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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lachellove

  1. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    yea me too I'm hanging in there it gets better day by day. I never really realized how food played huge role in my everyday life .. It's kind of sad! So it just showed me how much of a problem i really had. In the end I will appreciate my wls more right now I'm sick. Lol
  2. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    . Finally one person not that I didn't appreciate the advice just seemed like I was alone. And it was wrong. Thanks for sharing. I've decided to wait though for 2 reasons fear and my husband lol. He won't let me no where near the kitchen without checking to see what I'm up to .. Sneaking seems so dirty lol. Thanks again.
  3. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    . It's fine your right .. Thank you
  4. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    I totally agree I kept asking her she just wouldn't budge. I felt like she was wrong but didn't want to question her
  5. lachellove

    Northern California Sleevers?

    welcome. You sure can. Congrats on your weight loss so far.
  6. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    I agree right now I am not getting enough
  7. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    Girl im still on Protein Shakes, Jello, broth, and Popsicles until I go for my 10 day on Tuesday. Then I get to move up to the cottage cheese, refried Beans and such. . I still have 5 days til I see my surgeon I can't eat til nothing til then sucks but as hard as it is the only reason why I won't eat is from fear of something going wrong
  8. lachellove

    WOW my emotions are CRAZY

    You are not alone im everywhere and trying so hard to fix it. On top of being tired.
  9. I'm having shoulder pain on the left side .. No other symptoms one week post op anyone else have or had this ... Could it be a leak? I emailed my doc he didn't seem that concerned
  10. lachellove

    Shoulder pain.

    . Thanks the pain doesn't bother me I'm just glad it's gas and nothing more lol.
  11. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    I wonder if cottage cheese is to soon or something I'm really aching lol. I've been holding out. It's soooo hard I'm only one week post op
  12. lachellove

    What does a leak feel like?

    My left shoulder hurt. No other symptoms so I have a leak
  13. lachellove

    Christian sleevers any the just had...

    . Welcome we need all the support. It's so better when there's more .. Congrats on your weight loss so far. I know it wasn't easy. I'm have a hard time on just liquid .. How much can you eat?Hi everybody, thanks for the welcome, I really have never liked Breakfast and I don't recommend skipping it, but it makes me ill to eat it so I skip, lunch is a half sandwich most days of some Protein, either ham cheese or Tuna fish salad. I often might have a salad as I can eat that if I spread it out over 35 minutes or so. I dip my salad into dressing so I can bag and save it if I become full. I snack around three, sometimes this is my worst moment of he day, It's before dinner so I crave chips but often there are none (good if I can't find any) Another half sandwich was suggested by my nutritionist to keep me satisfied till dinner. I eat a medium sized plate of food now for dinner. Usually 4 ounces of some meat a veggie and small salad. I never finish the salad but I try to finish the protein. I also eat dessert though I don't recommend it till about 6 months out. My nutritionist works out my plan for me every 3 months or so. I really struggle with sugar cravings and only put stevia in my coffee and tea. That has helped quite a bit. For me if I track, I gain weight,. I am being honest with you here, the more I do normal, the better my weight loss goes along. I am now off my BP mess my muscle relaxants and any and all pain med's except a tramadol for aches when I return from PT. No more CPap machines in my life anymore as well I feel le a new woman really. I have had to replace my wardrobe and it's a joy to shop again right off the rack! I am in a size extra large and that's a great step from a 3x! Still going, still happy! Still thankful for the decision I made, thanking The Lord for each new day! Hope this helps, please Ask any questions you like Kathy . Sounds wonderful. I'm only 7 days post op I just want to eat again. Lol
  14. lachellove

    Christian sleevers any the just had...

    . Amen thank you .. I receive it.
  15. lachellove

    Christian sleevers any the just had...

    . Yea that's the first and last thing I do everyday is pray for him. I wanted to be the first to talk to him I just don't know what words to say. God is awesome and I know he is the only one that can change him. I just hope he acts soon. My husband needs him to touch his heart. I'm praying for better days that's all I can do.
  16. lachellove

    Christian sleevers any the just had...

    Hello ladies I really need prayer right now me and my husband have it a rough patch today will be the 3rd day we haven't spoken my flesh wants to leave but my minister explained why that isn't an option unless those few things that the bible says is a deal breaker .. Adultery etc. as far as I know there's none of that. She has been teaching me to lean not unto my own understanding .. It's very hard.I need to be lifted in your prayers the power of prayer and faith is awesome. Help me strengthen my faith as a seek a solution. I'm so discouraged and trying to make things work. Please help
  17. lachellove

    Christian sleevers any the just had...

    . Welcome .. The more the merrier. How's the pre op diet going for you?
  18. lachellove

    Christian sleevers any the just had...

    . Thank you so much and welcome. Thanks for the prayers. I am including everyone in mine now.
  19. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    Thank you so much !!
  20. lachellove

    Christian sleevers any the just had...

    . Welcome we need all the support. It's so better when there's more .. Congrats on your weight loss so far. I know it wasn't easy. I'm have a hard time on just liquid .. How much can you eat?
  21. lachellove

    Shot down by my "best" friend

    I took it as she was joking .. And I think it's awesome she offered to help.
  22. lachellove

    Christian sleevers any the just had...

    . I've never heard that I actually spoke to my pastor not once did he mention that .. People judge what they don't understand we are taking care of bodies.. And it's our choice and we are getting our lives back.
  23. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    Yea I can probably eat. Just have wait a little longer .. See what my doctor says.. I need protein that's my concern
  24. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    Never heard of it. I will add to my list .. I'm going through my foods since my stomach isn't tolerating some of them
  25. lachellove

    Eating before its time ..

    I have condensed soups varieties. Cream soup. Pudding applesauce with doesn't agree with me. I had lobster bisque didn't agree with that either. I have a black bean soup it came blended .. Greek yogurt which also didn't agree. Waters zero calorie powerade love those keeps me sane. And that's it

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