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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Waler

  1. It could be something as simple as sodium, or even an increase in lean muscle. Just stick with your program, it will all work out.
  2. Waler

    Just wondering

    you see that type of question here a lot. We all lose weight differently, some faster some slower, each persons experience is different. you have lost a little under 15 pounds a month, I would say that is doing well.
  3. Waler

    im wasting my time?!

    I would try to look at it this way. Would having this procedure done improve your health and your overall well being? If it would than I would follow through with it. If you feel it would not benefit you then no.
  4. I started in the gym as soon as my Doc gave me the green light. It was like 6 weeks out, I started off slow and now I do 2 1/2 hours a day at the gym.
  5. Waler

    Home workouts and yoga

    if your doc cleared you go for it
  6. This is the time to put the focus on you. This is something you can do, you did it before. It may sound cliché but put your big person pants on and do this for you, and for your physical and mental health. If you truly want this you have to focus on what you want and go and get it. Those who have not walked this road think it is easy, we all know the truth. I think you can do this, the big question is do you believe you can?
  7. I am two years out and I can tell you from my own experiences that I am not as hungry as I was before. Now I have noticed a difference during the times I have strayed away from my diet routine, that I do seem more hungry. just from my own experience I think the nurse running the group is correct. If I stay on track I find myself less hungry, which makes me think there is something to the addicting properties of sugar. Maybe not a physical addiction but at least a physiological one.
  8. Waler

    Time frame?

    times can be all over the board I have seen 3 month 6 months, and in some cases a year. Part of it will depend on you as well as most programs require you lose some weight on your own first.
  9. Waler

    I Keep Losing Weight

    I think you may be overdue to see your doctor about this problem.
  10. something as little as too much sodium can cause an uptick in weight. not something I would worry too much about, just stick on track and things will work themselves out
  11. NO, and NO. Try to remember your stomach really no longer has the ability to expand with the gas from carbonation like it did before, also you do not want the empty calories.
  12. most people, not all, are put on some sort of acid blocker for a month or two after surgery. I would say give your doc or nut a call and see what they recommend. That is probably the best way to handle it, that way you get thing the way your doc feels is best for you.
  13. Waler

    Testosterone HRT for Men?

    it is mostly a precaution. In some people can have increased bleeding risks with HRT, and it reduces any possibility of medication conflicts.
  14. Waler


    5 days a week 2 1/2 hours a day. 3 mile run on the tread mill then weight work.
  15. you are spending so much time trying to be right that you are totally ignoring common sense here. First off there is no such thing as reversing diabetes that is a total myth. My main point all along is you have had a procedure done that causes most of the people to have key nutritional defiance's just do to the absorbance factors alone. What sort of logic would make you think that depriving your body of these key nutrients like calcium for example, which will already be low is a good idea. just take one moment and ask yourself. If your body is already not absorbing all the nutrients it needs, which leads to health problem, what part of fasting and making less of a supply in a system that already has an abortion issue makes sense.
  16. wow read into things much. Why do you think they want to you stop smoking period. lets see ingesting any substance other than clean air into your lungs is a problem, even dust taking into your lungs in elevated amounts is unhealthy. If this journey is about getting health and changing habits that are bad for your overall health, then yea its a bad habit.
  17. "The appeal is that [fasting] is quick, but it is quick fluid loss, not substantial weight loss," says Madelyn Fernstrom, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Weight Loss Management Center. "If it's easy off, it will come back quickly - as soon as you start eating normally again." "My experience has been that [this] way of eating does not produce weight loss even in the short term," dietitian and author of Diet Simple Katherine Tallmadge told ABC News in 2013.
  18. This is my last post as I find it pointless to continue to waste my time with you on this. You will always question people like your doctor and people who have a better grasp on things because it is in your nature. IE controlling, it is people like you that make veterans, yes I am 2 years out not want to help or support people like you. I have done the lab work on more people than I would care to count. I have seen the hard evidence of liver and kidney damage done by fad diets and fasting. I have been on the front line of people who want a quick fix or feel they know more than the medical experts. I have see people suffer irreparable kidney and liver damage from "Fasting". You are the type of person who will fail or cause someone to have long lasting negative health issues because they will follow your magic I know best plan. Well if you were such an expert you would not have landed here with the rest of us people who are taking back our lives after doing things the wrong way. But after 5 months out from surgery you have become an expert I see and are completely unwilling to entertain the notion that your new age fad diet is like all the others before it WRONG. People who you say were healthier were not. longevity past 60`s were the exception not the rule as is today. if there is one thing I have learned it is when you stop beating you head against a wall your headache goes away. This was not a logical debate and never will be because you are allowing your after 6 months I know everything there is to know ego override your thinking. enjoy your failure at this chapter in your life because that is exactly where this fasting fad diet is going to lead you, to jest yet one more diet failure and then you will be on the soap box about how nothing worked for you not even surgery. One other thing to keep in mind when one of the people who follows this fad ends up with permanent health issues caused by it do them a favor and apologies and own up to you misguidance because you will not be able to fix it
  19. we are always the last ones to see our progress because we do not really feel any different. Take out some of the cloths you had when you were 50 pounds heavier then step in front of the mirror
  20. It has become painfully obvious to me that no matter how many facts and how much medical data I try to bring to the table you have obviously already made your mind up that is the magic bullet you are looking for. I have tried to be a voice of sound fact based reason and you will nit pick and try to find a loop hole with every statement just to try to support the way you want to do thing. Well doing thing the way you though were right brought you to the same place the rest of us here are at. We all got hit with the slap of reality that we were doing things wrong period. If you want to try some fad, and that is exactly what it is a fad, than by all means be my guest. But when it fails to give you the results you want and it will. I will tell you the same magic formula I gave you today. To reach your weight goals requires a balanced high protein low fat diet, exercise and time, that's it that is all there is too it. Don`t take my word for it, don`t take a doctors word for it, and don`t listen to your nut. because there years of knowledge and experience means nothing compared to your research and internet information. I am finished wasting my time with this and I feel sorry for anyone who follows you on this crusade as they will fail right beside you and wonder what happened and why this was yet another thing that did not work to help them. Oh and you are correct I am not a nutritionist and never made any claim to be. But I have seen many people screw up there livers and kidneys with fad diets. I look at the evidence all the time elevated ALT and AST, and people with high levels of ketones from be catabolic from "fasting". Good day and have a wonderful life
  21. Waler

    Three Weeks Out

    something as simple as more sodium intake on a particular day can cause and up tick, I would not worry about it
  22. personally I would avoid it. It can cause problems with medications and lets face it, If you want to be successful at this it involves changes old bad habbits
  23. My only comment from here as I wash my hands of this is simply this. our body's require balance, everything out bodies do require a balance of many factors. If you throw those balances off many things can and will go wrong over time. Now I can site many books and internet articles that will tell you getting a lobotomy will cure everything .. we know the facts the true facts are much different. These people who write these fad diet books are looking to do nothing more then sell books, that is what they do, and they will twist science fact much like a politician to meet there needs and support there book sales. I will state again there is not magic formula, and to base things on the way our ancestors did things is utter nonsense. The average life expectancy was much lower than it is today, that should be a big hint that something is wrong with that thinking. But hey people then also thought you could be cured by dancing around a fire and killing live chickens. If that is the type of logic you want to apply to your health have right at it, but some of the info you have put out there can be very dangerous to peoples health and well being given the right conditions. So I take exception when people disregard fact and science for a quick fix. It took us time to develop the problems that brought us all here and it takes time to get things back to where they should be. It is a very simple concept if you intake less calories then you expend you lose weight. If you do not intakes the proper amount of nutrients over the course of a day you will run into problems, might not be today, might not be tomorrow but it will catch up to you.
  24. well I guess a degree in anatomy and physiology, and experience as a genetic research lab tech means I do not know as much as your internet information or a fad diets trying to sell book. If I sound a bit insulted it is well because I am by your last comment. I have multiple degrees and experience in see a numerous disease conditions and a word you should research "homeostasis". Your books claim diet "may" effect genetic, I was part of the research team that worked on genetic expression of MRNA on traumatic head injuries and gene expression. anyone who tells you they know diet effects gene expression should be selling snake oil, because we do not know that to be true at this time. My final comment is if you choose to base your life on books that people are trying to sell you and the internet then you will fail on this journey, its just that simple. There is not quick fix, there is not magic tricks, your body needs to be retained in a steady rhythm. anything else is smoke and mirrors, so please have a little class and do not tell someone who does genetic research that they don`t know what they are talking about when it comes to the human condition
  25. The short answer is yes. Protein helps keep you feeling fuller longer because your body processes it slower. Also consider that excess stomach acid can also make you feel hungry, and believe it or not in some cases dehydration can as well.

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