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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bahotmomma

  1. Know what you mean Denise. Same here!!

    Why are we stopped?!? I don't think that my body could be happy here? I am up to 6.95 in my band and don't think I could go tighter. We got to figure this out!!!

    If it is done, are you happy where your at?

    Brandy, I don't think I could get any more in my band either. I still have trouble getting enough in. I think that might be my problem. I have been trying to do at least 2 Protein drinks a day. That is something I have always had trouble with. The good part is that I am at 142 and in a size 8 sometimes a size 6 depending on brand & cut. I really am happy when I have clothes on, but when I am naked I'm not so happy. I really want to lose that last 17 lbs. that way I can wear a bathing suit and be comfortable in public. We are going to Cancun in October and I want to be at goal so that we can do an awesome family picture for our Christmas card. I have lost all this weight and I want to show it off. If you know what I mean. It has been nice seeing how many people have noticed my loss though.

    What about you would you be happy?

  2. Hey Brandy, How have you been? Crazy here with sports and school shiola...I have kinda puttered out on losing weight, and have been fighting a bad Migraine all day. It gets a little better than I munch than it gets worse again just a vicious cycle.

    Mini, Glad your fill went well. What is the deal about eating warm liquids for 48 hrs after a fill? I have never heard that before.

    Denver, Day 3 was pretty bad for me if I remember right. A little more pain than I could handle. I just took the pain meds and slept a lot. You'll feel better before you know it and be on your way to a "half" new you.

  3. Bella, Happy Birthday to you!!!!

    Deb, Sending Tucker good vibes today. Keep us updated. Our lab Cisco was hit by a car a few years ago, and I remember telling the ER Dr. to do whatever it takes to fix him $1500 later he was fine...

    Mini, Put me down for the challenge. I would like to be at goal, that way I can wear a slutie costume (I haven't been able to do that in years). So put me down for 17lbs.

    Renee' & Dee, Count me in for the BFL. I have done it (actually faked it) once b4. This time I will really do it.

    I am down to 142 after our last challenge. I guess it doesn't help that I am sitting here eating homemade ice cream.

  4. Life, Sorry I missed you too, it was my only night home this week and I had to take advantage of it. Maybe we can do lunch again soon? Would love to catch up.

    Mal, The initials are both of my parents that have passed away. I wanted them to always be with me and what better way right?

    Dynamo, I have the same problem choosing foods that are right for my nutrition I always go for the stuff I know I can get down. I am tight right now for some strange reason (stress maybe) and that affects how I eat, because I have trouble getting stuff down. Hang in there, it has to get better and we all have to help each other try to make the right choices.

  5. Thanks everyone for the Birthday wished.

    Lap, I am watching the news as well, and wishing you good vibes... Let us know if there is anything we can do.

    I was pretty scared abt getting my tattoo, my sis went with me and had to hold my hand through most of it. I was better when I sat p and watched him do it. But I love it and it has so much meaning to me that it made it all worth it. I never thought abt putting one at my port site that is a cool idea, I might have to borrow that Lap.

  6. Thanks Mini I did have a FAB Bday. I love my MAC too. Our school district here uses mac for everything and in December they have a sale of all their used equipment. We are going to go and get our girls one. My hubby has a MACBOOK and he loves it too.

    I haven't weighed in in a while but got on the scale today and was at 142. So put me down for however much that is. I don't think I made the challenge goal.

    Here is a picture of my tat...



  7. Hey everyone, Sorry I haven't been in touch in a while, it's been crazy around here with the girls starting school and volleyball starting again.

    I celebrated my birthday this week. Hubby got me a 24" IMAC computer (I LOVE IT!!!!!), the girls got me perfume, mil got me a family ring and I got myself a tattoo (it's butterfly, when my mom was sick the nurse kept telling her that when she was finished she would be a beautiful butterfly and now she is on my ankle). I will post a picture later.

    I am glad to be back, I sure missed you guys...

  8. Drive by post... Sorry I have been swamped with volleyball and the girls going back to school. Rach made JV, the mom who was my right hand on the booster club well her daughter didn't make it. So needless to say she has walked away and not given me any of her notes from the last 2 weeks. So I am playing make up trying to get stuff in order. I won;t count on someone else ever again.

    I lost 1 messly pound last week. All the running around my diet has sucked. But al least I don't eat alot, right?

    Ms Dee, I am so sorry you are feeling down. Know How much we all care for you and are cheering you on. You are OUR sunshine. Take care of yourself and get the help that you deserve. You are one of the kindest women I know and I am blessed to have met you.

    Well, I am sorry that I haven;t addressed everyone, I haven't had a chance to get fully caught up yet. Maybe next week when my life settles down a little.


  9. Denise...hey fellow MILF (BTW, my sons are SO grossed out at this!)...how tall are you? I am 5'6" and am aiming for 128. Tom told me the same thing. That still makes me have to lose 28 pounds.

    Has anyone else considered joining WW? I am tossing it around, that way I am accountable every week to someone in person...

    Brandy, I am 5'4". It sucks because with the goal weight I had set I only had 11 more pounds to lose, now I have to lose another 20. Oh well, I just want to look and feel good and I am already half way there.

    I started LA Weight Loss, beofre the band and I go in once a week to weigh in, and just to be accountable to someone other than myself. The bummer is they are closing Sept 29 for good (in Colorado). So I will have to figure something else out at that point. Maybe WW would be a good option.

    BTW, my 16 year old is grossed out by MILF too!!!!

  10. Lap, I am so glad that they have found what is wrong with your back, it is always so nice to finally have an answer and not "just think your crazy". Good luck at pt and here's to a quick recovery...

    Munch, I am so sorry to here abt your soon-to-be-ex. My thought's and prayer's are with you as you go thru this hard and trying time in your life. Kick butt with that nurse and put her in her place.

    Brandy, Welcome back, we missed you.

    Adork, How was your surgery? I hope you are feeling better. I was down 1 pound this week. Also, I need to adjust my ticker. When I was in last week for a fill (didn't get one), Tom and I talked about my goal and he said I should be anything with a 1 and a 2 for the first numbers. So I would like to be 125. Wish me luck.:whatchutalkingabout

  11. Well, I stopped taking all meds and really haven't had much problems. However, I went in Thursday to Dr. K's. Tom wanted to recal how much Fluid I actually had in my band. Nothing came out except a few drops, should have been more. So they said I need to have an upper GI Series done. Talk about freaking out. I do not want to loose my band. Of course I think of the worst case. But I just read all the posts about slippage and they aren't very positive.

    I have not had restriction in several months because we had taken so much out. and I have gained weight and can't control my appetite. I really appreciate the band and I want my restriction back.

    Fortunately I was able to schedule the procedure Monday morn. I don't know about you all but I hate procedures. Never had an upper GI, at least I don't have to do the cleansing like for colon.

    So needless to say I am depressed, and ice cream is going down way too easy. my comfort food of choice.

    I will keep you all posted. Dee and John I am so sorry I missed you at the picnic. I really really wanted to see you.

    Does anyone want to do a Red Robin on the 12th? Or is there a better date? I have dog class on Wed til 7pm and another meeting on Thursdays, but I am willing to coordinate now that Dynamo is off in LALA land.


    Marilyn, Sorry you are still having trouble. I'll keep you in my thoughts. The 12th is this Tues right? If so I'm up for meeting that sounds great. Anyone else?

  12. Denise, your photos are so cute! You need some jeans that fit, girl. I loved your jean-burning story. I'm a hypocrite though, I'm wearing jeans that are two sizes too big today, held up with hubby's belt. I know, it's sad. They were my favorite jeans...and MC Heather -- I mean Munchkin of course -- I have been right there with you. :thumbup:

    My goal weight is 175, which would put me at a BMI of 25.1. Since fill #4, I am 6 pounds closer. I am struggling with eating only when I am hungry and sticking to the smaller portions. Just because I can eat it (as in, I can fit it in without feeling bloated and not slime, PB, etc) doesn't mean I should eat it. Very difficult. I have slid back into some of my old ways but I have called myself on it. Yesterday I had a Protein Shake for Breakfast as I was in a hurry, on my way to a work function. When I got there, they provided Water, juice, mini-muffins and fruit. I went up to the table intending to just grab a bottle of water, and yet ended up with a lemon poppyseed mini-muffin and a couple of grapes. I was not hungry. Yet there I was. Not hugely damaging calorie-wise or anything, but I ate when I was not hungry.

    Has anyone else tried Protein water? I hadn't until this week. The Special K pink lemonade mix is pretty tasty. On the one hand, protein water seems like a silly idea. But on the other, if drinking water with 30 calories, 5g of Fiber and 5g of protein keeps me from overindulging in unhealthy snacks...it's worth a shot.

    OK, I am caught up with reading and comments! Bring it on. :wink_smile:

    Thank you for your kind words, you are so sweet. Get rid of those 2 sizes to big pants and get 1 or 2 new pairs you deserve them. Wish you lived closer so you could participate in our clothes swap. I haven't tried the protein water yet, but I will with your recommendation.

  13. Anita, GET IN THERE AND TRY THOSE CLOTHES ON (YES I'M YELLING), you will look great and you deserve to wear nice clothes. Look at all the hard work you have put into losing this weight, now go ahead and dress to show off your hard work. You are such a beautiful woman, and you need to stop hiding behind those jeans and t-shirts. (Okay I'm done yelling, I just want you to feel better about yourself). I am so happy and proud of you.

    Mini, You have restriction. Maybe try eating mushies for today and see how that works. Yeah for you, did you have a nice flight?

  14. clap.gif LABOR DAY 4 WEEK CHALLENGE clap.gif

    (monday weigh-ins)

    adorKable | 314 | 15 lbs | 1 hr walk daily & strength 3x week

    Amieru | 249 | 9 lbs | 3x week gym

    bahotmomma | 5 lbs | 3x week c25k

    BellaPerdente | 259 | 10 lbs| 30 min walk daily

    brandymom1234 | 10 lbs | gym 3x week

    deboregon | 8 lbs | 30 min daily

    DenverGirl | 5 lbs | 30 min 3x week

    lap_dancer | 23 lbs

    lifesaver | 178 | 8 lbs

    lotzasunshine |10 lbs | 30 min 5x week

    Mal | 10 lbs | 30 min daily & strength 4x week

    minidriver | 204.8 | 10 lbs | 30 min walk daily

    munchkin392 | 189 | 8 lbs | bad foot free pass on exercise

    PrtyAntOvrYt | 20 lbs

    ShelbiCallie | 189 | 8 lbs | 1 hr daily

    Woofay | 5 lbs

    Rock it ladies!


    Sorry I'm late my starting weight is 146. Also, I started the couch to 5k challenge on Monday it was fun...:wink_smile:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
