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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About ValerieInMexico

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 09/28/1956

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About Me

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    Bounce between Mexico and Canada
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    Travel, Excersize
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Update:  Going for a modification of my Gastric Bypass surgery and also a tune up of my stomach pouch on July 31 2019 in Guadalajara.
I had Gastric Bypass surgery fifteen years ago.  I weigh about ten pounds more than my lowest, post surgery weight.  I am very healthy, in general.  For the first three or four years I did not take supplements like I should, and this resulted in anemia and osteoporosis.  I have managed both of those conditions once I took the need for supplements seriously.
I work out regularly, three times a week. I do resistance training and I also kayak twice a week.  I swim twice a week as well.  I am physically active without any aches or pains.... not bad for a 58 year old.
I have tracked what I eat on CalorieCount.com.  My problem is evening snacking.  It has always been a problem and if I could just get a handle on that....  I could get rid of the last thirty pounds.  I never give up.
I do have some side effects from the surgery, but all manageable.  I have IBS and I get very bad stomach pain and nausea if I over eat and go to bed with a full stomach.  As long as I am careful to avoid the foods that trigger attacks and stop eating two hours before bed, I am OK.
I want to lose the last thirty pounds so I can have plastic surgery.  I was not obese for very many years, so everything looks pretty good except my tummy and thighs.  I would like a tummy tuck and thigh lift. 
Well......  that's a bit about me.  I am from Canada, had the surgery done in Washington State and I now live near Guadalajara Mexico.  They have awesome plastic surgeons here, with follow up by Canadian and American trained nurses.  We will see what happens.

Age: 67
Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Starting Weight: 287 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery: 287 lbs
Current Weight: 186.5 lbs
Goal Weight: 160 lbs
Weight Lost: 100.5 lbs
BMI: 31
Surgery: Gastric Bypass
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit:
Surgery Date: 01/19/2000
Hospital Stay: 2 Days
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: n/a

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
