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Everything posted by Whitepants

  1. Whitepants

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Hi Tabithan, welcome aboard. Stop by often so we can get to know one another. You're not alone getting back on track. Go back to the basic and get back on track. Up the exercise and make better food choices. I'm stepping up my exercise to 4 times a week since I'm now a full member of Bally's. They open at 6am so I can get in and out in the mornings. Just in case I'm not able to get there at night. They have so many exercise equipments one set of each targeted area on different days, will take me about an thirty to fourty-five minutes to complete. And on Saturdays there is a Kwando class. I want to take to hold off the guys that will want to ravish my hot body come next summer. Well, everyone have a great weekend.
  2. Whitepants

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Hi All, glad everyone's is seeing great success. I'm not at the moment, but I'm not discouraged. My gain may be from muscle and not pounds per se. I'm at the gym regularly. I'm seeing inches I haven't seen in a long, long, long time. So, you see why I'm not too discouraged. But, seeing the numbers go down is better. I'm going to get another fill, to help me with the next two holiday events. I so want to be at goal weight by March. I'm anxious and scared at the same time. Just seeing everyone's numbers below 200lb and looking for my next size to be 18's is motivation enough. I am checking out books and looking into learning centers till I can into nutrition classes. I'm also looking into audio books. So, good luck Jeni on you date and prayers for your brother's recovery. My Thanksgivings is having all you great people here to help me on my journey to a new and better me. So, have a great Thanksgivings and make those good food choices. Hugs to All.
  3. Whitepants

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Hi All, just checking in. I didn't get to the gym much in the last two weeks. I've been helping a co-worker with her play production. It ended last Sunday. I gained 5lbs pounds for I was making bad food choices. I'm not to upset, for what I gained was not as bad as it could of been. So, looking forward to reading what you've been up to. Juli, I won't be able to take those classes this January. Couldn't come up with the tutition they want, then go on the payment plan they have. So, I'm looking into other areas. Maybe I can find somewhere I can take a few nutrition classes, until I can attend the nutrition school.
  4. Whitepants

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Hi All, just checking in. Jeni, I'm wondering if you may be a canidate to have your fills done by floroscope. This may be a question you can ask your doctor on Thursday. Also, since your large weight loss if your port may have moved some. Giving the doctor to think he's injectioning straight into the port. Well, good luck from us all.
  5. Whitepants

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Hi All, Jeni, hoping it won't come to that. How soon and what tests will you need to take before a decision is determined? I keep you in my prayers.
  6. Whitepants

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Hi All, I agree with Juli, for some of them started out where you're at. I felt that way at first which kept me from going for awhile. Then I too had a buddy partner for a few months. When she stopped driving me to the gym with her, I had to decide do I continue or stop. But, since the gym bug had bitten me so, I'm still going. That was about a year ago now. Seeing my own results kept me motivated to go. Not that I don't slack off some times, but I still keep going. It may take awhile but you'll get there. You did it before you can do it again.
  7. Whitepants

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Hi Everyone, no Jeni, I haven't experienced that yet. And I am going for a fill on Wednesday. Maybe after the sensation of the band being recently filled will subside and you'll get the restriction you're looking for. Some say that's has happened to them. Then the restriction set in after a few days to weeks. The days I can deal with not weeks. I hope that's what will happen for you. We're too close to the end of the year and all the holidays to be able to indulge in all would of usually been our downfall. That's my main reason for getting a fill at this time. I'm able to eat more than a cup of food now. So, I really have to have extreme control to not go overboard. I don't want the holidays to undo all that I've just gotten back to losing again. I'm returning from Bally's and I'm really taken by all that they have to offer. They had most/no all of the machines I need for specific body parts. (the men occupy pretty much tthe weights area, not that it's small but close.) And I'm able to practice my step aerobic moves on the step board. So, hopefully this will get me into the gym more now. One set of all that I need will have me in there for 1:30 min. Looking forward to read your results.
  8. Whitepants

    almost there and scared

    Hi, I too am close to goal weight. I hope by this time you have gotten the fill and have reached your goal. I'm scared and excited to be getting close to goal. So, I've scheduled a date for a fill. Although my band had gotten too restricted I lost weight due to being unable to eat and keep anything down. So when I had an unfill my appetiate returned. So, with making bad chooses after that, I gained a little weight. So, to hurry and reach my goal I'm getting another fill, for I want to be at my goal weight by March,2009. That'll put me at my 2yr band surgery date. Let me know if you've reached your goal and how you're viewing yourself now.
  9. Good Morning To Everyone. In reading everyone's posts, it's like writing in my diary. I myself need to buy clothes every three months. I agree and experienced a bit of what everyone wrote. I'm trying to wait till the end of december, 2008 for my next shopping spree. Or maybe I'll save myself a few dollars and taken them in myself. For I'm wearing belts to hold up my pants now. I'm pretty much at goal weight, 30 lbs to go. I can now fit into my whitepants, zip and button them up and feel comfortable in them. I was in denial about my weight loss,just couldn't believe I was actually losing. To buy fitted clothes then feel and see them get loose on you, is a great feeling. Thanks for the idea of shopping at consignments shops. I forgot about them. I give my clothings to a womens' shelter. For they need mature womens' clothing a lot. I just gave them about 10 winter coats and a few winter pants, skirts and tops. That made me feel really good. I just buy the basic colors, black, navy, gray and brown. Don't deny yourself this feeling every 10, 20, 30 plus pounds you lose. It'll give you incentative to stick to you new life style. I'm glad I found this thread. Let's keep inspiring each other and getting inspired.
  10. Whitepants

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Hi All, just stopping by to say hello. I joined the Bally's 30 day trial offer. They also have personal trainers on site. It's only three days a week I can attend, but that's enough to see if I'm really motivated to increase my exercise days. I got a little over confident and ate more carbs and fat than I should of. I'm back on track again before I go overboard. I'm going for another fill next week. And I'm logging my food intake again. I missed doing that. Jeni, I'm taking synthyroid for my hypothyroidism. I'm on a low dosage for I'm told I'm boardline. I'm still struggling to get it to the lowest dosage possible. I don't think I'll ever be free of it. So, hope to read good new from all.
  11. Whitepants

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Hi All, I'm in. It is so beautiful to see and know you are not alone in certain goals and life issues. Let's all share in ways we plan to get through these TRYING months. I've just started losing and getting back to losing the weight steadly. So, I know I'm about to falter somewhere. One plan of mine is to get another fill. Not knowing but it did help me last year. What I did was snack (food taste) all day while cooking then when the guest arrived I wasn't hungry and played the gracious host. People were able to understand when I told them I've been snacking all day. So when they were eating I took my saucer plate of food and they didn't say what we hear so often, "That's all you're going to eat?" And since Desserts were few, that really helped. That's my plan, what is going to be yours? Jeni 85, I too am boarderline hypothyroid and taking medication. I've been like this for more than 12 years. But it wasn't till recently that I really began to understand it and tried to work with it. The first thing I came to terms with was carb foods. I know the body needs the carbs, so I had to learn how and when to control it. Once I got that under control it made losing weight a bit easier. And of course the band surgery. And added life stress issues just really play havoc on any plans you have for yourself. But remember, we all just need to change gears in any goals we have for oursleves. Something out there is going to work it just takes to long in finding out what it is. Oh Juli, I plan to join a gym through my union. I get a discount through them. So, usually when you have to put your money out on something you want to get your moneys' worth and more. I have a 30 day trial so hope this will get me motivated to add more gym time. Also, my youngest daughter doesn't need me as much any more. She's 17 yrs old doing a part time job and ususally doesn't come home till after 8pm or 9pm some nites. So who do I have to run home too? PS - my daughter asked me to stop losing weight. She likes me at the size I am. I can finally get into and walk somewhat comfortably in my "WHITEPANTS". So, what I did was put them on and showed her how I wanted the pants to fit. When I can pull them away from me, I'll stop. I'm wearing a size 20 pants which are hanging on me now. I think those white pant may be size 16 or 14. Also, as I get closer to my weight goal, I'm getting a little scared. That I'll be at what I think was my best weight. I think tha's why. I'll stop for now but hope to hear your ways of getting through the holidays.
  12. Whitepants


    Hello All, just checking in to see how's everyone is doing. Weighed myself today and I'm holding at a 90lb loss. By December I'll be ready to buy a new set of clothes. I've started having to wear belts again to keep my pants from sagging. And my blouses are loose and hanging on me. It's at times like this that I can see the future of getting closer to my weight goal. If I can hang in there till the end of December, 2008 or January, 2009 I hopefully would of lost another 20lbs before I hit a plateau. Then Febuary and March will take some doing reaching my weight goal of 175lbs. But, either way I'll be there for my birthday in July. Jeni I've been thinking about you, have you had your test yet? I ask this for I have hypothyroid which lends to slow weight loss. So, extra effort is needed to loss the weight. So, hope to read good news about everyone when next I come online.
  13. Whitepants


    Hi All just checking in. Still losing weight slowly, but still exercising. I'm going back to just eating mostly fish. I'm not going vegetarian but I am cutting back on red meat. I still eat chicken, for if I go to a resturant that doesn't have fish on the menu, I'll order some type of meat. I'm trying to incorporate soy products into my diet. This will take some doing for soy is such a bland product. I won't even say food. It's an acquired taste and texture. Especially since the person has already experienced eating meats. I agree that it'll take three to reach goal weight and to be maintaining it by that time. Some say you should reach your goal weight in 18mos - 24mos. That third year you should be maintaining it by that time. For next year my daughter graduates from high school and I want to be at my best. So, there is still time for us all to reach and to maintain our goal weight. I don't want to spend my retired years trying to lose weight. If there is a Bally's Fitness Center in your area, check them out. They have a one, two week pass to check out the gym. Also, a 30 day special at $19.99. Of course I'm look into the 30 day, for if I decide to join, I get a discount from my union. So, let's keep it moving and not give up.
  14. Whitepants


    Hi all, just stopping by to see how all is doing. Janine congrats on getting your first fill next week. Now onto your second chance at losing weight again. Now the second time around should bring about greater results than the first time. I look forward to going through it with you. Juli, I'll be signing up for nutrition classes next week. The school has four financial payment plan.s. And classes begin in January,2009 and ends July,2009. I'm really excited about the classes. They even have precourses, so I'll be taking those also. I belong to a support group and one of our members will be featured on show "The Doctors (a CBS show)". She also attended the Philadephia Obesity Help conference and met Dr Dennis Hurwitz, he is world famous for his Total Body Lift for post weightloss surgery patients. They will also help pay for her surgery along with her insurance company and some of her savings. if need. It is EVERYTHING from her arms to boobs, stomach, thighs, liposuction--THE WORKS! (I cut and paste some of her words.) All this is supposed to be before year end. So hope in reporting from her experience of the surgery it will help some of those here considering the surgery. She had gastric bypass surgery and is about two years or more out. She did mention that she was willing to pay for the surgery herself, until she found out it would cost $34,000. Well, I'll cut this short and hope to read good posts from all.
  15. Whitepants


    Good Morning All, good news for me, I've lost another 2lbs and 1" from my hips and 2" from my waist. I'm even getting some definition to my arms. They're jiggling a little less and my stomach is shaping up as well. But still can do more abs exercises. Jeni 85, have you tried to do some exercise in bed yet? Sometimes at best it helps wake me up. Even just stretching my legs gets me started. Everyone, hope to read good posts from you.
  16. Whitepants


    Evening Everyone, came back from the gym tonight and feel great. Question: is anyone having problems with the band when it comes to doing your abs exercise. Mine tends to get in the way when doing situps. So I tend not to do them, but they do the job so well. Jeni 85, remember you don't have to get to the gym. There are so many exercises you can do while sitting, standing and just walking. i.e. sitting, lift up your legs, do the bent knee pushup w/ the chair, do squarts while doing the dishes, washing up, suck in your abs while walking, there are so many you can do. This may get you inspired to get to the gym. Just do something. I came across a saying, "Don't make excuses, Make and effort". Take this to mind. PS - I do my morning exercises in the bed before I get up. Makes getting out of the bed easier. Especially, when it going to rain and my back acts up. I do my lower back exercises for sure then.
  17. Whitepants


    Hi Everyone, just stopping by to say hello. I'm back on track losing steadily and getting in my 3x a week exercise. I'm really getting the hang of the step aerobics now and more upper body exercise. With the free weights and machines, I've stepped my exercise between 30-60 min. Depending on how much time I can spare. Juli and Jeni 85, good to see that you've gotten down that far. You two are my goal setters, for I want to be at that weight by Dec. That's my x-mas present to myself. Juli, I've been looking into nutrition classes. I didn't realize how hard it would be to find classes. I did find one that suit my needs and schedules almost to a T. 10 weekends classes, gets a certificate. 2 years of college gets a diploma. This timing is great for I plan to retire in two years, and my daughter graduates high school in 2 years. Classes start in Jan/09, so I have plenty of time to get my affairs in order to attend these classes. Also, figure out how to finance the adventure. So, thanks for the encouragement to go back to school. SlikChik10, any news for your friends surgery? I'm anxious to hear and learn more about it.
  18. Whitepants


    Hope your weekend was fine. I over indulged, blaming it on my daughter's birthday. She turned 17 today. Now to make up for it this week. I ate 2 helpings of cake and ice cream and 2 slices of pizza. I didn't get a chance to look up Pannis. Is it the belly fat (I call it the belly flap). If it is mines is not as bad as I thought it would be. I'll see as I lose the next 30 lbs. I'll be my goal weight of 177-175lbs. But do keep us posted and slikchik10, I'ld like it if you would post your friends progress. Thanks.
  19. Whitepants


    Hi All, went today to get another fill. .3cc was put back into my band. I was able to drink Water in the office well before leaving. So, my portion size should be enough to fill me now. I didn't over eat, I just took advantage of the being able to eat more and was eating alot of junk foods. So with being refilled and exercising the weight should begin to come off more. With 5 months to the next anniversary, I'm sort of getting nervous. Two years seemed long in coming and see it's almost here. Then onto maintaining the new me. But one thing for sure, I have you here, my March Bandsters to help me through this and be there for you too. So, let's march, heads held high, hands on our hips into March, 2009.
  20. Whitepants

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    Hi Everyone, I'm back. Had to get a new computer. The cord burned out of my four year old laptop. Thank goodness my daughter was home. She was using it when it began to smoke. I've had a chance to read up on the past posts. Janine, I'm so glad you were able to get rebanded. Good Luck to all who will be returning back to school. I wish you all the best and to be able to control your stress levels and make good food choices and exercise. Just want to let you in on something. When I was last able to post, I was having trouble keeping anything down. Thinking I was too restricted I went to the doctor to get unfilled. Well, what he told me was that at times the band tends to collapse. Causing the PBing problems I was having. He took .25cc out, I had 3cc in. It's been 3 weeks now and I'm going back to have some put back in. I'm beginning to eat a bit more. So, I need to get back on track. I missed you all. I needed you to keep me in check. So, I'm back online and back in the gym. Thanks for being here.
  21. Whitepants

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    Hi Everyone, just checking in. Janine congradualtions on getting rebanded and with the latest band. So, now we get to hear first hand on how the new and improved model works. In helping to get you on track, it'll refrsh our memories on what we need to do get ourselves on track. And we'll all move forward together. Thursday is gym day and I'll be happy to get back to it. I think I've gotten over the plateau and junk food cravings. July and August was rough. Dropped 2 lbs from Monday. I think going to the gym last week helped too. My highest weight for the summer was 220 lbs now I'm back to 213 lbs. Have a great day.
  22. Whitepants

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    Hi All, just catching up on the last posts of everyone. I can very well attest to all that was said. As for the 18 mos mark, I expected to be at my weight goal at 12 mos. Then I set 18 mos, now I'm going for 24 mos. For I don't see myself being there by December. But, I do see another 30 lb loss. Bringing me to less than 200 lbs by December. I'm struggling about now 'cause I've been eating alot of junk foods. Not fast foods which I'm grateful for. The junk foods is going down better than regular foods. For some reason I'm having issues eating anything early in the day, but have no trouble towards the evening. Then again that's 'cause I've been struggling to get something eaten the better part of the day. The only thing I can eat without problems is fish. meats seems to go down hard and slow. Yet fish goes down better and smoother. Go figure. Still can't eat anything spicy hot or strong spices. Since going back to the gym I've maintained my weight. I'll be losing more now, since my step aerobics class will be starting again this Thursday. I too don't want to or like to think of how much I would weigh now if it was not for deciding to get the band. It scares me to think about it. So, now that the summer is coming to a close, we can now map out a plan to fit into our winter schedule and get back on board with losing again. Juli, I'm going to take some classes in nutrition and hope to partner with a community base program that gives cooking and nutritional classes to people. I would most like to help the baby boomers generation and older. So, thanks for the boost to go back to school. I may not get a diploma but a certificate will do me just fine. I'm going to make September my turning point of losing weight again. I do want to be at goal weight some March, 2009. So, let's the moving begin and see how much more we can lose. For no matter the few pounds we put on, it's not a permanent gain.
  23. Whitepants

    August marchies!

    Hi All, went to the gym and dance class tonight. Had a great time and it felt good. Next week my regular dance class starts. And all the new and returning people will start coming into the gym. That'll last for a month or two, then they will start to dwindle out and the real gym people will be left. I'm not a fan of doing any exercises on the floor. But tonight two exercises I need to pay close attention to. One the superman stretch and the plank. If I'm not carefull I tend to lay on the band and cause discomfort. I have to adjust the band and position it not to hurt when I lay on my stomach. Like adjusting your breasts when it's in your bra. Well, I plan to get to the gym twice more this week. Then I'll be really pumped for the fall/winter sessions. Take care all.
  24. Whitepants

    August marchies!

    Hi All, Glad you had fun in Vegas Jeni. You look like you just snuggled up into his arm. Looking at yours and Juli's pictures, you two look to be about the same size. I'm so happy with my size I get to buy new clothes for the winter. I really have nothing to wear. Even my coats don't fit anymore. So, I'm really inspired to get back into the swing of things. Still having issues with some foods. And it's taking me longer to finish one meal. Like today I started eating lunch at 11:45am and didn't finish till 2:30pm. I eat then need to stop then begin again. So, I'm concerned that I'm not getting in all of my claories for the day. So, I have something else to tell the dr. when I see him next month. Well, hope to read good reults from everyone.
  25. Whitepants

    August marchies!

    Hi Everyone. Recently my highest weight gain has been 10lbs. I too start to lose that quickly when I start eating right. Like now, I've lost 5 of the 10lbs I put on. And that's been over the last 7 days. I expect to lose the last 5lbs by the end of the month. Then I'll start losing regularly again. When we reach our goal weight, it'll be more of a challenge to maintain that weight. I'll also will be increasing my gym routine. A few co-workers have joined the gym by work and we plan to dedicate one day in the week to go. So, I'm hoping I'll be at my goal weight by anniversy year 2. I'm also going back to incorporating more fish into my diet. When I did this for lent I lost weight more regularly than when I was eating meat (chicken, turkey and some red meat). Juli, I will be signing up for a class somewhere. When I think of going back to school, it's always to college. I'm not really interested in getting a degree, just to take a class in something. So, I'm signing up at one of the community centers//learning annex. Thanks. I'm having trouble eating and keeping food down again. I'm going to make an appt. w/ my doctor when he returns from vacation. I can feel my band port more as I lose weight. And it's kinda of scaring me. It feels like it has turned or something. So, he's going to have to tell me that's normal or something is wrong. Like tonight I had 2oz of a piece of lamb chop and some creamed vegggie (corn, green Beans w/ onions and garlic). I struggled to eat the meat and forced myself to eat the veggies. That took more than 30min. to eat. Well Good Nite To All and Have a Great Weekend if I don't get to log on over the weekend.

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