself a big meal here or there, it will eventually get out of hand. That’s how most battles with obesity start. So, do not overeat. Even if its Thanksgiving or Christmas do not overeat. Have an extra sweet or a small portion of the scalloped potatoes – number 4 on this list should help in those situations where big meals are common. Avoid fluids during meals. Its best to avoid fluids during and right after meals. Give your stomach some time to digest the fluids separately from your food. Consider drinking your fluids an hour or two before a meal. This allows you to eat a decent amount of food without filling up on fluids and ensures that you get enough fluids throughout the day. And don’t drink carbonated (especially diet – new studies show diet drinks can increase hunger) drinks at all. They can mix with your food and create gas that can put pressure on your stomach causing it to expand unnecessarily. Snack. If you are struggling with hunger then its better to snack in-between meals than it is to go into a meal extremely hungry. When we skip a meal, such as Breakfast, its easy to get so hungry that we gorge ourselves the following meal. This is a good way to stretch your stomach. So instead, eat a snack in between meals. Try and make it a healthy snack and limit the portion size. Reward yourself with a treat rather than a large meal. Its important that you reward yourself from time to time. When our friends are eating chips and salsa or having ice cream its important to know that you can have a little bit as a treat from time to time. In fact, its important to change what you consider a treat. Its no longer OK to consider a large meal on Thanksgiving a treat. But it is ok to consider half a piece of chocolate a treat. Limit your treats to once or twice a week and keep the portion size small. Portion size is more important than nutrition. If you try to eliminate all treats and anything with fat then you are bound to fail. The key to success is moderation. That means that you shouldn’t eliminate everything good from your diet. If you do, you will probably end up cheating and then binging. Remember, food is not the enemy. Eating should be an enjoyable part of your life. The enemy is excess. Enjoy your food in moderation. Stretched Your Pouch? There Is Still HopeThe stomach is an amazing organ. It’s able to accommodate change in ways that have helped us survive for thousands of years. When food is scarce, our stomach can adjust our hunger sensors to say, ‘I’m full,’ after just a small amount of food. And, if needed, our stomach stretches to accommodate more food than is really needed. This can also be helpful when you might not know when your next meal is. However, our stomachs haven’t learned how to deal with a regular excess of food. Again, that’s why its easy to stretch your stomach after gastric bypass.
    If you stretched your stomach, get back on track. Your stomach will adjust its sensors and you’ll start to get back to normal. But you may need the help of a dietitian and support groups. Its worth it to call your surgeon’s office and let them know that you feel like you’re losing control. A decent surgical practice will have the resources you need to get you back on track.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to James Marusek in SLEEVE OR BYPASS? WHY?   
    I had severe acid reflux (GERD). RNY gastric bypass surgery is the recommended surgery for patients with GERD. That is why I chose this option. Also RNY had one of the lowest revision rates. I figured that if I went under the knife once, I did not want to repeat it again and again.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to VDLT in SLEEVE OR BYPASS? WHY?   
    Search through the threads and learn as much about each as you can. There are other threads comparing the two just like this one, but ultimately only you can decide what is right for you, and we will all be a bit biased towards our chosen surgery.
    For me, I did not want malabsorption and a blind stomach. And in the off chance that I needed to go to something stronger like the DS down the line, the sleeve got me halfway there.
    I had GERD before my sleeve. It was caused by the band and a hernia. Removal of the band and hernia repair with sleeve has solved it.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to dhrguru in SLEEVE OR BYPASS? WHY?   
    Not all bypass patients dump-- I don't. Actually the % that do dump is really quiet low. So i would not hinge your surgery on the fact that you like sweets and may have a safeguard in dumping to keep you from them.
    Also, the 1 in 200 dying from bypass-- were they straight bypass, or revisions from some other surgery to bypass? I think that make a HUGE difference. And were those deaths immediately after surgery-- or after many years, when surgery can't as easily be pinpointed to be the main cause of the death. There are a lot of factors that can skew these 'statistics'
    I chose bypass- I had confidence in my surgeon's skill and experience with this particular surgery. I wanted the additional effect of malabsorpbtion to aid in weight loss since I had so much to lose. I've seen relative with sleeve and lab band be unsuccessful with theirs, so I wanted to try what is known as the gold standard...
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to cookarue in Onderland is Wunderful woot woot   
    I'm 1.7 pounds away from 199.9! Great job on your success!! I'm hoping to be at that mark myself (tomorrow, maybe? Please God!). It's a huge milestone, and you're such an inspiration to me!!
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to heather5565 in Onderland is Wunderful woot woot   
    I'm so close I can taste it!
    2.6 lbs away last time I checked
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to HopeandAgony in Onderland is Wunderful woot woot   
    Congrats!! I am so close I can taste it. 4 lbs for me to get there.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to Kristin7676 in Onderland is Wunderful woot woot   
    congrats. I have 4 more lbs to go to get there as well. I set small goals and it is def motivation to get to each one. Getting under 200 is my first goal. I was 226 on surgery day 12/29. Yesterday I was 203. It has been 15 years since I saw under 200.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to shortyvel in Onderland is Wunderful woot woot   
    Congrats! I am looking forward to being in that same status..Just 1.8 to go...Yeah baby!!
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to BairwithMe in Onderland is Wunderful woot woot   
    I started this journey at 247 -My highest was 250. I had a goal by Feb 1 to be under 200. Had my sleeve done on Oct 19th 2015. Well I didnt make that goal yesterday. but today 2/2/16 it is happening. woot woot. I have not been under 200 since before my youngest was born- he is now 18. I thank God for this surgery. I have a better attitude in general- am happier-doing things that make me happy-making myself a priority. selfish much? ha. Wanted to share with the great people here who are so encouraging and so supportive. Hugs and mushy stuff to all of ya'll.
    feeling happy- feeling determined. My doctor has never given me a goal weight. I am still working on figuring that out. what is good for me. I still have more to lose. but it is happening.We can do this!!! Dont let a stall mess with your head. It will happen. Keep doing what you need to do. skipping off to work...ok not really but walking with a pep in my step.

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    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from wheezysmom in Options Prgm with Kaiser   
    @almond_jay wellll i think i will definitely try to get in as earliest as i can. I also read that the more weight you lose the better chance at not having a cancelation. I will also do my labs as soon as i get them. I have even taken my mental health assessment already. I need a follow up. She thinks I have daddy issues.
    But for sure i will definitely bug them every other day for a cancellation once i graduate from options.
    I hope we get the dates we both want. ????
    @wheezysmom thank you so much. You gave me hope for a sooner, than later, date. I am excited either way. ????????
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to wheezysmom in Options Prgm with Kaiser   
    I graduated from options on 5/27/15, got the call from the surgeon's office around June 8th, scheduled my consultation for a week later and my surgery date was set for 7/7/15 but was moved to 7/6/15. Good luck to you!!
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to almond_jay in Options Prgm with Kaiser   
    @ I have heard of people saying they were put on the cancellation list so when someone drops out they are moved up. Maybe that will help us out. lol
    I was also told during the holidays they had less people sign up because people waited to start this month. So hopefully that helps too. What area are you going to?
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to thegentleoso in Options Prgm with Kaiser   
    You can definitely get on the cancellation list. Also, after my first appointment with the surgeon, which came pretty quick after Options, and he approved the surgery based on your labs and weight loss, he said to expect a call from the scheduler in a week or so. I waited a few days, and called her after 4 days. I didn't want to call to soon, but I didn't want to wait forever either! Although, she still checked my place in order when she scheduled me. I had my pre-op yesterday, and it is starting to feel real now. I am excited and anxious!
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to The Candidate in How many if you lost weight during preop?   
    My highest weight was 248. I was required to lose 10% and by surgery date I was 216, so I lost a bit more. My insurance encouraged me to lose as much as possible as a pre op. Good luck!
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to HopeandAgony in Hair loss   
    I am only saying this to you. Because your cocky smug attitude is less than desirable and this is the umpteenth time I've seen you go this route.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to HopeandAgony in Hair loss   
    I wish people would stop acting like self rightous keepers of the internet forum and realize that people do have the right to ask questions. Regardless of how many times they've been asked. If you don't want to weigh in, then move along. The forum wasn't set up for only what you deem to be important discussion in this moment of time. So there's a search function. Well holy hell. That would mean that nobody should ever ask any question ever, anywhere. Because I'm sure all the questions you've ever asked have been answered somewhere on google. Right?!?! Only makes sense...
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to thegentleoso in Options Prgm with Kaiser   
    I finished my Options class December 16th, and my surgery is February 16th at West LA
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to WLSResources/ClothingExch in Psych Eval   
    @@healthier&happier4life, great. Now you're free to worry about something else. So many opportunities for worry, so little time.
    Really do look into your practice's support group and, if your schedule allows, you can also go to another's. BP is a good source of info and support, certainly. In-person contact adds a lot.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to Dub in Sodas   
    I made the switch from regular soft drinks to the diet versions when I was in my late teens.
    I dropped sweet tea way back then, too.
    That being said.....I was hopelessly addicted to Diet Mountain Dew and Diet Coke for decades.
    I scaled back on both leading up to my sleeve surgery last October.
    I've not tried either since then and I truly have zero desire for diet drinks. I am very happy to drink my Water and coffee and life is good.
    Not only are the diet soda cravings gone....but so are the cravings for sweets and other junk foods. I crave meats.
    About the worst junk food I ever want anymore is the occasional nuts or cheeses.....and even these aren't so bad.

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