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    heidikat72 got a reaction from jj031 in 2nd day of puree and feeling sick   
    were the peaches fresh or canned? I ask because when I was transitioning from puree to soft foods, I bought some of the little fruit cups of peaches to add a few chunks of peach to my cottage cheese. They were marked no sugar added and I didn't really pay attention when I picked them up as to what sweetener was in them. It took me a few days of getting sick to realize it was the Monkfruit sweetener in them that did not agree with me AT ALL.
    Amount wise I don't think you ate too much. And with the number of hours that had elapsed before you felt sick, it may be completely unrelated to what you ate. eggs do give a lot of people trouble early out though. Maybe to narrow it down, just try one new food a day to make sure you are ok with it and then the next day you can add another new food and so on.
  2. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to busybeebug in NSV   
    I bought a dress off the rack at size L. It's not tight at all.
    My son is able to wrap his arms completely around me for a hug.
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    heidikat72 reacted to blizair09 in Psychological Evaluation   
    I actually enjoyed the psych eval. I met with the psychologist for an hour and then took a long battery assessment. We talked about my history with food, the positive ways I had been working toward re-establishing my relationship with food during my six-month pre-op diet, and about my post-op life and supports. She helped me to re-affirm that I was doing the right thing, and it was a very positive part of my pre-op experience.
  4. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from simplykind33 in Water / liquids   
    and initially you might not be able to get 4oz of purees in in one sitting. Start with small amounts and slowly build from there.
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    heidikat72 got a reaction from show1980 in Road trip ideas   
    are you on solid food yet? at 4 weeksI was transitioning from purees to "soft" solid food.< /p>
    The flavored tuna and salmon pouches were a big part of my diet at that stage. They don't require refrigeration either so they would make a convenient road trip Protein snack/meal. If you can take a small cooler or insulated bag - maybe some string cheese and yogurt? and lots of water/noncaloric beverages.
  6. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from laceemouse in Psychological Evaluation   
    Take a deep breath. It won't be bad. At my appointment we went through my history of weight problems - I had to fill out a questionnaire before hand. They really just wanted to make sure that I understand the risks of the surgery, why a lot of the post-op guidelines are there and that I understood the surgery isn't a miracle cure and that I needed to commit to some major lifestyle changes along with it. They also wanted to make sure I had a support network (doesn't have to be family, just a couple of people who are in your corner). They also wanted to guage whether there were any issues that might impact my success that I need to deal with (eating disorders, depression etc). They may recommend you get professional counseling depending on your specific info but see that for what it is - a way to set you up for success!
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    heidikat72 got a reaction from simplykind33 in Water / liquids   
    At 13 days out - you should be able to drink more than 1oz every 15 minutes. On my plan (again my plan, and different programs have different plans) we were to start out at 1oz every 15 minutes so we didn't go too fast those first few days and end up with discomfort/pain. But we were told to progress to more than that as we could tolerate it. And yes, it was a full time job at first to get in fluids - seriously from the time I got up at 6:30am until I went to bed (which usually wasn't until midnight because I was still trying to get fluids in!). However since you are 13 days out - try drinking faster - but still sipping initially - and see how you do. It should be getting much much easier to get your fluids in.
  8. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from simplykind33 in Water / liquids   
    and initially you might not be able to get 4oz of purees in in one sitting. Start with small amounts and slowly build from there.
  9. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from simplykind33 in Water / liquids   
    At 13 days out - you should be able to drink more than 1oz every 15 minutes. On my plan (again my plan, and different programs have different plans) we were to start out at 1oz every 15 minutes so we didn't go too fast those first few days and end up with discomfort/pain. But we were told to progress to more than that as we could tolerate it. And yes, it was a full time job at first to get in fluids - seriously from the time I got up at 6:30am until I went to bed (which usually wasn't until midnight because I was still trying to get fluids in!). However since you are 13 days out - try drinking faster - but still sipping initially - and see how you do. It should be getting much much easier to get your fluids in.
  10. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Hammer_Down in Let's all brush up on our critical thinking skills!   
    Lately, this has been driving me nuts. We don't all have the same opportunities for education, nor do we have the same backgrounds but we can all make an effort to improve the quality of our comments and arguments (not in the bickering sense) by referring back to some trusty critical thinking skills.
    Here are just a few of the nonsensical, circular logical tendencies I see on a regular basis here:
    The straw man:
    When you create an argument that doesn't exist as a way to shutdown someone'a comment.
    Commenter A: "I think a preop diet plan should be treated as a prescription by the patient, not as a suggestion."
    Commenter B: "Well, if you think everything a doctor says is always right, my mother got really sick by taking a prescription drug that her doctor gave her!"
    See the problem? Commenter A never suggested that everything a doctor says is right. The comment was simply stating as far as preop diets go, it isn't a suggestion but rather "doctor's orders".
    Ad Hominen:
    In this fallacy, you attack a person instead of their argument.
    Commenter A: "I think a preop diet plan should be treated as a prescription from your doctor, and not just as a suggestion."
    Commenter B: "Come on down off of your high horse and stop being so condescending! We're all here to support each other and your arrogant attitude isn't helping anyone!"
    See the problem? Name calling doesn't actually address the perceived problem with the argument. Not liking someone doesn't mean they are wrong, and it's a logical fallacy to let your personal feelings about a person cloud your judgment on their opinions.
    False Dichotomy:
    This fallacy misconstrues an argument by setting up an either/or scenario when there are multiple options available.
    Commenter A: "I plan to follow my doctor's post op plan, because he knows better than I do about how this whole process works."
    Commenter B: "it's not like you'll die if you don't follow the doctor's advice exactly as written!"
    See the problem? Commenter A never suggested that the only possible outcomes were living or dying. There are a multitude of possible effects, including none whatsoever, that could result from not following the doctor's plans.
    Ad Populum:
    In this fallacy, you assume that because many people believe or do something, therefore it is safe.
    Commenter A: "I plan to follow my surgeon's plans, because there are lots of problems that could arise if I don't."
    Commenter B: "Basically no one is perfect, okay? We all cheated at some point either preop or postop and hardly anyone has serious complications from it. It's no big deal!"
    See the problem? Just because many people believe that cheating has little or no ramifications, does not make it so. We are only a small sample of people who have had WLS, so our forum's results are already skewed. I don't know any astronauts, that doesn't mean they don't exist.
    The Appeal to Authority:
    Here, we assume that because someone with authority makes an argument, it is somehow correct.
    Commenter A: "I plan to follow my doctor's advice on not exercising for 8 weeks post op, because of all the problems it could create while I am healing."
    Commenter B: "Yeah, well I've been doing this much longer than you and I was fine excercising right after surgery. You need to be increasing physical activity as soon as possible, trust me - I would know."
    See the problem? Commenter B never addressed the possible issues that could arise from exercise, but simply stated that since s/he has more experience with WLS, his/her opinion is correct.
    There are dozens and dozens more of these, but this is pretty basic stuff we learned in high school. Your mileage may vary, but now you know.
    Now go forth and let's all try to make sense when we disagree with other people!
  11. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to highfunctioningfatman in First day I can eat with no restrictions   
    That is awesome that you'very lost almost 100 pounds! I can certainly understand the mental aspect as well. Don't let "real food" be scary. This is a time to track your basics (calories, carbs and protein). Follow the instructions on your doctor's plan and experiment with some of your favorite recipes to make them friendly for your diet goals. I actually have more fun cooking now than I ever had before and I always loved to cook.
  12. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from SammieJ in Under 300...   
    I just recently went under 300 myself - and it feels awesome! seriously it has been at least 15 years maybe even 20 since I was under 300lbs. Congrats on your accomplishment - this is hard work!
  13. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from laceemouse in How much weight?   
    I lost nothing in the first two weeks. You likely came out of the hospital weighing more than when you went in thanks to the IV fluids. Plus you just had a major surgery - your body is focusing on healing not weightloss. This first month focus on healing and hitting your Protein and Fluid targets and don't worry about the scale yet. Plus, 5lbs in a week is pretty decent weightloss.
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    heidikat72 got a reaction from Apatterson1991b in All so overwhelming   
    It really completely depends on what pre-op diet your bariatric practice prescribes. Mine didn't require "only liquids" - just that I keep my calories to no more than 800 while getting at least 80 grams Protein. So ask your team at your next appointment - they should be able to give you clear guidelines. I know all of the information can be overwhelming but as the person above said- just breathe, you can do it. It may seem like an awfully long time and yes, the first few days of it will be challenging but just keep your eye on the prize and remember why you are doing this.
  15. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from laceemouse in How much weight?   
    I lost nothing in the first two weeks. You likely came out of the hospital weighing more than when you went in thanks to the IV fluids. Plus you just had a major surgery - your body is focusing on healing not weightloss. This first month focus on healing and hitting your Protein and Fluid targets and don't worry about the scale yet. Plus, 5lbs in a week is pretty decent weightloss.
  16. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to laceemouse in How much weight?   
    My guess is you lost during your pre-op diet too. Your body was already used to eating really low calorie.
    To answer your question I lost 7.5 pounds the first week. But I only had a 3 day, easy pre-op diet. Some people lose a lot of weight pre-op, I hardly lost any. My total 2 weeks post-op is 19 pounds since my highest weight. I am only going to weigh once a week until at least week 6. I am struggling to get my Water and Protein in, there is no way I could eat less. I could walk more but no strenuous exercise for a while.
  17. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from laceemouse in How much weight?   
    I lost nothing in the first two weeks. You likely came out of the hospital weighing more than when you went in thanks to the IV fluids. Plus you just had a major surgery - your body is focusing on healing not weightloss. This first month focus on healing and hitting your Protein and Fluid targets and don't worry about the scale yet. Plus, 5lbs in a week is pretty decent weightloss.
  18. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Djmohr in Calcium Chews Calories   
    I take the Bariatric Advantage chews. They are expensive but worth it and i think i can manage 15 calories each.
    I only take two a day and so far my Calcium has been great.
  19. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from SammieJ in Under 300...   
    I just recently went under 300 myself - and it feels awesome! seriously it has been at least 15 years maybe even 20 since I was under 300lbs. Congrats on your accomplishment - this is hard work!
  20. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from okiegirl1980 in Coffee creamer   
    I've become fond of Premier Protein caramel shake in my coffee - about an ounce or so makes a nice latte-like drink. when I want milky hot tea, I use the vanilla premier.
  21. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from Apatterson1991b in All so overwhelming   
    It really completely depends on what pre-op diet your bariatric practice prescribes. Mine didn't require "only liquids" - just that I keep my calories to no more than 800 while getting at least 80 grams Protein. So ask your team at your next appointment - they should be able to give you clear guidelines. I know all of the information can be overwhelming but as the person above said- just breathe, you can do it. It may seem like an awfully long time and yes, the first few days of it will be challenging but just keep your eye on the prize and remember why you are doing this.
  22. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from JodiT140 in Not sure I'm strong enough   
    I second everything @@OKCPirate said. And would suggest you find a counselor/therapist now. You are embarking on two very emotional journeys and having a therapist for support as you work through it will be a help.
  23. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Armygalbonnie in Anyone drive themselves home after surgery?   
    There is NO WAY your hospital will allow this!!!! You will still have anesthesia and pain meds in your system.
  24. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to melliecat in Ice tea   
    It's lemonade, c'mon people, read the sign!
    couldn't resist, sorry I added nothing helpful
  25. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from JodiT140 in Not sure I'm strong enough   
    I second everything @@OKCPirate said. And would suggest you find a counselor/therapist now. You are embarking on two very emotional journeys and having a therapist for support as you work through it will be a help.

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