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    sorrynomore got a reaction from dafurrer in Post Surgery Hunger   
    I am 10 days post op and found that if I up my Water sips and I added an extra omeprazole I don't have that 'hunger pain'
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    sorrynomore reacted to nnv in Is Chicken Rice Soup considered mushy?   
    I am a huge fan of fat free spicy refried Beans with a little fat free cheddar and fat free sour cream. Definitely was a go to for me in the soft foods stage! I was also lucky and enjoyed a scrambled egg almost every day.
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    sorrynomore reacted to Champ715 in 10 day post op..   
    I am one month out today and I still don't like my Protein shakes. They are all so nauseatingly sweet to me. Do you like milk? I have been mixing some unflavored Protein powder in my milk and I can't taste it at all. This has been the only way I can tolerate the Protein Powder. Plus, the milk gives it some extra Protein.
    If you don't like milk or are lactose intolerant, I would suggest trying the unflavored protein powder in your drink of choice, or maybe even your food (Soups, broth, Jello, yogurt, etc.)
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    sorrynomore got a reaction from JudeaJordon in Hungry   
    What about the sugar free pudding? That may help with any sweet cravings.
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    sorrynomore reacted to mlp1435 in It's been over 20 years, since I've seen this weight!   
    Thank you so much for your message , it hit home with me , I am 59 and really my issues where my knees and feet . I have two sweet grandchildren and a wonderful husband . I just was reading about all the folks that are anxious , seeing therapist , nut's, measuring counting , over thinking a lot . I just told my husband is there something wrong with me ? I'm just one day at a time , using common sense on what I eat and do . I am today 5 days out , feeling good and excited . Your message made me feel good and I can't wait until I and 50 or so pounds down . #onedayatatime #dontoverthink
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    sorrynomore reacted to TakeitorSleeveit in It's been over 20 years, since I've seen this weight!   
    This weekend, I blew right into Onederland!! Woohoo! I'm 53, and I had my sleeve surgery on 6/23/15. Since then, I've lost 56 pounds. I lost 20 during the 3 month pre-surgical period required by my insurance.
    I feel a bit like a new person. And I don't really mean emotionally. I was a pretty confident fat person before surgery. But now, my knees and ankles and feet don't hurt. I'm enjoying wearing my clothes again, and I'm so excited about the future. I have five grandchildren, and I'm back to being that fun grandmother I always planned to be. Now, instead of just being fun in the kitchen and at the sewing machine, I'm active with them. I can be physically fun with them!
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    sorrynomore reacted to pr_pitbullgrl in Expectations   
    the first two weeks are hell. no way around it. but you are half way there. the liquid phase sucks. but once you're done with that the mushy phase is nice. i'm about 20 days out. still not eating much but my options are way better.
    scrambled eggs with cheese
    refried Beans with cheese
    yogurt with fruit
    chicken Soup
    that's kinda what im eating right now. i don't have much of an appetite. but tonight im gonna try a little ground beef with my refried Beans maybe.
    good luck! 15lbs in 7 days is amazing! i'm at 20lbs in 20 days so you're doing great!
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    sorrynomore reacted to Dub in NSV   
    Well......I'm early into this but some of the NSV's are starting.
    *Having to use the clothes drier for all my clothes.
    *Going to a new set of holes on my belt every few days.
    *Knee pain improving greatly.
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    sorrynomore reacted to fernandfj in NSV   
    CONGRATS!!! crossing the legs is a great NSV! I hadn't been able to comfortably cross my legs in years and a few weeks after surgery I was sitting at home talking to my wife and she just stopped talking and stared at me. I asked her what happened and she pointed at my legs. I had casually crossed them while we spoke without noticing. It was wonderful!!! A similar one is bending over to pick something up without any problem. These type of NSVs are really powerful and make you feel like you are taking your life back. Keep on enjoying them!
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    sorrynomore reacted to CJ Porter in NSV   
    Let's hear it for NSVs! That's non-scale victories for the new folks. Pay attention to these - they will get you through those weeks when the scale isn't budging and you swear if you see one more chicken breast you're going to lose it!
    So my NSV this week was the ability to comfortably cross my legs and sit without feeling like my legs were going to go to sleep. I did it without even thinking about it and then, mid-meeting I thought, "Holy crap! I crossed my legs! I feel great!" Don't ask me what happened in that part of the meeting. I was too busy celebrating.
    What about you all? Any NSVs to report?
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    sorrynomore reacted to ♥dreamable in Puréed food ideas   
    oh my - hummus counts to have during this phase? Be still my heart!
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    sorrynomore reacted to jhclikesshopping@gmail.com in Feeling down post op   
    @@JudeaJordon - sorry you're having a bad time with this. It does get better. But....let me say this.
    My saddest point on this journey was my first time going out to dinner. I was so overwhelmed with not being able to eat like I used to that it became too much. My advice is to start thinking about where food was your most enjoy activity because those experiences are going to change and possibly go away. Start thinking about food as nourishment not as enjoyment. this really helped me overcome my sadness around food and eating.
    Hope this helps.
  13. Like
    sorrynomore reacted to KindaFamiliar in Finally   
    Hi @@lizag234
    There's a fair chance that your hunger is head hunger, not stomach hunger..
    This will, for the most part at least, pass with time..
    Your head/mind just needs to catch up with you BRAND NEW (and likely improving) BODY!!
    Stick with it...
    Come in here and vent when you need to...
    Just keep up your Water and keep up your Protein and you'll not go too wrong
    Good luck to you...
  14. Like
    sorrynomore reacted to seaux_beautiful_vsg in I crossed over   
    Recovery wasn't that bad for me. I couldn't seem to wake up from the drugs but other than that I was not in an intense amount of pain. That may have been due to that nifty little button they gave me lol. Otherwise this is by far one of the best decision's I've made for myself and my life in a very long time. The first week or so was slow going but by week three I felt great... I'm at week five today and still feeling good... Had a minor set back but no complaints. Just know you're in for a big learning period and in for making a lot of adjustments to be successful.
    Good luck!
  15. Like
    sorrynomore reacted to KindaFamiliar in I crossed over   
    Welcome to the best thing you've done in a looooooong time...
    Enjoy the ride!!!!
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    sorrynomore reacted to JamieLogical in Hello... My first post. Maybe I can help after reading some post   
    @@LuckyLady101515 Good for you for wanting to "pay it forward" so quickly. Glad you are doing well and figuring out what works for you. I remember the glorious day when I was first allowed ground meats and Beans and I headed off to Wendy's for some chili. It was like eating real food after a few weeks of broth, Soup, yogurt and Protein shakes! Glorious!
    If you need some ideas for foods in the puree stage to keep up the variety, I highly recommend the recipes on this page:
    The Baked Ricotta kept me sane!
  17. Like
    sorrynomore reacted to Daisee68 in Post op 4 days need help   
    It is almost always the acid. PPI or Zantac will definitely help.
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    sorrynomore reacted to CJ Porter in Regrets and worried for the future   
    I wanted to specifically address your question about going out. Yes, you will be able to go out. I am almost 8 weeks out from surgery and have eaten out with family and friends. Everyone knows about my surgery and everyone wants to be supportive. So they always check with me about what restaurants I can do (most of them, but I am currently skipping Italian) and what they can do to help. My husband orders and I take a little bit of what he's gotten and maybe a side. I can only eat 2-3 ounces at a time, so, it's working out. My friends also have volunteered to share when my hubby isn't around and my sister is thrilled because she's eating less when we go out. I eat slowly so I'm not sitting there staring at everyone else eating after I'm done. It's working and it is possible so take a deep breath - you're going to be okay!
  19. Like
    sorrynomore reacted to Dub in Regrets and worried for the future   
    You are 4 days out from significant internal surgery.
    I'm quite certain it gets better.
    You've just had surgery.......give it a couple weeks.
    You can't expect to be 100% recovered in 4 days. That is medically impossible. Relax and get that rest between those walks. You'll do great if you give yourself a chance.
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    sorrynomore reacted to liannatx in Post op 4 days need help   
    Yes! I was expecting to have the magical "no hunger". I also felt like I had true gnawing knotted hunger pangs. Not boredom... hunger. I upped my Omeprazole to twice a day and it literally stopped the hunger feelings. I also was able to start on fuller liguids at day 7... so that may have played a role as well. pureed Soups, yogurt, and sugarfree pudding were heavenly at that point.
    Just know that this stage will pass in a matter of days, be it 7 days or 14 days, you will soon be progressing to the next stage of foods and be able to have some smart filling options. Hang in there!
  21. Like
    sorrynomore reacted to losingMari in Post op 4 days need help   
    Are you sure it's hunger and not acid churning in your new stomach? I was going through the same thing and when I mentioned it to my surgeon he upped my omeprazole and poof "hunger" was gone. I was sleeved on the 14th so I'm still adjusting too. I admit that it gets boring but I just keep reminding myself that it's just for a short period of time and it will all be worth it. Try calling your surgeon and see what he says about the hunger and talk to your NUT to see about other options to help change things up. I hope things start looking up for you ☺
  22. Like
    sorrynomore reacted to mlp1435 in Before surgery diet   
    Home from the hospital , doing ok , eating a Popsicle right now , a little sore but glad to have it in my past . The anthesia dr just tore my throat up , told him what size tube I needed from surgeries , he decided that he was going bigger , my throat is horrible as is my neck , but this will pass . Oct 22 , is past so begins my future .
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    sorrynomore reacted to Radar in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    I don't think there is such a thing as TMI when it comes to this. The more information we can share the better. This particular information doesn't apply to me, but it helps other people.
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    sorrynomore got a reaction from thisfathasgot2go in Hunger post op   
    Thanks! I've been taking the omeprazole once a day and I have the Premier Protein shakes that I really like, the are 30 grams of Protein for 11 ounces so I usually drink half at a time and two shakes a day.
  25. Like
    sorrynomore reacted to Daisee68 in Hunger post op   
    Sometimes the hunger feeling is actually acid. Try taking a Zantac or Pepcid. Did wonders for me (and many others here on the boards).

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