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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bahotmomma

  1. Hey Everyone,

    I'm back from Paris and had an amazing time. I will have to post some pics. I have been trying to get caught up on all the posts and boys a lot has been going on. I went in yesterday for a slight fill (we had left a little room for the trip) and I actually lost 3 pounds while in Paris. YEAH 4 ME!!!!

    Dee-- I am up for RR on Wed if that is still going on. Let me know I would love to finally meet everyone. You look great and you can tell the difference, keep up the great work.

    LA-- you look FABULOUS girl. I am so proud of you.

    Everyone else it was great to hear how you been doing keep it up.


  2. Hey Everyone,

    I have not posted in a while, but I have been in getting caught up. It looks like a lot has been going on...I have been really busy with life as well. We are getting ready to go to Paris in a few days, so that is very exciting. I have been shopping and boy has that been fun. I used to hate shopping, now I'm loving it. I am down 40 lbs since my surgery and only have about 35 to 40 to go. YEAH!!! I am so happy that I did this I can't beleive how much confidence I have now. I actually wear this tucked in and wear a belt. On the belt I have gone down to the 4th hole. I started on the 1st one. So that is a major accomplishment. I have been working out about 4-5 times a week walking and doing weight training. I have trouble sometimes eating, I can only get down a few bits and then I am done. I think I eat to fast and don't chew good enough. Something I need to work on. Well I will ck in later.

    Hope you all have a great day.:thumbup:

  3. Ok so I'm freaking out a little. I was supposed to have my consult with Dr. K at 4pm mountain time today. I called about 10 til and checked to be sure they have the correct phone number for me. They (Marilyn?) took note and said he'd be a few minutes then he'd call me. He never called! I called back about 5:15 mountain time and the office was already closed. I'm stressin...is this normal? I hope everything is ok with him, and I really hope that this is not a reflection of him and his office as my surgeons. Any input?


    That is not like him or his office at all. Not sure what happened but I would sure call first thing in the am. Best of luck to you.:thumbup:

  4. Hey Everyone,

    I haven't posted in a while, but have been reading and getting caught up. I had a fill last Thursday, than was unable to eat or drink for 4 days. I had to go back in yesterday and have an unfill. Needless to say I lost 7.7 ponds in 4 days. I am now down to 180 a total of 32 pounds since this journey started. It is weird though, I have to remind myself that I have actually lost this weight. I look in the mirror and my clothes are hanging but I still think I am fat. I have gone through my closet but don't really want to buy new clothes because I know in a few weeks to a month they will no longer fit. That's a great thing, so what I do is keep the clothes that are a little baggy and pass the rest on to goodwill.

    Well I hope everyone is well and I can't wait til the first day of SPRING.

    I vote for the 9th as well.

  5. Well everyone, Just got home from my daughters practice and because the sick girl didn't go home right away we only had 4 girls out of 10 at practice. We have another tourney on Sunday so hopefully they will all be better by than. I have started pounding Vitamin C, as has my daughter so hopefully (Crossing our fingers here) we won't get it...wish me luck.

    I am going to bed I am still trying to get caught up on the sleep I lost this weekend.:cursing:

  6. Bahot~what is your secret..how did you ever get those cell phones from the girls??? I know my teenage son would go into convulsions if he was ever with out his phone..sad, sad I know.

    Tied~I still have a lump just below the large incision. I think it is my port that just sticks out a lot???

    Marcy~I can't wait to see your pix!

    Lap~Are you up to par?

    Hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy our beautiful sunshine today!!

    Mal-- It was easy if they didn't give up their phones they didn't get to start the next day. They all want to be on the starting squad. it took a few minutes as they all had to try to get in 1 last text. Also, I had them all put them on vibrate, I told them if they went off in the middle of the night I would be texting the person back...:cursing: So sorry to hear about your sons friend. I know how ard loss can be on a young one as we lost my mom this past summer. Be open and honest about it and encourage him to talk, it helps.

  7. Dee-- I have the same thing, I talked to Tom about is last week and what he told me is that it is collegen(?), that is our bodies way of trying to heal. Our body sends the collegen to the area to help. He said it will go away one day in about 6-8 weeks when we don't even notice.

    Hope everyone else is doing well. I had a great time in Greeley at my daughter's volleyball tourney. I could have done without all the drama though. I am the team chaperone, which means I am in charge of ten 16 year old girls. I have to do bed checks and take their phones at the end of the night (you try getting a phone away from a 16 year old who is texting her boyfriend, not fun). Plus we had one girl who got sick at 3:30 in the morning Friday night, so she came and slept in my room. I called her mom at 8:30Am on Saturday to tell her that she needed to pick up her daughter she finally called me back and 11am and then didn't even get to her daughter until 3:30pm (it's only an hour and a half drive). Than she didn't even take her home until noon the next day and that was after the club director called and chewed her out. I am so glad to be home and glad that I didn't even eat a whole big bag of potato chips like I would have done b4 my band (actually I would have eaten about 1 big bag a day):thumbup:.

    I even think I am down a few more pounds since last week, will get on the scale later today.

  8. Has anyone seen Tom yet? I go in on Thursday. I had an appt next week, but they bumped Hannah's surgery forward, so I wanted to get in earlier, just in case their was an issue!

    Brandy-- I saw Tom last week and loved him. He is so gentle and caring. He took his time and asked me how I was doing and if there was anything else that I needed. I have scheduled my next fill with him as well. You will be in great hands. Best of luck to you and your daughter.:(

  9. Woofay-- Doug is Dr. K's Student, Tom is the one doing his fills.

    Viri~~~yay!!!!!! Your banded!!!!! Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you! Welcome to your new life! Sounds like it went like clockwork! I had it done in Parker too, but I didn't have the rush thing...in fact, I was still there at 5pm and I just sat there chatting with the greatest nurses ever. Sorry you felt rushed. I've had surgeries before where it was rushed like that. The whole, hurry, their awake get them outta here thing. (actually, several surgeries like that cuz i really sleep forever after being put under!)

    So, you say the asssistance's name for Dr. K. is Doug??? Okay, I've heard, Pat, Tom and now Doug...heehee! I wonder what the poor guys real name is!

    Isn't the whole office of people really neat? I can't imagine meeting them all right before surgery, but lots of people from out of town do.

    Are you planning to come out here for after care too? It would be so cool to meet you! Maybe here for a Red Robin night? :( It's just so neat to make real people out of these posts! (not that anyone thinks we aren't all real people!)

    ALL I CAN SAY IS, "YAY! WELCOME TO BANDLANIA!" (I like Bandlandia!)

    Hope all goes well!:laugh:

  10. Dynamo-- Hope you are feeling better. Maybe you can get off the meds for good. Keep us updated...

    Everyone -- Had another fill yesterday with Tom (Dr. K's assistant). He was GREAT!!! Very very gentle, took his time and made sure I had all the answers I needed. He also showed me my port on the ultrasound. That was way cool. I really liked him and I will start scheduling my fills with him. In fact my next one is already scheduled. I meet Tom when I went in for my pre-op, he had just started back with Dr. K. He was even at my surgery, he remembered trying to calm me down right before they took me in. He is a very nice guy.

    Hope everyone had a good Valentines Day. Hope you have a great weekend. As for me I am off to Greeley to watch my daughter (16) play in a 3 day volleyball tournament. I used to look forward to it because I could snack all weekend, now I can't wait to hear everyone tell me how good I look.

    Oh, on another note... I went by to see my hubby at work yesterday. I saw one of his co-workers asked me if I had last weight, he said how good I looked I was so happy!!!!:thumbup:

  11. Liteweight~

    I know that he is busy...we all are!! I was never told to schedule in advance and that since I was local to just call and they would "squeeze me in somewhere". No worries, I now know and will probably schedule a few in a row just to be safe. This hasn't changed my opinion of him or his staff...I just want to get to proper restriction so that I can be a more consistent loser.

    Brandy: When was the last time you had your fill, weren't we in there the same day? I fill like I need another fill as well, I am hungry easliy and it seems like I can eat more. I guess I was just hoping that my loss would be a little faster. :rolleyes: I know that I need to work on it and watch my food choices. I ended up getting the bodybugg from LA (sorry that you didn't get it), so hopfully that will help keep me a more honest.:)

    Have a great time tonight and I hope to see you next time.:eek:

  12. Lvly, You just need to put that behind you and start fresh. Start making the right choices, working out and putting the band to work for you. You can do it, look at the success you have had in such a short time. Have a had a fill yet or will this be your first? Best of luck to you and keep up the GREAT work:tongue:

  13. I agree with Lap and my mom always said "Don't knock it til you try it". Marcy way to go sounds like you had a great time and way to have a back up plan.

    I did the treadmill yesterday and 100 sit-ups. So far staying on goal. I am down 1 size in my pants and that feels great. Not really hungary since the fill, is that normal? When I do eat I feel a little restriction after a few bites, is that right, will it work in more?:tongue:

    I hope everyone has a great day and stays on track...

  14. Brandy, The fill was "strange", I am so scared of needles that Natalie had to hold my hand. I am at 4.6. I have restriction that is for sure. I ate a little chicken and some green Beans for dinner. Had Soup for lunch and that was about it for today. I am getting ready to head up and do some sit-ups now that I got the clearance. Your little one is cute. I am hoping to go to RR next week I have to ck my hubby's schedule. I would like to meet that would be great.:frown:

    Keep up the great work and talk to ya soon.

  15. GOOD LUCK DEE!!!! WERE ROOTIN' FOR YOU!!!! You will do awesome!!!

    I go in at 10:30 for another fill, hopefully I will start losing again! This has been rough not seeing the scale move.

    I will make sure that he is rested and ready to go for you Dee!!!


    Brandy, I think I was walking out when you were just abt ready to get your fill. Did you have a little one with you? If so I think I saw you for just a second.

    How did it go? It was my first time and rather "strange". I feel some restriction so hopefully I'll start losing again.

    Still doing the treadmill 2 days down thousands more to go...:rolleyes2::cool2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
