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Everything posted by Whitepants

  1. Whitepants


    Hi All, just checking in again. Kinda lonely here. Now that you're back you have something interesting to share. Still trying to get around this relux. Still can get in only one good meal a day. The other times it's just eating something so that my body can have something to feed off of. Also, started taking Vitamin supplement. The doctor said I maybe vitamin B12 deficient. Was having weakness in my legs or I may have sciatica issues. The x-rays will tell for sure and the blood test. So, I may be looking at therapy for a while and excercise to ease my back pain. Carol, didn't do to well this week. Those darn pastries my daughter brings home from work. I may not be able to eat food, but I can do some damage to junk food. But, since taking the supplements, that's weaning off. Thank Goodness. So I just take the pasteries to work. They love the assorted pasteries I bring. Well welcome back all. I'm going to start the November thread. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f90/november-thankful-month-123902/
  2. Whitepants


    Hi All, we're just weeks from the end of the year holidays. We're about to face our biggest challenge. We'll need to step up our game plan. Mine is to start getting to the gym. I'm getting close, almost made it tonight. Lately I've been able to eat without having a acid reflux episode. I'm still basically down to one good meal a day. But I can eat sometimes in one setting or two. Not three or four like before. At times I can even eat dinner like tonight. Ms Husker, when I used to feel like that, that last bite was more than enough. And that's not a good feeling as we all to well know. I learned not to take that last bite. No matter how small it is, just to keep from throwing it away or saving it till later. How I get over that is wait about 1/2 or more then go back and eat it, if I still have that "urge". And that's just what it is an "urge". An "urge" not to let that last bite get the best of me. Janine, gall bladder problems was not one I would thing of as an effect of acid reflux. I was thinking along the line of espoghas issues. I still think that getting some Fluid removed might get rid of the reflux. But, I won't at this time. Since I"m so close to weight goal. And just get back into excerising. I"ll just keep taking the pills. It may not make since but we all know our goal is to get to our weight lose goal. So, thank you for taking us along "Your Journey" for we are all learning lessons and issue that come along with the band. But as we've all said in the past "We Love Our Band". Welcome back all March Bandsters. We may not get here regularly but we do come back. Please just write your success good or not. It helps you and us keep in line and on track.
  3. Whitepants


    Hi, just checking in. Went to the doctor yesterday ab my acid reflux. I was prescribed with Priolsec for 30 days. She says this might solve the problem. Then I'm to go back to the lapband doctor to get an endoscopy of my throat. What may happen at the appt. is that he may remove some of the Fluid to releive the acid reflux. If he does this then I'll really have to step up my food intake. But better that that risk esphogas problem. The worst of them throat cancer from the acid backup. Oh well throat problem, gall bladder removal, what else could be a side effect of lapband. But no matter what, I'm still glad I got it. Just need to regroup and continue on. Hope you've had some success on your journey. Carol, I lost 2 pound, but did not excerise. Looking into what yoga excerise I can and cannot do now. For the doctor say I may have sciatica. Been having tingling and some numbness in my legs. Sometimes when walking or standing my legs feel like they'll just give out from under me. So, I don't want to excerise then fall from where between the gym and home and can't get up. So, I'll just stick to walking or maybe the bike for now.
  4. Whitepants


    Hi. good for you .4lb weight lose. I myself loss 3lbs. but that's only because I stopped eating the junk food and cut back on the Pasta. In addition to taking a Protein drink in the morning eating lucnch and not very hungry at night. But do eat a little something just th same. I'm enpowered and engernized to exceris this week. I'm going to start back to yoga, hot yoga tomorrow evening. Start off with 2x a week and maybe 3x. My evenings are flexible, no one to rush home to. As a matter of fact I'm going shopping today and will spend some time window shopping. So, there's my walking for the day. Last week was a rough week, the house renovation, my "TEENAGE Daughter", work not so much. But did hear of a co-worker who passed away on her way to "work". When you hear news like that, you begin to revaluate your own life. Like I'm doing now. I have a dr's. appt. Tuesday about weakness in my legs. Hope it's something that a pill will take care of or something that a holistic way will take care of. Well, let's try to check in twice a week for each others results. The others will soon follow.. Take care for now.
  5. Whitepants


    Hi All, Just Checking In. Hey Carol. Glad you're up for the challenge. I'm able to get back to yoga now that the renovation to the house is almost over. I can plan my evenings better now. I'm excited for both partners. I thought since my acid reflux was not as bad that I'd be eating more. Not so, or just sometimes. Still down to one good meal a day and maybe something at nights. With that baking, I know what self control that will be. My daughter works in a bakery on the weekends, so she'll be brining home samples. Good luck to me. Janine and Ms Husker hope all is well or soon to be. Miss hearing from you. To all those coming back, thanks for dropping by. Now that the holidays are coming up it may be weeks before logging on. But still find the time even if you don't post your progress. Just saying hello is good enough. Luv to All
  6. Whitepants


    Hey All, Carol, you and I want to lose the same amount of weight by year end. So let's buddy up on the adventure. And congrats on the amount you loss since May. Sometimes we go thru weight loss spurts. And that was a lot. I haven't had one like that for months. So with buddying up with you and my new excercise buddy, I should be at my goal. I'm so excited. I'm going back to eating vegetables for dinner. Just have one solid meal which will be lunch and vegetable prepared some kind of way for dinner. Some type of liquid form. Since it's easier for the system to digest at that time of night. Since I will be coming home late from excerising about 9pm. So, I don't want to be eating a heavy meal then go to bed. So, what say you Carole? Up to the challenge???
  7. Whitepants


    Hi All, just checking. My acid reflux in not as bad as before. I know for I'm beginning to eat more. And we all know that includes bad food choices and junk food. Not including the fact that my daughter just stargted working in a bakery so, we're tasting the wares. But, that's not going t deter me, for I want to reach my goal weight be year end. Also, one of my friends is looking for a workout buddy. I've been wanting this for a while and I know she'll stick to it. So, hope to start this week. Ms. Husker, be extremely careful with any sleeping aid. My co-worker took some and she experienced sleep walking epsidoes. She had the gastric bypass and she can't do sugar well. Well, one morning she woke up her kitchen was in a mess and some candy she had on the computer desk was all eaten and shrewed on the floor and desk. She had no memory of getting up during the nights and doing these things. So, when and if you take any ask someone to be watchful of you. Not to say this will happen to you but something you should know. Hey Carole hope all is well with you. And you are seeing results on what you're doing. Take care all...
  8. Whitepants


    Hi All, just checking in. Well, now that I have my acid reflux in check somewhat my appetiate has improved. I'm eating a little more and junk food craving is on the rise. Now I really have to step it up and get back on track too. At least I'm getting closer to excerising again. I now carry my gym clothing just need to get to the gym. Had a few distractions but I'm going to do my errands during lunch and get to the gym in the evenings. Cut out Bally's for I wasn't getting there and money gone to waste. The city gym $55 a year is good enough for me. Every evening there is an excerise class going. So I can do the weights or class. So, what are you going to get back on track to? One small step or goal at a time. That's something we must remember.
  9. Whitepants

    Slipping into September

  10. Whitepants

    Slipping into September

    Hi All, just checking in. Lately I've been able to eat without having a acid reflux episode. I'm still basically down to one good meal a day. But I can eat sometimes in one setting or two. Not three or four like before. Ms Husker, when I used to feel like that, that last bite was more than enough. And that's not a good feeling as we all to well know. I learned not to take that last bite. No matter how small it is, just to keep from throwing it away or saving it till later. How I get over that is wait about 1/2 or more then go back and eat it, if I still have that "urge". And that's just what it is an "urge". An "urge" not to let that last bite get the best of me. Janine, gall bladder problems was not one I would thing of as an effect of acid reflux. I was thinking along the line of espoghas issues. I still think that getting some Fluid removed might get rid of the reflux. But, I won't at this time. Since I"m so close to weight goal. And just get back into excerising. I"ll just keep taking the pills. It may not make since but we all know our goal is to get to our weight lose goal. So, thank you for taking us along "Your Journey" for we are all learning lessons and issue that come along with the band. But as we've all said in the past "We Love Our Band". Welcome back all March Bandsters. We may not get here regularly but we do come back. Please just write your success good or not. It helps you and us keep in line and on track.
  11. Whitepants

    Slipping into September

    Hi Fellow Bandsters: I think about you often although I haven't been on much. I was told I had acid reflux about three years ago. Although it was an occasional bout I really didn't pay to much attention to it. So, of course I didn't take the medication prescribed. Hence three year later I am hit with acid reflux big time. When it became a problem I took it as the band being to tight. After months, yes, months, since summer I've been having problems eating. What I thought was a bad case of PBing was in fact acid reflux results. In some reading it stated that acid reflux can be a result of gastric surgery. But the last time that had happened I had some Fluid removed and it solved the problem. So this time I thought to do the same thing. But when I took my medication it began to subside some. Of course I like the fact that since I couldn't eat much or at all, the weight came off. So, I do believe if removing some fluid the acid reflux will go away. Then there is the fear of not controlling my appetiate again. So, what's a girl to do? Take the medication, lose the weight then hope to maintain it. I only have 13lbs to weight goal. Here I'm trying to get off 2 meds and end up taking 3 now. I haven't gotten back into excerising. My gym membership is about to expire. I want to renew it but when will I get back to the gym. Mornings are not looking good right now and I have a home remodeling project that at time keeps me from getting there in the evenings. And home excerising is not movitating right now. Well, enough about me. I'm just glad I can come and vent. Only someone going thru what we are can understand our plights. No matter what they are. Everyone keep strong and as healthy as we can possible be. Ms Husker, when I screw up, I pass it on as taking control of what I want to do when I want to do it. It makes me feel great and in control then the high wears off and begin to have regrets. It's like that quick high. But we haven't gone that far we can't get back. And when our other health issue get in the way, that doesn't help. We're not failures, just didn't see that road block. Janine, you most of all have kept us informed of many issues that may be as a result of being banded. But, each time you prevail over them. You are an inspiration for this. I hope I can have a positive outlook when something like that happens to me. Carol, hope your medical ills begin to improve. I do remember that one of my quickest weight loss was my reducing of salt a lot. And weighing my foods. It took only weeks to begin to adjust my taste buds to the reduced salt intake. So, if you're using the weight watchers food, pay attention to the salt contents. The salt helps preserve the shelf life of prepared foods. And I liked the partnership of the program. It gave me motive to win those prizes (if that's still part of the program). In addition to that one person who talks so much about how much she's doing and not losing weight. Well, thanks for taking the time to read my post. Until next time, when we are all on the good foot and losing weight again. Let's start our New Year's Resolution new. It'll be one we won't need to make then. We've already begun it. Luv Ya All.
  12. Whitepants

    Slipping into September

    Hi All, back to see what's going on with everyone. In reading the previous posts, it's as if I don't need to write anything. I'm experiencing some of what everyone is saying. Especially with the I don't care any more attitude. Although I gain up to 10 lbs when I feel like this I'm still a lot better off than 3yr ago. I'm kinda back on track now. Although I need to go back to the doctor. I know a while back I was diagnosed with acid reflux but didn't take it seriously. This time round I'm not sure if it's acid reflux or my band is too tight. Really I think it's both. I'm only losing weight now because I'm pretty much only eating one meal a day. With PBing almost every day sometimes twice a day something is wrong. Have trouble eating a decent meal, but I have no problem eating junk food. Go figure. I'm afraid if the dr. remove some fluids I'll get over conifident and really gain the weight back. In addition I haven't really excerised all summer. So now that school is back in session I won't need to be home for my daughter to much in the evening. I'm scheduling a program for excerise 5x a week. 3 mornings and 2/3x evenings. As we all know proper eating with excerise will help the weight come off. Well enough of me. We all know where our faults are but although we get mad with ourselves for not doing the right thing, we do eventually get back on track. I have no doubt that each of us will. It's one of those things, "sick and tired of being sick and tired". We got the eating healthy part under control it's getting the exercise part in sync. At least for me. Well, love to you all and we'll get it straight some day soon. Then it's on to maintaining our lost weight. And we think getting there is hard. This is just the training step to maintaining our weight loss goal.
  13. Whitepants

    Were Cooking in August

    Good Morning To Everyone. Carol I understand about agonizing those last ounces/pounds. Especially since we have the scales that measures in ounces now. From one day to the next we can't tell when those pounds will go away for good. The body is so amazing. I do now realize if you don't eat regularly, like I have been doing lately, the body tends to go to it's reserves. That may be the reason we don't lose. I'm still holding at 193lbs for almost a month now. And I don't think it's because I've hit a plateau at this time. Well, keep on with your new lifestyle of eating and increase the Protein and veggies and drink plenty of Water. We're still not done yet. For after reaching our goal weight, it's onto maintaining it. I now look forward to that part. We about to past the hard part. To finding new foods, ways and excerises to keep off the weight. See, we're still learining something new every day.
  14. Whitepants

    Were Cooking in August

    Good Morning Everyone. Just checking in. No weight loss lately, still holding at 193lbs. Carol, also in being too restricted, if that's our problem, I can't take hot seasoned or spicy/rich foods. This is the worse. Usually I can take chinese foods seasoned with garlic sauce. Yesterday it was horrible. I only had two bites and was done. Tried it for dinner and still couldn't finish it. I'm going away tomorrow and I don't know how I'm going to make it. For we all know part of going away is sampling the foods. Like you Carol, I'm going to try and tolerate this restriction a few weeks longer. It doesn't feel like it'll let up then I'll get some taken out. Being filled is not an exact science. So, everyone let's continue on. Till I return take care of yourselves.
  15. Whitepants

    Were Cooking in August

    Hey Everyone, I'm still around. Like everyone sometimes I don't want to come and reveal I didn't keep up my end of the bargin. I have lost 10lb since last being here. But, that's due to my not eating well. I think, I know I'm too restricted but don't want to go back to the doc. Afraid he won't take out enough to keep my from PBing. My meals mostly consist of oatmeal for Breakfast, and lunch stretching into dinner. Therefor only having two meals a day. Then when I can eat it's mostly Protein. Veggies are almost none existence. Due to I haven't done much cooking for my frig is still not keeping foods cold. So I can't cook and keep leftovers in the frig. Exercise, again almost not existence. Excerise about 1x or 2x a week. But, I still and do think each and everyone often. So, I'm going to try and come back whether I gain or lose. You all do keep me getting back on track. Just so I can come and post my successes. As we all say and know without the band we would not be where we're at today. As a matter of fact, when I do any yoga moves that needs to be done on my stomach, my band gets in the way if I don't lay right. So, koodoo's for me...
  16. Hi, CamiC. Thanks for inviting me as a friend. Just a little about myself. I'm 3yr, 3ms post surgery. I'm lost 100+ lbs. depening on when I don't gain depending on what's going on in my lfie. I'm an emotional eater. As some of us are. It's going to be hard to stick strictly to the diet. But you can do it. It really works. Just remember, the "LapBand" is only a tool. Just like any other tool, it only helps and assist you in what needs to be worked on. You may get discouraged at times and you will. But, the most important thing, "Your weight did not get there overnight or a few months." It will take time to come off, just be patient.


    Well, enough for now. I've already given you too much of myself. But after being on the journey for three year, I've a lot to tell. My successes and failures. But, that's another story.


    Most important, good luck with the surgery. Write back when you feel up to it.

  17. Whitepants

    It's June already

    Hi All. I see we're all taking a long break from logging on. Yes, we may all be too busy to log, found other sites, just plain forget or not having much success in losing the weight. Although I think of you often I just don't log on. I'm struggling with my weight again. Not eating or making healthy choices in foods. I've gone pass the junk food cravings. My frig is still out and I'm blaming not being able to cook healthy meals for my weight halt. Using the freezer part as the frig so I can't cook like I want. But I do manage to keep on excerising which has keep my weight at a stand still somewhat. I have to step up my excerising to almost daily now. This would be excellent if I were eating healthy. Well, enough for me, how are you doing?
  18. Whitepants

    It's June already

    Hey All, Mrs. Husker, you are one of my many mentors here. We all know we have our ups and downs and at times don't want to post. But then we get the courage and come and post. My reason this time was when I last posted I was losing and excerising and taking fitness classes and yoga. Since that time I had gain back 10lbs, taking fewer classes and less yoga. We at times find a reason to blame our weight gain on something. Mines is my frig needed repair and I was relying on my freezer to temp as the frig. Being it could only hold buy so much, I found myself eating take out often. Lending to my weight gain. I can't fit any of my new clothes and can't seem to find anything I like this summer. So, I decided to come back and just post my results thus far. And it's not good. So, I going to take a stand and get back on track. 1st I need to get to back to going to the gym in the mornings. To work on time to get to leave early to get to my exercise/yoga classes on time. And once I get into that habit, I'm back on track. But, we all know starting it is the hard part. So, thanks for being here and encouraging each other. Atleast this is the one place where we know, there are others that can relate to our problems. Love to you All. Thanks for being here and coming back...
  19. Whitepants

    It's May

    Hi All, Mrs. Husker, me personally Ii would go with the Whey. Read up on Soy, soy and radiation, soy and cancer. Soy, soy, soy. I tend to stay away from it for it can hamper my thyroid medication. Hope everyone is doing well.
  20. Whitepants

    It's May

    Good Morning All. Although we all make bad food choice we can still be sensible about it. Read the label; take the suggested serving allowed, use your food scale, measuring cupa and spoons. Share that slice of whatever w/ someone or eat some and take the rest w/ you. Even when you eat it later, it's the amount that's in question. That may get you back onto the right track. It's almost like writing in a food log. You'll quickly remember how much you're eating... Find what tricks you back into getting on track. We all that that trick we use. What is yours?
  21. Whitepants

    It's May

    Hi All, just stopping by again. Like most haven't been on to be note my ups and downs. I'm still holding between 195 - 200lbs. It seems that this will be my steady weight. But, I'm still trying to get to 175lbs. Ms. H. great that you are getting back on track. I tried Sparkpeople and it does work. And you sure can get side tracked with its mulitiple of info. Begin using your food scale, measuring cups and spoons again. When I fall off I start back with these to get me started. Even when I make bad food choices. Keep on coming back Carol and Momlambert. We can be each others support system. How are you two doing?
  22. Sorry, I haven't been here in a long, long while. I've been rereading some of the past logs for February and March. In most of them, it was as if I had written them and put your names to them. I too just had a refill. I didn't have much restriction and I too was almost at weight goal and then became over confidient and starting eating like I had control. My lowest weight was I81lbs then over ate and went back up to 200lbs. I never stopped exercising but my eating was out of control. Making wrong and bad food decision. Junk food, fried foods cakes and then the infamous Girl Scouts cookies. But I began doing zumba dancing, hot yoga and regular yoga nad back into the gym. So, I didn't not lose the weight yet, just maintaining and since I've been refilled my eating is more restricted. I've signed up for 20 hot yoga classes which can figure out to 10 weeks of classe at 2x a week or 6 weeks of classes at 3x a week. But, I want to be back in the clothes I bought last year and 175lbs. All this for my daughter's high school graduation in June and my birthday in July. So, since we've all vowed to do better and we know we can let's do it. My mantra is "It's InSide All of Us To Do". And you know what I mean. It's April and It Aint' Over.
  23. Whitepants

    April and It Ain't Over

    Hey Just Checking In. One thing about us is we won't give up. Yeah sometimes we mess up and sometimes we mess up big time. But when we realize what is happening to us, we vent, let it take it's course and then get back on track. We will never, never give up but, as we've all said before, we are a far cry from where we would of been had we not made this amazing and brave lifestyle change. Again as we remember, we did not get our previous size over night and it will not happen over night. Yeah, some people have lost and maintained all their weight but, what changes did they go through before they got it right? And losing it all at once will not get us into the frame of mind to eat and make good, better and the best food choices. Learning to change our way of eating has shown us healthy ways of eating and for some improved our health. I myself haven't not been taking off any of my meds. But, at least they were not increased in doses. And for that I am thankful for. I sabortage myself when I am about to make my next milestone in weight loss. Just like I was 6lbs from my goal weight, I blew it and began eating out of control. But, this time around, I'll loss the weight and then onto maintaining it. Even if it takes till the end of the year, I will be there. Well. enough for me, how are you doing?
  24. Whitepants

    Marchies 3-year bandiversary month!

    The new thread is Aprill and it Ain't Over.
  25. Whitepants

    Marchies 3-year bandiversary month!

    Well, I too am crying setback. I do believe my being 6lbs from goal may have made me over confident. That I can get there without trying any harder. Well, 16lbs later, I'm back to my highest weight from my from my last lap of losing weight. With my emotional eating out of control, the holidays and I can get back on track anytime attitude, is doing me more harm than good. demsvmejm-I feel the same about going for another fill, how the doctor may see and view me. But like momlambert said, he's seen maybe worse and then some. I'm only 25lbs from where I want to be. And had expected to be there by my anniversary the 27th. But, at least I'll be back to losing by that time. I do want to be at goal for my birthday in July. And I am going to be there. I am more goal orienated now than before. It's like my last chance to be where I want to be. But, now matter what, it'll be gone this year. msvmejm demsvmejm

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
