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    semausmom reacted to alwest68 in Dr Fitzer Reston   
    Dr Fitzer was my surgeon. I was sleeved 7/19/16. I was very happy with him. I did only see him during the web meeting, first office visit and for a minute right before we went into surgery. So I can understand how someone would not be happy with his bedside manner. It didnt bother me. His staff always went above and beyond in helping with all the questions and details that I felt safe. It did the part I was worried about perfectly and that was the surgery. They told me before no pain meds but I dont like pain meds at all so I was fine. I didnt even take Tylenol. It hurt but was bareable. I had no complications then and never have since surgery and Im over 4 months post op. Ive never ever thrown up. SW-245 CW-190. Im 5'4 1/2. Ive been off all bp meds since month 2. First time since before I was 18 and Im 48. It was my main reason for surgery. I feel so much better already and if I didnt lose another pound I would still be happy and it was worth it. I wish I would have done it sooner. I highly recommend him. He is a nice guy but if you are wanting a doctor who will personally be at every appt that wont happen. I had my surgery in Haymarket at Novant. I loved that place. Everyone was nice. It was very clean and quiet.
  2. Like
    semausmom reacted to negrita in Is it normal to be nervous?   
    I'm scared to go under mine is on 10/29
    I'm 4 the New me! !
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    semausmom reacted to ejswife in Is it normal to be nervous?   
    Same here my surgery is set for nov 10 and im so scared of going under anesthesia ive never had surgery before and im freaking out i was supposed to have it 5 yrs ago and i backed out so now im trying again and im scared im going to backout again
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using the BariatricPal App
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    semausmom reacted to asantiago in Is it normal to be nervous?   
    @@semausmom You are very welcome. It is so important the day you go into Surgury to be as calm as possible. You will do great. Any encouragement I am here. ????.
    I been through a lot but it was the best thing I have ever done in my life. You will be amaze to see how your life will change for the best in many ways. ????????????????????
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    semausmom reacted to ejswife in Is it normal to be nervous?   
    Im so excited for the new me too im doing it for myself and my health but for my 3 yr old son as well i want to be more active for him im just so anxious
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using the BariatricPal App
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    semausmom reacted to Amylou in Is it normal to be nervous?   
    I had a RNY done in June of 2015. I was SO nervous in the months and weeks and days leading up to my surgery. I would fluctuate from being super excited to being scared out of my wits. It wasn't the actual surgery that scared me, it was the PERMANENCE. The results would be forever, and that was the hard part to wrap my brain around. The morning of surgery, however, I woke up calm and focused. I just wanted to get to the hospital and get it over with. I was so exhausted of worrying about it I just wanted it done.
    It's been an amazing 16 months. I'm so so SO very happy with my results. Not that it's been easy every single day. But I do not regret anything.
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    semausmom reacted to hanmar in Is it normal to be nervous?   
    :-) I had a sleeve done on 9/19, was so very nervous at my last pre-op visit with my surgeon. He put my mind at ease, stating it was my first surgery, but lucky for me, not *his* first. Actually that light-hearted approach really helped me put things into perspective and I was able to move past the fear and focus on the positives you'll do great!!!!
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using the BariatricPal App
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    semausmom reacted to Wobblybelly in Is it normal to be nervous?   
    Mine is in 11 days time and I am so scared but so excited too. Such mixed emotions. I fear all the things that could go wrong so much so that I tell myself not to do it. Then I look at my 21st body and think of my last few decades of life ahead (I'm 55) and I know I want to be fit and enjoy them. I know the diabetes and weight will send me to an early grave so it must be done. So you are not alone in being scared.My mum and dad's anniversary is the week after my operation and I can't wait to give them their card as it will mean I'm still alive lol
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    semausmom reacted to bahuber5477 in How did you choose your doctor?   
    I also wanted to add additional comments on this post but I was busy when I read it so Ill add my two cents here to. Ok, So its a foreign item added to our bodies..There is a chance it will slip, fail, whatever complication however one thing the lap band did give me was it taught me how to eat. I know how to eat slow, I know how to eat small portions and be satisfied with that, i know how to monitor my Protein intake and basically i learned how to change my relationship with food. This was a hell of a curve ball for me. I am glad that my band helped me with that. I know that if i had to convert to another surgery I would be 100% successful. I also know that I am not at my goal weight yet but I know with the help of my lapband (which I love), a ton of hard work in the gym, good food logging and my fitness pal community, and the support of my doctor, family and friends I will get there!
    Just my two cents....i do not regret choosing lapband
    Thanks for listening,
  10. Like
    semausmom reacted to AvalonNeeCee in How did you choose your doctor?   
    I hope if you choose the band that you have great success. And if not you have the choice to remove it and choose a different surgery. Best of luck with you weight loss. Every method had its risks and successes.
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    semausmom got a reaction from catfish87 in How did you choose your doctor?   
    Wow! The weight loss stats for the lapbanders and sleevers who responded to this post are amazing! I'm about 80% sure that I want to go with the lap band. My biggest concerns with the lap band is my body rejecting it and the possibility of erosion. My biggest concerns with the sleeve is that it's too new and isn't reversible if there's a complication. I have one more orientation next week and then I'll choose my doctor.
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    semausmom reacted to AvalonNeeCee in How did you choose your doctor?   
    I was extremely happy with my lapband results...until it slipped and had to be removed. I just think the person who wrote the post should read some of the lapband to sleeve stories and see the many many reasons why people had to switch. If they find that they still want the lapband that is up to them. My surgeon doesn't put in lap bands anymore because of the plethora of problems with them and the constantly having to do revisions. The statistics on lapbands are getting worse, not better. It may save them some money and aggravation, and time if they just go with a different procedure to begin with, as I wish I had done. My Dr. is among the best and by the best I mean he doesn't lose patients and is safe and cautious with his procedures. I selected my Dr because he has many years of experience, over 20 of those my friend worked for him and knows the statistics for him and for the different procedures. I choose the lap band at the time because I thought of it as not as invasive, easy to adjust (not) and not as permanent of a choice. Well now I am years down the road, had to have the band removed due to slip (as I was warned), lots of $$$ gone, and gaining fast while I wait to have my sleeve done.
    I spent hours researching the sleeve and I see both good and bad results, but mostly good. I suggested she go to that forum and read because there are many opinions about the band and the sleeve in addition to mine and I know that my surgery experience is not the only experience that someone should consider. Considering not just my Dr but many Dr's are no longer doing the lap band should also be a warning sign of things to come. Additionally the lap band is not permanent and even with the best success with it eventually it will have to be removed. It is costly to have fills after fill and takes a great deal of time to get it to the sweet spot...and then your body changes and you have to fill it up or down again. Many of us suffered vomiting, phlem balls, indigestion to the point you sleep sitting up, things getting stuck in the band, pain at the port site, etc etc. You may not want to even choose a doctor that still chooses to do lapbands after looking through the forum and doing research on the success and failure of the band. So that is why I responded as I did.
    It is important to do research on your procedure choice and look at both the success and failures of your option before you spend money and risk your body. The band was great when I was able to hit my sweet spot, but I threw up almost every day during that time and then discovered it had slipped which required removal of the band. It was my choice at the time, but now there is so much more information, so many more people have lapbands, and more statistics to show the issues with the band. I am sure she/he will make the best choice for their own situation if they do research.
    As far as finding a doctor do your research, check their statistics, talk to people that had surgery done by that Doctor, google the Dr. How long have they been doing each procedure that you are considering. Talk to people that had that procedure done and done by him/her. Talk to people that had different procedures done by the Dr you are considering. What are their statistics for losing patients (this is reality, not always Dr fault, but still don't you want to know?) How many times have they performed each procedure? What hospital is used? What is the cost to use that provider? Check the bariatricpal forums for the procedure you want, read both success and failures. Check the forums for having revisions from the surgeries you are considering in case it doesn't work out for you (lapband to sleeve revision forum).
    Choosing your Dr often times is a matter of what insurance you have and the providers that take that insurance.
    Advocate for yourself and research everything.
    And just to be clear I do not regret having the band. It was my choice at the time, but it didn't end as well as I had hoped.
  13. Like
    semausmom got a reaction from catfish87 in How did you choose your doctor?   
    Wow! The weight loss stats for the lapbanders and sleevers who responded to this post are amazing! I'm about 80% sure that I want to go with the lap band. My biggest concerns with the lap band is my body rejecting it and the possibility of erosion. My biggest concerns with the sleeve is that it's too new and isn't reversible if there's a complication. I have one more orientation next week and then I'll choose my doctor.
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    semausmom reacted to bahuber5477 in How did you choose your doctor?   
    My surgeon sort of chose me because I am a nurse and he's the main bariatric surgeon at the hospital i work in. He's a great friend of mine now and I couldn't be happier! He is an awesome doctor. Whoever you choose please make sure you have a working relationship with them because it makes your experience so much smoother and you feel comfortable asking questions. I, for one, know my doctor would be there for me in a heartbeat if i needed something. I know this from first hand experience...If I call him at home, he's there for me immediately. Thats hard to come by. Trust your doctor before you go into surgery.
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    semausmom reacted to Sharpie in How did you choose your doctor?   
    My daughter worked at the hospital in the OR with my surgeon and recommended him. I also had talked to a local lady who had the lapband years ago. She had my surgeon and loved him. He has done thousands of lapbands and has a great reputation. AS far as the statement by the sleever , the sleeve is the flavor of the week, everybody thinks it's great and they have to bash the band to make their point. I did not want 80% of my stomach removed or my intestines re-routed . My decision was mine, My Dr. did all of the surgeries but I chose the lapband. I had my band 2 1/2 years ago, I have not had one problem . I don't appreciate the band bashers .
  16. Like
    semausmom reacted to gowalking in How did you choose your doctor?   
    Same here. My PCP gave me the name of a group from a center of excellence in bariatric surgery. I saw one doctor specifically based on a friend who used her. I was very comfortable with her and decided to go ahead with this doctor and group. I'm very fortunate in that I live in a major city so finding a doctor wasn't going to be an issue. Good luck!
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    semausmom reacted to catfish87 in How did you choose your doctor?   
    My PCP recommended my surgeon. I then contacted his office and scheduled to attend one of his FREE seminars. Then visited with the actual surgeon about two weeks later. Felt really comfortable with the discussions and his experience. I think years of experience and numbers of procedures done would be 2nd and 3rd on my list of things to consider today. A surgeon who has access AND USES fluoroscopy for ALL adjustments would be my number one recommendation. I would NEVER recommend a doctor who still does "blind fills".
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    semausmom got a reaction from catfish87 in How did you choose your doctor?   
    I appreciate the info! Thanks!

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