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    heidikat72 reacted to LipstickLady in Husband says he doesn't like skinny women...WTH!   
    I'd personally tell my husband to kiss my butt and then I'd help him pack. His insecurities shouldn't block your path to good health.
    He might prefer heavier women, but I prefer smart confident men.

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    heidikat72 got a reaction from Dawn E Dorsey in My husband is questioning my decision   
    You can definitely still go out to eat. I went out with friends last night with no problem! You'd be surprised at how willing most restaurants are to accomodate changes to dishes as well - especially the independent restaurants. We went to a mediterranean restaurant and I ordered one of the specials - fish with a fennel ragout but asked them to leave off the rice that it came with, they offered to substitute some sauteed zucchini instead of the rice without me even asking for a substitute. I ate half the dish and brought the rest with me to work today. My friends ate like they normally would. It was no big deal and we thoroughly enjoyed our evening.
    I get that your husband is concerned that your (yours and his) whole life will change. But guess what? It is going to change for the better - when you are feeling healthier and happy you want to do more things and you enjoy even the simplest of things so much more. Go ahead with your surgery and your husband will likely come around when he sees how much happier and healthier you are and that you two can still enjoy life - probably even more than you have been!
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    heidikat72 got a reaction from LisaMergs in Excitement builds...and a few other tidbits   
    awesome awesome awesome awesome!!!!
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    heidikat72 got a reaction from Aggiemae in watching a video of the surgery should be required!   
    I've been saying this for a while especially because so many people don't seem to have the slightest concept of what is actually done to create their sleeve and what the staple line is like.
  5. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Fredbear in Family at the hospital   
    You probably won't be slee ping (vitals checks every two hours, noisy compression sleeves, buzzing IVs), and neither will they. Send them home; they don't need to be there.
  6. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from giglag1227 in Supportive... but not   
    as someone who waited until i was over 400lbs and had decreased mobility, i WISH I had had the courage to do this much sooner when my primary doc first suggested it and long before I was 400lbs. But I didn't. However, recovery would have been much easier and I wouldn't have lost out on really living 10-20 years of my life.
    It seems like you already have some sense that in order to take care of your family, you need to take care of YOU first and be the healthiest you can be for both you and them.
    However, if you really feel like you are being forced into the surgery and it isn't your decision, it may not be the right time for you. This really needs to be something you want in order to be successful.
    One thing that helped me finally make the decision was actually putting down on paper all the things I want to be able to do that my obesity was making difficult or even impossible. And being honest with myself about how quickly my health was starting to deteriorate after years of being overweight/obese.
  7. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from kayshabear in Vitamin problems!   
    there are Patches available for Multivitamin - I think they may even have them in the shop on this site. I personally haven't tried them but have seen posts from others who have. Hopefully one of them will comment here.
    I take the Centrum adult chewable complete multi. Orange flavored - not the greatest taste but it's medicine so it isn't supposed to taste good. Sometimes the morning one will make me a little nauseaus but not for long and if i have a spoonful of yogurt before I take it so i'm not taking it on a completely empty stomach, it does better.
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    heidikat72 reacted to OneReallyBigBird in Huge but hopeful...   
    Thanks for your awesome comments.You're totally right about the need to deal with depression.
    I have been seeing a therapist for just over a year now, and it has helped enormously.
    I knew I needed help dealing my anger and regrets about the past.
    I figured I needed to work on improving my mental health, while bettering my physical health.
    I also do a lot of mindfulness meditation exercises, which I strongly recommend to everyone as well.
    Thanks again, I greatly appreciated your wisdom and insight.
    Don't look back, turn the page, and let your next chapter begin!
  9. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from giglag1227 in Supportive... but not   
    as someone who waited until i was over 400lbs and had decreased mobility, i WISH I had had the courage to do this much sooner when my primary doc first suggested it and long before I was 400lbs. But I didn't. However, recovery would have been much easier and I wouldn't have lost out on really living 10-20 years of my life.
    It seems like you already have some sense that in order to take care of your family, you need to take care of YOU first and be the healthiest you can be for both you and them.
    However, if you really feel like you are being forced into the surgery and it isn't your decision, it may not be the right time for you. This really needs to be something you want in order to be successful.
    One thing that helped me finally make the decision was actually putting down on paper all the things I want to be able to do that my obesity was making difficult or even impossible. And being honest with myself about how quickly my health was starting to deteriorate after years of being overweight/obese.
  10. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Dawnislas in Supportive... but not   
    No one should have this surgery until they are absolutely ready and understand (as much as possible) the short and long term results that are possible. It is all hard and is not an easy way out. It is truly life changing. I knew I was ready when I didn't feel any anxiety and didn't care what anyone else said. Some people can do weight loss programs like WW and keep the weight off. But I think the most successful if they met goal and continue to work the program for life. (Again life changing) yo may need to see a therapist to work through the process. Don't do anything until you know it is the right thing, you understand the risks associated, and despite the fear of surgery you are ready to start the journey.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to FarmerJulie in Supportive... but not   
    Try to keep it simple. Highly processed fat free foods are gross. I agree!! But steamed veggies are good, skinless chicken is good, fresh fruit etc. Highly season, but don't heavily sauce your food. Stay away from high carb/sugar foods and have some healthy fats. There are so many tasty recipes out there! This isn't a prison sentence. You are choosing to undergo a surgery for a healthier you. Starting down the path now will make it easier in the long run. You can do it!!
  12. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to LisaMergs in Excitement builds...and a few other tidbits   
    Well all, since I hit goal this week, things took a turn for the better.
    I've been looking to go back to work now for a while. I won't go back into actively practicing dentistry, but want to go into practice management and consulting. My hope was to travel quite a bit, and I've had several options present themselves that I've been interviewing for.
    After speaking with a long time colleague the other day, he made a few suggestions that I acted upon. The result? I've received four more calls to interview for positions I never would have considered before, each challenging in their own right and outside my comfort zone, but hey-isn't that what this new life is about?
    There was a fifth call I received from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Now, if you know me, you'll know it has been my intention for YEARS to move to NC! This position is at the dental school overseeing the post-grad dental students who are completing their General Practice Residency. To have a hand in shaping the future of a profession that treated me so well is damned exciting!!! (And let's face it-- the possibility of reduced or free tuition to UNC for one or two of my kids is freaking appealing too if I was on staff!!!)
    My point is this--- never say never. Never say die. Don't quit. Don't give up. Don't cry uncle or wave a white flag.
    So many personal things are changing in my life and family life...kids leave to begin their own life, relationships change or go away. The only thing we have control over is ourselves and doing something to shape or destiny.
    Don't forget you. Don't squander the opportunity. Don't take it for granted. Don't be with people who drain you. Lots of don'ts.
    But how about this:::
    DO love yourself.
    DO live outside your comfort zone.
    DO expect to succeed.
    DO expect the people who surround you to bless and enhance your life.
    DO know that anyone can change.
    DO know that you are worth it!!!
    It's pretty simple, really.
    Look in the mirror and just say "I Do" to yourself.
    And then as you make it happen, you'll grow like the tulips coming up in Spring.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to blizair09 in Eating normal as in pre surgery normal   
    I specifically remember a work dinner a couple of years ago when one of the sales ladies from New York was analyzing the menu looking for something under 300 or 400 calories. I thought to myself what a horrible life as I proceeded to order and scarf down buffalo chicken tenders, french fries, and 3 glasses of red wine. Now, I see how much better life can be by making those choices as she did. It is amazing the mental shift that this journey requires and insists that you cultivate over time!
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    heidikat72 reacted to theantichick in Eating normal as in pre surgery normal   
    The part of the stomach left doesn't have the stretch capability of the part that's removed. There will be a modest increase in capacity for most people, but it will never reach the capacity of a pre-surgical sleeve. Most accounts and research I've found indicate that about a cup total food at a time is about as much capacity as most sleevers will ever have. That's a far cry from the 8-16 cups that a human can potentially eat at a sitting with a "normal" stomach.
    You "eat around" the sleeve by eating high calorie foods and by eating more frequently than you should. I'm 3 months out, and can only eat a little more than 1/4 cup at a time. If I'm eating my standard 5-6 small meals a day, that's not a huge amount of food. But if I wait about 20-30 minutes I've got room again, and if I were to just continually snack all day, I could put away a large amount of food.
  15. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to higher in Can I?   
    I put myself on what I called a pre-pre-op diet. Very low carb, focus on Protein first. I did it best I could for about the month before my official 5 day pre-op diet started.
  16. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to LittleBill in Some how disappointed   
    If you are following your plan, then nothing has gone wrong. Weight loss is not linear, and it is easy enough to stall or even show a gain of a pound or two, depending on whether or not you retaining Water, or even if you haven't pooped for a day or two. This is a long term commitment, not a race, and we all have to look at it that way. I get discouraged if I get on the scale too often. Last week I lost a whole pound over a period of eight days. Then from Sunday to Wednesday, I lost four pounds. And I don't have to deal with the same issues that women have. I just have to live with them.
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    heidikat72 reacted to ShelterDog64 in I've one thing to say...   
    You inspire me SO much, @@LisaMergs ! Mwaaahhh
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    heidikat72 reacted to Babbs in My husband is questioning my decision   
    The way I look at it is you have a couple choices. Have the surgery, embrace the changes and more likely than not live a happier, healthier life, changes and all. He will come around. I've seen it a million times.
    Don't have the surgery, probably live with regret and resent your husband because he'll be happy nothing has changed, but you will still be unhappy, unhealthy and obese.
    It takes a little time to find your new normal post op. But in the grand scheme of things, that's a blip on the radar. Soon you'll be living life again, but in a different way. You'll be thinner, healthier and happier when you go to dinner, party's, the movies, out with friends, etc. You'll feel empowered to make good lifestyle choices. Your husband will see how much happier you are and will wonder why he even questioned you having the surgery in the first place.
    You're 50 years old. Time to do something for you and not worry about anyone else thinks.
  19. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from laceemouse in Morphine drip?   
    i had a pain pump for about 36 hours. hardly used it but was glad it was there when needed. as Babbs said - don't be a hero. It is much better to keep the pain manageable than to let it get bad and try to recover.
  20. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from laceemouse in Morphine drip?   
    i had a pain pump for about 36 hours. hardly used it but was glad it was there when needed. as Babbs said - don't be a hero. It is much better to keep the pain manageable than to let it get bad and try to recover.
  21. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in So I'm not worried but have a question   
    I would suggest you call your surgeon back and let him know that you are now having issues.
  22. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from Raymia in Some things fit, and some things never will   
    I have huge wrists and the fitbit bands don't fit me either. I bought a fit bit zip - attaches to clothing. It works great and seems to be more accurate than my phone's tracker.
  23. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in So I'm not worried but have a question   
    I would suggest you call your surgeon back and let him know that you are now having issues.
  24. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Butterflywarrior in Morphine drip?   
    Don't worry, the pain pump is pre set to a certain amount. ..u hit the button as much or little as you desire... you can't overdose
    I was given dillaudid all through the first day and night plys acetaminophen drips and following day I got liquid Lortab which I needed for a week and a half. I definitely had substantial pain
    Pain pumps are a tally better bc they give you control and remove axiety of having to wait. Research shows Pl often use less pain meds with the pump then when they have to wait for the nurse to get relief
    I had a pump on a previous surgery and only issue was itching with morphine and they dosed me with benedryl also the pump alarm is loud if tampered with or handled lol
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-T807A using the BariatricPal App
  25. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to ShelterDog64 in Eating normal as in pre surgery normal   
    I'm sorry, I can't. All I can say is good luck to you.

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