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LAP-BAND Patients
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About SweetCrazySarah

  • Rank
    I've Been Banded
  • Birthday 07/25/1988

About Me

  • Biography
    I'am 19 years old, and I have been overwieght since early childhood. I was banded on May 9, 2008.
  • Interests
    Laughing, Spending time with family and friends, Spanish, and Children.
  • Occupation
  • State
  1. Happy 25th Birthday SweetCrazySarah!

  2. Happy 24th Birthday SweetCrazySarah!

  3. Hi there, Mary Here. I am working on getting banded right after the first of the year and Clay Wellborn will be my Doc.

    He and I go way back.

    Id love to visit with you about your surgery and how you are doing. I live in jacksonville and work in Cabot.

    Are ya single?????? i have a handsome son. he is 23.

    feel free to call anytime. 982-2324

  4. SweetCrazySarah

    Diet Soda, Post-Lap Band

    wow, thanks so much for all the comments. altho, its kinda weird but i talked to my doc today and he said that as long as I was not having problems with gas, then diet soda was fine for me to drink (and I'm only 4 wks. out) so i don't know what to do, i guess i like my doc's response better, so i will drink my diet coke.
  5. I have had my band for about 4 weeks, and I have had no problems. The first 3 weeks I only drank water and gatorade, but now that I am eating real food I am craving diet sodas. I have been drinking one or two diet sodas a day for the past week or so and I have had no probs with gas or anything. I was just wondering if diet drinks are okay. Can they in anyway harm the band? Do you drink diet soda post- lap band?
  6. SweetCrazySarah

    I cheated on pre surgery diet help

    calm down, i know that every situation is different but my doctor didnt even put me on a pre-diet and my surgery was wonderful.
  7. SweetCrazySarah

    The Worst Part of Having Lap Band!

    I have a question 4 new_jewel . did u go on a pre-op diet? did u loose weight before ur surgery. because u have lost a lot of weight quick.
  8. SweetCrazySarah

    The Worst Part of Having Lap Band!

    Well, I don't think that drinking with meals or sucking on ice in any way actaully can hurt the band. i was told by my doctor that the reason u cant drink with meals is...the liquid causes the food to exist the small pouch, then you will not get feel for a long time. and u will be hungry again quickly after eating. drinking with meals completely defeats the purpose of the band.
  9. Thanks, I'm doing better these last 2 days. Lost 2 pound!!!!

  10. SweetCrazySarah

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I have one reason for why I became so darn fat. MEXICAN FOOD, and lots of it. I ate more mexican food than a mexican. I know my boyfriend is mexican. UGH, i love me some chili verde and nachos. YUM! But now I order one chicken soft taco NO Cheese Dip, and then I eat the shredded chicken and lettuce. So Good. It fills me up. And now instead of eatng 50 chips with salsa before my meal. I eat 2 or 3.
  11. I am so sorry to hear about what has happened to you. I really hope that you will be able to loose the weight that ur doc wants u to loose. I know it is so hard, but Know that I am thinking about you. keep going, good luck.

  12. I was banded on May 9, 2008 and I am on mushy foods right now. I have had no problem with eating, and I haven't been sick at all. The only thing that I completely hate about lap band is the fact that I can not drink while I eat. UGH, I love spicy food and its so hard to enjoy it when ur mouth is on fire. I know that it's more than a fair trade: No drinking with meals or for an hour after eating VS being fat...BuT, its still really hard for me. Anyone else feel the same or have another problem with having lap band?
  13. There was no prior indication that there was anything amiss. I lost the required wieght, etc. When they got in there, they said there was some difficulty with the way my fat was carried. Essentially that it was too thick in one area and prevented the Surgeon from sewing the band on effectively. ( She said the tool was actually bending.) She pulled out, decided to have me lose more weight. I was 330 at the time (give or take a few pounds since there was a period of time between my pre-op wiegh-in and the surgery.) Now they think 300 would be a better weight, but once I get there she will reevaluate and decide if I should lose more.


    To tell you the truth, I'm a bit nervous this time and I think it's affecting my weightloss. I fear going in again and not getting it done one more time. This first time took me a while to accept that anger. I think if there is a no-band surgery again, that anger will come in a huge flood.


    I dunno. I have my next weigh in on the 9th. I'm kinnd of stuck in the 315 range. I'm not sure if I will make my 300 pounds this month. But I also know that I can do this liquid diet thing forever. (I'm no longer sticking to it 100%. Just mostly.)

  14. I dont understand, Why did ur surgeon open you up and then not put ur band in? Didnt ur surgeon know that u werent going to be able to have the band without more weight loss. I would be mad if I had surgery for no reason. why did u have to loose more weight to have the surgery?

  15. SweetCrazySarah

    Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

    My surgery was set for May 9, 2008. The morning of my surgery I woke up at 6:00am. The first thing I had to do that morning was pee in a cup that my doctor had given me 2 days prior. The Urine sample was to make sure I was not pregnant before surgery, EVEN though I told my doctor I AM a VirGin. But anyways, then my parents, my grandparents, and I left town for the Hospital...About 1 hr. away. When I got there I got checked in and they took me in this big room with rows and rows of beds with ppl in them that were going to be having surgery that day. I put my gown on, and the nurses asked me lots of questions, like... Have u had anything to eat or drink since midnight? and stuff like that. Then, One nurse put my IV in my arm, while the other put an ice pack on my lower stomach. Once, my stomach was numb they gave me two shots. One for my nerves and I not sure what the other one was for, but both shots gave me huge bruises on my lower stomach, which took for ever to go away. Ok then the nurses left my little curtain area and I started to slightly freak out, and I started have chest pains. My mother called the nurses and they ran an EKG test on my heart to make sure I was ok. My EKG came back Normal. The my very sweet anesthesiologist came in my room and talked to me, and comforted me. Then my mom and dad came in my room gave me hugs and kisses and they told me they loved me and they were so proud of me for making the decision to save my own life. Then the nurses came in and placed some things around my lower legs to keep me from getting blood clots, they more or less just massaged ur legs constantly, they felt pretty good to me. THEN at 9:00am a nurse rolled me down a long hallway and I remember we talked about Tine Turner going back on tour. Apparently, the medicine for my nerves was kicking in! Haha. When I got in the op-room it was so cold, I tried not to look around at all the tools and stuff, I didnt want to freak myself out. Like i said the nerve meicine was taking effect, and I asked the doc and the nurse if they were going to take my gown off once I got to sleep, they said yes. I said well how about I just take it off now and save ya'll the trouble. Everyone in the room died laughing, around that time the anesthesiologist put a mask on my face, and said brethe in... A couple Hours later I woke up in recovery, no pain .felt fine. I asked to see my mom and the nurse said that I could see her in my hospital room in a few minutes. the nurse called transport and two very cute guys came to get me and since I was so out of it, I apparently told the two men that I had extremely bad gas and that I needed to fart really bad. Once I got to my room,I dont remember getting in my bed or anything. I do slightly remember waking up an hr or so later and saying everyone in this room needs to get out, ya'll are making me nervous. I can't believe I said that to all my family in friends, I was so out of it. No Pain. I slept most of that day, every once in a while my mom would wake me up to make me breathe in that tube thing that keeps u from getting pneumonia. and she would ask me if I was in pain, I really wasent in any pain, I felt gas in my stomach, and when I would get up to walk, I felt weak and sore, but it really wasent that bad. Even though I never told my nurses I was in pain, they continued to give me morphine throughout the first 24-hrs. Thats prob. why I felt no pain. the morning after my surgery my doc came to my room and looked at my incisions and answered some questions about what liquids I could drink and when i could shower, and they he said go home and walk, walk, walk. the gas will no go away unless u walk, walk,walk. plus if u dont u could get blood clots. Then I left the hospital. He gave me some pain meds to take home, I think I had 12 pills, but I think only took 3 of them total, because I couldnt use the bathroom, because I was so drugged up. So I had to get off of them so I could have a bm. THe first couple of day after may surgery I laid on my moms couch and rested, watched tv, and drank lots of red gatorade. every hr. my mom made me walk to the mailbox and back. I also took milk of mag and that helped with the gas, although I did have quite a bit of shoulder pain from the gas... Um I was on liquids for 14 days and then I was on soft foods, now I am eating normal, and doing well. any questions, feel free to ask. good luck to all.

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