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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    BubbaNoMore got a reaction from Tiffany Rae in Where is everyone from?   
    Northern Kentucky
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to BigTink2LilTink in So I reached my 1 year anniverserary a few days ago   
    December 22nd, 2014 was the day that I had changed my life and body forever. On that day I had a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy done to help me lose a lot of excessive body weight. In 366 days, I have gone from being 463lbs to now 267lbs as of yesterday afternoon. I though that by having the surgery that I was taking the easy way out......Boy oh boy was I freaking wrong.

    There is nothing about this process that is easy. In fact its the total opposite of easy. Its hard as f**k. Probably the hardest thing I've had to overcome in my life so far. Besides the reality of having one's body altered forever, I had to learn how to eat all over again, deal with emotional issues I've spent a lifetime trying to avoid, and also dealing with some of the complications post surgery, that even now 1 year later I still have to struggle with. So what are some of those bad, not so easy things have I had to deal with within the past year.
    Well for starters I've had to give up the following items for a time period and/or forever:
    Bread/Wheat - Forever Pasta - Forever Rice - Forever Red Meat/Pork - 6 months Sugar - 6/8 months Soda (Carbonated beverages) - Forever Alcoholic beverages -6/8 months Smoking - Forever And then there were the habits and routines I had to take on as part of change. Things that I had to make habit forming and stay consistent with in order to be successful with this.
    Multivitamin supplements - Forever Iron supplements - Forever B12 supplements - Forever Yearly blood/cholesterol checks - Forever Daily walking/cardio work outs - Forever Yearly checkups with Surgeon to make sure I have no ulcers or leaks from staples - Forever Yeah, and then there were the complications from the surgery that I had to and still am having to deal with. One of the main ones was short term memory loss and comprehension issues. Issues that even as I type this post I am still dealing with in some shape or form. Just this past Monday morning I had to have spinal Fluid drawn from my back (better known as a Lumbar Puncture Procedure) to be analyzed by my Neurologist to give a final determining cause as to why I've been suffering from short term memory issues post surgery. Right now the major ruling is some sort of allergic reaction to the general anesthesia I was under during my surgery. Its funny cause I have been under anesthesia before, its just that I wasn't under for longer that 15-20 minutes at a time. When I had the surgery I was under for almost 3 hours.
    My life has gotten a lot better in the last year, its just that things just haven't returned to a state of normalcy that I would like it to be at before the surgery. So as I sit around and wait for the test results of my spinal tap to come back, I move on and keep moving forward. I have too. If I sit around and dwell on everything that has/had gone wrong in the past year, I would be so depressed and miserable . And I refuse to allow that to be. So I stay focused on the positives of what has happened. I take comfort in all of the things I can check off my list as successes, and I continue on to the next goal.
    I look in the mirror and I see a person staring back at me that I am now getting use to seeing. A person that I am actually comfortable seeing in the mirror. And not the stranger I was seeing for the first few months of this year as I was drastically dropping weight off of me. Dropping years of the affects that emotional eating had caused me. Its a change that I can now say that I comfortably welcome, from both the physical and now emotional aspect.

    As far as weight lost goal, I am still about 70-80lbs away from the goal that I had set for myself. These last 70 -80lbs are going to be the hardest to get rid of, but I accept the challenge. I have no choice but to, because I didn't come this far, sacrificed so much just to quite 3 quarters of the way from completing the race.

    I share this with the world because I know that my words, my thoughts right now, may not only help me down the road at some point, but it may help someone else out there right now who is struggling with self-image/body issues, obesity, diabetes, and/or deciding whether or not to have weight loss surgery. I hope that my words and experiences can help you when it comes to making a decision on surgery or not.
    The question I am sure that anyone who is reading this would ask me:

    "knowing now what I know, would I still have gone through with the procedure/surgery?"

    My answer would still have been yes. Yes because now I no longer have to take insulin to keep my body's blood sugars under control. Yes because I can now buy clothing out of Walmart & other stores like a normal person and not having to go to the Big & Tall custom stores to find simple things like underwear and socks. Yes, because when I look in the mirror I see the person I was meant to be and not the person I was dreading to see. And finally yes, because I know that by doing this, I've given myself a fighting change to reach a longer life expectancy than 50-55 years. So did I do this all for me, you better believe I did!
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to FrankyG in When is solid proteins OK   
    You're ready when your doctor and nutritionist say you are. If they want you on a specific diet, it is very foolish to not follow it. You've just had major surgery and need to follow what they told you to do.
    Even if you think you can handle it, your stomach is going to be swollen and healing for months. Seems dumb to me to advance to solids so soon just because you are craving them; aren't cravings really what got you to the point of needing weight loss surgery? Why on earth would you listen to that little voice now?
    Advancing too soon may mean you'll either stress your stomach out, or minimum not be learning your stomach's new "full" signs and how to eat properly.
    Eating small amounts of liquid, then puree, then soft, then solids is important because you're relearning how to eat food and breaking your old relationship with food as well. Not following the proper steps is setting yourself up for a possible issue down the line because you are so impatient.
    Not a good idea to skip steps if you wanted this for long-term success.
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to Pablo52 in When is solid proteins OK   
    Thank you for your concern but I was asking for a "realistic" time frame from other sleeve patients on being released to solid foods. There are many other bariatric programs that allow solid foods sooner than mine.
    I don't appreciate being called "foolish" or "dumb" concerning a question about my procedure.
    My question was pretty specific to tearing the staple line, and I was asking for you to question my long term success. If my doctor had me following the MIST program manual then I would have not been released back into the gym as early as I was. Just trying to get input from others that have gone through the same procedure.
    I'm a former competitive power lifter and college athlete my body is used to receiving 200-300 grams of Protein a day. As I stated in my original post " I don't feel like my body is receiving the fuel "protein" it needs for my activity level. It has nothing to do with cravings but more to do with increasing my Protein level.
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to shriner37 in Post op diet   
    Your stomach has been cut apart and stapled together. It takes a couple of months to fully heal. Until it's healed you would be wise to follow the recommendations of your surgeon or nutritionist and only eat what they've cleared you for.
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to Recycled in where are the people 5 years out   
    Hey, you chicks got the boobs......
    Bout time something we got comes in handy.........It is cool watching the muscle do it's thing.......
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to SuperDave in 1 year surgery anniversary, before and after pics.   
    It's been about 3 1/2 years since I decided I had to make changes in my life. I hit 450 pounds and realized I was no longer in control.
    I dieted on my own for the first 2 years, and did okay. I lost about 120 pounds by simply eating less and walking. Eventually that was no longer enough and I stopped losing, so I started a bariatric program. I had 6 months of supervised weight loss, and having the accountability made me work harder. I lost another 30 pounds in those 6 months. My goal was to be under 300 by my surgery date, November 10, 2014. When I weighed in at the hospital that morning, I was 299.9. Just barely there, but I did it!
    This week is my 1 year surgery anniversary. When I weighed this morning I was 189.9. Another 110 pounds gone. So to Celebrate, I'm posting a before and after picture. The first one is from 2011. I'm not quite at my highest weight there, but as I'm sure many of you can understand, there aren't a lot of pictures of me to choose from. I always avoided having them taken. The second one was taken this morning. Not a great picture, but you get the idea!

    And 260 pounds later:

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    BubbaNoMore reacted to maggie409 in Before/After Pics   
    I reached 70 pounds lost this morning and I wanted to post a few photos for those considering WLS. I am five months post op and I had a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy in Tijuana Mexico. I used Dr Jesus Martin Lopez. He and his staff were amazing. I booked my surgery through BariatricPal and they were also wonderful. I have had no problems and I can tolerate 90% of what I eat. Every now and then I have something that doesn't agree with me. This doesn't mean I can never have it, I just wait and try later. It simply meant it wasn't time to have it yet. I attribute my lack of complications to Dr Lopez. He did an amazing job and is truly a talented surgeon.
    The surgery is simply a tool. The biggest contributing factor to success is mental. I was ready mentally and prepared to NOT make food a priority in my life. I was ready and willing to give up whatever food I needed to make this work and to give it up for the rest of my life if necessary. Temptation has been there but I have not given in and I have not cheated. I still have 60 pounds to go to reach my goal. I WILL make it because I WANT to make it and I am WILLING to put in the work and sacrifice needed to get it done.
    THIS HAS BEEN HARD! But it has been worth it. If you are considering WLS because you think it will be the easy option, please reconsider. The surgery did make it possible for me to make it half way to my goal. I could not have done it without VSG.
    So, instead of saying onward and upward... I will say onward and downward! I am determined to post more pics on the future. I think the great thing about this forum is if I do screw up and I do cheat, I know I can come here for the swift kick in the ass that I need to get me back on track

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    BubbaNoMore reacted to NY Lou in 11 months out and just ran a 26.2 mile marathon - with before & after pics   
    its been a little over 11 months since my sleeve surgery (march 19, 2013). yesterday I accomplished a goal that ive had since I was a teenager. im 50 years old now and just ran my first full 26.2 mile marathon! my goal was under 5 hours and I did it in 4 hours 51 minutes. ive been running ever since I started exercising after surgery and when I first started I couldn't run for more than 1 minute! after running a few 13.1 mile half marathons i started training 5 months ago for a full 26.2 mile marathon and now I can finally check that off my bucket list. today im at my lowest weight ever at 180.25 pounds. for the last 20 years before surgery I was always around 300 pounds. im so grateful for this surgery, but the truth is that if you don't use the surgery as a tool along with good food choices and exercise, it will be hard to achieve your long term goals. the surgery alone may have lost me 60 pounds, but believe me, the last 60 pounds is because of me using my new sleeve as part of an entire life style change that includes eating healthy, knowing when to say no when my sleeve is satisfied (not bursting) and dedicating myself to exercise 4x a week even when I don't feel like doing it. I never thought I would be a success story as that always happened to someone else, not me....well now its me and it can be you too! best of luck to everyone, post pre-surgery and post-surgery. just remember to stop making excuses and start making the changes to guarantee yourself success.
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to VanessaVSGforme in Update and Picturessss! :D   
    Just thought I'd post a little update. June 5, I was at my heaviest 410 pounds. I felt like DEATH...literally. I had SEVERE sciatica which caused me to go onto disability after working for YEARS...I couldn't walk. I couldn't stand. I couldn't sit. All I could do is LAY THERE and cry because of the nerve pain down my left leg and lower back. It was either back surgery or weight loss surgery. Since I also HAD high blood pressure and PCOS plus VERY obese and the severe sciatica...I thought weight loss surgery would be my best bet. Plus, healing would be 2837739354928 times harder if I were to under go back surgery at my weight. Dr's told me over and over again that losing weight may or may not help my bulging disc which was in turn causing the sciatica but I went for it and just hoped for the best. Day of surgery 9/2, I was 367 pounds (I went on a damn strict diet) and today...I am 314!!! I am also BACK AT WORK with no more sciatica pain what-so-ever!!! I'm off all meds for high blood pressure and I'm feeling fanDAMNtastic!!!!! I love the way o feel and more so, I LOVE ME. I've never been one to post pics....but here we go. Not ready for the whole "body shot" because this girl is under construction but here goes nothin!!! Top picture is day before surgery...the collage pic on left is last month and on the right is yesterday! I drink 64oz+ Water each day...and always try to get 90g of protein...even if I finish my day with a premier protein!! Alot of you girls and guys on here don't know how many of us look forward and look up to your updates and advice...@Babbs...@Elode...@InnerSurferGirl...all 3 of u girls I look up to and I cannot wait to keep on keeping on. Thank You from the bottom of my heart!!! -Vanessa

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    BubbaNoMore reacted to Stevehud in GOOOAAAALLLLLLL!   
    So today , this morning to be exact my scale read 170 pounds. Exactly 1 year and 2 days post surgery.
    Whew! now the hard part.
    My new motto has to be:
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to VSGmary in Any Band to Sleeve Success Stories Out There?!?   
    Hi i was banded in 2010 and I lost 88 lbs but gained most of it back as the band failed and it was finally removed in Aug 2014. In Oct 2014 i was revised to vertical sleeve gastrectomy and i have lost 148 lbs and i still have a fair bit to go but best thing is, weight is coming off! VSG has been the best thing i have ever done for my health and wellbeing. Best wishes to you on your journey.
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to titan05 in Any Band to Sleeve Success Stories Out There?!?   
    In 55 days I have lost 35 pounds! Right now this thing was worth it. 264.8 to 229.1 this morning. Blood pressure is down, sleeping better and look way better. I was apprehensive after the band because I could anything I wanted with the band. Now I cannot eat much at all. Surgery was easier than the band. I encourage anyone to do it.
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to titan05 in Any Band to Sleeve Success Stories Out There?!?   
    I am 7 weeks out and have lost 34 pounds. I didn't tell anyone and everyday people are asking how much weight I have loss. It's been a ride so far and I can't hardly eat anything. Surgery was easy and so far I have lost 7inches off my waist and an inch and a half off my neck.
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to titan05 in For all who are contemplating surgery!   
    Do it! I had my 3 month check up today. I have lost 50 pounds in that time weighing in at 216 today. I am 45 and 5'10 and can't wear the majority of my clothes . I feel great, surgery wasn't bad at all. I haven't told anyone and everyone is asking me about how much weight I have lost.
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to RuralNurse in Anti anxiety meds   
    I am a psychiatric nurse practitioner and prescribe these meds to people daily. Although some people do gain weight on citalopram most do not. Escitalopram (Lexapro) is the newer "cleaner" version of citalopram (Celexa) and I see even fewer people gain weight on it. When they do research on these meds they have to document EVERY possible side effect. I believe that much of this is people that are very depressed lose weight and when they begin to take these meds they "gain" weight but really are just getting back to a normal weight.
    Brintellix is a good medication but is a newer one and much more expensive (and less well covered by insurances than citalopram). Also it work on serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, where citalopram works only on serotonin that is more implicated in anxiety (where the others are more implicated in depression and anxiety combined).
    The psych meds that are really bad for weight gain are the atypical anti-psychotics like Zyprexa, Seroquel, Risperidal, etc. These can be used for psychotic conditions and, more commonly, bipolar disorder. But not everyone gains weight on them. Anxiety meds that are worse for weight gain - paxil, remeron, sometimes prozac.
    In my opinion if you have uncontrolled anxiety you are more likely to "self -medicate" to feel better. That may be with food, alcohol, marijuana, other drugs (prescription or illicit), gambling, etc.
    Good luck!
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to liannatx in Is Your Love Life on Hold While You Lose Weight?   
    Well I have had my second half for 23 years... so the dating part isn't applicable for me!
    I can say that in real life everyday situations people are NOW: dieting, losing weight, working out, lactose intolerant, gluten free, Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Low Carb, etc... so it is a normal thing. If you don't know someone well enough to divulge your surgery, then don't mention it.
    By about 2 months you will be able to sit with a wisely chosen plate of food and pick at it, and eat the Protein and no one would be the wiser. No explanation will be necessary. People pay FAR LESS attention to what you are eating than you might think. If you really do get questioned, it is very simple to say you "had a late lunch" or whatever... there is no need to feel like you are lying or hiding something from someone you don't know that well.
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    BubbaNoMore got a reaction from mel14 in Questions for Alcohol Drinkers ONLY!   
    Try vodka and crystal light
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to lastipe in Pre-Op Diet   
    HI everyone-
    I'm on day 2 of the pre-op diet, and while I'm not hungry, I'm exhausted! I contemplated pulling a George Costanza and sleep under my desk during lunch. Unfortunately, I'm the only HR person here so my plan has been foiled by this open door policy. How are you guys combating the fatigue? I've already had 3 liters of Water, and keep getting up to make sure my blood is flowing.
    Thanks for your help!
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to Amy Wolfe in Pre-Op Diet   
    lol i work in customer service too and these ladies love their food. thats what gets me im on day 9. i havent cheated once i am happy to say and am down 12 pounds. but omg i go crazy wanting food around lunch time when im here at work. Much harder at work then home. i drink two Powerade zeros a day. although i have had cravings for eggrolls, lumpia, pizza, chili and cornbread and a california burrito. I have survived my cravings. Surgery is Monday. Im super excited and nervous. and scared. Pretty much all normal stuff.
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to livvsmum in VSG December 2013? Give 2-year update/status   
    That is awesome! Congrats on your success! I was sleeved in Sept. 2013, so a bit before you, but close. I've reached and maintained my goal since about 10 months post op. I agree with you, it has been the best 2 years of my life. Not only because of the weight loss, but because of the emotional work I've done on myself to get at the underlying issues which lead me to "eat myself" to 280 pounds. Here was my before/after pic from a bit before 2 years post op. There are plenty more in my profile and on my blog (linked in signature)

  22. Like
    BubbaNoMore reacted to Dr-Patient in VSG December 2013? Give 2-year update/status   
    Dec. 4th will mark two years since my VSG. It has been the BEST two years of my life!! I am soooo happy, so sociable, so [yes] sexy, and picking clothes to go here or there is a breeze!! No agonizing about what to wear, or 'will this fit', etc. The mental freedom, self confidence and self-esteem are all wonderful. I'm not hiding from folks--colleagues, friends, etc. I gladly take pictures, my eyes gleam and my smile is genuine.
    I have not reached my self-appointed goal of 165 (actually, I'm thinking my face will look too thin!!). But going from a size 22, to a size 10/12 is working for me. For fun, I took some 'modeling' photos recently, and (yes), somebody is truly looking great. I can say that now.
    Brief note for now from me, but if you were sleeved around the time I was--December 2013--do tell your status, update, your NSVs; and share pictures, if you choose.
    Congratulations, two years out. I know it's been a good thing.
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    BubbaNoMore reacted to Madam Reverie in Just putting it out there, so 'dirty' little secrets may see the light of day!   
    Okay, so, since I've been frequenting this virtual bariatric world, there appear to be a few issues which seem to ignite much debate and throw the most meekly devised threads into huge ego-centric 'flaming' exercises.
    Not only do I, personally, find this predictably boring; it is also deeply unhelpful. We all know that this process changes or should change, how we do and view things to do with food and wider health issues, forever. As such, it takes a bit of getting used to.
    The prospect of having to adapt our long-held behaviours is scary and our little food related rituals? They are tough bleedin' Cookies to break. (My apologies for mentioning the 'C' word there)
    Consequently, I'm a big believer in the adage that 'skeletons in the cupboard' are no longer 'skeletons', if they are dragged out into the light of day. (Normally kicking and screaming with the neighbours looking on in horror)
    So, roll-up, roll-up. Consider this an online bariatric confessional!
    There'll be no 'Hail Mary's' or 'Our Fathers' and flagellation will NOT and should not be forthcoming.
    I want you to tell us your 'dirty' little bariatric secrets.
    What did you do? Why did you do it? (and I will refrain from asking 'with whom?' you did it!) How did it make you feel afterwards? Did you resolve to never do it again - or indeed, did you think that actually, everything in moderation is not so bad after all?
    Did you chow down on that hot-sauce laden and cheese encrusted beef taco 2 days post op? (No one can tell I'm fantasizing about anything that does not constitute a 'fluid' much, can you?!!!) Did you sneak into the fridge and eat all your kids chocolate bars, happy in the knowledge that your Protein Pump Inhibitors would prevent you from getting indigestion? Did you swallow 10 vodka martini's to see if your pouch and your legs could take it?
    Come on, tell Aunty Revs and lets see if we can put these beasts to bed once and for all x
    As is only fair, I shall go first.. Tonight, I, 8 days post surgery, ate a fair amount of cheese frosting off the top of a red velvet cupcake (and maybe a couple of mouthfuls of the sponge, too). Why? Because it was there. Did it make any sense? No, because I have never craved sweet stuff. I'm a savoury kind of girl. What did I learn from it? That damn, I'm an emotional eater (which I never thought I was) and that shockingly, that **** went down a little bit too easily. Consequently, I learnt in that way lies grave danger...
    See, if I can do it, anyone can. So, step forward and lets hear the 'worst' you've got. Everyone is welcome and all are equal here x
  24. Like
    BubbaNoMore got a reaction from Alex Brecher in The BIG Book on the Gastric Sleeve!   
    Just bought a copy on iBooks! Surgery is scheduled for 12/28/15, so I have a lot of reading to do! I also was banded and am revising to the sleeve.
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    BubbaNoMore got a reaction from caines530 in Any December Sleever's?   
    I'm scheduled for 12-28-15 in Cincinnati! I'm so excited, I'm getting the best Christmas present ever!!!

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