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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About MKinNOVA

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  • Birthday 11/22/1982

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    Fort Belvoir
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  1. MKinNOVA


  2. Yep. And once you get to solids you'll feel like you can never go. I finally at 6 weeks post op gave up and I now take a colace every morning as part of my Vitamin lineup. I never want to let myself get backed up like that again!! It was horrible.
  3. MKinNOVA

    October surgeries?

    What's your date??
  4. MKinNOVA

    October surgeries?

    Hi!! My name is Mary Kate. I am 32 and my date is October 6. I'm in northern va and will be having sleeve with dr Moazzez at fair oaks. I'm a low bmi starting out but a recent sleep apnea diagnosis got me the ok from federal bcbs! I'm so ready to get this done! Busy now with preop appointments and tests. Excited to get to know y'all!
  5. MKinNOVA

    DCMDVA sleevers

    Hi! I'm in fort belvoir. Having surgery October 6 with dr Moazzez at fair oaks!
  6. October 6th here!! With Dr Moazzez at Fair Oaks. So excited!
  7. MKinNOVA

    Inova Fair Oaks Hospital

    Hi!! I'm a Dr. M girl too! Just had my last nutrition appointment today and confirmed with Pam all of my stuff is ready to submit August 5th! I decided to wait on all of my pre op testing and EGD until after I get approved. Seana has been an amazing resource! My understanding is the $300 also covers the pre-op nutritional 2 hour session where they go into detail about things. Seana, is that right?
  8. MKinNOVA

    BMI 31-32

    Hi! I'm just starting my research and viewing a webinar with a local bariatric group tonight. I got my first "when are you due?" last week from someone I hadn't seen in 2 years. Honestly I think saying back to her "nope..just fat" was a big lightbulb moment for me. That same day I looked up my insurance plan to see what was covered and discovered that my BMI just qualifies me since I have co-morbidities. My PCP has been on me for years to lose weight and I've been on the same roller coaster for 10 years of trying every pill, diet, exercise fad, etc. Will be anxious to see how you do since I'm also starting with a lower BMI. Best of luck!!

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