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Status Updates posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. Please help fellow member northstar9148. She has PMs waiting for her, but needs info on how to access them from BariatricPal App on her SM-J700T. The best way to reach her to assist is by posting in topic "Pre/Post Surgical Plans Are Not Required" (OP 4MRB4PHOTO). Thanks, folks.

  2. Stay away from the breakfast club. They are going cuckoo.

  3. Just saw it for the first time ever and was surprised by my reaction: It's tacky to park one's butt on a website such as this to hawk one's pyramid-scheme products. And I'm just a disinterested user of the site.

    1. KristenLe


      There were quite a few threads from her selling the product(s).

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Today was my first time seeing her. When I noted the date she joined, though, I expected that she'd started others.

    3. ssflbelle


      Yea 15 days worth probably. When we see crap like that we need to report it. Doing it at 1 am in the morning thinking no one will see it.

  4. Bought the most perfect, tasty, luscious cherry tomatoes at the farmers' market today. They turned out to have skins thick enough that they don't chew. There oughta be a law: Drown the food scientists working in the ag industry.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      They'd need to be peeled. The skins really are tough. As I was eating them in my salad of salmon, orange bell pepper, onion and baby spinach with TJ's spicy asian peanut vinaigrette (sooo good), I kept removing the skins and putting them on a napkin. Good thing I was home.

    2. Unbridled


      Knowing your wit, you likely have a plan for those little red tomato skins besides the trash. :)

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      No, my friend. they are long gone. Can one sew tomato skins into a silk purse? If so, shucks, I missed the chance.

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  5. What's with this new thing, a six-month, pre-surgery "class?" Is it going nation-wide? Who requires and conducts it -- the practice? the insurer? Is it out of pocket for the prospective patient, never to be reimbursed? If so, what's the price tag? Whose big, fat chipmunk cheeks is it filling? From what I've gleaned, the class has merits, but the whiff of greed is sulfurous. Or am I way off?

    1. KristenLe


      Someone is making money from them - either that or they are benefiting from people not going through with it - and end up saving on surgery costs (insurance).


  6. From which planet do some of these ideas come? It must be Saturn, saturnine as they are.

  7. It's unnecessary to post the same topic in several forums. One will cover you or, if panic reigns, two.

  8. BEATRIX POTTER, 150 years today

    1. Daisee68


      I loved that book!

  9. Considering how long it's been, today, the 4th of my recommitment, is significant. Even better is feeling confident and eager to continue.

    1. Cervidae


      you've got this. :)

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thank you, my deer one. You've got it all.

  10. Yesterday's esophagram and NP visit went well. The images showed no dilation with band in proper position. That, and because it had been giving me signals for several months, "we" gave me more saline. I feel the effect and it's good. We'll see if the band truly can be pressed into service again before considering revision.

  11. Took a deep breath and the step: Made an appt with my practice to determine the state of my band and what comes next. I'm open to sleeve, but need to learn more to get past my own bias against it. This is a tad premature, as I don't know yet whether my insurance covers revision.

  12. A most happy 100th, Miss Olivia de Havilland......A glorious Canada Day to all and Dominion Day to some from this closet Canadian.

    1. jane13


      love her!!!!_ Melanie Wilkes!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Yup, and Catherine Sloper of "The Heiress," movie version of the play based on Henry James' "Washington Square." That's a mouthful.

  13. Looking forward to Saturday with McCoy Tyner, Ron Carter, Wallace Roney, Roy Haynes and transcendent music in the Park.

  14. The last bite of an omelet should be its culmination. Then why is that, when a teeny shard of eggshell slips in to the mix, it waits in ambush until the last bite? What motivates it to be so unkind?

  15. Happy Passover, zissen Pesach, already a day in, but it's never too late.

    1. ProudGrammy


      Passover is one of my favorite holidays - love love love the food (are your surprised!!) LOL

    2. 2goldengirl


      Oh my friend's matzoh balls are like fairy clouds. I prefer mine - I use half schmaltz and more parsley in mine.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I've never made matzo balls, but, a thousand years ago, I made gefilte fish, but not for Passover. I did it the old-fashioned way, chopping the fish by hand with my grandmother's chopping blade (now 'mezzaluna') and round-bottomed wooden bowl. Lots and lots and lots of work, but it turned out so well that I made it again about a year later. I used a recipe from an old New York Times column.

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  16. May a woman open a topic in "Male Only?" A brief exchange between two male characters on "The Good Wife" lingers for its interestingness (see the italics?) , humor and surprise element. Would the gentlemen amongst us take part? Let's see what happens.

    1. Proud2BMe


      I would say to respect that the men's forum is for men only. Just like the women's forum is for women only. If you want you can post it to the general discussion forum and ask for guys to chime in.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      That's what I was thinking, but have not yet decided for sure. In either case I hope that only men post. Women can read only in my book.

  17. OKC Pirate, this is for you. I think your latest topic is in the 'men only' forum not because of the product, but because of the joke. Were you 100+ years younger, you'd have been a guest at the barbecue at Twelve Oaks. I sent the groupon link to a friend who has been slender from birth and has always been vexed by having nothing to keep his pants from sliding a bit.

    1. OKCPirate


      Sorry no like button on comments, but I would have liked the potato comment

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Easy for you to say, as it comes from your own locker-room joke, which, by the way, was a surprise. I think I'd never before seen you doing locker room material. (The joke is funny, but I'm far way too far sophisticated to say as much. Therefore, you didn't read it here. Dammit, it's getting funnier now that I think of it again. I may guffaw any moment. Don't be surprised. I love "Family Guy.")

    3. OKCPirate


      I am a South Park, Monte Python, Family Guy fan. But remember, I put the locker room joke in the men's section, just saying.

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  18. The clothing exchange was a success for the participants and very much so for me, having at long last gotten to meet the woman who, after a phone conversation six years ago, made me want to partner with our host organization. Other things made is special, too. One of the best evenings of any type that I've had in a while. I'm charged and ready for the next event.

    1. Christinamo7


      I am glad to hear it


  19. No, not every little thing that happens in the two months post-op is a result of surgery, not even that mosquito bite.

  20. While pondering a decision unrelated to BP's purpose, you all came to mind. I became aware that I value you for being non-judgmental about a topic that so many do judge elsewhere.

    1. Christinamo7


      we become a little tribe, don't we?

    2. Sharon1964


      I have NO IDEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR what you're speaking of. :)

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      And your nose is growing along with your string of R's.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  21. Hey, minimize the agony and take up less space. When quoting a post in yours, you can delete from the quote whatever it is that you're not responding to. Save the rest of us lots of scrolling time, eye strain and pointless repetition. You'll be appreciated all the more.

    1. ProudGrammy


      agree, i always delete excess from quote - it would be nice if OP did also - not gonna loose sleep over it -! but, it would be nice LOL - kathy

  22. Some topics are ugly in such a warped way, that they're fun. Others are just run to ugly. There should be a law that fun must be part of the mix.

  23. Celebrating this century's Pi Day and making the most of it in case I'm too addlepated to notice in 2116.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
