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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sksh

  1. cuz i eat lots of bread and i think it make me hungry even more!!!

    and I will talk to my dr about ppi

    No more bread! Starches and sweets will just make you hungrier. Carbs crave carbs, and sweets crave sweets. (Yes, I know they're the same thing, but I'm making a point. :rolleyes: ) And PPIs usually contains the drug Omeprazole. they're not cheap, but they can be found in any drug or grocery store in the US.

    I cut the bread now and start with pritein when i eat my meal..i did notice a lil diffrent :0

    i think i wad making my self hungry with my eatting habbit!!!

    no i'm glad that you all replay me about the carbs and i'm really thankful~

    Thank you so much for the replay for the post I really do feel much better ♡

  2. Read and re-read the post from @@JamieLogical over and over. She's got it right on. My doc told me that after bariatric surgery hunger is usually thirst in disguise. Take a daily PPI pill like Protonix, Nexium or Prilosec, and make sure you get 64+ ounces of Fluid in you every - single - day! Good luck!

    oh i used to eat nexium for 2 monthes of the surgery!

    I think i will read and talk to my dr about PPI more!

  3. I stay hungry all of the time but I don't eat much either. It is still very hard for me to get 800

    calories in a day. I keep premium Protein Drinks in my fridge. They really fill me up and it keeps

    me from eating things I shouldn't. The sleeve is just a tool to help you control your eating. Try

    to stick to the high Protein diet and don't give in to your hunger. If you eat protein and drink

    the shakes you will do better. I agree with everyone else, stay away from carbs as much as you can.

    Don't give up, you don't want all that you went through to be for nothing. Good luck to you.

    protein drinks!I really think I should start drinking them much more!I do know its just a tool :(I do try my best not to eat when i get hungry and I start cutting carbs and eat more protein yesterday and I did passed the day with good calories number!Thsnk you a lot ♡and good luck to you too ♡♡

  4. Sars.. I had my surgery 6 months ago. I too am having a hard time. I do good for breakfast , lunch and dinner. I eat at night. I am a sugar addict ! This has slowed my weight loss. I should be about 10 pounds less. When I reached out to my nutritionist she acted like I had no self control. I asked for something to curb my appetite and they would or could not help me. I have lost 50 since my surgery Oct. 29 2014. I need to lose 30 more pounds. I will keep working on it. I too hope I haven't strecht my stomach. I had the sleeve done. Good luck!!!

    it is alot of hard times!!

    but if we keep on lossung weight then it will be worth it i hope!!

    but the idea of streching my belly is worring me a lot!!

    suger :0 like sweets or suger with drinks?

    my dr told me to try and cut it out!! try to replace it with healthier food :0

    I really hope we all can get to out goal T.T

  5. now I eat lots of lite cheese and bread .. a slice of toast with light cheese for breakfastlunch chicken breast and in dinner snack or the rest of my lunch ..

    sometimes i eat 5 lil meals and sometimes 3 meals with no Snacks..

    I don't have a specific diet I just try to eat healthier.

    sorry forgive me english is not my language! whats PPI? i don't eat any meds and the pain I did x-ray and tests that my dr asked to do and he said there is nothing wrong with me...but I still feel it :/

    he said it's maybe stress from work or something.

    Thank you so much for your answer. Thank you.

    You really shouldn't be eating bread. It is high in carbs and doesn't provide any nutrition. You should focus on Protein first, vegetables if you have any room after your Protein, and avoid starches and breads altogether. Eating foods that are high in carbs can make you hungrier and increase cravings. I don't avoid carbs completely, but I do always try to put protein first. If my protein comes with a few carbs (breading on chicken or sauce on meat), I don't worry about it. As long as I'm getting my protein in.

    A PPI is a "proton-pump inhibitor". The most common one in the US seems to me omeprazole, which is sold under the brand name Prilosec here. It helps prevent your stomach from over-producing acid. They are sold over-the-counter here, so they don't require a prescription from a doctor. Not sure where you live, so you may have to talk to your doctor about a prescription.

    I think i really should start with protein!

    cuz i eat lots of bread and i think it make me hungry even more!!!

    and I will talk to my dr about ppi

    really i don't know how to thank you~ thank you so much♡

  6. If you are always hungry it may be that you are dehydrated or have acid reflux. Both of these can present as hunger.

    Make sure you are measuring your food and eating really slowly so your brain has time to catch up to your stomach. Make sure you are eating solid Proteins that fill you up. Do not eat slider foods that go down easily but digest quickly.

    I primarily eat Protein. I have very few simple carbs. I may have a couple of wheat thins twice a week, 2 of hubby's fries another night. I do not have oatmeal, bread, potatoes, corn, lima Beans, Pasta, rice.

    Most of my meals I start with a meat/egg/cheese type Protein and then have a few green vegetables. I have a protein shake in the morning then 4-5 small meals/snacks. I keep busy in between. Work, ride my horse, go to the gym, yard work, house work, cruise the internet. I don't watch TV so I don't see the constant commercials for food.< /p>

    I drink lots of Water but i think I need more to drink!

    I do eat fast :(

    I'm trying hard to change this and eat slow and I eat snack a lot and it makes me even more hungry i guess!!!

    I will try your way

    I will start with protein. i did notice when i eat checken breats i fell up so fast not like when i eat snack and bread!

    I will do try your way!

    Thank you a lot ~

  7. You probably haven't stretched your sleeve. That's very hard to do. But as you heal up, you WILL be able to eat more than in the very beginning. Right after surgery, you have a lot of swelling that provides additional restriction. As you heal, you can gradually eat more and more, but never anything close to what you were able to eat before the surgery. What kinds of foods are you eating? How often are you eating? Are you getting in all of your fluids and Protein? You mentioned pain in your throat. That could be acid reflux. Are you on a PPI? Acid can often present as "hunger", so if you do have uncontrolled acid production, that could be a big part of your problem.

    now I eat lots of lite cheese and bread .. a slice of toast with light cheese for Breakfast

    lunch chicken breast and in dinner snack or the rest of my lunch ..

    sometimes i eat 5 lil meals and sometimes 3 meals with no Snacks..

    I don't have a specific diet I just try to eat healthier.

    sorry forgive me english is not my language! whats PPI? i don't eat any meds and the pain I did x-ray and tests that my dr asked to do and he said there is nothing wrong with me...but I still feel it :/

    he said it's maybe stress from work or something.

    Thank you so much for your answer. Thank you.

  8. Sleeves don't stretch. Your capacity will increase as the swelling goes down leading many people to believe that they've stretched their sleeves.

    When a sleeve is done, most of the stretchy part, or the fundus, is cut out, leaving the muscle. The muscle will not stretch. The fundus that is left over could stretch a bit if too much is left behind and there is a pattern of chronic overeating/abuse but that would be a lot of work and take quite a bit of time.

    Where do I get this idea? Via the multiple surgeons I visited and the research I did for the 2 years prior to my surgery. Also, at almost two years out, I've had no increase in capacity. I can eat 1/4-1/2 cup max.

    Where did I say I think overweight people sit around and eat all day? I simply asked how one would get to over 300 pounds eating only when hungry. I was a fat person, too. I've lots of fat friends and family. I know how it happened to each of us. :)

    What was your typical daily diet? I'm curious.


    after 3 months since the surgery

    I can eat more than before and I feel like my stomch stretched?

    should I be worried :(

  9. my most weight are in my hips and belly..

    and just like you i can't take it off i lost weight in my shoulders, neck and face and the rest still..

    I had the surgery 3 months ago so I fall in depression and start eating and I guess my stomach stretch.

    so please be careful!

    and join swimming workout it might help a lot.

    good luck.

  10. Hello everyone

    My name is Sars and i had the surgery 3 months ago.

    I had some hard times with pain and all and after one month I had even more pain in my throat that I still feel it when i get sad mad or even angry !!

    It get affected by my emotions show up with my emotions or even in the car with movment.... but it's okay i can deal with all of that ....

    but what made me lose it and feel so down right now that i feel my stomach stretched!!

    I can eat more and drink more than before! and I can go on in eating!! sometimes it feels like I never did the surgery...

    I think about food 24 hrs and i'm always hungry!!

    thats not normal I know and I know it might be me!!

    I do not know what to do I talked to my Dr all he said it's you try to change you!! okay it's me I know just help me to change it!!!! how?

    I do not want my stomach to re-stretch!!

    I do not want to think bout food all the time and eat all the time..my ability to eat increased 2 doubles since the surgery..

    I tried to think about something else or do some hobbies but I could not.

    I tried to talk to someone but no one could help me!!

    Please if someone had this before help me before it is too late!!!!! Help me go thro this I almost give up...I already give up...............

    sorry for the long post.

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