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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mmh498

  1. mmh498

    2 weeks

    Yesterday marked 2 weeks of my new life eating habits and I have worked very hard at it and it shows!!! 18 pounds lost! HOTDAMN! A half pound to go and I will be out of the 300's for the first time in a real long time and I will never be back there again. The support I am getting from family and friends is phenomenol and I feel very good and am proud of myself-I have lost a tenth of the weight I need to lose to reach my goal. YES!
  2. mmh498

    2 weeks

    Yesterday marked 2 weeks of my new life eating habits and I have worked very hard at it and it shows!!! 18 pounds lost! HOTDAMN! A half pound to go and I will be out of the 300's for the first time in a real long time and I will never be back there again. The support I am getting from family and friends is phenomenol and I feel very good and am proud of myself-I have lost a tenth of the weight I need to lose to reach my goal. YES!
  3. mmh498

    10th day

    13 and 1/2 pounds lighter and feeling good! Went to wally world last night and got some different healthy food so I won't get bored with the same old stuff. Tried Kashi cereal for the first time, mixed it with nonfat yogurt and blueberries and I like it alot-I figure it is a great way to start off the day. Clothes are feeling looser, so that is exciting.
  4. mmh498

    1 week

    One week down and a lifetime to go! I weighed myself this morning and have lost 11 1/2 pounds in one week, YESSS! I am feeling good today, but last night was very bad, had the worst time ever not stuffing everything in my mouth that I could find. I am upset that the urges were so strong, I thought the worst times would have been the first 3 or 4 days. Anyway, I made it through and I guess that is what matters. Riding my bike and have started sit-ups, but not doing well with those yet.
  5. mmh498

    1 week

    One week down and a lifetime to go! I weighed myself this morning and have lost 11 1/2 pounds in one week, YESSS! I am feeling good today, but last night was very bad, had the worst time ever not stuffing everything in my mouth that I could find. I am upset that the urges were so strong, I thought the worst times would have been the first 3 or 4 days. Anyway, I made it through and I guess that is what matters. Riding my bike and have started sit-ups, but not doing well with those yet.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions and kind words, very much appreciated!
  7. Hi, just started my pre-op diet today, and I have over 2 months before surgery, which I know is a long time, but I am in the mindset to do this and I want to start my healthy eating habits RIGHT now, so I need your help. I need suggestions on which fruits are good for me to eat, I have been looking up the nutrition info and going nuts-I need fruit that is low in carbs and high in protein-does such a fruit exist? And my eyes are hurting from looking at all the info about what the RDA for protein and carbs and fats-and still can't make a lot of sense of it. Can someone please just send me this info? Thanks very much
  8. mmh498

    5th day

    5th day-I weighed myself and have lost 9 pounds since Tuesday!! I know people will say it is water weight, but it is not-I am drinking at least a gallon of water a day. It is because I am totally controlling what I eat and how much. And also, with someone as fat as I, the weight usually comes off fast in the beginning. I am feeling good, ready to start my day!
  9. mmh498

    5th day

    5th day-I weighed myself and have lost 9 pounds since Tuesday!! I know people will say it is water weight, but it is not-I am drinking at least a gallon of water a day. It is because I am totally controlling what I eat and how much. And also, with someone as fat as I, the weight usually comes off fast in the beginning. I am feeling good, ready to start my day!
  10. mmh498

    3rd day

    Yes, I am headed to Mexico-Acuna City. I have a plan for when the hunger is getting out of control-I am getting up off my fat ass and cleaning! And also have an exercise bike that I will be riding till the pedeals fall off, lol. It is mind over matter and I intend to win this-thanks for your support.
  11. mmh498

    3rd day

    3rd day! Tomorrow I will weigh and see how I am doing so far-I know I am eating very healthy and am aware of every single thing that goes into my mouth, so I will have lost some anyway. I am thankful I had carrots/celery around last night because I was definitely having a tough time, but pulled through and I know it is going to get harder-I will win this fight. I am totally surprised at how almost all food has carbs! Geez, sure makes it tough to keep the carb count down! Got the green light for the surgery last night and bought the plane tickets!! YES!!!!
  12. Nat, I don't get my band until late March, but like you, decided now is the time to take charge and start eating the bandster way-I have about 2 1/2 months before my surgery, and I am determined to weigh a lot less going into the surgery then I did Tuesday morning when I took charge. I am eating high protein, low carbs, watching my fat intake, drinking a lot of water, etc. And I am exercising. I can do it on my own until the surgery, and then I will have a powerful tool to help in my lifelong fight. I have only been doing this a few days, but have found that if I get hungry-what I need to do is to get off my fat ass and find something to do, like clean, organize a drawer or closet, write a letter, make a phone call, etc. It has worked so far for me. My hardest time is late evening and night, so am planning on having a spotless home in the next couple of weeks, because I will win this fight. The best of luck to you, but I seriously don't think it has anything to do with luck, it is plain hard work.
  13. mmh498

    Day 2

    Thank you very much for your kind words-I am very committed to this new lifestyle becoming totally ingrained and getting healthy and staying that way-it helps very much to hear from people who have been there.
  14. mmh498

    Day 2

    Ok, Made it through the first day without any big problems, but, as expected, had a tough time in the evening. I have also decided I am going go try to get more sleep, I cannot even imagine what my sleep deficit is, but if I am asleep, I can't eat, lol. And getting a good exercise bike too, so no excuses not to get off this fat ass and move! Wasn't grumpy with anyone yet:clap2:
  15. mmh498

    3rd day

    3rd day! Tomorrow I will weigh and see how I am doing so far-I know I am eating very healthy and am aware of every single thing that goes into my mouth, so I will have lost some anyway. I am thankful I had carrots/celery around last night because I was definitely having a tough time, but pulled through and I know it is going to get harder-I will win this fight. I am totally surprised at how almost all food has carbs! Geez, sure makes it tough to keep the carb count down! Got the green light for the surgery last night and bought the plane tickets!! YES!!!!
  16. mmh498

    Day 2

    Ok, Made it through the first day without any big problems, but, as expected, had a tough time in the evening. I have also decided I am going go try to get more sleep, I cannot even imagine what my sleep deficit is, but if I am asleep, I can't eat, lol. And getting a good exercise bike too, so no excuses not to get off this fat ass and move! Wasn't grumpy with anyone yet:clap2:
  17. mmh498

    The beginning of a new life

    Today I started my new lifetime eating habits-much more protein, much less carbohydrate, NO more mindless eating. I am 5'6" and weigh a shocking 318.6. My surgery date is in late March, but at the nurse's suggestion am going ahead with the pre-op diet now. It is for a lifetime, so no time like the present. The hardest time will be in the evening and at night, daytime is not a problem. I have a good support system and I will win this fight. I will not weigh every day, but probably every 3rd day or so, to help with motivation. I am not so much worried about not sticking to the diet as I am worried about being a total bitch for the next couple of weeks to everyone I love. Pray for me!
  18. mmh498

    The beginning of a new life

    Today I started my new lifetime eating habits-much more protein, much less carbohydrate, NO more mindless eating. I am 5'6" and weigh a shocking 318.6. My surgery date is in late March, but at the nurse's suggestion am going ahead with the pre-op diet now. It is for a lifetime, so no time like the present. The hardest time will be in the evening and at night, daytime is not a problem. I have a good support system and I will win this fight. I will not weigh every day, but probably every 3rd day or so, to help with motivation. I am not so much worried about not sticking to the diet as I am worried about being a total bitch for the next couple of weeks to everyone I love. Pray for me!
  19. mmh498

    Week of Decemb er17th

    Hi Folks, I won't get my band until late March, in Mexico, but the patient coordinator told me to go ahead and start the pre-op diet, so as of today, I am officially on my way! I am not scared at all, just wish the surgery was sooner. I am quite committed to making this work, using the new tool as it was meant to be used, and to come out of this a much healthier, happier person.
  20. Hi, I haven't had my surgery yet, will be doing so sometime in late March-my BMI is 51.4, so most definitely is needed. I am starting my pre-op diet tomorrow, which is quite early, but I am in the mindset to do this and this is for a lifetime, so might as well get started. I am almost embarassed to admit it, but when I got on the scale, I did not weigh as much as I thought I would! I haven't willingly stepped on a scale for many years and always turn my head when I have to, and tell the nurse not to say my weight out loud-like it was going to make a difference-enough of fooling myself-I am ready to get going. Wish me success, not luck, because luck has nothing to do with it.
  21. mmh498

    Hello Missouri

    Hi, I was just wondering if you did end up having the lapband surgery? I live in St. Josepha and am hoping to have the surgery in March and am looking for a nearby fill doctor. Please let me know your story. Thanks.
  22. I was scheduled to get my lapband on March 25th of this year, and now I am worried that it might not happen. The patient coordinator just emailed me wanting to know if the 2 hernia surgeries I had were hietal or abdominal and if mesh was used either time. I won't know about the mesh until I can talk to the surgeons Monday, but am freaking out now. I was totally into the mindset of having this surgery and using it faithfully to help lose the weight. Please, if you have had a hernia with/without mesh being used, let me know. Thanks.
  23. mmh498

    OK when is enough, enough??

    Lol, I agree, your discards would do the woman in, however they would fit me wonderfully for a while! I am having the surgery on March 25, 2008. I have many friends who are overweight and when I start losing, I will give my clothes to them-it makes me feel good and them, too! I wear nice clothing and take very good care of it, so people always appreciate when I give them any.
  24. mmh498

    Hello Missouri

    Hi, I am scheduled to have the surgery on March 25th, 2008. I live in St. Joseph, Mo. and am definitely looking for a nearby support person. Thanks.

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