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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Whitepants

  1. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Hi All, just checking in to see how everyone is doing. My Fat Smash Diet is in week two, where I can introduce meats back into my diet. I haven't yet for I'm trying to see how long I can stay on Phase I. Eating just carbs & veggie, my Proteins come from the legumes and Beans. I've lost another 2lbs, bringing my weight to 192lbs this week. This diet gets me to expand my trying new veggies and beans. And making my meals interesting and becoming to the eat. My complexion has cleared up more and my skin tone is evening out. My step class has stepped it up a bit having to do more fast paced steps and using the board for upper body exercises. Just in time for the summer. I expect to be a goal weight then with just concentrating more on strengthening and body toning. So, how have you been doing? Hope you're keeping steady and positive.
  2. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Hi All, just checking in. Nothing new to report on my end. Still maintaing 195lbs. But, happy that I haven't gained any more. Only went to the gym twice this week. Scheduling problems. But, I'll be back tomorrow. Good for you Jeni. Bally's has a 8 week program right now and look into their free 1 day pass, 2 week program and 30 day 19.99 intro. I got started with the 30 day intro and joined them through my union and got a discount which helped. So, good luck. Hope all is doing well and revamping your program. Let's aim to lose 10 lbs by March.
  3. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Hi Everyone, day 3 of my Fat Smash Diet. It's not as bad as I thought. I am trying more new vegetables and a other Protein items. Coucous, tabouli, falfael, making veggie burgers for a start. This week when making my meals for the week, I put sugar in some foods not realizing that they did not need much help, When put together will give the right flavor. Lessoned learned. No more weight lose yet. Since losing 8lbs since the beginning of the month, I hope to lose 2 more. Juli, my nutrionist told me to eat more protein at meal times to help get over that craving feeling. I did what she said it did work. Not only did it help with the cravings it helped keep me full. The upside to this also, my nails became stronger and broke less and grew. But, of course I got over confident and slacked up, then went back to increasing my protein. Like everything, give it a try and see what happens. Happy mid-week to all.
  4. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Great to hear from you Janine. Yes, we are all at different stages of still working with our band and finding new ways to jump start our wieght lose. Just checking to see what new thing someone has noticed about themselves, changed or is doing new and seeing results. Since my detox finished on Thursday, I have lost 10 lbs and I'm still losing. aI'm starting a Fat Smash Diet where for 9 days just brown rice, (no white foods) and vegetables and fruits. This should be interesting. Have upped my exercise to 4x a week now with step aerobics and kwando being a high cardio activity. I'll keep you informed.
  5. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Hi All, just checking in. I'm proud to say that I am now wearing a size 16 pants. They fit a bit snug, but they'll loosen up in time w/ my continued weight loss. Those white pants I want to get in must be a size 14 or 12. Not a 16 like I first thought. So my weight goal of 175lbs being 155lbs the lowest I want to weigh will get me in those pants. How was you week.?
  6. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Hi Everyone, hope things are going well for you. Juli, I do understand that this is not an easy decision to make. The fact that you've considered having it, and will have it for health reasons is another life altering decision you've made. As any surgery the what ifs are scary, which held me four years from getting the band surgery. I haven't lost as much weight as you have yet. So, I can't even imagine having to make that decision. But, I still commend you for making the decision. So, I'll be living this experience through you and hope should I need to go the same route I'll be ready. Thank you for sharing this experience with us. So, hope everyone is having success in meeting their anniversary weight loss. Anything you plan on incorporating to meet that goal?
  7. Whitepants

    How often do you PB?

    Good Morning All, in the beginning it was hard for me to get in my Protein for the day, along w/ the other daily intake of veggies and carbs. What I did was just eat veggies and Proteins at meal time and for Snacks. Of course having more protein than veggies at meal time. Try this for two weeks. It will get you into the habit of eating more protein to help fill you up. Then you discover other ways of getting your protein in. This is still a learning process. March will be two years for me and I'm still learning and discovering things. Don't discourage yourself from not conquering this.
  8. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Good Morning All, as we all start this new week. Nothing new on the home front. Making a medical list of all my body parts I need to take care of. My 1 stop will be dental, before my dentist not give me another refill of antibotic over the phone... Mrs. Husker it good that you went quickly to the dentist before the infection spread. Waiting for the swelling to go away. Juli, I commend anyone who is willing to get reconstructive surgery. I so don't want to go under the knife again. But, if I do, I just hope it's for one body area only. My prayers will be with you when you go. This is your year for a new you. You Go Girl!!!! My exercise regime is going well. I've lost 5 lbs and 1/2 inches since I began this detox. Helped with the gym and I think mostly the Kwando classes. The Kwando class have me stretching my entire body with the kicks and moves. I like this class. Well, everyone have a great and positive week, healthy week. This year let's get our health in line with our continued weigh loss journey. We know what we need to do, just need to put it into work. Let this be the one thing we do for ourselves. We deserve it. Let's put as much energy into ourselves as we do for others. For so many others depend on us, whether we want to believe it or not. Well, that's it for me. Have to trudge out in the snow to vist my sister in the hospital. Then come back and prepare my meals for the week. Take Care.
  9. Whitepants

    How often do you PB?

    Hello Everyone, my last PB was due to swallowing a capsule. In looking at it I figured it would go down with no effort. I was wrong. I seemed like it went down side ways and that lingering feeling was there for hours. Anything I took by mouth after that caused problems. It started after each of the following: a cup of tea, followed by a cereal bar, then by water last trying to eat lunch. All this took place between 7:30 am 12:30pm. I had gotten the usual feeling, sliming, gagging, hacking and recycling all that I had tried to drink or eat. Say that to say this, it is not always eating to fast or too much that will cause you to PB. One thing I noticed when PBing, you know when it's over when that big blob of slime and air bubble come up. Well, that's how it is with me, but you have your own way of knowing when it's over.
  10. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Good Morning Everyone. Just want to say I have held my position of 199.8 lbs for 2 days. I have now arrived at Onederland and the feeling is great. This has given me more confidence that I will reach my goal weight by March. And be in my Whitepants for my Birthday in July. Well, on my way to the gym for step aerobics and kwando classes. Hope your weekend is great.
  11. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Good Morning All. I'm on the road to losing weight again. I think not only have I passed the "dreaded plateau" but losing inches as well. I've lost another inch of my hips and dropped 4lbs since last week. Another way I can tell when I'm losing steadly is going to the bathroom. Even if I haven't gotten in my 6 - 8 glasses of Water a day. The detox problem I'm doing is a 14 day complete body cleanse. Store brand "Whole food - 365 - Complete Body Cleanse". It's a regime of a liver cleanse, mild laxative and Fiber blend". The laxative was milder than I expected. At one time I wasn't sure it was working. Any cleanse vary from least expensive to expensive. ($16.99 - 34.99) So, I went the store brand cost. In reaching some include powders and pills, others just pills. Some may have large pills to take. Mines did and I had to crush them and put into something to drink or eat (apple sauce). There are also 3 day cleanses. The 3 day may be more drastic than stretcing it out to the 7 day, 14 or 30 day cleanse. I'm also going to include this in my regime, doing it every change of the season. I'm satisfy with the results I'm seeing and really feel good. Didn't need to change my eating habits, but, "we're already eating healthy" anyway. When I'm searching the kitchen and frige for something to eat, I keep can tuna fish, tomato soup and apple sauce in stock, and snack on that. Although sometimes I don't want that either. But when I eat them, I'm okay. Hope everyone have a great weekend. Visiting my sister in the hospital, cleaning and throwing out papers and clothes is what's in store for me this weekend.
  12. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Hi All, things are going okay w/ me. Nothing new to report. Back into exercising and feeling well. Oh Juli, have you been approved and given a date and what all will the surgery cover? What's new with you?
  13. Whitepants

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Hi All, hoping this reaches you to come and join the 2009 thread. Jumping into the New Year....2009. Or if another has been started please let me know so I can come on board.
  14. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Hi Everyone, just checking in and see I am not the only one who have been away for awhile. Haven't lost anything lately and just getting back into exercising. I also started a 14 day total body detox program. So far, so good. Haven't lost any weight yet, but my insides are getting cleansed out. Did my regular weekly cooking going to start a fast of no meats for 9 days. Followed by slowly introducing certain foods and meats back into my diet. So, hope to hear good and new goals from you.
  15. Whitepants

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Hi All on day 2 of the New Year. Today I had a bad experience that caused me to PB. I had to take 4 capsules for my detox program. I usually open the capsules and pour it into something to eat. I thought taking them would cause no problem. I had trouble after swallowing pill 3 and 4. Tried to eat a ceral bar and had trouble with that too. Then I had trouble drinking the last two sips of my tea. About 20 min later up came the tea. That's when I should of stopped. Tried to eat my Soup for lunch and that was when my problem began. Up came the soup, slime the Cereal bar and a papaya pills I thought would help calm my stomach. It was horrible for 30 min. Gagging, spitting, upchucking, oh it was bad. But, I felt better when it was all over. So, no more taking any pills I think might give me trouble. As for fixing my fish, try marinating your fish in an oil-vinegar dressing. I like the italian robusto... Then make up your own seasoning pretty much the same as you would your meats. I tried using recipes, but came up better making my own, using can gravy, cream soup, even tomato soup. Honey-mustard, etc. Also, I like stuffed flounder/filets with what ever is available. I mostly use salmon steak, swai, talipia, you'll have to try many to find which you like best. So, give it a whirl and good luck. Let me know what you come up with. Good Luck with using sparkpeople again. I too am going to start with stage 1 and work my way to stage 4. That should bring me to my goal weight by June of 150lbs also.
  16. Whitepants

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Hi All, hope you x-mas was great and your new year to be even better. I felt much, much better yesterday, but still stayed home from work. So well that I started cleaning my room of old paper that should of been thrown out months ago. I made it to work today. Now, I'm experiencing headaches from the sausage leaving my system. I'm recognize the signs of detox. And speaking of detox, I'm going to take a 3 or 7 day detox cleansing program. So, I'll be squeeky clean from the inside. Now to get back on track with my exercise routine, logging my meals, every bit and bite I take, even if's a cookie or cake. Measuring my foods and including the carbs I need to keep my body in check. That's going to be hard for carbs are my downfall. Ms Husker, I'm just getting over an ear problem myself, so I could only imagine what you went through. I'm also a member of Sparkpeople. They have helped me alot too. So, let's all make stepping stone goals and we will meet the larger one with ease and success. Look forward to reading successful posts in the New Year. Happy New Year to Everyone, if I don't get to post before then. Thank you all for being here.
  17. Whitepants

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Hi All, just checking in and want to give you a little health update. I recently suffered with a case of "Benign Vertigo". By recently "Christmas Day". You can read some of the definition of this and be sure to research it for yourself. Here is what happened. I'll try not to make this so lengthy. It gradually started Thursday morning. I did manage to fix my part of x-mas dinner. I had trouble sitting up, then standing, then moving and walking. It was that sensation of getting up to fast, eating something that doesn't agree w/ you and nausea. It was just a horrible feeling. Having a lose of control of you feelings and sensation. At the hospital I was given a blood test for diabetes, ekg, ct scan and chest x-ray. All came back negative. They also tested for ketones, " blood sugar drops after a low-carbohydrate meal, the hormone glucagon is released which causes triglycerides to be released from the body's store of fat. This is not good. I've not been eating carbs a lot for they are my downfall to gaining and keeping weight on. 2. Ketones are normally present in the bloodstreamWhen my blood sugar drops after a low-carbohydrate meal, the hormone glucagon is released which causes triglycerides to be released from my body's store of fat. Meanwhile, the free fatty acids are cut into two- and four-carbon fragments called ketones or ketone bodies. Ketones are normally present in the bloodstream. I was also given an IV for I was dehyrated. I only had one bag of fluids. And given a few test for exams of how bad was the vertigo. It wasn't a hard or painful test, it was just my reaction to the testing. It was more of a discomfort not pain. He turned my head left and right for 30 seconds then had me sit up. It was the level of how far I could sit up and and the pain I experienced that indicated the level of the vertigo. The doctor explained that the inner balance of my inner ear canals were blocked (by what could be described as stones)was throwing my balance off. Certain tests such as blood tests, CT scan, or electrocardiogram (ECG) may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis of vertigo. Pathology. not malignant; self-limiting Having little or no detrimental effect; not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor) [ant: malignant] benign [(bi-neyen)] A descriptive term for conditions that present no danger to life or well-being. Benign is the opposite of malignant. Note: The term benign is used when describing tumors or growths that do not threaten the health of an individual. I'll stop here, but you can get the jest of what happened to me. I hope this wasn't to confusing. Just be careful of your nutritional intake. Cutting back on somethings are not as healthful when losing weight. It's something you just have to modify, limit or find something else compatible to take.
  18. Whitepants

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Hi All, just checking in. Hope Everyone will have a joyous X-Mas. Hope everyone wll report good news. Haven't lost any more weight really. Just the amt. I gained the last few weeks. I found out that eating a small snack in the afternoons put weight on me. So, I've cut the snack of a small meal in the pm. I've increased my exercise time to 4 - 5 times a week. Trying different machines at the gym and I'm loving it. I'm addicted to getting to the gym now. Hope this continue into and past the New Year. I've lost 1/2 in. off my hips and building/toning muscles. I like the way my shoulders are looking. Not drooping anymore. And my wings are not jiggling much. I have 3-4 wiggles and not 5 and more like before. Now if I can only get to goal by March. 30lbs. That would be a miracle. Atleast 20lbs to be under 200lb. But, I will be there by Summer. I'm looking forward to getting new clothes for Spring and Summer. Well, that's enough about me. What's about you?
  19. Whitepants

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Hi All, I went to the gym today, followed the Bally's 5 day exercise program. Came home and made bad dinner choices. I was so busy making lunch meals yesterday, I forgot to make dinner meals. Have to do better tomorrow. Let's all stay on track this week.
  20. Whitepants

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Hi All, this week has been a good week for me. Work was so-so, picked up Wednesday on. Made it to the gym from Tuesday to today. I was so good that after my saturday step aerobics class I went to my Kwando class. I stuck out the entire hour. Well, 50 minutes, it took me ten minutes and some coaxing to get into the class. But when I did, I realized that everyone in the class was new at some point. I'll be keeping this class. Momlambert, welcome back. I still follow your suggestion of drinking something warm prior to eating. Tabithan, I to was able to eat anything along with making bad food choices. I was convinced I had lost my restirction. That I needed another fill. But when I got back on track, it my restirction came back. But, I still want a small fill, I'm losing weight again and don't want the X-Mas holiday to miss it up. Juli, I found another way to get a nutrition class certification. On the AARP site, an affilitate w/ them ACE has a Lifestyle & Weight Management Program and classes for Personal and Group Trainers. I've enrolled for the Lifestyle & Weight, but I can't use what I'll learn until I take the Personal Trainer Course. So, I get to do what I want as well as devise a exercise program for my clients. I'm more excited about this that the other nutrition program I found. It's an online program and a group program in different cities every few months. And most of all it's in my price budget. The other classes I can take as I need them money permitting. Carol hope the injections work for you. The day will come when you won't need to get any more of them. So, everyone have a great weekend and hope to read your good news.
  21. Whitepants

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Good Moring To All. Have a great and successful Day. Janine: it's good to hear from you and how you're saying it's interesting the second time around. This time around you'll know all the right ways to get to your goal. That Zumba sounds interesting. That moving all of you at once. Also a mind exercise too, remembering which body part to move and when. Keep in sync and making it look smooth. Well, keep us informed.
  22. Whitepants

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Good Evening All, Juli, I so envy you in looking into Plastic Surgery. That's the part of this weight loss that concerns me most. Right now it's only sagging skin w/ some firness still. It's not jiggling like before when I didn't take my exercise seriously. I too have gone back to eating Protein and veggies. I have my carbs at nite, but only 2oz when I do. In doing some reading it says it's best to eat carbsduring the early part of the day. For digesting purposes. Drinking more Water up to about 3 glasses and tea about 2x a day. So I'm getting Did see a 2lbs weight loss. Tha's encouraging for me. Now to work on those 8lbs. Continued good luck to all.
  23. Whitepants

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Good Evening All, thanks for the kind words. I do have an outfit I put on to see how far I have come. And I find it hard to believe that I once fit it. By the end of Dec. I hope to buy another set of clothes. They're just the basic color pants, black, brown, navy and gray. Since I wear a sweater (security blanket) at work, I can get away w/ my tops being loose. Went to the gym tonite, step aerobics class had a good workout. Now to add one more gym day, making gym 4 days a week. Today I felt some restriction, but wanted something to eat about 2 hours later. Wasn't hungry, didn't want a snack, just wanted something to eat. Had a banana and some applesauce. Did not curve my appetite, just got in my fruits for the day. Had 2oz of fish and 4oz of veggies. Had a cheese sandwich for dinner. Well, good nite to everyone.
  24. Whitepants

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Hi All, just checking in. Feeling kind of anxious today. Just thinking about the last 30 pounds to lose to be at goal weight. Scheduled myself for a fill on 12/11/08, the last for the year. I so want to lose about 10lb myself this month. Haven't had any luck the last 2months in doing so. Atleast going to the gym helped keep me from gaining more if I had not gone. Need to keep off the scale, stressing myself out when I don't see the numbers go down. Looked at myself in the mirror and said, "I look fat. I've got to lose some weight". Now I feel like someone who have just put on weight rather than just loss some weight. Well, good luck to us all. Let's see who has lost the most at the end of the month. This should motivate us all.
  25. Whitepants

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Good Morning Everyone, hope you're recovering well, from the Thanksgiving Holiday. I am. I'm still discovering new ways of controling my portion sizes. In using the cut off noodle parts of my lasagna pieces, they were just the right size for a small glass food storage dish (about 3" of the lasagna noodle). They were 4 pieces, about 2 whole noodles. I layered the dish with the sauce, noodle, veggie meat, ricotta and baked for about 30 minutes. Well, to my surprise it is enough to get two servings out of. Now I don't need to wait till I make a family size lasagna to eat lasagna. This week I get to go to the gym as often as I want. Also, I'm scheduling myself for another fill. Hope this one will last me till March, 2009. I only have 4of 6 more visits before my referrals expire. I've been using them sparingly. Well, enough for now. Waiting to read your news.

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