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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    naturegirl reacted to JessterNC in Tired of my life like this   
    I just got home from my evaluation appointment today and am now waiting to hear back about my pre-op. It was the first time in a long time that I didn't feel like a freak after leaving the doctors office. I am scared and nervous, but I know this is something I must do.
    My journey down this road started in 1995. That is when I got my first hernia. It was small and appeared 6 months after I had my gall bladder removed. I didn't even know what it was but it hurt very badly and when I went to the ER they rushed me in to operate on it. I thought that was the end of it, little did I know it was only the beginning. 6 months later I had to have another emergency surgery to repair a hernia, 18 months later, another and 2 years after that I had my 4th hernia repair surgery when they removed my belly button!. I was able to make it almost 3 years before my 5th operation. Then 2 months after that I fell and broke my foot which put me in a wheel chair for 6 months and at that point, my minor dealings with my weight became a major problem as I went from 185 pounds to 270.
    So I knew at that point I was going to have some major problems, my doctor said my belly looked like Swiss cheese and that any mesh they put in was just going to tear another hole. I just started to live with it and accept that I would have hernias. In the meantime I moved to NC and met another doctor who said he could fix me. So 2 operations later (7 hernia in total) I had 3 large hernias, weighed 290 pounds and had given upon getting them fixed or every being able to lose this extra weight. I accepted that I was beyond fixing and would just learn to live with this.
    In December 2013 I had another major issue to deal with as I was admitted for emergency surgery to deal with a blocked intestine. I was in a week, home a week and readmitted for complications. I actually traveled out of the country in February and thought once again this was behind me. But on June 21 2014, I was once again rushed to the hospital and admitted for emergency surgery for a small bowel obstruction. I got home the day before my 50th birthday, was home a week, and readmitted with a severe infection and major complications. After a 2 and a half week stay I was allowed to go home. My 3rd time dealing with this, in February 2014, was enough, my 3rd bowel obstruction surgery in 14 months. The doctor who had done these last 3 operations told me that my abdomen was "complicated" and beyond the ability of my local hospital to deal with so he referred me to UNC to be checked by a hernia specialist there.
    My wife and I had talked about me getting some type of operation to help with my weight, but after 11 operations on my belly in 20 years I figured no one would even consider the idea. But the doctor who saw me told me that I needed to lose at least 50 pounds before he could attempt to fix my hernias and suggested I get the sleeve surgery. Then I started researching, and praying and talking to my wife and my daughter and my parents, wanting to make the decision that would end this cycle and give me my life back.
    I am tired, I am tired of the endless cycle of hospital stays, I am tired of feeling this way, I am tired of seeing the stress I am putting my family under, I am tired of being scared, I am tired of looking this way.
    I want my life to be good again, I know that there is a chance that even if I lose the weight the hernia doctor will tell me there is nothing he can do. But I will have a better chance of getting my weight under control and at least be able to wear binders that fit to hold my hernias in.
    So now I wait, they told me it will take about 1-2 weeks for my insurance to approve everything and they will get me back in to meet the surgeon and complete my pre-op and I should have the operation about a week after that. For the first time in about 10 years I feel like I am in control again, I feel like this is going to work, I feel positive that this will give me control of my life again.
    I am ready, but I am scared. I guess some people would think that I have had enough operations that they should be 2nd nature to me and I guess that is part of the reason I am scared, I have had a total of 15 operations in the last 22 years. I know how hard they are and I know how bad it can get. But even knowing that, I know this is something I have to do.
    So I start on this journey with my family, it is not only a change for me, but for them as well. I am blessed to have a very supportive family who is going to be with me every step of the way.
    But I appreciate your support as well, the best advice is from people who have been down the path I am embarking on and I thank you in advance for any advice and feedback I get.
    Sorry for such a long post, but this is the first time I have talked about all of this in quite a while.
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    naturegirl reacted to EnglishDan in 8 weeks out and feel so different, down 4 sizes in jeans   
    down to 36 waist
    Down from 309.5 to 251.

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    naturegirl reacted to Smye in Preop newbie still   
    @, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My wife can't stand the ketosis breath, 5 months out and it's still there...
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    naturegirl reacted to Chris-NYC in Just had Surgery   
    Hey everyone I just had my gastric sleeve surgery on Monday am still in the hospital. Surgery was scheduled for 1 PM however I walked into the operating room at 4:15 and was in recovery by 5:25 cording to the doctor and my family. after waking up in recovery the only pain I had was back pain from all the gas used in my body. On a pain scale 1 to 10 my pain level was a 8-9????, they quickly gave me something and I dozed back off????. I spend the next few hrs in recovery waiting on a empty room. I was in my room by 9:30pm and by then was in no pain at all. As a matter of fact I felt so good that I started walking at 10pm for about 20 mins Monday night doctors and nurse was very surprise that I felt so good. I also had no appetite even though last time I ate was Saturday night. On Tuesday I spend the day going for tests and started drinking drinking liquids for the first time. My first slip of Water made me very noshes however I did not throw up or anything. After that I switch to a different drink and feel better. Because my my stomach was still swollen I felt extremely extremely full like I just went to a all you can eat buffet twice in the same day. I felt very miserable most of the day ????and could not drink more than approximately 20 ounces of liquid. Doctors told me once I'm able to drink 64 ounces or close to 64 ounces I will be released from the hospital which should be sometime today.
    Currently I am no longer nauseous my pain level is very minimum I am already taking crush medication instead of through the IV.
    On a pain scale 1 to 10 I feel like a 3. ????
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    naturegirl got a reaction from 10nsStar in July sleevers?   
    Surgery went great. The Doctor was impressed by my liver shrinkage. It shrank so much it was floppy, lol. I thought the pain immediately after surgery was moderate. I recall asking for pain medication because it felt so bad, but once it kicked in things weren't so bad. Yes it hurts when I sit up or sit down, but it's manageable. I've slept most of the day and was pretty loopy for a few hours after the procedure. I have also gone for one walk. They had me wait about 6 hours after surgery until walking due to dizziness. The anxiety was worth it, I'm now on the losers bench ????
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    naturegirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Getting Sleeved Tomorrow 7/20!   
    I too am tomorrow. Check in at 5am. Just getting through today is a challenge. Water and Jello are getting old. Anxiety is kicking in. Good luck everyone.
  7. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from 10nsStar in July sleevers?   
    Surgery went great. The Doctor was impressed by my liver shrinkage. It shrank so much it was floppy, lol. I thought the pain immediately after surgery was moderate. I recall asking for pain medication because it felt so bad, but once it kicked in things weren't so bad. Yes it hurts when I sit up or sit down, but it's manageable. I've slept most of the day and was pretty loopy for a few hours after the procedure. I have also gone for one walk. They had me wait about 6 hours after surgery until walking due to dizziness. The anxiety was worth it, I'm now on the losers bench ????
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    naturegirl got a reaction from MaryPh in July sleevers?   
    Today's the day. I'm waiting at the hospital to be called back. Anxious! Nervous! ????
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    naturegirl got a reaction from MaryPh in July sleevers?   
    Today's the day. I'm waiting at the hospital to be called back. Anxious! Nervous! ????
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    naturegirl got a reaction from MaryPh in July sleevers?   
    Today's the day. I'm waiting at the hospital to be called back. Anxious! Nervous! ????
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    naturegirl got a reaction from PureDarkness in Any tips?   
    I found that it wasn't too bad to manage, however today is the day before surgery liquid diet so I want everything, lol. But I found other things to keep me occupied. I always have my water bottle and Premier Protein drinks on my desk at work, and Water with me at home. You just gave find what works for you.
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    naturegirl reacted to FiftyandFit in Getting Sleeved Tomorrow 7/20!   
    Mary Ph, Naturegirl - warm wishes for a smooth op and post op! I'm excited but feel anxious as well, know this week will stink but will be life changing for all of us:). We've heard the wonderful success stories of those before us, bat of luck and look forward to hearing how you are doing:) Cathy
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    naturegirl got a reaction from evett in Any sleevers scheduled for late July?   
    How are my July 21 buddies feeling? Tomorrows the big day! I'm very nervous, scared, and excited. My stomach is in knots for what's ahead.
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    naturegirl reacted to jjp in Getting Sleeved Tomorrow 7/20!   
    Thanks Kate
    I am excited this isn't my first rodeo with weighing counting and keeping track of my nutrition.
    Like many of us I tried and had occasional success (70 lbs. one time 30 & 40 a bunch of times) and then something happens and all the old tapes start to roll
    I had my last visit w/ the Doc and he called it a tool I said it's more like a gun to my head. A bit much but this is what I need. I am dealing with the hunger by thinking of food strategies that are going to give me what I need in small portions and still taste good enough to serve the whole family. I am excited by the work ahead of me, and grateful for the support of others. I am sweating sweet onions with 2 Tbs. of xtra virgin olive oil a sprinkle of Montreal steak seasoning and a good slosh of Worcestershire Sauce into that I will dump a whole box of low salt beef broth strain it and something close to onion Soup.< /p>
    Thanks again
  15. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from Remix in July sleevers?   
    Last day of "food", aka Protein Drinks and Jello. Come tomorrow (Monday) it'll just be Water. Surgery is Tuesday. Nervous, anxious, excited.
  16. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from Remix in July sleevers?   
    Last day of "food", aka Protein Drinks and Jello. Come tomorrow (Monday) it'll just be Water. Surgery is Tuesday. Nervous, anxious, excited.
  17. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from Remix in July sleevers?   
    Last day of "food", aka Protein Drinks and Jello. Come tomorrow (Monday) it'll just be Water. Surgery is Tuesday. Nervous, anxious, excited.
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    naturegirl reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Plus Size   
    I am a clothes horse as it is. I am dreading having more option for clothes because I know I will get out of control.
    I think a lot of us will find new issues with clothes, like no matter what your size is, they are always out of that size.
    Women who are plus sized think they are the only ones who have issues finding clothes but all women have issues.
    When I am smaller I want to wear mostly designer clothing, right now I spend most of my money on bags and shoes, but when I can walk into Nordstrom and Neimans and get whatever I want, it is going to be a problem.
  19. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from BLERDgirl in Not losing weight   
    DH experienced this and I told him to stop weighing himself daily because he was becoming frustrated. Instead he altered what he ate and things picked up again. Plus if you are doing measurements, you may still see a decrease there even if the scale doesn't reflect one.
  20. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Journaling, suggested by the NUT   
    I've started journaling with my pre-op diet. I track my measurements weekly and then write a few details about what I experienced that week. Any victories or challenges. Hoping it will be nice to reflect on later.
  21. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Journaling, suggested by the NUT   
    I've started journaling with my pre-op diet. I track my measurements weekly and then write a few details about what I experienced that week. Any victories or challenges. Hoping it will be nice to reflect on later.
  22. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from RNsleever715 in Preop diet Confession   
    I've learned that with the pre-op diet you have to be self disciplined to avoid all possible obstacles, but alas we are only human. It's challenging when you are caring for others. They need to eat, you have to cook and grocery shop. You have to take care of them and any other obligations that you had prior to planning for surgery. I will be honest and say that the first 5 days I did fantastic! Then the weekend and a Girl Scout camping trip hit. I failed a little, but made sure that I made good choices with Protein and low carbs. Monday came and I'm back on target. What's better is that I remind myself that I've lost 16 pounds since the beginning of June. The work pants that I'm wearing today feel a little looser in the thighs, not much but slightly. It's a victory to me that I'll take.
    Don't beat yourself up. Set goals and work to achieve them. If you need to view each day as a victory then do it. It takes time to change habits, but you're working on it.
  23. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from RNsleever715 in Preop diet Confession   
    I've learned that with the pre-op diet you have to be self disciplined to avoid all possible obstacles, but alas we are only human. It's challenging when you are caring for others. They need to eat, you have to cook and grocery shop. You have to take care of them and any other obligations that you had prior to planning for surgery. I will be honest and say that the first 5 days I did fantastic! Then the weekend and a Girl Scout camping trip hit. I failed a little, but made sure that I made good choices with Protein and low carbs. Monday came and I'm back on target. What's better is that I remind myself that I've lost 16 pounds since the beginning of June. The work pants that I'm wearing today feel a little looser in the thighs, not much but slightly. It's a victory to me that I'll take.
    Don't beat yourself up. Set goals and work to achieve them. If you need to view each day as a victory then do it. It takes time to change habits, but you're working on it.
  24. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from RNsleever715 in Preop diet Confession   
    I've learned that with the pre-op diet you have to be self disciplined to avoid all possible obstacles, but alas we are only human. It's challenging when you are caring for others. They need to eat, you have to cook and grocery shop. You have to take care of them and any other obligations that you had prior to planning for surgery. I will be honest and say that the first 5 days I did fantastic! Then the weekend and a Girl Scout camping trip hit. I failed a little, but made sure that I made good choices with Protein and low carbs. Monday came and I'm back on target. What's better is that I remind myself that I've lost 16 pounds since the beginning of June. The work pants that I'm wearing today feel a little looser in the thighs, not much but slightly. It's a victory to me that I'll take.
    Don't beat yourself up. Set goals and work to achieve them. If you need to view each day as a victory then do it. It takes time to change habits, but you're working on it.
  25. Like
    naturegirl got a reaction from Geron Girls in How close was your surgery to the dummy date?   
    My surgery will be taking place on the tentative date that they gave me. My insurance approved the surgery that same week. The hold up was on my doctor signing off. So from the time that I was given a date to the day of my surgery was only a month. The big day is a week from today!

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