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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by MSG's_SGM

  1. It is aweful. I was on my two week liver shrinking diet...day 8. I had lost 12 lbs. Then my husband came home and I asked him if my jaw looked swollen and he said "yeah". I knew I was in trouble. I ran to the mirror and my jaw was rather HUGE! I went to the dentist and I had an infection in my jaw from a 12 year old root canal that went bad. I had to put off surgery and then have jaw surgery (yesterday). They couldn't save my tooth, so they removed it. I go in Friday t get cleared for Lap Band, but they said it will be Mid August before they can get me in. I can't put my life on hold for that long. I have been putting off getting a job, because I didn't want to take time off with a new employer, but I need to get a job. I hope you and baby girl are well. Is your hubby well too? Are you back on track? Take care. -Donita

  2. Hey,

    I am glad you had a good psych eval. My friend had to wait 4 months because the psch wouldn't let her go through. She finally got approved last week. I hope they are wrong with Tricare. My doctor said Tricare go by BMI like everyone else, but Tricare said "no". Good luck. _Donita

  3. I'm ok. I am eating everything in sight for some reason. Probably because I am home bound. I used to only eat once a day. This stinks. I'll be off the pain meds tomorrow, so I'll get out and about. You doing good today?

  4. Thank you for the kind words. Take care. -Donita

  5. Her girl,

    I had surgery for my jaw today. I am just now really waking up. I did ok. They had to take my tooth all the way out. It was leaking out the root canal tip and the side was split. At least if I can afford it, they can replace it. I don't get clearance until Friday and then I will need to reschedule then. They said it will probably the first week of August. Hope your testing goes great. I talked with Tricare today and they said they DO go by the 100 lbs. At 5'5" I could NOT weigh less than 227 lbs. Are you close? How tall are you? Good luck!

  6. Great job on the 16 lbs....so far!!!

  7. Thank you for caring. I did NOT get banded. I ended up with a jaw infection and they cancelled it. I don't know that I will ever get banded. I have to have jaw surgery in a week or two. Then I have to recover for two weeks. Then I get cleared (hopefully) then they will take 8-10 weeks to reschedule me for Lap Band. My doctor is 8-10 weeks out all the time for surgeries. How are you doing?

  8. How was it? Are you even home yet? I pray you did well. I am not going to have it at all. I have to have surgery on my jaw before they will release me and then 2-3 weeks recovery. Then I would get put on the schedule for 8-10 weeks out again. It sure isn't worth it. You take great care of yourself. I might come on every now and then to check your progress. -Donita

  9. I am not getting banded on Thursday. As of yet not sure that I will be at all. I am going to see if my jaw infection is gone as of tomorrow, but they said it will be the end of July before I could get rescheduled. I am not sure if I want to put my life on hold for that long. I hope you and yours had a safe and fun holiday. Feeling tons better? Take care. -Donita

  10. Hey again! I had all but given up on surgery myself after they canceled my date of this Thursday. I find out tomorrow or Thursday my new date. They said it will probably be the end of JULY!!! I am so excited for you. 19 lbs is awesome in only 3 weeks. Are your clothes fitting WAY differently? Keep up the good work. -Donita

  11. You are probably not even able to sleep from excitement huh? 30 hours or so huh? I am so excited for you. I go to the dentist tomorrow and then I call the surgeon's office again. I will let ya know my new date. Prayers are with you. Be sure to take LOTS of pictures so we can see how you are doing. -Donita

  12. I have an infection in my jaw, so I am not sure when I will get banded. June sometime I guess. You keep up the good work of delegating you job!!! :o) How much are you down now?

  13. How is your back by the way?

  14. I hope your pre-op testing went well. My husband wanted me to write to my twin and tell her she will be more like a big sister. I am not getting bended on May 29th anymore. Last night my jaw swelled up and I went to the dentist today. He said where my root canal was done 10 years ago, there is a piece of tooth down in my jaw that wasn't extracted and for some reason it is infected. I had to go on antibiotics and can't get cleared until the 28th at the earliest. The doctor's office said that they had to reschedule, because that isn't enough time in case I couldn't get cleared. So I am a ship with out a port. (haha port get it...trying to keep myself sane) I have no idea when they'll reschedule me. They had to book me 10 weeks out the first time, because he was so busy. I am going off the pre-op diet and doing low-fat. I can't lose 8 more lbs though or I'll be below the BMI of 35. Isn't this fun! Have a great re-birth my beautiful, soon to be tiny friend! :o)

  15. Congratulations and best wishes. I hope you get a date soon.

  16. Sorry to hear about your NON-BANDING. My doctor lectured me at my last visit (I'm to be banded the 29th of May) how important it is to follow this diet to a T. You did and this still happened. I don't get it. May I ask you a coulple of personal questions? What is your BMI or weight? What was your pre-op diet like? I will keep you in my prayers. I can feel your pain. I am sorry for you.-Donita

  17. Yeah! I am doing well. I am down 10 lbs so far. Only about 5 from the pre-op. I do fairly well with it. Ours seems fairly easy. I get 2 shakes, 4 oz of lean protein, a yogurt, 1 piece of fruit and unlimited non-starchy veggies. All the sugar-free Jello I can stand. Is your strict? My doctor about had a nut when I called it the stupid pre-op diet. He said if my liver isn't reduced he will sew me back up and not do the banding. BE GOOD! :o)

  18. Well, Did you starve? Have a headache? What's the good word? Today was day one right?

  19. Hi,

    Welcome home. Hope everything went well. Take good care of yourself and follow EVERYTHING they told you. I am from Jackson, MI. We have been stationed at Ft. Lee, Virginia for 3 1/2 years. Retiring here in September. Love Michigan, hate the cold. I hope you lose ooodles and ooodles. Keep in touch. -Donita

  20. Hi,

    Beautiful Pics. I am getting banded May 29th by Dr. Bautista at St. Mary's. Are you doing well with everything? I see you are down 41 lbs. That is awesome. I am on the pre-op diet and down 9 lbs. I am in Chester. We are stationed at Ft. Lee. We retire in September. Yeah! Where is Lake Monticello?

  21. I have Tricare Prime and I had my date 4 days after my nutrition class. My doctor was booking 10 weeks out, so I had to wait on top of how long everything already took. This whole process has taken me 6 months plus. I am to be banded on the 29th of May. I had my last four things done last week. 4 hour classes, pre-op testing, health physical and meet the surgeon. Oh what fun all of that was. What have you done so far?

  22. Hey Ladie,

    I sure hope mine goes with out the gas too, thank you. I am getting banded on the 29th of May. Ten more days. I am on a pre-op diet and am doing well on it. I am not sure if I am losing enough weight on it or not. Did you lose a lot pre-op? Can you sleep sitting in a recliner until your port pain gets better? I bet your shoulder will take longer to heal. Take care and keep me posted. -Donita

  23. Hey again,

    I just read you note to me. I think that if you are not 200% sure, you shouldn't do it. It isn't going to "fix" you. It will "help" you by giving you a tool. Your life will drastically change forever. There are reasons why I would say no. If I hadn't tried EVERYTHING I possibly could before this. If I knew that my will power wasn't the greatest or that I couldn't or wouldn't want to get fills for the rest of my life. Yes, so problems can occur, I am not sure about the metabolism problem, but it is still worth the risk to me compared to I am not losing anything on my own. Good luck. Please let me know what you decide. -Donita

  24. Psych eval for me was a little "test" on paper. Then a session with the psychiatrist. Since my mom is Bi-Polar, I wasn't sure if they would let me pass. I spoke with her and explained why I am fat. I go all day without eating and I grab anything near me when evening comes. Usually fast food and lots of it, because I am starved. So she made me start eating three meal a day and approved me. i hope you got lots of rest. Talk again soon_ Donita

  25. I have had the shoulder pain since I was young when I am constipated. The best thing I have found is a warm compress on my shoulder and if someone could rub it for me. I hope you do well. How many lbs have you lost. I have lost 9 since starting my pre-op diet.

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