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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in One month post op and stuck in a stall...   
    I know your NUT said not to change anything, but 600-800 calories seems REALLY low.
  2. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to KristenLe in Seconds thoughts while undergoing nutrition phase   
    Just remember that only 5% of morbidly obese people who lose weight on their own keep it off. If you can do it without surgery - more power to you! I believe many have the same thoughts.
  3. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to Sharon1964 in Long night in the E.R. - didja know y'all are my peeps?   
    I have been assured that THAT had nothing to do with it!
    Uhh... I mean, no, why do you ask???
  4. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to Dub in Long night in the E.R. - didja know y'all are my peeps?   
    Good grief, woman !!!!
    Glad you are okay. ER is no fun.
    Almost made a trip there Wednesday night, too.
    You haven't been doing anything overly acrobatic lately have you ?
  5. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to Babbs in Long night in the E.R. - didja know y'all are my peeps?   
    Glad you're okay! This place wouldn't be the same without your crazy ass!
  6. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to Christinamo7 in Long night in the E.R. - didja know y'all are my peeps?   
    oddly I can tell you my middle son has this condition. it is VERY painful.
    you all regulars I consider my tribe too. Thank you for letting us know what is going on.
    the nice thing is there is usually someone running around here no matter what time of day or night.
  7. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to Sharon1964 in Long night in the E.R. - didja know y'all are my peeps?   
    The short version is I spent a long night in the E.R. with chest pain, dizziness, clamminess, nausea. Turns out to be inflammation of the cartilage that attaches your ribs to your sternum and spine. Painful, scary, but not dangerous. No cardiac involvement at all.
    While I was there, I thought of you all. I was about to tell someone that if something happened, they had to come here and tell my peeps. Cuz y'all are my peeps. Just so you know.
  8. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to KristenLe in Stretched too soon?   
    liquids go through sleeve. You couldn't have stretched it from broth.
  9. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to Pillar2butterfly in One Liners for so-called friends...   
    Q: How did you loose the weight (I'm keeping my WLS private)?
    A: I did exactly what my doctor told me to do...
    MINE (yesterday to a colleague): Extreme overall Sand blaster and routine persistent jackhammer to the thighs (it really wasn't any of her business, she is the watercooler reporter of the entire building)
    Q: Is that on your diet? (From a so-called friend peering over my plate as I try to eat my meal)
    A: Well actually, my doctor thinks I've lost too much weight and wants me to add on a few pounds
    A: What are you having to eat?
    MINE: Why of course, and I look fabulous eating it too, don't you think so?

    Q: You must have spent a fortune on new clothes?
    A: Not so much, now that I'm a normal size, I can take advantage of sales.
    A: I did enjoy donating my old clothes to charity...
    Mine: Baby I'm worth it. I spend my money on clothes not food now.

    Anyone else?
    Here's a few more:
    How much have you lost?
    MINE: Not yet enough, but I'm getting there.
    Are you afraid of gaining it back?
    MINE: Not as afraid as I am of driving in rush hour traffic...it's like running with the bulls out there.
    I even got this one from a family member that "heard" I had surgery: Are you sure your mother approves of you having that surgery?
    MINE: Well, considering I am a grown woman of the age of 46, I really stopped asking her approval on such things.

  10. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from heidikat72 in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Honestly, everyone, WLS patient or not, needs a basic course in human anatomy and physiology. We buy many cars in our lifetimes, but only get one body. It's important to know how it works. Though if we all had a better understanding how our bodies work, there would be a much smaller internet audience for the kind of hogwash that masquerades as fact these days. Don't get me started!
  11. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from heidikat72 in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Honestly, everyone, WLS patient or not, needs a basic course in human anatomy and physiology. We buy many cars in our lifetimes, but only get one body. It's important to know how it works. Though if we all had a better understanding how our bodies work, there would be a much smaller internet audience for the kind of hogwash that masquerades as fact these days. Don't get me started!
  12. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from heidikat72 in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Honestly, everyone, WLS patient or not, needs a basic course in human anatomy and physiology. We buy many cars in our lifetimes, but only get one body. It's important to know how it works. Though if we all had a better understanding how our bodies work, there would be a much smaller internet audience for the kind of hogwash that masquerades as fact these days. Don't get me started!
  13. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from heidikat72 in mild sleep apnea - I'm pissed   
    Whoa. Hold the flames there. It's my opinion yes - because I've worked as a licensed professional in the health care industry for more than thirty years. I know a few things. There is a big difference between asking you to be tested and requiring rental or purchase of equipment. The only way for the undiagnosed population to be diagnosed is to increase the number of people being tested. Obesity alone puts you at higher risk for sleep apnea, and sleep apnea may be a contributor to obesity.
    It isn't very different from other screening tests, like colonoscopies, EKG's, and blood tests for diabetes.
    I get that you're pissed about the out of pocket, but to attach a conspiracy theory to it is misinformed.
  14. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to LipstickLady in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    No wonder men can't find the clit! It isn't on the chart!
    And clearly this is why @@Babbs has a sore bum.
  15. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from heidikat72 in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Honestly, everyone, WLS patient or not, needs a basic course in human anatomy and physiology. We buy many cars in our lifetimes, but only get one body. It's important to know how it works. Though if we all had a better understanding how our bodies work, there would be a much smaller internet audience for the kind of hogwash that masquerades as fact these days. Don't get me started!
  16. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from heidikat72 in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Honestly, everyone, WLS patient or not, needs a basic course in human anatomy and physiology. We buy many cars in our lifetimes, but only get one body. It's important to know how it works. Though if we all had a better understanding how our bodies work, there would be a much smaller internet audience for the kind of hogwash that masquerades as fact these days. Don't get me started!
  17. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from heidikat72 in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Honestly, everyone, WLS patient or not, needs a basic course in human anatomy and physiology. We buy many cars in our lifetimes, but only get one body. It's important to know how it works. Though if we all had a better understanding how our bodies work, there would be a much smaller internet audience for the kind of hogwash that masquerades as fact these days. Don't get me started!
  18. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to heidikat72 in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Well it's a good thing I'm just drinking Water, because I just spit it out all over my computer screen. Poop out staples? Really? Sleeves growing back? Seriously? Your stomach is NOT a starfish. Lord, forget the education you may or may not get from your bariatric center, some of these statements people have been making are a sad testimony on the general state of basic education in this country.
  19. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to Babbs in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Also, why didn't I lose 70 pounds in 2 months and get to goal in 3? My husbands best friends sister's cousin lost 100 pounds in 3 months having WLS.
  20. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from heidikat72 in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Honestly, everyone, WLS patient or not, needs a basic course in human anatomy and physiology. We buy many cars in our lifetimes, but only get one body. It's important to know how it works. Though if we all had a better understanding how our bodies work, there would be a much smaller internet audience for the kind of hogwash that masquerades as fact these days. Don't get me started!
  21. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to LipstickLady in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Even funnier are those by people who have. I do realize that when people research surgery, they may not research all the varieties (or even their own!!), so of course there may be misunderstandings, but when other WLS patients spout off "facts" about surgery with no real basis for their beliefs, I've got to laugh.
    It's been an epidemic around here lately, so let's see which "facts" we can debunk.

    **DISCLAIMER. I am NOT an expert on anyone but me. I had sleeve surgery. I am confident that I can not talk about bypass, bands, balloons, revisions, switches, etc. with any personal knowledge. This thread is for sh!ts and giggles only.**

    Sleeves do not "grow back". I know the whole stretching thing is debatable but I can say without a doubt, they don't grow. And yes, there is a difference.

    You cannot feel your staples through your skin. If you can, you've lost far too much weight and should seek immediate medical attention.

    If you have a sleeve, you do NOT have a pouch.

    liquid will not stretch your sleeve no matter what kind of liquid it is. Liquid runs through a sleeve quickly.

    You can eat around your sleeve (I did it yesterday), so you do have to be forever mindful of this tool you now possess.

    Your way is not the ONLY way nor is MY way. Neither are the BEST way, either. There are a lot of different roads, hopefully they all end up at the same destination.

    You cannot/will not poop out your staples. Really.

  22. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Exhausted : sleeved 5/17   
    sleep. You just had major surgery. You body is using all of its energy to repair the trauma. You are going to tired all the time for the first 6 weeks. Rest. You had most of a major organ removed.
  23. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to Bufflehead in Exhausted : sleeved 5/17   
    It's normal to be completely exhausted for several WEEKS (not days) after any major surgery. Treat yourself kindly.
  24. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Regretting the sleeve so much and afraid I will die or have serious problems down the road   
    Relax your mind, human growth hormone (HGH) is produced and released from your pituitary gland, far, far from your stomach, no matter how much was removed.
  25. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Regretting the sleeve so much and afraid I will die or have serious problems down the road   
    You've really got yourself tied up in knots over all this. I'm sorry you're feeling so out of control.
    You are not going to die because you're having a tough time in the early days. I couldn't keep anything at all down until I was a week postop, and nothing but Clear Liquids after that for another 10 days after that. I'm halfway between five and six weeks and I'm meeting Protein, Fluid, and calorie goals. Really.
    You are not going to "die young after having so many complications from getting 70% of my stomach removed and losing all those important hormones." All what important hormones? The only hormone you're losing is ghrelin, the hormone that can lead to overeating.
    Buyer's remorse is very, very, VERY common in the first month after surgery, especially for people who have a rougher time than others. I've observed from reading these boards that it's also very common in younger individuals with less life experience who may also have less understanding of how our bodies work. Lack of knowledge can really contribute to fear of the "what if's".
    Don't let that derail you. If you haven't already been in touch with your surgeon about the trouble you're having, call. Now. I don't care if it's the weekend, there is always someone on call 24/7.
    Hang in there. You can do this!

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