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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by ShrinkingPeach

  1. Officially down 80 pounds this morning! Now for 90...lol

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. mykdzmom
    3. Kushka


      Wonderful work!! Yay!


    4. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      Fantastic work, my girl! Congratulations!

  2. I am officially not the largest person at my work..woohoo!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kushka


      I agree - you are amazing. :)


    3. ShrinkingPeach


      Than you everyone! I have always been the biggest so this is a major feat for me! :)

    4. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      Yesss!! What a feeling, huh? You're doing awesomely!

  3. Made it to the 250's today, 72 pounds down and less than 100 to go!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kushka


      You inspire me! Great job!

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      Thanks guys! So many on here inspire me. Lets do this!!!

    4. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      AWESOME! Congrats!!

  4. The look of shock on my friends face when she saw me tonight was amazing. It made me so happy she was so proud of me. I have the most supportive friends and co-workers. I am thankful for that.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lisaanewme67


      I am interested in seeing how people will respond when they see me at work on Monday. It will be 3 1/2 weeks since I have been on leave and 27 pounds smaller. I am sure that I will get those looks!!! Can't wait, I didn't share my surgery with anyone.

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      It really does make you feel great! Good luck!

    4. lisaanewme67


      Thank you and congrats to you as well. Awesome job!

  5. Still can't get used to the fact my thighs no longer touch when I walk...can't even remember when that was last possible..l.before high school?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. emma4884


      That is a truly terrific NSV. I'm adding it to my list of goals.

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      It really is the weirdest feeling...lol Makes me aware that I cannot remember last when I didn't have that. Thanks everyone! It truly is a great NSV!

    4. sleevingbeauty17


      Amazing!!! I cant wait! My preop classes start on thursday! YAY so happy for you!!

  6. Bought a handful of smaller clothes yesterday to get me by for a bit. Great feeling being down from a 32 to a 22!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lexiemia


      That's awesome. Such a wonderful feeling when you can buy a smaller size.

    3. alicia54


      fun shopping now happy for you

    4. cookiecody


      Congrats...what a great feeling!!!

  7. Surgery tomorrow...eeeeek!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ShrinkingPeach


      awww...thanks proudgrammy!

    3. lexiemia


      Wish you the best of luck and quick recovery. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

    4. Djmohr


      I hope you have a safe and speedy recovery! Good luck today!

  8. Hello 240's! Haven't seen you in decades.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      And you should also be saying "Hellllllllooooo beauuutiiiifulllllll me !!! " And then you should be doing a happy dance................not that I ever said or did those things myself........you understand...... (...cough, cough ! ) congratulations ! Keep it up !!

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      lol pinkdahlia...I am so doing the happy dance. Thank you everyone! I feel amazing.

    4. Kushka


      Yay! Congrats!


  9. First visit with the PCP today, a month out from surgery. Off BS meds immediately after surgery and she is reducing my HBP meds. Did bloodwork to check cholesterol...will see when results come in. Feeling great!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AvalonNeeCee


      Awesome. Day by day it gets better, then one day you are shrunkenpeach....

    3. MrsSugarbabe


      Terrific news! It won't be long and you may be off all your meds.

    4. TomG


      Hey Peach, Congratulations!. Hearing all the success stories is really confirming I am making the right decision. Best of luck, Tom

  10. Woo Hoo! Able to drink cold again!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ShrinkingPeach


      My tiny sips are gone also...I can take a moderate swallow


    3. AELee


      2 thumbs up!, Myself 3 months post surgery on May 20th 57 lbs down. 90 more to go

    4. ShrinkingPeach


      Congrats AELee!

  11. Milestone today! Down 70 pounds!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ShrinkingPeach


      Thanks guys! I am on cloud 9 today...next goal is 80!

    3. Djmohr


      Woot woot! Congratulations!

    4. Kushka


      Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.

  12. 8 pounds from 100 lost. a milestone that I could have never imagined without this blessing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sleevingbeauty17


      yay! congratulations Peach! I cannot wait until i hit that milestone. I will definately be doing something special to celebrate. Any plans for your 100 pound loss celebration?


    3. ShrinkingPeach


      No plans as of yet...guess I am waiting to see if I get there. lol My brain is holding out.

    4. sleevingbeauty17


      you are so close, i am sure you will make it there if you want it bad enough

  13. Just one bite too much...grrr...that was a painful 10 minutes

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. enjoyinglife


      I know the feeling!

    3. liannatx


      I am still trying to learn to stop when I think/know I should... and not take that last bite!

    4. ShrinkingPeach


      I can't ever go by my tummy...I measure always...that day I took just one bite of my hubby's dinner and bam too much...ouch


  14. Getting totally into the routine of eating correctly. Do I miss some foods? Sure. Am I going to eat them? NOOOOOO! lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lexiemia


      I am still finding it hard to believe that I actually gave up my diet pepsi and all caffeine. That was the greatest step for me. But I guess as far as food the hard thing to give up for me is bread but I know I can never have it again and will trade that any day for a small pair of pants....lol The big job for me now is to learn how to cook differently. Pintrest is my friend these days.

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      Pinterest is awesome!! I hear you about the pants too. Here we come!

    4. alicia54


      good for you

  15. Full bloodwork in...no longer Diabetic...half dose HBP meds...Half dose cholesterol meds...A1C was 6.1...Insulin on arget so no BS meds...on the road to good health!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sharpie


      I had the same results Peach. no more Diabetic meds, blood pressure and reduced cholesterol med. love my new life.

    3. Djmohr


      Nice job Peach! I actually don't mind going to the doctor because these days it is usually praise for a job well done. Congratulations, it will only get better from here.

    4. God4me


      Congrats, what a milestone!!!

  16. 2 pounds from 100 lost...what a ride!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. her1981


      How exciting! I'm 3 away, myself. God speed!

    3. Michaelene



    4. ShrinkingPeach


      Thank you all! You have all always been so encouraging and supportive. It is much appreciated!!

  17. And the hair shedding has begun...good thing I have really thick hair lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShrinkingPeach


      The biotin CAN make the hair grow back faster but it will not prevent hair shedding. I am told by my NUT that this just happens as the body adjusts to the suddenly lower calorie intake and the rapid weight loss. I make sure I get all my protein in every day which is all you can really do. Some people don't experience the shedding at all and some really do. I am a heavy shedder anyway so I knew this would begin for me at some point. I would rather be skinny than have every strand of hair I currently have. lol I know I will come through this fine, just don't want any clogged drains and vacuums! I already have two dogs that shed lol

    3. ssflbelle


      Thanks Ladies for this info. I will just have to wait and see what happens when I get to that point. But at least now I know that it might happen and why. I hope you both get hair back and in the way you like it. I love curly hair and have to curl it each night. So if I did lose any and it came back curly that would be a nice surprise for me. You are both doing great with weight loss. I go tomorrow for my 1 month weigh in of 6 months of the supervised diet. I hope the DR is happy with my weight loss.

    4. TexasGirl86


      Oh stay strong!

  18. So the peach has shrunken a bit, made it to 100 pounds down and and it through Thanksgiving! Had to have gallbladder surgery on the 19th so have been a bit tired. Been absent for a bit and thought I would drop in for an update.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShrinkingPeach


      Thank you ladies! And yes, I have decided there is nothing I cannot do as every day I must make good choices. Good to know I can even when temptation is at its highest. In response, yes I haven't skipped a beat without my gallbladder. Just some discomfort but I am doing great and continuing to lose. The nice thing )if there is one lol) is that our WLS dietary changes are the same as for gallbladder surgery so no major changes on that front!

    3. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      Hope your recovery goes quickly and smoothly. YAY for 100 lbs. down!!!

    4. sleevingbeauty17


      glad to see you back on here. i have been lacking my time on this site, but have been doing my classes and on my Facebook support pages all the time. so so so happy for you!

  19. 9 months post op and the loss is so agonizingly slow but is still happening. I have always said I am in this for life so trying to stay focused.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. liannatx


      You have done spectacularly well, stay the course!

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      yep to all that is the thing...we lose so much at first and then it slows dramatically...not a problem tho cos this is a change for life! Thanks for the encouragement!! (The average may be 11-12 per month but not exactly how it goes lol)


    4. alicia54


      you are doing good just hang in there


  20. Down 91 pounds as of today! My brain still hasn't caught up...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jane13


      Great job Peach!

    3. _Kate_


      Amazing weight loss ... Congratulations!!

    4. Michaelene


      CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats amazing!!!!!!!

  21. New updated profile picture from December! 106 pounds down!

  22. Down 77 pounds and I just noticed I have a thigh gap...OMG!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smye


      Now you're just taunting me - I'm down nearly 140 and don't have that yet. In all seriousness though, CONGRATULATIONS and thank you for sharing this NSV.

    3. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      YES!! Congrats! :-)


    4. PantxaPetita


      Thigh gap is another level!!! Congratss!!

  23. Got the opportunity to meet Kelly Clarkson last night before her concert here in Atlanta. When I looked at my pic with her, I am very close to her size. An eye-opening moment. This journey is incredible!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MOMMAMIN1


      That is awesome! I absolutely adore her.

    3. acyum2008


      This is so inspiring. OMG

    4. Madtownsunshine17


      She's amazing! Lucky you!!

  24. Down 69 pounds and I still hate exercise...ugh I tell myself sweat is fat crying but so far my sweaty body says "yeah not so much" Started weights yesterday, I am determined to do this!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrsSugarbabe


      You CAN do this!!! How else are you going to exercise your heart muscle....LOL!!! Let's leave sex out of this :)

      Now that' you've started weights, try not to let any small weight increases bum you out because it is just part of the process that our bodies go through. Increased muscle tone = increased metabolism = more #s lost = more inches lost (not necessarily in that order). You're doing great!!!!

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      Thanks guys! I do really have to make myself do it but I know it is part of the package and I want to be toned when I get smaller. Like Nike says "just do it!"

    4. Qbanma81


      You can do it!!

  25. First post-op appointment, down 52 pounds. This surgery is such a blessing!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ProudGrammy


      great weight loss - blessings, blessings galore in your new healthier happier, longer life 52 lbs gone!! congrats - kathy

    3. Swampdoggie


      Browsers! How great is that, yeah.

    4. Swampdoggie


      That was supposed to be 'wowsers'

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