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  1. Like
    fernandfj reacted to Dub in Favorite Milestones So Far?   
    * Just making it to surgery. Was nursing a back injury that was driving me nuts. Lost 55lbs during the pre-op months. Good momentum going into the surgery.
    * three weeks post op......and having low blood pressure for the first time ever. lol
    * 8-9 weeks post op........started grilling again. Felt great to be able to enjoy it.
    * Hopping on an airplane 5 months post-op and getting away to the time of my life for a week. It was a life-changing trip. Came home.....then went 3 weeks later on a 7 day cruise with my wife. Had fun on the cruise and went around shirtless most of the days. Pools & hot tubs for 7 days.....and being shocked at how much people really do eat on these cruises.
    * Going into my favorite restaurant for the first time in a while......and having to stop the waiter from bringing me a huge ice cold draft beer. He asked if I was feeling okay. Funny times.
    * Sitting in any booth in any restaurant........and being able to order from any menu and find stuff that fits my goals.
    * Wearing blue jeans for the first time in 25 years. Not the Levi's that I want to wear, though.....I'm not ready to have my waist size printed on the outside patch of my jeans. Soon, though.....button fly 501's will be worn all the time.
    * I have my 1 year appointment scheduled in October. I am really looking forward to this milestone appointment.
  2. Like
    fernandfj reacted to ProudGrammy in Favorite Milestones So Far?   
    wrapping a bath towel around my small body
    sitting in the middle seat on the airplane
    or booth in restaurant
    certain body parts no longer hurt or have improved
    doing a double take past a mirror in Kohl's, is that really me??
    not running away from the camera
    confidence to go out and about
    don't feel "everyone" is staring at me & my weight
    now if they stare, it's because i'm cute as a button!!!
    not having to use handicap public toilet
    saying good-bye to plus size clothes
    phew, this is an add on during my 720 minute allotted time!!
    doing volunteer work is a BIG BIG NSV for me
    being in the public around 100's of people in a hospital
    i would never have done that before WLS
    losing weight does NOT fix all evils/problems
    but it doesn't hurt!!
    i still can't play the tuba!!
    but i never could
    why would i want to?? LOL
    consolidate all my NSV's...........
    i am healthier and happier than i would have ever dreamed possible
    life is good one day at a time
  3. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Post Your Silly Rant   
    People who ask for advice and opinions, and then get pissed when the honest advice given does not justify the action they are trying to rationalize, Never ask a question whose honest answer you don't want to hear. Or at least preface your request with "I am looking only for responses that agree with/justify what I did!"
    I feel better now!
  4. Like
    fernandfj reacted to sleevergirl2015 in Down 108 pds   
    It's hard to imagine that just 6 months ago I was 263 pound I'm currently 155 
    Sent from my SM-G900R4 using the BariatricPal App
  5. Like
    fernandfj reacted to CHM in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    Your prayers have been answered...here comes the underachiever to make you look even better!!!
    Another cat hater here. I don't do litter boxes. Or fur everywhere. Or thin, sharp claws. Or thin, sharp claws massaging my leg. Shall I go on? I can!
    And I'm sorry guys, but I HATE reality TV. Like, as in change the channel when even just the commercials for them come on kind of hate. I'll not pick them apart - to each their own. But they are not my own. I'm more into the crime based drama/comedy scene.
    I have no kids. It took years and years to settle on a side, but in the end the fact is that I just don't like them. And I don't want them. So much so that I ended a 10-year marriage over it (primarily anyway).
    I've not been to college. I couldn't decide if I wanted to be a lawyer, pastry chef, architect, or fashion designer, but I knew I didn't want to spend - and potentially waste - the money until I figured it out. I never figured it out.
    I have a terrible sense of humor, courtesy of a very literal and analytical brain. Barring the rare person who jokes in a way that I simply 'get', things tend to go right over my head. I'm the d0uche in the group who picks apart the joke's likelihood before realizing that everyone is staring at me and wondering if I'm for real.
    I am stubborn as hell when it comes to how to do things properly and efficiently. I have zero respect for the "because that's the way its done" arguement. You have to tell me WHY that way is best. Failure to appeal to my logic will result in me continuing to do it in the way that makes sense to me.
    I am the queen of typos. Seriously. If I didn't proof-read every sentence as I typed it, followed by every paragraph as I finished it, followed by the entire post twice before submitting it, followed by another edit or two after posting...yeah...my sh*t would be illegible. I am also constantly evaluating my grammar and choice of wording.

    I am the absolute worst liar. I'm virtually incapable of doing it in person. If an untruth is necessary, I either need to tell it indirectly (text, or possibly over the phone if I'm not emotional and can keep my voice normal), or find a kernel of truth to milk for all its worth. But if I lie and you can see my face? Yeah...game over.
    I am a dual Canadian/US citizen. I speak Canadian but spell American.
    I am a great cook AND a great baker. Cooking was learned out of necessity in my pre-teens, courtesy of food Network. My brothers and I laugh endlessly about our mother's horrible culinary skills. On the savory side anyway. Baking, by contrast, was passed down, and is quite the family art. Particularly cake decorating, which I hate doing even though I'm told that I'm quite good at it (okay fine, I know I'm good).
    I love to research things. Or should I say, I am an avid Googler. There is nothing I won't look up, and no time I won't look it up. I regularly awaken and reach for Google in the middle of the night to answer some random question that has popped into my head. It is by far one of the most used apps on my constantly-in-use phone, second only to the one that lets me talk to my boyfriend all day. I like to know sh*t, dammit!
    I love to sing. REALLY loud. Just as long as no one is around to hear it.
    Oh, and I think straws are good. Period.
    Oh come on, we all knew that one was making an appearance somewhere...
  6. Like
    fernandfj reacted to OKCPirate in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    OK, since it's true confession time
    Dad of four great kids, 3/4's are out of the house and my youngest daughter is entering her senior year of high school. Once she is in college I am heading out of Oklahoma (I love the people, OKC, is actually a very cool place right now, but the damn pollen is killing me).
    I was married for 21 years. 15 were happy. The last six sucked pond Water.
    My ex was hospitalized because of mental illness. I found a therapist with the idea of learning how to help her. To my surprise, I realized I was the one who needed the help (kind of like what they tell you on an airplane,,,put your own mask on first before you put a mask on your kids).
    Funny thing, when I realized what my problems were and I started to change, I realized just how toxic my relationship was with my ex. It took a few years, but we finally ended the madness.
    I am election/political professional. That means I really get into numbers as well as people. That helped me look at dating in a very skewed way, but it worked. I understand how to find the people I wanted to meet and worked very seriously to communicate to them.
    I really enjoy sex and intimate time with my significant other. I study this subject because I am serious about maximizing her pleasure. I have taken two classes on yoni massages. (look it up on your own and PM if you want me more info). MEN, it is damn fun to figure out how complex women really are, take time to study them. If you are a guy and you don't realize the sexual potential of a woman...shame. It will blow your mind, and I am convinced that if a guy will take the time to learn that potential, it will pay off more than you will ever realize...women's capacity for giving is greater than you know, but only if she trusts and cares. Nuff said there.
    I have the coolist job in the world. I have a virtual staff of over 500 people all over the world. I have a great team to make it all work.
    I get to teach future generations. I am very frank with my mistakes which helps the next generation do more than I ever could.
    I was a poli sci major, but my concentration was on the eastern block and the commies. I started my military career as a private (I was an MP), became a SGT (very cool job in the Army), but after I was commissioned I ended as a Cpt. (I literally am Cpt. Kirk).
    I am not bragging (and thankfully have never been called to do it), but I can take out anyone from 3/4's of a mile away with a .50cal sniper rifle, and I have enjoyed close in fights since taking Aikido and Karate for the last 15 years.
    I am exceedingly proud of my kids...one who is a restaurant manager at Disney, my oldest son is about to become a teacher, my next son is becoming a physical therapist, and my youngest is now in the top 10 of her class and is going to OU to study Geology and wants to work in the State Department.
    I love my GF beyond measure. We are a testimate that it is never too late to find a relationship that brings you happiness and at 53, we can still make a randy teenager green with envy when we are alone as a couple. (We both had 20+ year marriages, and tried to save them despite the dysfunction, but we also both grew from the experience and have used those lessons to help each other).
    I am very thankful that I found WLS as an option and have tried to honor it by being part of the greater community, and be an evangelist, mentor and teacher,
  7. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  8. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  9. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from 1Day1Life4Now in No more alimony   
    OKC Pirate, congrats! I tried to do the same thing, but had an uncooperative ex who didn't. Your lawyer is right - the best revenge is living a happy life and knowing you did the right thing for yourself and your kids. Keep on the high road!
  10. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  11. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  12. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  13. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  14. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from tony031469 in Deli meat   
    When i crave pizza I layer deli meats (ham and/or turkey) with some mozzarella and sun dried tomatoes and onions and pop it in the oven for a few minutes. It makes a really nice meal!
  15. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  16. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from tony031469 in Deli meat   
    When i crave pizza I layer deli meats (ham and/or turkey) with some mozzarella and sun dried tomatoes and onions and pop it in the oven for a few minutes. It makes a really nice meal!
  17. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from tony031469 in Deli meat   
    When i crave pizza I layer deli meats (ham and/or turkey) with some mozzarella and sun dried tomatoes and onions and pop it in the oven for a few minutes. It makes a really nice meal!
  18. Like
    fernandfj reacted to Renkoss in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    Alright, you have all twisted my arm...
    Here's a little bit about me:
    I am currently married to the same hunka-hunka-burning love for the past 26 years, but have been together for 32 years.
    We have two beautiful daughters; one is 24 and working on her Master's in Psychology and Applied Behavioral Analysis and works full time at a school for Autistic children. My youngest is 21 and is currently working on her Bachelor's in Fashion Merchandising. I'm very proud of both my daughters, and they are my best friends as well.
    I have two black lab girlie-girls who are 12 years old. They are litter mates, and I've had them since they were 8 weeks old. Almost 3 years ago, I got my daughters two lab/collie mix litter mates (male and female). The male grew to be rather large (like a huge wolf size!) and the girl is pretty much normal size. They are a riot, and I love when they come over to visit or stay the weekend.
    I think I've come to like animals better than people as I age. The animals are so loyal, friendly, and loving. More than I can say about a lot of people in this day and age.
    I have a wonderful extended family including my two sisters (I'm a middle child), one brother-in-law, two nieces, one great niece, two nephews and one great nephew, and a nephew-in-law. My Dad is still around (he's 78) and absolutely love when we all get together for whatever reason. We always have a loud, obnoxious time together.
    I became diabetic with my first pregnancy. After the second it didn't go away, so I have been battling with it for over 21 years now. WLS was mentioned to me years ago, but I always felt llike that was the "easy" way out...hahahaha. I will NEVER say that again!
    I still wear an insulin pump, but I only use it for my background (basal) insulin now. I've lowered that amount once already. As more weight comes off, I should be able to lower it more until I don't need it. That is my ultimate goal.
    When I was younger, I played the clarinet, and then progressed to the bass clarinet. I could also play the flute and the saxophone, oboe and bassoon. Sadly I don't play anymore.
    At one time I could type on a typewriter (not a computer keyboard) at 130 wpm with no mistakes. I hated to read slow and made my fingers keep up with my eyes and brain.
    I work for a Neuropsychologist as Chief Cook and Bottle Washer...just kidding....I'm the office manager and medical billing specialist. I work with insurance companies all the time. They are horrid. I've been at this job for the past 11-1/2 years, and will probably retire from it. I went back to work after being a stay at home Mom until my youngest was 10.
    That is all I can think of right now. I guess I'm rather boring in comparison, but I like the life I have.
    Thanks for reading!!!
    Oh, p.s., just to make sure you were reading this, I've also been told I'm pretty good in bed as well
  19. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  20. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  21. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  22. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  23. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  24. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!
  25. Like
    fernandfj got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in I'm just going to leave this right here.   
    I love the idea of this list - sometimes I feel that I obsess so much about what I eat and my weight that I am letting it define me. Thanks for putting together something that puts things in perspective!
    Here's my (very shot) brag list -
    I retired at 50 after 28 years of govt service (25 overseas), and went back to work full time two months later because I was bored. I hope to really retire within the next four or five years (my wife smiles and shakes her head when I say this).
    I love to fish, especially in mangroves (I am passionate about Snook).
    I've got three adult kids and in a two months I graduate to the next great stage in life - being a grandpa!
    My wife and I have become internet shopping mavens - amazing the things and great prices you can find if you look for them!
    I live by the motto that anything tastes better on a grill!
    I have mastered the art of using home exercise equipment for everything but exercise!
    I live in a place where driving is a contact sport - and I've become really good at it! The other side of this is that I get scared s***less of getting tickets when I have to drive in civilized places so I drive like a little old lady
    I am a binge watching addict
    Strolling with my wife is a past time I treasure
    I have finally learned to slow down and enjoy life.
    We are more than our WLS - it just takes some perspective to realize this!

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