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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    What Is Your Brilliant Substitute for a Craving?

    Again, I love it when you talk about me like this... I'll give you a tip - it's working for me too!!! You're DEFINITELY doing the cooking when I come to visit... And on a different note - I've just learnt to use the 'quote' thing... Go me!!!
  2. KindaFamiliar

    Before and After Pixs Down 70lbs

    Good work... Keep it up!!!
  3. KindaFamiliar

    Tips and advice for our newbies

    @@heather5565 I'd probably add one more that's BP site specific rather than general WLS stuff... Here 'tis.. - Be extra nice to KindaFamiliar. He's not any kind of trouble and he knows stuff. That's all... Prayers going "Do do do de do wahhh.. Scooby de do wop, yeah.."
  4. "You smiled, you smiled... And then the spell was cast..."

  5. Ok... Have laptop, will share... I'm not sure if what I say is what you were getting at but it kinda fits with your post.. I'd also like to preface this with the following - What I'm about to say is simply my opinion... I'd not be so bold as to assume I was speaking on behalf of all men... My opinion... Mine!! As a guy, there's a better than average chance that I'd not really notice your (anyone's) scars.. No, not because I'd be distracted by various other naked parts (tho that'd help).. But I'd not notice for a different reason... As I was discussing a few days ago with someone VERY special, when I'm looking at someone who I'm attracted to, I don't notice their (self-perceived) 'faults'... You've a 'crease' above your eye when you smile? - I didn't see it. I was looking at your eyes... You've a dimple that sometimes shows up and sometimes doesn't? - I didn't notice. I was focused on the way your smile lights up everything around it... You've a few little scars on your belly? - I had no idea. I was admiring your feminine curves and wondering why you weren't kis... Well... You get the idea... In my opinion, it's a female thing to notice such things in yourself, as well as in others... It's not necessarily a bad thing.. It's just a thing... I certainly don't mean this in a nasty, sexist way.. I just mean that we're different, guys and girls.. As a guy, I notice the parts of 'you' that I like.. As a girl, you notice the parts of yourself that you don't like... So ultimately, I'd not worry about what to say.. Chances are, it will never really be an issue... If it does get asked, have a cool story planned - Pirate knife fight, shark attack, mongoose invasion.. That kinda thing.. Guys like a scar with a cool story... Good luck to you and your 'somebody new'... ***I told you it'd be worth waiting for!!!
  6. Mine was done by Charlie Mosse in Canberra... More than happy with the entire procedure...
  7. I feel like I want to weigh in on this (from a male perspective) but will wait til I'm on the laptop rather than the phone... It'll be worth the wait tho!!! Stand by...
  8. KindaFamiliar

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    @@CHM Let me know when you're looking for some fun... I'll see what I can do...
  9. Hi @@Jobey I'm in Aus but was sleeved in Feb last year... I hope all goes well for you... Good luck to you...
  10. KindaFamiliar

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    @@jaxmom You can ride shotgun... I have a job on the door at the venue to which you're headed... I've saved a special area for you lot...
  11. KindaFamiliar

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    @@LipstickLady What a patient man... Tho I'm quite sure you're nowhere near as difficult to live with as... Well... Some of the other folk around here...
  12. KindaFamiliar

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    @@LipstickLady Two things - 1. I'll see you at that party... 2. Horns, head and blowing??? That's going beyond flirting, isn't it??
  13. KindaFamiliar

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    How odd... I'd have thought that prayers for @@LipstickLady would have been headed in a more 'downward' direction... What with being the Devil's spawn and all... Ah well... Live and learn....
  14. KindaFamiliar

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    @@LipstickLady Bully?? You know I love it when you talk like that... Now stop flirting with me...
  15. KindaFamiliar

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    @@LipstickLady You're just looking for an excuse to call me... You don't need an excuse...
  16. KindaFamiliar

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    @@Valentina I'm not sure what your point is but I'm smart enough to know that arguing with a crazy person is futile... So with that in mind - Ok!!
  17. KindaFamiliar

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    And once again, I've missed drama!!! Someone is supposed to call me!!!!
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Actually seeing small results!

    Great start @@brittanylau Keep it up!! The good work I mean....
  19. KindaFamiliar

    Tips and advice for our newbies

    @@heather5565 I don't care what they say... I reckon you go alright...
  20. "I don't care if Monday's blue.. Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too..."

    1. KindaFamiliar



      My favourite thing about the weekend is time...

      The extra time...



      Happy Friday to you...

      I hope yours is filled with stuff...



      You're welcome!!!!

    2. CHM



      If by 'stuff' you mean you, I'll take it...

    3. KindaFamiliar
    4. Show next comments  36 more
  21. It's official... I have a hobby!!!

    1. CHM


      I vote that @Valentina NOT be made the official BP Hobby Selector... =)

    2. Valentina



    3. KristenLe


      I second that vote @CHM ! LOL

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  22. I'll never be a 'normal' guy.. I'd look weird... I mean weirder than I look now as a fatty... I'd have this gigantic, bulbous head on a skinny dudes body... Aint nobody got time for that... So as far as the (ridiculous) BMI goes, I'll always be obese... And I'm ok with that... Coz I'll be all hot and sh*t..
  23. "I don't believe in an interventionist god..." -

    1. KindaFamiliar


      That really would be something...

  24. KindaFamiliar

    Getting Called Fat After WLS

    @@CHM Run??? I'm a fat man!!!! I'm allergic to running!!!
  25. I was recently having a discussion with a Personal Trainer (PT) mate of mine. He was asking me about the changes I'd noticed with my body since losing my 230 lbs (so far).. I told him about my 'deflated balloon belly'... He laughed... I told him about the 'bat-flaps' of skin under my upper arms that slap against me sometimes when I move... He laughed... I told him about my two sizes smaller feet... He laughed.. The I told him about what was REALLY p*ssing me off... My 'turkey neck'... You see, I had a great big bullfrog type head... Neck really... I was one puffed-up-canetoad lookin' dude... I mean, have a look at this - As you can see, I've kept the beard in an effort to cover up the under-chin carry on... Actually, that pic on the right was in October last year, so I've lost a little more from there now... I'm in a new job now, so I'm decidedly more 'neat and tidy'.. Anyway, back to the 'roid cream thing... My PT mate was telling me that a lot of the female body builders he knows use the 'roid cream to smooth their bits (no, not THOSE bits) when it comes to comp time... He reckoned that if I grab a tube or two and have a crack at applying it regularly, it may just smooth and tighten my biggest uncovered embarrassment... So, here's the sh*t - Beginning Monday, I'll be applying the Doot Cream twice a day... It'll be post shower in the morning and evening... Over the weekend, I'll try to take a decent pic of the affected area... If I can do so, I'll post it on Monday, then each Monday after I'll post updated pics to see if there's any difference... I'll also be trying some 'neck yoga sh*t' that I just stumbled on when I googled "wobbly neck skin"... I hope to be able to shave the beard off (or some of it) by my birthday in July (18th for all those planning gifts)... So, if anyone is interested, stay tuned and we'll see how we go... Of course, if anyone has already tried this, please feel free to chime in and let me know how you went... Thanx for reading all the way to the end... Assuming you did... Jason

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