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Everything posted by Nurse_Lenora

  1. Nurse_Lenora

    What was your experience with Liposuction?

    Has anyone tried Vaser ? I had a friend who has it done and after 3 days (long weekend) she was back to work and ok. She did wear her compression garments for the required length of time. Vaser.com
  2. Nurse_Lenora

    Coughing - OMG

    When you fee the urge to cough hold a pillow as tightly to your stomach as you can. Everyone no matter if they weigh 100 lbs or 400lbs will have their abdomen "jiggle" when they cough. If you can hold that pillow tight it will help immensely. It will help you get a better quality deep cough that will be more productive than a small shallow cough. And I know it's hard post op but try to stay as hydrated as possible. When you get dry it also dries out your secretions making them harder to cough up. Good luck and speedy recovery !
  3. That is so odd ! I can't wait to hear wheat the surgeons office says tomorrow
  4. Nurse_Lenora

    Bowel prep not working

    For whatever its worth, as a Nurse if I was having a bypass I would do the bowel prep. I personally would want the best operating situation for my surgeon and the "cleanest" possible. Clean = less chance of infection.
  5. Girl, I completely understand! I am so not patient at all! But this does not sound right so I would be on that phone to your surgeons office the minute the office opens tomorrow. Let us know how it goes! Good luck!
  6. It just occurred to me that with my precious surgeries I have been allowed to shower 24 hours after surgery. I NEED to shower!!! If I want to feel like a human being I need to shower the morning after surgery even if I need to cover my incisions with tegaderm, I will shower. So, how long after surgery were you allowed to shower?
  7. At this point, don't stress! Your surgeons office does this all the time and all the time with your insurance. I would talk to your coordinator and insurance person in your surgeons office tomorrow. After my paperwork was submitted I called insurance and they said yes they received etc and 1-2 weeks until I would hear about approval. Then she says " your surgery is Feburary 23rd so you will definitely have an answer before then" I flipped out! My surgery date is early Feb and I have had to have so many things align that it needs to be that day! Called surgeons office and they said no worries, I'm on for early Feb and once surgery is approved they just call and change date of surgery. Takes a 30 second phone call. So, although I wasn't aware of this my coordinator was because they deal with my insurance so frequently. It really sounds like the insurance guy you spoke to really had no idea what he was saying. I have never heard of an approval 6 months prior to surgery. Oh and (hugs) I totally understand because when I had my issue I almost had a damn panic attack!
  8. Nurse_Lenora

    Premier Protein Ins. Coverage

    Hahahah that's my story too!
  9. Nurse_Lenora


  10. Nurse_Lenora

    February 2016 sleevers?

  11. Nurse_Lenora

    Protein shakes burn out!

    Greek yogurt or have you tried adding unflavored protein powder to foods? I love adding it to sugar free jello
  12. Nurse_Lenora

    American Sleeved in Jordan!

    Wow congratulations!
  13. Nurse_Lenora

    Self Pay trickle down costs

    Do you have a contract from the surgeon that outlines what was included? So sorry....how frustrating
  14. Nurse_Lenora

    February 2016 sleevers?

    Ok, I'm definitely having broth tonight!!! Who knew me and my sweet tooth would be so OVER dessert-y shakes? I'm on the Optifast meal replacements and they're not that bad at all! I just can't anymore. I am only on day two of twelve and had a cup of broth today and I agree it was amazing!!! My NUT told me I could strain a can of chicken noodle soup or beef and vegetable soup if I wanted more flavor. There is definitely more broth in my future! I had my broth about an hour ago and I'm still satisfied. It was sooooo good!!!! I think if I drained chicken noodle I'd be tempted to eat the noodles lol!!! But that sounds really good! After surgery and my two weeks of liquids, I think I will actually make more soups when I make dinner for the family so that I can have that as an option. I have also just purchased the cartons of stock. Like College Inn chicken broth. It's good right out of the carton! Or , roast or buy a roasted chicken for the family, after you pick off the meat for them toss the carcas in the crock pot, add chunks of carrot, celery etc like your making chicken soup and cover with water. Let it simmer on low for 12 hours or high for 6 and it will be excellent chicken bone broth. Lots of collagen that's good for your hair, nails and joints. I have extremely long thick hair and I really don't want to lose my hair through this process so I am starting now to try and prevent it. Just an FYI about the broth...when it cools you will see the layer of fat, it's normal just pull it off and discard and when it cools it's gelatinous like jello due to all the collagen but once reheated it's liquid again!
  15. Nurse_Lenora

    February 2016 sleevers?

    Ok, I'm definitely having broth tonight!!! Who knew me and my sweet tooth would be so OVER dessert-y shakes? I'm on the Optifast meal replacements and they're not that bad at all! I just can't anymore. This past weekend I made bone broth for the first time and loved it! I'm already planning to make more tomorrow because between myself and my partner I will have to ration it to get through the week! Lol I need 5 crock pots all going at once to feed our bone broth addiction ! Hahaha Also, I have been sugar free since Jan 1st and I am now able to eat Splenda! Would have never happened before! I loathed the after taste but now I don't even notice! Have you made sugar free high protein jello?
  16. Nurse_Lenora

    First 50 lbs.....GONE!

    That's huge! Congratulations
  17. I watched it and I did like it. It was sad and a tad depressing but very real. I think it did a fairly good job at showing different attitudes towards weight and weight loss as well as various difficulties.
  18. Nurse_Lenora

    Lets talk Tea....

    I also love the teas from Trader Joes Their autumn tea is great, lots of cinnamon in it. And their winter peppermint tea is awesome ! My favorite tea to drink cold .
  19. So, I have always loved tea but with my liquid pre op diet I am crazy addicted! Let me just say I like tea with lemon and don't like sweet iced tea. I do love any green citron type teas, green tea with lemon. Earl grey with bergamot, Lady grey. I love Harney and Sons teas. Amazing! Their citron green and especially their Paris. The Paris is a black tea with vanilla and it's one of my favorite sit and relax with a cup type teas. I also love Mariage Fréres, their black teas are excellent! I do not however like any fruit type teas...berry etc. not my thing. My new thing is to brew a pot of tea when I get home from work and drink tea all evening Until bed time. And I drink at least 5 cups a day at work. I may need a program to detox me off the tea! Lol So what are your favorites? I may need to explore new teas!
  20. Nurse_Lenora

    Lets talk Tea....

    Of course it does! I love plain Lipton black tea epically in the summer iced with lots of lemon!
  21. Nurse_Lenora

    What shapewear do you recommend?

    I currently wear Spanx and I feel so strange without them! Wearing them makes me feel more "put together". I wear a "girdle type" that goes from rib cage to knees. I sometimes but not every day wear a spanx camisole. I love them but that straps on any camisole seem to be too long for me. Maybe I'm the only one but I'm forever shortening the straps. But after reading all of these responses I am going to look into some other brands!
  22. I as a person am always cautiously optimistic. I am very positive but try to be realistic. So, I am proud to say MY INSURANCE HAS OFFICIALLY APPROVED MY SURGERY!!! Thrilled and a bit shocked ! ????????????????????
  23. Nurse_Lenora

    Amazing news...

    Thank you all!
  24. Nurse_Lenora

    Over 6 feet with a high BMI?

    Well, I am female and 5'3 so no where near your status but.... I understand the 100lb goal because I have that too! I want to lose 100 by 3 months and it's doable. I personally know someone "in real life" who did it. That said, if I don't achieve that will I consider the surgery or myself a failure? No. Everyone loses differently and I will keep chugging along but I do want to lose quickly so my plan is to stay on liquids for at least 3 months and exercise!!!!
  25. Nurse_Lenora

    Today is the day!

    Good luck! Focus on the positives and check out some of the before/after pics on this site and allow yourself to dream! You have worked hard to get to this point and it's happening!!!!! Congratulations and a speedy recovery !

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