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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    AWD12368 got a reaction from KristenLe in Having a baby?   
    I will have to look for the pregnancy forum and I am a years post op and I've been at my goal weight for a month.
  2. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to MzB in Can you restretch your stomach?   
    It won't ever go back to the size it was before. However, my understanding is that it does relax and as you get further out from surgery the more you can consume. This is why getting those good habits set early is important. A lot of people assume that the super small portions they can fit right after surgery is the true size of their new stomach, when a lot of that restriction is due to swelling and your stomach getting over the major trauma. I find that at about 6-7 months I can eat a lot more than I could at months 1-3. Some of this is also the stomach relaxing a little bit and maybe a small bit of stretching but that is apparently normal. There are lots of post on this from people who are further out in their journey. Hope this helps.
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    AWD12368 reacted to Proud2BMe in Can you restretch your stomach?   
    Technically, no it can't go back to being what it was before as 80% of it has been removed and the stomach does not regenerate. However, what can happen is that with time and poor diet you can create a new sense of what "full" is by overeating. You can reverse this by going on a 5 day pouch reset or by doing your pre-op diet again.
  4. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to BLERDgirl in Rice?   
    I've had brown rice a few times and black rice once. I had brown rice maybe 6 mths post op and a few times since but never much more than 2 tbsps. Other than the glutenous white rice in sushi white rice never held much lure for me. I'm also vigilant enough about avoiding empty carbs that I have shied away from processed carbs like white rice.
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    AWD12368 reacted to Sharon1964 in Rice?   
    My surgeon says no rice, Pasta, bread, crackers for at least 6 months post op, as they form a Gummy ball in your sleeve and he doesn't want to have to go in surgically and retrieve it.
  6. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Gained a pound back! :(   
    I want to start off by saying THANK YOU EVERYONE!
    This is what I needed to pull myself up and snap out of it. I have very supportive friends and family but sometimes hearing it from other people who know the struggle makes a huge difference. The support I have found on here is the best.
    I did hear back from my doctor and he said not to change a thing and has me coming in monday to talk and I spoke to my counselor who is fitting me in next week to discuss my "struggles" which will also be good.
    I also read the Embrace the Stall that was added by Inner Surfer Girl and got rid of my scale ( I made my husband hide it) so I think with the temptation to weight myself everyday a few times a day will help me too.
    I am just going to focus on my Protein and portion sizes and let everything else go and work out daily. Maybe that will be the golden ticket!
  7. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Gained a pound back! :(   
    I want to start off by saying THANK YOU EVERYONE!
    This is what I needed to pull myself up and snap out of it. I have very supportive friends and family but sometimes hearing it from other people who know the struggle makes a huge difference. The support I have found on here is the best.
    I did hear back from my doctor and he said not to change a thing and has me coming in monday to talk and I spoke to my counselor who is fitting me in next week to discuss my "struggles" which will also be good.
    I also read the Embrace the Stall that was added by Inner Surfer Girl and got rid of my scale ( I made my husband hide it) so I think with the temptation to weight myself everyday a few times a day will help me too.
    I am just going to focus on my Protein and portion sizes and let everything else go and work out daily. Maybe that will be the golden ticket!
  8. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Gained a pound back! :(   
    I want to start off by saying THANK YOU EVERYONE!
    This is what I needed to pull myself up and snap out of it. I have very supportive friends and family but sometimes hearing it from other people who know the struggle makes a huge difference. The support I have found on here is the best.
    I did hear back from my doctor and he said not to change a thing and has me coming in monday to talk and I spoke to my counselor who is fitting me in next week to discuss my "struggles" which will also be good.
    I also read the Embrace the Stall that was added by Inner Surfer Girl and got rid of my scale ( I made my husband hide it) so I think with the temptation to weight myself everyday a few times a day will help me too.
    I am just going to focus on my Protein and portion sizes and let everything else go and work out daily. Maybe that will be the golden ticket!
  9. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Gained a pound back! :(   
    I want to start off by saying THANK YOU EVERYONE!
    This is what I needed to pull myself up and snap out of it. I have very supportive friends and family but sometimes hearing it from other people who know the struggle makes a huge difference. The support I have found on here is the best.
    I did hear back from my doctor and he said not to change a thing and has me coming in monday to talk and I spoke to my counselor who is fitting me in next week to discuss my "struggles" which will also be good.
    I also read the Embrace the Stall that was added by Inner Surfer Girl and got rid of my scale ( I made my husband hide it) so I think with the temptation to weight myself everyday a few times a day will help me too.
    I am just going to focus on my Protein and portion sizes and let everything else go and work out daily. Maybe that will be the golden ticket!
  10. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to The Candidate in Gained a pound back! :(   
    Maybe it would be easier to equate it to the stock market. You don't go and sell off your entire portfolio because the market dips on a single day.
    I have been tracking my weight daily since surgery and I've had many weeks where I stayed the same or gained a pound or so. Yet I don't freak because overall the trend is definitively downward, and that's what's most important in the long run.
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    AWD12368 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Gained a pound back! :(   
    Embrace the Stall!
  12. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to Serenity924 in Gained a pound back! :(   
    I feel your pain girl! But I do agree with the others. Please be sure to check in with your counselor / doctor about the depression. If you're noting the signs and symptoms of depression you need to see someone right away. Do you have someone who you can talk to? Do you have friends and family nearby? Sometimes we need to talk to someone to help us along. We all struggle so if you need someone to talk to I'm here.
  13. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to JamieLogical in Gained a pound back! :(   
    People stall. It is VERY VERY common. If you can find me one person on these forums who got to goal without stalling out multiple times along the way, I would be SHOCKED. And no, a stall is not just slow loss, a stall is NO loss or even a gain. It happens. Your body will adjust and re-adjust a million times throughout this journey and that's going to mean stalls and weird fluctuations on the scale. If you are getting your Protein, Water, and exercise, you are doing it right. Have faith in the process.
  14. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to Babbs in Gained a pound back! :(   
    Take care of your mental health, and the rest will follow. Like @@BLERDgirl said, this won't be the last time you see fluctuations on the scale. You need to get to a point where you understand they happen and it's just a normal part of the whole process without going into a panic. That will help you focus on the things you really need to focus on!
  15. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to sbg224 in Gained a pound back! :(   
    I too worry about my weight everyday and weigh everyday. The scale has not moved for 2-3 days, I start to panic, and right away blame myself for eating too much, too little, too much fat, too many carbs, you can drive yourself crazy. I keep thinking how can I be eating half or more then half of what I used to and not lose more weight. I was sleeved 8/3 and am down 24lbs, 39 with preop, and I feel it should be more. The doc and NUT say I am doing good, so I have to believe in them right now. I just tell myself, the doc did his part, and I am following the plan, and that's all that can be done right now. So many people on this forum say it will come, some slower then others, and I just have to believe in them too. Good luck.
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    AWD12368 reacted to FrankyG in Gained a pound back! :(   
    I gain back a pound or two frequently. Hormones, that time of the month, retaining Water, eating too much salt... all of it can cause a temporary gain.
    You should take monthly measurements so when you think you're in a stall, you can see it is probably your body actually losing fat and gaining muscle. Get a measuring tape and check your hips, waist, chest and arms/legs and then track them once a month along with your weight. A pound of fat is much larger than a pound of muscle and you'll not see the difference on the scale.
    Stop weighing yourself so often and focus on how your clothes fit, on eating good things in reasonable portions, exercising at a healthy level and learning how to retrain your brain and body right now.
  17. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to BLERDgirl in Gained a pound back! :(   
    No you should not be worried and do not cut more calories. Weight loss is not a straight, linear progression. It's full of stops, starts and backtracks. 1 lb is not a reason to change what you are doing. Speak with your counselor about any impending spiral and continue to follow your program.
  18. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to ShannonTatum in Toddlers and new Sleeve   
    How have you guys been doing who have toddlers? I have a 18 month old and was recently sleeved 8/25. I'm beginning to feel like my old self again. My toddler is constantly clinging to me and will cry ridiculously for my Protein shakes...lol It's hard to adjust family life and my new sleeve but we're getting there steadily.
  19. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to CowgirlJane in Survey - Carbonated Drinks? Do u drink them?   
    I waited till 2 years post op....at goal for awhile... I had a vodka and soda Water....teehee.
    In truth soda pop, diet or not is TERRIBLE for you. I strongly encourage anyone to just break the habit. Eating clean, real foods is just such a good thing.
    Former Diet Pepsi junkie (and it never made me skinny)
  20. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to FrankyG in haven't lost a lb in 4 days...   
    Take your measurements (hips, waist, bust, arms, legs), and then track them each month. You will see a difference in sizing most likely during the months that it seems the scale showed little to no loss. It's because you sometimes lose fat and gain muscle - a pound of fat takes up way more room than a pound of muscle, so it helps to minimize the panic when you think you're not making much progress.
    And yeah, three week stall is pretty much a given, and it can last for weeks and you'll see other stalls most likely all during your weight loss journey. Don't panic, just keep drinking your Water, eating a healthy diet and exercising.
  21. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from Bufflehead in spicy foods?   
    I had tuna sashimi and wasabi tonight! It was so amazing! I had NO problems and added a good bit! I will be adding other spicy things into my diet!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!
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    AWD12368 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in spicy foods?   
    I started using Siracha during the liquid phase, too.
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    AWD12368 reacted to Bufflehead in spicy foods?   
    @@AWD12368 I added a few drops of Sriracha to Soup and broth when I was on full liquids. When I was cleared for purees (four weeks out for my surgeon) I added hot sauce to all kinds of food. No problem whatsoever but I've always had a stomach made of cast Iron. Spicy or rich foods have never bothered me in the slightest.
  24. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to jane13 in spicy foods?   
    IMO I would add a small amt and wait and see if you have any adverse reactions. I am assuming you have cleared with both NUT and surgeon? I was told to start small, once I started pureed. I eat a small amount so I definitely want it seasoned.
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    AWD12368 reacted to charlenemb in spicy foods?   
    Ever since my sleeve, I have craved spicy foods. I started putting chili sauce in my chicken broth at week 2. My doc was ok so long as I tolerated it. It's strange how are taste buds change. I was never one fore much spice in the past but now I swear I could eat Siracha with a spoon!

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