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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Remix reacted to bigjoe102 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    What was the final thing that you encountered that made you say this is enough? I have had numerous.
    1. Leaving a wife and 2 sons, Husbandless and fatherless.
    2. Not being able to get on amusement park rides with my sons.
    3. Not being able to take my wife to a concert, because i could not fit in a seat.
    4. Avoiding restuarant,movie theaters and sports complexes with tiny seats.
    For me, walking through a a department store and some little child looking at me like im a alien had to be one the hardest things.
  2. Like
    Remix reacted to dexter in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Hurting a lot and listening to my knees sounding like rice krispies every time I sat down.
    That and going to the drive in movies and feeling the camping chair slowly bend closer to the ground until it wouldn't close up any more.
    We wanted to go to Six Flags before school starts but I got so depressed thinking about walking, riding and just sitting while everyone had fun, we decided to cancel. And that depressed me even more. We cancelled a mini vacation because of my weight.
    Been toying with the idea of WLS, but I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired, you know?
  3. Like
    Remix reacted to lauraellen80 in NSV shout outs   
    This evening I tried on a bunch of my old (smaller) clothes that I'd packed away. Most of them fit me now, including this dress that is a size 8! I'm still in the 12-14 range in pants, so it was a shock!
  4. Like
    Remix reacted to Awjones28 in NSV shout outs   
    Got back into my fav XL shirt!!!! I was so disappointed when it got too tight last year and it's been hanging in my closet looking lonely. I decided to try it on today and I have belly and boob room! I walk and it blows in the air! Whoo hoo!!!
  5. Like
    Remix reacted to BarrySue in July 10 2015 sleeves...   
    7/13 sleeve here. Almost 60 lbs down! The first month was miserable, but I feel much better now. I'm struggling to meet my Protein needs (but trying hard), and eating feels like a chore! I do feel like a lot of the cravings are gone now, but I still don't feel safe keeping many types of food in the house because I spent so much of my life binge-eating/fantasizing about whatever was in the pantry.
    I just wish I could sleep on my stomach again I really miss that. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will finally be able to get back to my favorite sleeping position.
  6. Like
    Remix reacted to sleevenv in Rate Of Weight Loss, Those Starting Under 200 Lb?   
    I'm not sure what BMI hart you use, but mine says at 5'7" you weren't obese when you were your preop weight. You've lost weight fast for such a low (28) BMI.
  7. Like
    Remix reacted to FinallyFit50s in Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve   
    I had a lower BMI with multitude of comorbidities. HBP, GERD, the dreaded stress incontinence, and sleep apnea. I was told by people that I was "not that fat". Really? I couldn't go a flights of stairs without stopping.
    Now six months out, I've lost over 60 pounds, do Zumba in a class that meets on the 4th floor of an old factory (I run up the stairs! Warm up) I've "trotted" a 5k and in two weeks am doing a Rugged Maniac. I found a picture from a year ago and I look at that woman and think, she was so big and unhappy. I'm sooooo happy!

  8. Like
    Remix reacted to julic in Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve   
    My BMI is low as well. I'm miserable. I have back problems, hip pain, foot pain, hiatal hernia, fatty liver and High Cholesterol. I'm going to Tijuana in September. I don't care what they say. I'm going. I'm also not telling very many people. I'm only saying that I'm having the Hiatal Hernia repaired. They don't need to know more. I'm ready for change.
  9. Like
    Remix reacted to Miss Mac in Traveling Home Post-Op   
    Wear the loosest clothes you have so that nothing touches your belly that doesn't have to.
  10. Like
    Remix got a reaction from Smallbites2015 in July 10 2015 sleeves...   
    Hey there! July 11 here. I was doing well and then yesterday woke up to a 4 lbs gain?!! It's not even my time of the month. Must be Water retention or something cuz I've been working hard at eating correctly and exercising. It seems like 1 day I get all my water in, then the next day I dont so I need to work on that.
    I'm down from size 16 pants to size 10 or 12! I'm a teacher so just finished my summer off. The looks on people's faces and compliments when they saw me was the best!! This includes students and other staff so I'm just basking in the attention, and why not? I worked hard for this!!
  11. Like
    Remix reacted to Miss Mac in Husband rant!   
    My boyfriend of nine years (I call him my "hubby man") has never said "I love you". But he DOES "I love you" every day. He brings me flowers that he planted in his garden just for me. He is a much better cook than I ever hope to be, so he does not leave me to struggle.
    He does the cooking and picks up anything thing at the store that I want. He cooks according to my dietary needs and has adjusted himself to eat the same foods so as to not trip me up with temptation. He comes directly home from work every day and is glad to provide for me.
    He has stayed by my side through some serious illnesses and has been completely supportive of my weight loss experience. Yesterday, he left out for errands and asked e for a kiss before he went out the door. That's a new one, because I am always asking HIM for a kiss before he leaves for somewhere. He is always bringing home little "surprises" from menards. When he goes away on business trips, he calls me every evening. He even took me on the last business trip with him (which was a three-day conference held at a lovely wooded resort).
    There a so many little things that he does that I will accept as support, because he just does not express himself verbally. I love men, but they are sooooooooo hard to train!
    I hope your man comes around and acknowledges how hard you are working on improving your health and quality of life. In the meantime, keep your antennas out for the non-verbal clues. And, get more playful yourself. Show him that these improvements are giving you some energy and spunk that will be to his advantage in the dark.
  12. Like
    Remix reacted to wannaBthinsoon in Husband rant!   
    My hubs is a big man too. He struggled with supporting me when I decided to do this. I did it. I didn't ask him for permission to do it, or his approval to do it. I just did it. He can love it or leave it. This is about me. Well...the other day we were in the kitchen, and I was dressed in some tight black capri pants, and a longer tunic, and he said his first supportive thing...."you're disappearing! Turn sideways and I can barely see you"... I'll take that! HA! Sounds like jealousy to me, though @@dhrguru Just take care of you, and he will climb on board. In his head he is thinking all the things you need to hear....but he hasn't found a way to speak them yet.
  13. Like
    Remix reacted to dancingqueene in Husband rant!   
    Hmmm... the only few things that come to mind are these:
    1. he is jealous of your success and doesn't want to bring attention to it. if he's not as healthy or fit he may be jealous that you are taking care of yourself by getting healthy and fit.
    2. Fear- some men are scared but either don't realize it or don't want you to know. In some of my support groups women have said that their marriage has struggled b/c their husbands are jealous and fearful their wives will get fit, etc and then want to leave or that the wife will get so much male attention.
    Try to sit down w/ him and talk...see what is going through his head and why doesn't he acknowledge your success.
    But regardless...congrats to you for doing this for YOU!! Love yourself for all you are doing for you and your family regardless of their 'interest' in the new you
  14. Like
    Remix reacted to MisforMimi in ???????????? Fustration????????????   
    Echoing what every one else has said. This will pass. I stalled out there and many other times along the way. The other thing that was different for me was that my weight loss was slow in general at the beginning. I felt like others were losing faster than me and that was OK because I didn't want to tell a lot of people and the gradual weight loss fit in better with the "I'm eating healthier in general" method losing weight. At about 6 months, my weight loss dramatically increased. My surgeon said it would be good idea to set an alarm to eat. She was right. I've been at my desk at 230pm and realized I'm behind on food/water and an playing catchup. Luckily, my labs have been fine but surgery works if you follow the rules. There's no way it can't.
  15. Like
    Remix reacted to Dream4tc in ???????????? Fustration????????????   
    Please don't be discouraged. I know it isn't easy when you don't see the progress on the scale. It can be very frustrating!! I have found that my body goes through adaptation periods especially to something new. It's been 5 weeks and your body has gotten used to what you are doing. You need to confuse it to get it going again. Have you tried different cardio to change it up? Different muscle groups? I have had stalls and when I see that the scale is hanging up, I know its time to change it up a bit. I have numerous different cardio that I do, cross country walking, biking, Zumba, treadmill, Kinect with numerous DVD workouts, numerous exercise DVD's, Hatha Yoga, swimming, occasionally canoeing, and kayaking (I live by 2 lakes and multiple rivers). I try and switch those up and rotate them often so that my body doesn't get used to the same routine, which keeps my body guessing and get it jump started. I promise that you are still transforming and most likely losing inches!!!! During stalls, focus on how clothes are fitting and also how you are tolerating longer cardio, which feels amazing when you couldn't do something the week before and the next week you can! Celebrate and focus on the NSV's (non scale victories) during stall periods. Significant weight gain doesn't happen overnight and neither does significant weight loss, although wouldn't that be awesome because it would make our journey's so much easier right? One stepping stone at a time, 1 pound at a time. Don't worry, it will happen and you are just beginning!!! Keep going you are doing great!!!
  16. Like
    Remix got a reaction from Smallbites2015 in July 10 2015 sleeves...   
    Hey there! July 11 here. I was doing well and then yesterday woke up to a 4 lbs gain?!! It's not even my time of the month. Must be Water retention or something cuz I've been working hard at eating correctly and exercising. It seems like 1 day I get all my water in, then the next day I dont so I need to work on that.
    I'm down from size 16 pants to size 10 or 12! I'm a teacher so just finished my summer off. The looks on people's faces and compliments when they saw me was the best!! This includes students and other staff so I'm just basking in the attention, and why not? I worked hard for this!!
  17. Like
    Remix got a reaction from jacks89 in Considering... has anyone been in my boat!?   
    I know exactly how you feel! I was at 30 BMI (so just into the obese category) and completely miserable. Self esteem was nothing and I was constantly thinking about the weight. It was torture!! I was trying to lose the weight but had no success.
    I went to Mexico and had surgery on July 11 and it was the best decision I've made in a long time. I've got from obese to overweight to normal weight in the 6 weeks since. My BMI has gone from 30 to 23.6 and i feel amazing. It's not easy, but life is so much better than it was 2 months ago.
    Some say I wasn't "that big" or think I should have just lost the weight on my own (again, I was certainly trying) and I certainly wouldn't have been a candidate for free surgery under our canadian health care system (or your American insurance). However, the impact of my weight was both physically and emotionally impacting me in a very negative way so that can't be tossed aside. I was suffering and being free from that us honestly the best gift I've given myself!!
  18. Like
    Remix reacted to JaneJaneDoe in Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve   
    Well, I was six months post this week and finally took some comparison photos.

    195 lbs - high weight
    188 lbs - surgery weight
    144 lbs - today's weight (well, 143.3 lbs, but I rounded up)

    I am 51 pounds down and only NINE pounds from my goal weight!!!! And, I have lost 61.25 inches... crazy! Hips are 34" and wearing size 4!

  19. Like
    Remix reacted to CreatingTaylor in Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve   
    "you're not thaaaat fat"
    "but you've lost weight before naturally. just do it again."
    "i would kill to be your size."
    My current BMI is 33 (although it has been higher in the past) and I feel trapped in my own body. I have been overweight since 7, dieting since 9, and I have never been successful at keeping weight off. Will be looking into a trip to Mexico and a self-paid surgery. I can't wait to get my date and become the person I've always wanted to be.
  20. Like
    Remix reacted to Swimmer in Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve   
    I was low BMI just under 34 by surgery day. I have been between 20-21 BMI now for a year and a half. It seems like folks I know with lower BMI have all reached goal.
  21. Like
    Remix reacted to Lani789 in You know you lost weight when   
    You're 59, wearing shorts, and someone tells you that your butt looks good. Never happened when I was in my....wait, it has never happened.
  22. Like
    Remix reacted to pyra28az in Mexico NOVEMBER SLEEVERS! Where are you at?!   
    Is anyone going to Mexico to have WLS in November? I'm scheduled for Nov 6th in Puerto Vallarta!
  23. Like
    Remix reacted to taylorblue in You know you lost weight when   
    When you go to work in short dress
  24. Like
    Remix reacted to bellabloom in I can't believe this is me! (Boudoir pics)   
    My photographer friend asked me if I would model for her boudoir portfolio. I said yes because I thought it would be a good way to Celebrate myself now. Still, it's shocking this is me. I still feel fat sometimes and I admit these make me feel really good!!
    Me before:

  25. Like
    Remix reacted to _Brooke_ in I could seriously scream! DENIED   
    So my surgeon's office called insurance and found out they accidentally left out a year of my charts showing that I was overweight. So now they have resubmitted and hopefully I will have good news here soon! Keeping my fingers crossed.

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