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Sabrina Tanner Edmundson

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Sabrina Tanner Edmundson reacted to FluffyChix in Finding foods is hard   
    Honestly? This sounds like rationalization on your part and it sets my alarm bells ringing. It's exactly the thing I would tell myself when I'm seeking to get a carb fix.
    If you are eating 100-120g of Protein a day (too much, way too much IMHO), I would get the hell off any Protein Shakes until I was eating 60-80g/day, I try for 60-74g but I'm 5'4". Then if you have room in your diet, I'd be adding a crap ton of healthy greens, mushrooms, tomatoes, avocados (rich in magnesium and vits/mins/fiber) that will all help you poo. THEN if you have room still, I'd add nuts/seeds in very measured servings (calorie dense) but more magnesium and fiber. THEN I'd add beans/legumes...
    The LAST forkin thing I'd add would be cereal. The LAST thing. They are all part of the "healthy wholesome whole grain recipe" that won me a lifetime invitation to the Obesity Ball...
    just sayin...
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    Sabrina Tanner Edmundson got a reaction from Wanda247 in Post Op Pain   
    I'm 16 days post op & my left side hurts so bad I can't stand up for more than a few minutes before I need to sit, let alone go for a walk! I was walking more my first few days then I am now... I'm usually a tough cookie (delivered 4 babies all natural), but I'm feeling like a complete wimp right now...
    Anyone else have this much pain after surgery or is it just me?
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    Sabrina Tanner Edmundson reacted to irishgal21 in October Bypass   
    After a long and hard fight to get approval for my Bypass - it finally got approved and am booked in for surgery on the 1st of October.
    The nerves are kicking in already and have been a ball of emotions today! Now begins the next month of a diet to ensure I am in better shape for it.
    I keep asking myself am I doing the right thing, I know I am as I am currently on a horrible road and if I keep going down the road I am going, it's not going to end well!
    Please tell me I am doing the right thing, and that you have all felt similar emotions!
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    Sabrina Tanner Edmundson reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Bingeing with Bypass   
    I struggle with this, too. Once you're full, immediately put the left-overs away. If you're in a restaurant, ask for the to-go box when you order so that you're not stuck there with a full plate in front of you waiting for the server to get back to you.
    Part of this is just acknowledging that life isn't fair. We're not those people who can eat anything and stay trim. But think about it - life isn't fair - we've been given this amazing opportunity to improve our lives that a lot of people can't take advantage of; whether they can't get time off work, or can't afford it, or have health problems that preclude them from surgery, etc. We've been blessed.
    If all else fails, once you've eaten, pour salt all over the left-overs so that they're inedible. (Old Weight-Watchers strategy)
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    Sabrina Tanner Edmundson got a reaction from amacox in hiatal Hernia   
    This is exactly how my bariatric surgeon was able to bypass my stupid insurance & all the hoops they make you jump through. lol.
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    Sabrina Tanner Edmundson got a reaction from amacox in hiatal Hernia   
    This is exactly how my bariatric surgeon was able to bypass my stupid insurance & all the hoops they make you jump through. lol.
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    Sabrina Tanner Edmundson reacted to Weighting2BeFree in hiatal Hernia   
    My haital hernia is what paid for my bariactric surgery. My insurance company paid for the repair and I just had to pay $900 extra for the sleeve. Both were done at the same time
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    Sabrina Tanner Edmundson reacted to SlimJill in Pre-op diet is a b***h   
    My surgery is scheduled for May 11th, only 7 days away! This pre-op diet is a real b***h though... my surgeon required a 2 week Protein shake diet, and only a bit of grilled chicken if I had a headache...
    I will admit, because I must keep myself accountable, I have cheated 3 times. Tortilla chips on day 2, 4 oreos on day 4, and half a milky way on day 5... As a disclaimer I did not intentionally buy these foods or have them around but I live with roommates and these were all things they put in the "freebie" basket. I walked past them once, twice, a dozen times... but eventually I caved.
    Now that being said, I don't think I've done a horrible job overall as I have lost 11.2 pounds in 7 days. And since the last hiccup I have been perfect. I suppose I wanted to write this topic because I have this overwhelming sense of "I JUST WANT TO EAT!" So much so that I can't wait for the surgery to happen because that is sooner I get to eat normal food. I wanted to leave the food addict behind but it seems to be lurking within me more than ever. I find myself watching food videos, looking at grocery store ads online, etc.
    My question to you all is... how many of you feel this way? how many of you felt this way prior to surgery and how are dealing with things now?
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    Sabrina Tanner Edmundson reacted to Bluesea71 in Pre-op advice   
    Advice coming here from someone 14 months post-op at goal weight. I'm trying to remember back to those first few months post-surgery!
    I stocked up on a bunch of supplies pre-surgery and didn't end up using 99% of them post-surgery. I just cleaned out my cubbords and threw out a bunch of Soup and Protein powders I never used because I couldn't stand them post-surgery. Others I tolerated before hand but post-surgery we can only eat so little that I wasn't willing to sacrifice taste for a few bites of anything. In other words, I typically opted for the full-fat cottage cheese vs. fat-free cottage cheese.
    To get specific - a lot of people recommend those Torani sugar-free flavored syrups. I purchased 8 and never found a use for them. Adding them to cottage cheese and yogurt was just... Runny and gross.
    The idea of drinking chicken/beef broth pre-surgery sounded far from appealing so things didn't change post-surgery. I bought two containers of uninjury chicken broth I used one scoop out of.
    I would say gravitate toward things you know you love. Right after surgery, I ate Jello and Protein Drinks. I made jello in small individual sized tupperware containers where I added "unflavored" uninjury protein. Premiere protein drinks have 30 grams of protein. I used to get them at costco but my local store doesn't carry them anymore. Keep in mind that blending Protein Shakes with ice in a blender with a bunch of extras is a big no-no after surgery. It will make too much liquid for you to consume and add air bubbles you don't want. I'm mentioning this because there was a high-protein power I could tolerate pre-surgery if I added ice, 1/2 banana and powdered Peanut Butter. Post surgery it tasted gross in a shaker bottle. Cottage cheese was another staple to have and any soup you know you like. A blender is handy to purée any chunks down.
    A food scale is handy to have down the road. The supply I found the most helpful to have is those small Dixie cups people often have in their bathrooms. They are the perfect size to measure out food right after surgery and will keep you from having to wash endless dishes for a tiny spoonful of food!!!!!

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