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About leana123@live.com

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    Advanced Member
  1. leana123@live.com

    New any advice greatly appreciate.

    That makes sense. Now that I can eat I need to focus on measuring my food and counting the protein. Thanks for the advice.
  2. leana123@live.com

    New any advice greatly appreciate.

    I can have a big variety too, I've just been too nervous to try. Crackers and tuna sound good. Have you eaten too much at once? I'm afraid of throwing up or food getting "stuck". My diet has a list of foods off limits until 8 weeks. It includes bread and pastries. Do you know why bread is off limits?
  3. leana123@live.com

    December 2015 surgery dates?

    I had surgery 12/14. I was in the hospital 4 days. Is that normal? The pain was a lot worse than I imagined and I was on iv pain medication. I don't remember much just sleeping a lot. Now that I'm home things are going ok. I haven't taken anything for pain for almost a week. I started soft foods today. Yay! Protein shakes are making me gag. I'm seeing the dr tomorrow for my first postop. I'm trying to decide when I should go back to work. I still tire easily. I'm on my feet alot at work and do a lot of walking.
  4. leana123@live.com

    New any advice greatly appreciate.

    What soft foods have you eaten?
  5. leana123@live.com


    Before surgery I would gulp down a bottle of water. I don't like water so the quicker it's down the better. I had surgery on Dec 14. I can't gulp down water or anything else now. I'm having a hard time choking down the protein shakes. It seems like everything makes me nauseous. Ironically, water taste the best to me. Does anyone else get nauseous frequently?
  6. leana123@live.com

    New any advice greatly appreciate.

    I had surgery on the 14th. It's hard to drink enough fluid for me too. I didn't have a bm for over a week after surgery. I was miserable. Now I'm putting miralax in my protein shake. Since starting soft foods, I've had scrambled eggs and oatmeal. Now I'm having diarrhea and don't if it's the food or the miralax. I feel nauseous frequently and the taste of my protein shakes make me want to puke too. I'm checking into non flavored protein powder. Any suggestions?
  7. leana123@live.com

    Piggin' out ????

    I went off my diet right before the liquid diet. The first week of the liquid diet I was able to have one meal at dinner time so at least I had something to look forward too. The second week of the diet is all liquid. It was pretty hard especially lasagna night! I stayed out of the kitchen and sat in a different room while my family ate in the dining room. I don't regret going off my diet. The first day of the liquid diet was the worse day because I felt bloated and tired. My son put a picture on the refrigerator that says, "It's worth it and I love you." He's only 10 but gets what I'm going through sometimes better than my husband. Surgery is Monday and I have one family Christmas dinner this weekend. I'm planning on taking a shake with me and some sugar free jello.
  8. leana123@live.com

    December 2015 surgery dates?

    Dec 14. The liquid diet is for the birds. I'm getting use to it. I just have to make it through one family dinner this weekend. Good luck!
  9. leana123@live.com

    December 2015 surgery dates?

    December 14! Just started the liquid diet today. Scheduled for an egd Dec 8. I'm scared but ready to get this over with and move on.
  10. leana123@live.com

    Surgery Date

    December 14th!!!! I'm nervous, excited, and scared. I started my liquid diet today. This is hard. I feel so hungry! Any suggestion to tell my brain and stomach to shut up??
  11. leana123@live.com

    Psych consult

    Thank you dub and india928
  12. leana123@live.com

    Psych consult

    I've been meeting with the surgeon, dietitian, and councilor. I thought everything was progressing good. I've even lost 18 pounds. Then the councilor said I wasn't ready for surgery. I need behavior therapy and medication for anxiety..... that guy is totally off my Christmas card list this year.... Has anyone else had to do extra therapy? I'm not against it just didn't expect it. I was geared up for surgery in September now it's all on hold until "I'm ready". This did not help my emotional and binge eating habits. I know I can get through it, but I just want to scream.....????
  13. leana123@live.com

    trying to figure things out

    My surgeon wants me to do the RNY because of the gerd. I still have my gallbladder too and he said he is going to take it out during surgery. I've had gerd for many years. The thought of never having it again is crazy awesome. My surgeon also said he wants to do an egd before surgery too. Is that normal? As far as sleeve vs. Bypass, I would definitely go with something that has been around longer and has more success stories. I've only heard of a few unsuccessful bypass surgeries. Granted they were pretty bad. Don't be afraid to ask your surgeon about bad experiences of others. My surgeon said to do all the research I can and to ask all the questions I want.
  14. Coffee and diet soda are a big part of my diet too. I'm not having surgery til late fall. I've been trying to cut back. I made my last pot of coffee yesterday and have decided not to buy anymore. We have small kids so we don't keep soda in the house. My problem is work. Soda is so tempting with a vending machine full of nothing but soda. Plus I work 12 hr nights every other weekend so guess what u do to stay awake all night!! I was thinking of trying some hot decaf teas. Anyone have any suggestions? Propel water has been very helpful with the soda addiction.
  15. leana123@live.com


    I met a lady this weekend that had gastric bypass a year ago. It was like a nightmare you see on tv. The surgeon didn't connect the stomach and intestine correctly. Most of her intestines died. She's had numerous surgeries. She was septic and in a coma for awhile. Now she only has 12 inches of intestine left. Her only options for living is iv nutrition everyday or an intestines transplant. I'm freaked out now. Has anyone else heard of surgeries gone wrong??

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