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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by notateechanow

  1. I have to wonder---what is it about teaching that so many of us are overweight?! Hope you're able to heal from your over fill and get back to a safe fill level soon. :)

  2. Thanks so much for the compliment on my photo. I'll be honest--I've been at this weight for nearly a year now and I'm really frustrated. I'm actually headed to see my surgeon now----I can't seem to find the right fill level. If I have it filled so I don't go crazy with hunger, then I'm too tight to eat healthy foods. If I have it loose enough to not have intolerances, it's like I'm unbanded. Sorry to be so negative, but I'm over 2 years out and never imagined it would continue to be a daily struggle at this point.....how have you been doing?

  3. Hey there. Went to a support group meeting tonight at the Faulkner. Sleeping does get easier, but as a stomach sleeper, I found the whole process to be a huge challenge for a while. Extra pillows helped me! I'm a year and three quarters out of surgery, so I'm rarely on a liquid diet, except after a fill...and even then I rarely stay on liquids for long. Hope you're feeling better today! :)

  4. I'm part of the Teachers' Union. We are AFT. How about you?

  5. Hey there! Just realized your date is coming up soon! MY only suggestion with Dr. R is that you recognize him as a skilled surgeon, not a cheerleader or confidante His social skills typically leave a lot to be desired, but he's a fantastic surgeon. I've had mostly good experiences and really liked his new PA, too. Hope it goes well! Will you start attending the support group meetings, or have you already?

  6. Ok, girly---it's been 6 months. What did you decide???

  7. I'm so glad to hear you have more restriction now! Do you notice a difference in the weight loss, too? It does take at least a few weeks to start noticing it.......

  8. LOOK at you under 200! Fantastic work!! I'm hoping to make it there before school lets out for the summer---in the end of June! I love the pic of you in your signature. :)

  9. Phenomenal! You are amazing!!! I'm so excited to see that you've lost so much weight. You are a great inspiration for me to keep pushing it along!! Thanks!

  10. Oh, please...that's all it takes? You're cheap. :) How long will you be staying?

  11. Please don't worry about the speed in which you lose weight. Know that the band is a tool, ready to be used when you need it. We lose weight at a pace comfortable for each of us. I lost somewhere around 65 pounds in my first year. It takes time.....give yourself that time. Keep up the good work. You will get to your goal!!! :)

  12. I see you're coming up on your "bandiversary"! Congrats on a great year! Keep up the outstanding effort!! :)

  13. Sorry to hear you've been too tight. I had that for 3 nights and thought I was going to die. The gasping and choking is downright scary. Glad to hear you had it taken care of. As far as speed of weight loss--remember---you didn't gain this over night and you won't lose it over night. Don't compare yourself to others. Keep measurements as your guide. Do what you know to be "right" in following the rules and the rest will eventually come. It takes time....be patient. You're better off THIS year than you were last year. Every pound counts. Keep up the good work and DON'T allow yourself to stay too tight for so long next time, please!

  14. When are you coming up to Boston? :)

  15. Thanks for your note, but I'm still about 30 pounds heavier than where I'd like to be. I focused heavily on eating properly and working out a few times a week for the first year. After 12 or so months, I started training for a 5K. It required me to workout 4 times a week, an hour each time. I'm running my 5 K tomorrow. Not sure what's next...but I needed to take my focus off of my diet for a bit. :)

  16. LOVE your new haircut--and 185?! Keep up the fantastic work! You look amazing! :)

  17. Hey there. My dr. allowed me to come in every 4 weeks for a fill until I had restriction. It took me around 3 fills before I had a good restriction. You should take your time and allow yourself to get used to each fill before rushing back for more. Once you're restricted, it is a challenge. Don't give up and don't regret your choice. You'll get there, but it takes time....

  18. Congratulations on making your decision and taking the first step! Good luck!!! :)

  19. I'll have Jamie get in touch with you via here. :)

  20. Less than a week to go....how are you holding up?? Hope you're well. Your life will be forever changed in so many positive ways.....Good luck! :)

  21. Stacy, no worries. I have resumed a normal life post banding. I'm about 14-15 months out, but I can drink. I have no tolerance and am a really cheap date, but I am a single woman. I'm not gonna meet a good guy if I'm at home alone. The banding was THE best decision I have made. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck! Keep in touch. :) paige

  22. LOVE you in that red dress. :)

  23. Wow, Lisa. You're doing great! I find that I don't crave if I eat what I am supposed to----be sure you're doing what you NEED to do and then eat it in small amounts. Don't deprive yourself, you'll just want it more. I have no idea as to how much fill I have in! I don't really care. I just know I'm tight enough. ;) I had surgery a good 8 months before you. You're doing really well!!! Keep up the good work!!

  24. HOLY COW, Sue!!! I can't believe how well you're doing! I am about 50 pounds heavier than you and only 5 months behind you, chronologically. I have some work to do to catch up with you!!! Keep up the outstanding work! :)

  25. Thanks, everyone. While I feel fantastic, the reality of the skin I abused by stretching for over 30 years is hitting me hard. I don't want to consider PS for a few years, until I've decided to have or forgo children. It just doesn't make sense. So...another 40 or so to go. I feel like another person probably because I've LOST another person!! It's been a lot of work as you all know, but it has been worth every ounce. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Thanks again... :)

    1. johnna77


      Hello, I read your profile feed and am very inspired by your journey. I wantd to know how things are going for you now? I am scheduled to do the Sleeve and am looking for encouragement. thanks!

    2. notateechanow


      Well.....I scheduled a tummy tuck for Dec 2010, over a year after that post. Ironically, my band slipped a week before I was scheduled to have it. I had emergency surgery after 4 days in the hospital to unclamp it. The doctor on call tried to get me to revise and have GB instead. I was 10 pounds from goal---130 pounds less than where I started! That seemed illogical to me. I had it re-clamped in April of 2011 but struggled to keep the weight off. I gained nearly 20 pounds that I couldn't lose, no matter how hard I tried. I was married in April of 2012. I became pregnant with my first daughter in June of 2012 at age 40. I delivered a healthy baby after gaining only 15 pounds during that pregnancy in March of 2013. During my pregnancy, my port flipped. I had my band pretty much drained early in the pregnancy to insure there wouldn't be any issues....since my port would have been a challenge to access. I lost 35 pounds in less than 2 weeks after having my baby and was back to my lowest weight. I had surgery a month after my c-section to reposition my port. I then got pregnant again in June of 2013! This pregnancy I gained only 7 pounds and again lost over 25 after delivery. I'm 3 months postpartum now. I'm at my lowest weight and only 10 pounds above goal. I have not had any fill put back in my band. I would like to think I have finally learned proper eating habits. Prior to my 2nd pregnancy, I was working out 2-3 times a week with a trainer and walking my dog close to 15 miles a week. It has been such a challenge with two babies to make it to the gym. So now I just push my big double stroller and get in as many miles a week as I can. The girls love it as we live on the water. My body composition is very different from the last time I was at this weight. I'd prefer to be muscular again....but that requires more 'me' time. SO....a VERY long winded response to your question? I had EVERY complication possible with my band. My port has since flipped again during my 2nd pregnancy. I haven't been back to my surgeon. I'm comfortable with my ability to eat properly now---rarely getting stuck but still filling up fast. I'm nearly 6.5 years post op and very happy with my results. Most of my friends who had surgery with the same surgeon (from his support group) have gained all of their weight back. This isn't a quick fix. It's a lifestyle change. If you have always buried your feelings in food or made it central to socializing, etc...that won't change. It IS possible to be banded and not lose weight. If you are confident this is a lifestyle you WANT---that losing weight and changing your life is worth the gains---I strongly suggest it. I walked away from an unhappy relationship a year after my banding. I was married 4 years later and now have two healthy babies. Was it worth it for me? ABSOLUTELY. The 'new' sleeve surgery (Not offered when I had mine) has fewer complications. I'm told it has good results and definitely requires less maintenance. This journey hasn't been easy or at all what I expected, but it is a life I have constructively chosen. It is finally a life that I feel like I control......good luck! I wish you the best. :)

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