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Everything posted by Nurse_Lenora

  1. Nurse_Lenora

    Can't bring Phone?!

    Kind of! You will have IV fluids so it will be near impossible to put on a long sleeve shirt comfortably. But you can ask your nurse to hep lock you for a minute and let you put on a shirt then hook up your fluids again. PJ bottoms are definitely a yes!
  2. It's Friday again! Time for your NSV from this week! Wore a fleece jacket today that zipped beautifully and when zipped I don't look like a stuffed sausage! What's your NSV for the week? ????????
  3. Nurse_Lenora

    Can't bring Phone?!

    I know when my partner had surgery recently she had a locking cabinet in her room and they offered to lock up her clothing etc until she was out of surgery.
  4. I had my first kidney stone ever right after I started this process, like 3 weeks after my first visit with the surgeon. I am now days from surgery and it didn't effect anything. no worries!
  5. I am so uber addicted! I am watching the broadcasts on Periscope and reading everything in twitter! lol Here to hoping he finally gets justice! Scariest part is that the real killer has been out there potentially killing or hurting others for the last 16 years and the state doesn't seem to care.
  6. Nurse_Lenora

    Friday, February 5th NSV roll call!

    Went out last night and my skirt was so loose! I could fit my arm into the extra space I had. At Christmas it was super tight!
  7. Addicted to serial! are you following Adnans PCR hearing? Im sorry, let me correct myself, I love Serial season 1 and Undisclosed. Season 2.....eh, not capturing my attention.
  8. Love it! Warmth of other suns and Immortal life of Henrietta lacks are both on my waiting list on my Overdrive app! I just found out that PBS show Mercy street is based on a book! Im off to put it on my list!!!
  9. So, there are a lot of us heading for surgery soon and will have a period of recovery after. For me that usually means two things...books and tv...and audio books. So, I currently use the Overdrive app which if you do not have I would strongly suggest you consider downloading. It links to the library and allows you to rent digital books and audiobooks through the app. It's fabulous! I believe you can also rent movies although I haven't done that yet. Audio books are wonderful for walking or working out. I find when I get into a great part in the book I'm want to continue my walk so I can hear what happens! What are your suggestions for great books? I'm into history so my suggestions are... Devil in the White city Sin in the Second city Liar, Soldier, temptress, spy As for television what do you watch? I know we have a Netflix thread but what are you watching on network tv or iTunes ? I love ... American Horror Story, all seasons (Fx) Downtown Abbey (PBS) Mercy Street (PBS) The Knick (Cinemax) Boardwalk Empire ( HBO) Dexter ( Showtime) Pan Am ( iTunes) Mad Men (AMC) Turn (AMC) Broad church ( BBC & Netflix) Bloodline ( Netflix) Grace & Frankie ( Netflix) I'm also a sucker for documentary films.... How we got to now ( PBS and Netflix) Anything by Lucy Worsley ( BBC and PBS ) So, give me some suggestions on things to check out....
  10. Congratulations! As a side note, I did color guard as well as winter guard in High School and still miss it! It's a wonderful sport!! Um, a few years later! Lol
  11. Nurse_Lenora

    Can't bring Phone?!

    I'm bringing my phone and my iPad. I know myself and I have come through previous surgeries well and I know I will be bored to tears if I don't have them. I need to be able to text etc. My partner will hold my things while I'm in surgery. After that I've got it! I'm the crazy patient who will be in full makeup 10 minutes after I hit my room. ????
  12. So I started watching an older (2013) weight loss show called Weight loss ward. (YouTube) One guy, Terry I just wanted to smack him!! Omg I was furious!!! ???? His surgeon comes in And tells him he has been hospitalized for 20 days and on a strict diet and has lost no weight. Something is not right, he must be sneaking food. He then says "this is costing 250£ a day to keep you here and you need to make the most of it" Terry then tells cameras "250£ a day, that's not my problem, I'm not paying for it, the NHS is so what do I care." OMG !!! What a shitty attitude and selfish! As If he is the only person the NHS has to care for. Sorry for the rant I'm just super annoyed at this guy and his crap attitude! ???? Anyone seen the show?
  13. Nurse_Lenora

    Headache, advice please

    When my neck and back hurt I always go for the microwaveable heat pack....it never lets me down!
  14. Nurse_Lenora

    Did I hear her right?

    So glad you are staying positive! Here to hoping you win enough at the casino tonight to pay for surgery! Lol
  15. Nurse_Lenora

    Pre-op Liquid Diet Question

    I used to have artificial sweeteners also. After 2 weeks of being sugar fre I have "reset" my body and I now use Splenda. I'm doing pre op also and I drink gallons of tea with lemon....water, tea bag and lemon
  16. Nurse_Lenora

    Friday, February 5th NSV roll call!

    Loving all of these NSV's!
  17. Nurse_Lenora

    Weight loss ward?

    I have seen that also, very frustrating
  18. Nurse_Lenora

    Weight loss ward?

    Lol But I do like the show over all it was just that interaction and his comments annoyed me to no end!
  19. Nurse_Lenora

    Did I hear her right?

    Yikes! Girl I'm so sorry that this is so dramatic. Have you considered Mexico? Because I swear if I were in your shoes I would be considering it just to avoid all this drama .
  20. Nurse_Lenora

    Any FEBRUARY sleevers?!

    Micromanage the diet! I have been doing pre op diet since January 1st but I have learned...stay high protein , low carb, sugar free and get all your water in and you will lose !
  21. Nurse_Lenora

    Any FEBRUARY sleevers?!

    February 10th...less than a week ????
  22. Good doesn't even begin to describe it ???? It gets so much further in depth on the whole case it blows serial out of the water. Can't wait to hear what you think!
  23. Nurse_Lenora

    Did I hear her right?

    I'm super happy and excited for you!!! Congratulations! ???? Now to see how soon you can get on the surgery schedule!! Start that pre op diet NOW girl!!!
  24. Nurse_Lenora

    Downton Abbey

    I did think they might end up together but Mary is too high maintenance for him. I want Barrow to find someone...I feel much of his crappy attitude is because he feels he's destined to be alone and never able to be his true self ????

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