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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bahotmomma

  1. I am trying with the ticker...so please everyone, no laughing!!!

    Brandy, I love the ticker, it's fun to play with it, isn't it? Have fun at your games today. We have a football game, Sammi is cheering. Than we Rach has to get ready for homecoming. I'll post pictures of her and her date later.

    friends I'm going to be away for awhile. Best to all.

    Lap, I am sending positive thoughts your way, please know how much we all care for you and how we cherish your imput. If you need anything at all we are here for you. Heal yourself and the rest will fall into place. We have all been in your shoes. Yesterday I was having the worst day, and normally I would hold that in and not talk about it, but I actually talked to hubby and let him know how I was feeling and talking it out really helped. Loves to you and here is a great BIG HUG!!!!

    It's funny I really thought that losing all this weight would magically make me happy, well sorry that is not the case. I was really down yesterday, fighting with hubby, stress at work and with volleyball parents (hey, I don't even get paid for that job). Anywho, I talked to hubby and it really helped to talk stuff out and have him listen and confirm my feelings. I am working go getting to a better place within myself and make me happy.:)

  2. DENISE...

    can you go on Monday?

    Brandy, Monday is fine, what time and where?

    Flying to Denver for free/cheap fills from Dr. K is sounding better and better!

    Plus we can all get together and go to dinner or something. And meet face to face.

    Either way. I can update it or you can do it yourselves. I have an Excel spreadsheet that I'm using to keep track.

    Mini, Put me down for 1 this week, makes me 138. Yeah...:lol:

  3. I don't know, that's weird.

    138 is completely freakin' amazing. Are you feeling a little better?

    Mini, I am feeling so good. I had on a new pair of pants today a volleyball and guess what...they are a size 6 OMG!!!!! It is so nice to be this close to goal. I just need to get my butt in gear and exercise and tone everything up.

    Lets do Monday...my DH is having surgery on Tuesday and so I will be out of comission for the next few weeks.

    Your almost at my goal weight...132 is the number in my head! We will see if I make it or not!

    Brandy, Tues works great, I'll call you and we can pick a place to meet. I had 130 in my mind, but after talking to Tom at my last fill we changed it to 125, so just a little more to go.

    So I got my second fill today, from a guy here in Salt Lake. I was not at all impressed. First, when he heard I went out of state to get a band; he acted like I was stupid, and said that Dr. K may have said he was world famous but he had never heard of him. I never said that Dr.K said that! I said that he was a leading laproscopic surgeon in Colorado! So he was bashing on Dr.K. Second, I don't think the man has EVER found a port without having to poke people half a dozen times, cuz that's what he did to me!! I swear it took him almost 5 minutes of digging around with a needle, and 4 or 5 pokes to actually get it done. He put in 1cc and then pulled out the needle. He had me drink some Water. It was kinda hard to get down, but it went eventually. I didn't tell him that though. I said it was fine(and it is, I have eaten something with no problem) because I didn't want him to poke me again! I thought I was going to be sick!! Maybe it was just a bad day for him, and I suppose I should give him another chance. But if he goes off about my choice of surgeon again, I'm just going to tell him that I am paying him to give me a fill, NOT his opinion! Sorry this is kinda long, but I needed to vent!:sad::cursing::):cursing::lol::cursing::ohmy::cursing::tt2::cursing:

    I miss Dr.K and his one painless poke!!

    Marie, So sorry to hear about him poking around, that would have had me in a fit. I can't stand needles anyway, but to poke around too. Hopefully this fill will be good for a while that way you don't have to go back to often.

  4. No, I didn't call. I always hate to, becuase I never want to be known as the whiney patient. I am feeling better and go in in a week or so, so I will ask about it then.

    You sound like me I never want to bug them so I just wait and ask her or forget altogether. When do you go in, I go next thurs.

    I would LOVE to do lunch!!! I am so bored now that Hannah is in kindergarten. We could even share!!! Something my family hates doing with me! HA! Let me know when and where!! We could go downtown, that is probably half way for us both. Just tell me when...

    How about next week I could do Monday or Wed. Just let me know, or we could do Thurs.

    Has your scale started moving yet? I will know for me tomorrow!!

    It started I am down to 138 this morning so its a slow start, but I'll take it.

    Hello, I am very excited that I picked up the phone and made a surgery appt. with Dr. Kirschenbaum for 10/30. Now, I need to convince my hubby that we need to fly out to Denver for this - I got him to agree with surgery, not telling him the potential location!:rolleyes2:

    I've been on the phone trying to find a local and inexpensive fill doctor in Chicago - especially I'm being financed for surgery... I don't need to extra expense of trying to pay $500 for fills!

    Anyway, I'm excited and nervous all in one.

    I am so appreciative of all of the info I have received on this forum.

    Welcome NFaith, this is the best thread out there.

    WELCOME NFAITH!!! This is in my very un-biased opinion the best forum out there. Show your hubby all the before and after pictures. That is what convinced my hubby. I wouldn't think that air fare to Denver would be to expensive.

    Congrats on making an excellent choice!!!

    The pictures should work and he should be supportive.

  5. When I had my second fill, Dr. K's medical assist/physician assist did the procedure for me. For the life of me I can't remember his name. Do any of you know what his name is? Thanks!!!:rolleyes2:

    I guess you already have the answer to this but he is Tom and he is WONDERFUL. He does all of my fills, I only have had 1 fill with Dr. K and 1 unfill. But I love, love, love Tom.

    One thing I vividly remember too was Columbine. Espically now that my son is in HS and seeing all the potential weirdos, it is a scary thought....

    Rachael played at Columbine last year and it was erie, walking through the halls and knowing what happened there. We all walked over to the memorial and left flowers.

  6. Munch, Hopefully your parents will realize what jerks they are being and come around. If not it will make it that much harder while she is gone. What a hard decsion for your sister to make and not have the support of her family has to make it that much harder. Tell her thank you from all of us for the sacrifices she makes.

    Hubby is going to the Qwest bldg, in denver tomorrow. A whole bunch of Firefighters go and climb up and down the stairs twice in full turn-outs with their bottles on to rmember 9/11. He did it last year and is so excited to do it again this year. He says it is a great way to remember his falling brothers, lost on that day. Please take a minute tomorrow to remember all the heros we lost that day.

  7. Brandyk,

    First can I start off by saying look how well you have done. You have lost 45 pounds, that is AWESOME!!!!! We are all human, we all have little slips, just get back on track. Don't beat yourself up. The band is a tool and you just put it away for a while. Get it filled back up and start using it again. You can do it, just look at how well you did before your slip. Best of luck to you, keep up the good work.

  8. Ador, I think you are right on the slight unfill. Tom and I have discussed it and it had been okay before. It seems like I have tightened up since the last time I was in. Is that possible? Congrats on the NSV, way to go. You are doing so well and you are not alone in this journey we are all here for you. When ever you need something just come here and vent, ask or whatever else you need at that time. We all go through feeling lonely, at least I know I do, and I really enjoy the friendships I have made here and the support I get.

    Amieru, It looks like you are having the same dilema I am, do I need a fill (my case an unfill) or not. It is so hard to try and figure it all out. Look at all your NSV's that is awesome. You are doing so great and moving right along. Have a great week and keep up the good work.

  9. Ador, Love, Love, Love the glasses. I hear you on the things that I missed or didn't get during my consult and I do my follow-up care with Dr. K. I have never heard anything from dr. k about not drinking through a straw, except right after my surgery. I did hear about not drinking carbonated drinks, but I have had a beer or two and nothing has happened. Plus I was in the office one day talking to Natalie and she was drinking a Teva drink and it had light carbonation, she sd that a little doesn't hurt. As for the pills I do remember Dr. k saying that they had to be crushed but I have swallowed some on accident and not had a problem. Not really big pills, but advil I just take gel caps. They should put an updated pamplet together to answer all these questions.

  10. Well, I am happy to report that Rach got a lovely Homecoming dress. Beautiful blue with black accents hits just above the knee. Plus we got a smoking deal, it was originally $185 marked down to $111 than 60% off ended up being $44. We also got a Prom dress (I know a little early it's not until April) But we got a deal on that as well and she just fell in love with it. It was $265 on sale for $150 than 60% off so it ended up being $60 + $8 shipping (had to come from San Fran). So basically I got 2 dresses for the price of one. YEAH MOM!!!!!! we got all the accessories covered too. Her bra ended up costing more than either dress, $76 for a stickin' bra, you got to be kiddin me... WTF.

    On a side note, note to self Sushi is not band compatible for me. We went to sushi after a long day shopping and boy did I get stuck and I got stuck real bad. I am thinking I might need a slight unfill just to get past this, I have really been having a time lately not really getting stuck but not being able to eat all that much to begin with. It seems that I take a few bites and then I am full. But within a few hrs, sometimes as little as 1 hour I am hungry again. It's just a stupid cycle that I need to break somehow. Do you think a slight unfill might help me eat a little more and than stay hungry longer? That sounds funny, right? Please any advice would be appreciated.:thumbup:

  11. Mini, I know not very much food at all. As I am sitting here now trying to drink a Protein Shake and having trouble for some reason. I have been really stressed out lately, I wonder if that could be affecting me.?

    Well, another busy day for me. I have to take the older one Homecoming dress shopping...than the younger one has a football game to cheer at at 2:45 and than she is having a sleepover, luckily that is at the other girls house. Maybe Rach and I will go out for a nice dinner just the 2 of us. Not that I can really eat anything... Hope everyone has a great Saturday.

  12. Mini, I don't know maybe it's all in my mind. No really I don't chew enough I know that. If I take my time and concentrate on chewing I do better. I am just really tight right now and have been for a while. And the last 2 times I have not even gotten a fill, Tom and I have decided both times that I didn't need one. I go again on the 18th but I don't think I need one, I just like to check in and see how he thinks I am doing. Like tonight I had a greek yogert for dinner and only had about half. I have been really thirsty lately so that has helped getting the shakes down.

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