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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AshBanks

  1. Still hangin in there....just a bit more tired than usual, but it'll pass!!!

  2. I can not believe how fast the time has passed, it was just yesterday I was worrying about getting approved for surgery and in two more days I'll be getting it. I am ecstatic about it. I am feeling a great deal of feelings, feelings of happiness and also sadness. I started this journey with my Mom, I wanted to do this with her, we were in the researching phase of the process, but soon after talking about it, she passed away, and at that moment I knew my weight and health was a serious issue..it always has been. Dealing with a list of medical problems and always going to ER, I knew I had to move forward with the plans, not just for myself but for my children ages 3 and 1. My Mom is gone and I know she always worried about my weight more than I did, so I'm doing this so that I can be around for my kids, so I can be an healthy example for them and also guide them on this healthy path of eating, so 22 Aprill is when I press the BIG reset button on my life and start over, I just wished we could have done it together in flesh, but now we can do it together in spirit....I am ready for this journey, my life depends on it!!!
  3. I was out and about yesterday I didnt get a chance to get on until now, I think the nausea has passed YAAAYYY, I'm still sipping soup w/protein and crystal light with protein which is very nasty so I won't be doing that again, the Unjury chicken broth is the only protein I have been able to tolerate I have my first appointment on tomorrow...I am back to work good thing I sit all day, cuz I would not be here, I don't have enough leave to stay home, but I am feeling better and the last I looked at the scale I have dropped a total of 17 pounds, I'll take it, I dont see any difference but in my face woo-hoo!! Still a little gassy but the Gas-X and walking takes care of that I can't wait to go home though and climb into my bed I have brought a measuring cup to work so that I can stay on track I feel like I do way better at work than at home because my kids do not give me a break they are very little and I understand, so I often get distracted tending to them and even with another person in the house to assist them they still want "Mom" to do it, ugh...one day at a time I know it will get better and this will all be worth it!!!
  4. @@PMJ Thanks I wanted this so bad and I will indeed share my progress, I feel like on here everyone understands, I can't talk to anyone else other than the support groups, which I dont mind and my dad who is very supportive, I am happy I found this little place called "BariactricPal" where I can jog my thoughts, my feelings and etc...
  5. @@KC VSG Back to work has been a breeze considering it is a Monday too, I just stay here behind my desk and walk from time to time I have everything in here MIcrowave, Fridge so I dont have to go to Cafeteria That's how it was before the surgery anyways, so nothing Changed, I feel better sitting up in my chair I do tend to get lazy at home I think being here is helping me more than hurting me....Its just day 1, but trust me if I had leave I think I would be home, but I had no choice I cannot take leave without pay and it seem to have worked out...
  6. I was out and about yesterday I didnt get a chance to get on until now, I think the nausea has passed YAAAYYY, I'm still sipping soup w/protein and crystal light with Protein which is very nasty so I won't be doing that again, the chicken broth is the only protein I have been able to tolerate I have my first appointment on tomorrow...I am back to work good thing I sit all day, cuz I would not be here, I don;t have enough leave to stay home, but I am feeling better and the last I looked at the scale I have dropped a total of 17 pounds, I'll take it, I dont see any difference but in my face woo-hoo!! Still a little gassy but the Gas-X takes care of that I can't wait to go home though and climb into my bed I have brought a measuring cup to work so that I can stay on track I feel like I do way better at work than at home because my kids do not give me a break and I often get distracted tending to them and even with another person in the house to assist them they still want "Mom" to do it, ugh...one day at a time I know it will get better and this will all be worth it!!!
  7. Yea I think day 3 is good most say, I'm sticking to soup it seems to agree with my new stomach more than water, I take a few sips here and there...like I said we are going to get through it this is just temporary!!!
  8. Sipping on some soup....3days post-op

    1. Smye


      Welcome! And congratulations. Have you tried the Unjury Chicken Broth for protein?

    2. AshBanks


      Yea that's the one I have,,,:)

    3. KalelsWifey


      GREAT JOB, Keep it up :D

  9. Same here, I started saying the same thing, I should've been happy the way I was, which I wasn't it will get better just got to get through this phase, as soon as I took the meds within minutes it came back up, I sipped on some soup today, it didn't want to stay down, I'm not hungry I'm just trying not to get dehydrated, so I'm sipping, taking gasx and even grabbed the spirometer, I'm about to go walking in a few it's a pain, but I just want to get passed this phase some go longer than two weeks I pray we recover sooner than that!!!!
  10. Yea, they gave me Jello, crystal light, and water.....I've been walking too, that Gas is no joke.... I've been discharged so far so good, just gotta get through this liquid phase...
  11. @@KalelsWifey that's my time too...Lets go!!????
  12. Thanks, I can't sleep at all right now, I'm real really anxious and r ready to begin!!????
  13. Thank you so much, I really love the support here it is amazing!!!
  14. Hey everybody, here is my situation....I started at 283 pounds, after struggling with my weight yo-yoing up and down all of 2013/14 I decided to go for weight loss surgery and got down to 262 pounds on November 11, 2014, by my next visit December 12, 2014 I was 252, getting through Thanksgiving and Christmas I still managed to lose 9 more pounds by January 29, 2015 which was my last required visit for insurance approval, In Feb I just maintained 243 and gained 1 pound on March 26, 2015 making me 244, by then I was approved and wasn't put on any strict dieting, or two week pre-op I hear every one talking about towards my date this Wednesday 22 Apr 2015, since my last visit I have gained weight due to a lot of back to back celebrations, my husband was promoted, and of course I was ecstatic about my approval.....I gained 4lbs then lost 2 of those lbs, then I look again and gained 5lbs, I don't know if its because I am a little anxious or I am checking too much, so today I just did liquids and I'm going to do so until my date and hope that I lose those 5lbs again, I would hate to have done so well to not be able to get it done because of 5lbs which I am hoping is due to my strength training I took on last week, I'm so mad, because I am so close, Has this happened to any one??

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