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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to enjoythetime in Jenny Craig - to do or not to do...   
    CCJill- I get it I really do! I completely understand wanting to race to the finishline, BUT if I may?? I think everyone who posted is honestly just trying to help.
    You asked for facts so here you go. No, I have not tried these programs post band, I'm not saying they're good or bad because I honestly don't know but what I do know is a fact is that you can't eat out of a box for the rest of your life which leads to what are you going to do when you hit you're goal weight? Are you going to continue with the program forever? If so that's great, just something to think about, because I don't know of anyone who stayed on JC or any other pre-packaged diet forever. When you get to the finishline and you're not sure how you got there how are you going to stay there? I think what others are saying is you have to train your mind not just your stomach or your mouth. The mind is the most important assest or enemy we have so we have to get that in tip top shape first.
    I hope this helps and that you do whatever is best for YOU to succeed. Just think further down the line than 6 months, that's all I'm saying.
    I wish you the best in whatever you decide!!!
  2. Like
    Jocelynsherk reacted to parisshel in Jenny Craig - to do or not to do...   
    I agree with the above answers, and will add my own, short answer.
    One of the main reasons I got banded was to release myself from the On Program/Off Program mentality that diets such as JC, WW etc imposed on me. This On/Off way of thinking was unhealthy and never successful in the longterm. In fact, it just led to seeing foods as "good" or 'bad" and always always always led me to binge on the "bad" foods once I deviated from the structure of the "diet",
    This is why I see a red flag in your statement: And I can eat off plan occasionally and still be safe.
    I totally understand your reasoning, don't get me wrong. But I think it would be a great exercise for you to truly reflect on why you got WLS, and what you want, mentally, from your band. We all want weight loss, of course, but the true and essential value to me from my lapband is the mental change of how I approach my eating and my food. I really value that I'm never on or off a program, because my lapband is always there...dimming my appetite and controling my portions.
    What I wanted from my band is for it to turn me into a "normal" eater. A normal eater who chooses sensibly from an array of all foods. I am very grateful for my weight loss, certainly, but even more grateful for the release from the "diet" mentality that I had before I got banded.
    I hope this helps you.
  3. Like
    Jocelynsherk got a reaction from Julie norton in Feeling hopeless   
    I have a similar addiction to fast food and eating in general. So I understand. For me food is my stress relief so I've had to basically abstain from all my trigger foods and eat at home, and try to do mindfulness meditation and exercise to control my stress level. If my stress is dealt with in a healthy way I don't want to eat as much. Also getting adjusted to the right point and getting into the green zone will help you regain control. I lost 40 then gained back 5 and have felt out of control, I just had my first fill last week, I hadn't needed one before that. I think it's just an up and down process till you reach your goal. Even if you stumble a bit it doesn't mean there is no hope. I try to remind myself of that so I'm less hard on myself. But I really understand how you feel.
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to TheProfessor in How Do You Get Over the Guilt?   
    I'm with Smye - no guilt other than the cringe-worthy cost of the surgery.
    Being Canadian, the lap-band was not covered by our universal health care program (which, by the way, is spectacular and I feel so lucky to be Canadian because of it!). Once I decided I was going to have the surgery, I booked it, and waited for TWO MONTHS to tell my husband and daughter.
    I have the most supportive and loving husband on this planet. He and I have been married 16 years and respect and adore each other. Why couldn't I tell him?? I felt ashamed that I had let my weight balloon from 145 pounds (when we were first married) to 259 pounds. The only reason? Lack of self-control and a deep love of food and wine. Plain and simple.
    So the shame associated with this 'weakness', and my decision to invest $16K of our family's savings into WLS to regain power over it was an enormous source of stress. I knew he would be supportive, but the waiting on the right moment to tell him was pure hell.
    When I finally did tell him and our 15 year old, with tears running down my face at the dinner table one night, he was quiet and respectful and interested. He listened. He hugged me. He said, "I'm proud of you, sweetheart. What a great decision".
    Now, 7 months later, he is enjoying the fruits of my weight loss adventure. I am more "flirty" (let's leave it at that!), more confident, eating healthier (which has a positive trickle down effect for our entire family), more energized.
    No shame in that!
  5. Like
    Jocelynsherk got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Newbie Question: How do you deal with stress now without food?   
    Deep breathing, and mindfulness meditation and prayer have helped me deal with the overwhelming emotions and stresses. I'm learning new skills in counselling on how to cope without food. Ask your counsellor for some practical solutions
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to shannalynne in Transformation Tuesday!   
    Let's see transformation pics.
    293/185 ish... Last weigh in was last Tuesday
    293 pre-op
    273 surgery weight (1/27/15)
    185 (7/1/15)

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    Jocelynsherk reacted to Katie713 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Joe...I have a similar list

    Went to a concert to see my favorite artist and could not fit into the seat properly and so had to squeeze in sort of sideways and was in pain all evening.
    Standing in line for a ride at Universal Studios with my grandson and not being able to even get on the ride - he rode alone and I had to wait at the exit
    Seeing a picture of myself as I really was - at the end of my rope
    Huffing and puffing when walking, even from the parking lot to my office right accross the street
    Never feeling full - no matter how much I ate.

    Thank God I found out that I qualified for WLS with Kaiser, I had been praying for a way to change my life and the option presented itself. I am so pleased with how much better I feel and look!!!
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to Debbie623 in Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss   
    Love this post!
    I won't miss not fitting the seat belt in a friend's car.
    I won't miss worrying if someone's outdoor plastic chairs will fit my butt, and when I decide to sit on them, I won't miss standing up and having the chair stick to my butt.
    I won't miss being uncomfortable in theater seats.
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to The Candidate in Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss   
    Oh I thought of another one! If I never have to purchase a shirt with a cute picture of kittens and puppies I will be thrilled.
    I don't know what is about large sized women's shirts but they all seem to come out of the pages of a children's coloring book!
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to CloserToFine in Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss   
    Laying down to sleep at night and not feeling like I'm being strangled!!
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to The Candidate in Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss   
    @@jenn1 Hairless you say! You give me hope.
    Oh please Lord make it so! I can't wait to get reacquainted with the parts of my body I haven't even been able to reach or see for the last 20 years!
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to The Candidate in Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss   
    So this morning after taking a shower, and elbow deep in my usual routine of slathering on the lotion, and slapping on the baby powder, in hopes of reducing friction, I thought, I can't wait until I don't have to do this anymore after I lose the weight.
    What fat related routines, patterns, or things are you hoping to leave behind after surgery?
    PS: Johnson & Johnson stock is really going to take a plunge after I stop buying the lotion and powder.
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to onesleevedmamma in Newbie Question: How do you deal with stress now without food?   
    Love the last response too. I do HALT also, but add thirsty and Vitamins. I definitely know when I don't take vitamins I'm crabby. I try to find physical reasons for emotions first. Then examine what else thy can be. Also, the serenity prayer and realizing emotions are just that... emotions. They will pass and change. They are not good or bad. They are my bodies way of letting me know I need something or need to work on something.
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Newbie Question: How do you deal with stress now without food?   
    For me, learning how to breathe and exhale slowly really helps my temporary stress levels.
    The mindfulness approach to stress reduction (looking at what's happening, what just happened, noticing my reactions, others' behavior, etc. -- without judgment, just observation) helps, too.
    I've found that a mess of emotions I can have are unproductive. In some instances, they're just reactions, like bad habits. And by that I don't mean to say that feelings are not important. But how I'm feeling at any moment doesn't have to determine how I will continue to feel or what I will do in response to those feelings.
    Finally, I'm not an AA or Twelve-Step person at all. But I certainly recognize that there are trigger situations we can control, like the AA's HALT signals (Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired). For me, I'd add Thirsty.
    There's so much online about mindfulness that you can google. Here's a simple place to start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindfulness-based_stress_reduction
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    Jocelynsherk reacted to sleevenv in Newbie Question: How do you deal with stress now without food?   
    Prayer! Out loud, on knees, talking to God! Not only asking for help, but praising him for getting you thus far!
  16. Like
    Jocelynsherk got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Newbie Question: How do you deal with stress now without food?   
    Deep breathing, and mindfulness meditation and prayer have helped me deal with the overwhelming emotions and stresses. I'm learning new skills in counselling on how to cope without food. Ask your counsellor for some practical solutions
  17. Like
    Jocelynsherk reacted to bigfatgoodbye in What you go through doesn't define you! My story.   
    You are so strong! Satan didn't know who he was messing with! You've got this and the Lord will be with you every step of the way. Find that inner strength and get back to the gym. This time with your new sleeve. Just remember don't do anything to the extreme. Slow and steady, it's a marathon not a sprint! You are a survivor!! Keep us posted and let us know exactly how to pray for your needs. Now lay it down, take a deep breath, and trust God for the rest.
  18. Like
    Jocelynsherk reacted to MzStockton in What you go through doesn't define you! My story.   
    The battle isn't yours it's the Lord, so happy and proud of you for all you have overcome, truly shows how strong of a person you are don't give up, you got this!!
  19. Like
    Jocelynsherk reacted to Debbie623 in Help with Pre-Op Liquid Diet   
    It was tough. I got through it using sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello, and broth. The broth was nice because it was not sweet. I had a lot of support from family and spent a lot of time in prayer. I am now post-op 12 days. This is hard. Your resolve to change your life needs to be your focus. It will not always be hard. Each stage will get better. I tried to think of it as a strange short term diet. We all have tried those. Make your life as easy as you can and be good to yourself. One of the biggest help was and is Bariatric Pal. It has given me help from so many who have been down this road and understand what I am facing. Enjoy your vacation!
  20. Like
    Jocelynsherk got a reaction from muzical1 in June 24th! Any late June surgeries?   
    Good luck to you all, I was banded June 17th. Still recovering physically but very happy I did it. You are making a great decision for your health! Hang in there
  21. Like
    Jocelynsherk reacted to Bandista in Banded today!   
    Congratulations new Banders! The walking helped me so much from the get-go......hope you're both doing well today and excited about everything that is ahead. It's a process but I loved every minute of it -- getting my appetite dimmed was the best decision ever. Out of food jail!
  22. Like
    Jocelynsherk reacted to girli565 in Banded today!   
    I am now a week post op. According to my doctors diet plan I am eating very small, 1-2 oz portions, of soft Proteins. I've been doing ground turkey and ground chicken. Soft cheeses. Creamed Soups (homemade with either 1 or 2% milk). eggs. In very small portions. I find that if I eat more than 2-3oz I get a full pain in the middle of my back.
    I have my first post op appt tomorrow with my surgeon. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down 9lbs. Crazy for just one week. I'm hoping to find out when I'll get my first fill.
  23. Like
    Jocelynsherk got a reaction from Bandista in Banded today!   
    In more pain than I expected, but feeling so happy it's done. Looking forward to the future. Don't regret it at all, all the anxiety i felt before surgery is passing away.
  24. Like
    Jocelynsherk reacted to CeeTee13 in Newly post op blues   
    Thanks guys! It makes me feel better that there's hope !! ☺️
  25. Like
    Jocelynsherk reacted to hbugg in Newly post op blues   
    I was banded June 2 so I know exactly how both of you are feeling as I was recently there. It took almost a week for the gas pains in my shoulders go away and that was the worst part for me. It was extremely uncomfortable to lay down or do anything really. Also try to walk as much as possible, even if it does hurt it is the best thing you can do! I promise things get better. Tuesday will be 2 weeks for me and I feel great!

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