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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to SeptemberSlimmer1960 in Afraid I don't have it in me...   
    Don't be too hard on yourself! We all fall down off the wagon, but we shake ourselves off and get back up and live to fight another day! And what a fight it is! We can still win this war, that was just one battle! We can make it, sleeve soldier!
  2. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from Chele H in Parents trying to talk me out of VSG.   
    If you haven't already, I'd recommend going to an educational session about the different types of weight loss surgery and perhaps consider taking your parents with you if possible. Surgery has advanced since 2001. Perhaps hearing the facts and knowing that you've fully researched the surgery will put their minds at ease.
    My VGS surgery has been the best thing I've ever done for my health and my family is fully supportive. In fact, it's gone so well that my husband had it done as well! Best of luck to you!
  3. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from Chele H in Parents trying to talk me out of VSG.   
    If you haven't already, I'd recommend going to an educational session about the different types of weight loss surgery and perhaps consider taking your parents with you if possible. Surgery has advanced since 2001. Perhaps hearing the facts and knowing that you've fully researched the surgery will put their minds at ease.
    My VGS surgery has been the best thing I've ever done for my health and my family is fully supportive. In fact, it's gone so well that my husband had it done as well! Best of luck to you!
  4. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from BeagleLover in 108 lbs   
    Good for you! My husband had the same surgery I had in June 2014. He also dropped weight rapidly. I had to remind myself that he had more to lose to start with and his daily job requires more movement than mine, so it made sense that he lost weight faster!
  5. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from Chele H in Parents trying to talk me out of VSG.   
    If you haven't already, I'd recommend going to an educational session about the different types of weight loss surgery and perhaps consider taking your parents with you if possible. Surgery has advanced since 2001. Perhaps hearing the facts and knowing that you've fully researched the surgery will put their minds at ease.
    My VGS surgery has been the best thing I've ever done for my health and my family is fully supportive. In fact, it's gone so well that my husband had it done as well! Best of luck to you!
  6. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to JamieLogical in Discouraged   
    I was disappointed with my slow loss at first as well. I am almost 5 months out and only down 38 pounds since my surgery on Sept. 1. But, I've come to peace with it now. The weight IS coming off. The scale IS moving down. And why do I need to race? I will eventually get where I need to be.
    Pre-op and the first month or two post op, I was thinking about this like I'd thought about diets in the past. I wanted to lose weight and get to goal as fast as possible so I could be "done". But with VSG, you are never "done". Your sleeve is for life. So what's the hurry?
    Plus there are some big advantages to losing slowly. I don't constantly get asked about my weight loss and have to come up with lies to tell people I'm not comfortable discussing my surgery with. And, since I'm losing weight more slowly, I'm not having to constantly replace clothing only to have to replace it again almost immediately. Also, I think it's less taxing on my skin than if I dropped weight really quickly.
  7. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to Bobby46 in I'm so embarrassed and can't stop laughing - what about you?   
    I haven't had an embarrassing incident...yet. I really hope that if I do its not as embarrassing as yours!
    So...My friend had WLS about a 1 1/2 yrs ago. She was about 6mths into it when this happened.
    She was walking down the hall at work with her manager and a co-worker discussing the meeting they were headed to. She always wore skirts to work. In the middle of her sentence her skirt hit the floor! Leaving her there in view of God and everyone in her panties and a sweater. Just for a few seconds....but to her it may as well have been an hour!
    She took in all her skirts that night and bought a belt to wear with her slacks
    She laughs every time one of us brings it up.
    I'm 6mths out now. Don't wear skirts....but I'm shopping for a new belt tomorrow!
  8. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to Smye in I'm so embarrassed and can't stop laughing - what about you?   
    Last night the single most embarrassing thing to happen to me so far on this WLS roller coaster occurred, but I can't stop laughing about it. I hope you enjoy, commiserate, and can share your own stories of mixed embarrassment/hilarity for catharsis' sake.

    I asked my wife to take weekly photos of me in only boxers on the day I started my pre-op diet, Jan 22 so I could have a consistent photo, with even time intervals, in the same spot with the same pose/clothes for the duration of weight loss. I'd like to be able to accurately point to where I was on each step of the journey 5 years from now, not to mention compile a stop-motion-style video clip that accurately shows how my body changed, at what rate, etc. You know, is it smooth, are there fits & starts and the like.

    Last night was photo number 3. I'm still pre-op (Sx Feb 12, WAHOO), and it hasn't been that long, but I've lost 30 pounds so far (WOW! If only it was linear until my ideal weight, I could be there by July). Having lost so much weight (the equivalent of 1.5 of my son), I was eager to compare photos and see if I could tell a difference. In order to have photos side-by-side on her phone, she had to text them to herself. No big deal.

    So I'm holding her phone last night, trying to look at the differences (if any) that I can spot when all of a sudden her phone buzzes and up pops the message: "Please stop sending me photos. I don't know who you are or what you want, but I'm not interested in sexting with you."

    I was mortified. Somehow we had entered our own number wrong and sent 3 potentially scandalous photos of a very large, near-naked man to a stranger, or at least we hope it's a stranger. Certainly someone local with our area code.

    Thankfully the person was incredibly gracious when we explained what had happened and apologized. So much so that they finished off with "Again, don't worry about it. These things happen. Not that I want you to have to have WLS, but I'm glad it wasn't anything worse for me. Congratulations by the way, you're making a fantastic decision and good luck! If you're willing, keep me posted. I don't know who you are, but I'd love to hear how you're doing in a few months."

    I couldn't stop periodically bursting into laughter for several hours thereafter.

    What about you? What hilarious stories do you have? Or do you hope/pray will grow funnier as time goes on. Please don't share anything you're not 100% comfortable posting online - I don't want anyone to regret a post, but wow, writing this all down has helped it be funnier for me and eliminated nearly all of the shame-piece.

    Take care,


  9. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from IcanMakeit in Success is fabulous, but it's temporary if you don't watch out   
    I agree with those of you who have talked about people who think WLS is the cure-all for weight loss problems. I don't tell many people how I've lost the weight unless I know them better. People I know well actually take the time to hear about how this has been a process, and that it's a never ending process, because it's about taking better care of myself forever.... not just until I get to my goal weight.
  10. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to Jovie62 in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    Bless you and your family. This is a great support group!
  11. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to Kathy812 in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    @@jayhawkgirl, so sorry for your loss. You truly have been through some difficult times. I had a breast cancer scare last January, so I can totally relate. Glad everything checked out fine.
    You are taking a great step in making your health a priority.14 pounds is not insurmountable. Good luck and we're here to support you.
  12. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to mae7365 in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    Do not beat yourself up over 14 pounds. You can and WILL get back on track. Although you have so much sorrow in your life, you also have so many blessings (your improved health, your husbands improved health etc.). This is a great forum to vent (vs. eat), Celebrate weight loss AND non-scale victories like smaller clothes size etc. Welcome to the biggest support group you will find!!!!!
  13. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    In April 2012, I was driving to work one sunny morning when my life changed. A 19 year old drunk driver drove into my lane and hit me head-on. I know just how lucky I am not only to be alive, but not to have been injured any worse than I was. I had 3 broken bones and spent 4 weeks in a wheelchair, 2 with a walker and cane, and weeks in physical therapy, but I'm still here! The problem was even after physical therapy, my joints hurt. I thought I just needed to work-out and lose weight. Uh, yeah, I was about 316 pounds, so that should have been enough of a clue! However, working out wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, because I was in pain during and after. I realized that I needed to take off the weight in order to make the exercise work for me. I had considered weight loss surgery before and had even gone to an informational meeting, but didn't follow through. It seemed too extreme! What I needed at this time was the extreme.
    I had surgery Dec. 19,2012 by Dr. Teresa LaMasters. It was easily the BEST decision I've made to improve my health! I didn't have any problems. My insurance approved the procedure literally in less than 24 hours! I was fortunate that because of the car accident, my deductible was met and I didn't have to pay very much out of pocket for the procedure either. Nothing made me sick after surgery. My tastes changed some in that Protein drinks that I liked before surgery tasted like drinking Syrup after and I found that the only one I really like is chocolate powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. I also discovered Quest Protein Bars and love them! For about the first year, everything was easy. I got down to 209 pounds and stalled some. Some of the stall was due to the fact that I discovered I could eat anything and maintain for the most part as long as I worked out and didn't over do. So I'd gain and lose the same 5 pounds! (This is the point I should have been smacking myself in the head! lol) Things were going so smoothly for me, that my husband decided to have the surgery as well. He's 6'4 and was over 400 pounds. His surgery was June 2014. He's down 125 pounds so far.
    Now we're to the part of my story that got me here. In October, my sister started to not feel good and went to the hospital. She came home and they thought she had a virus. Two weeks later, she was worse and they admitted her. Three days later, no one had answers and she was transferred to a bigger hospital. In the meantime, I'm working on an important report for the federal government that will help me gain "points" towards re-funding the grant for my program. I was also informed at this time that my employer didn't want to spend the money on a grant writer and that it was now "my job" to write the grant that funds my job and 3 others over the next 5 years. Oh, and did I mention I was supposed to do this in my spare time for no money? We're approaching Thanksgiving and my sister is still in the hospital without a diagnosis, but with dozens of tests run. The week of Thanksgiving, we hear she's going to get to come home! Yea! The next day, they decided they needed to put a stent in and that she can't leave yet. Two days later, they decided she had polycythemia vera. She never got to come home. She passed away on December 1. 12 days before her son's 22 birthday...22 days before her 25th wedding anniversary...during her daughter's first semester of college. It's just so surreal to have my best friend and sister be gone. Our family is fractured. Two days before the funeral, my husband had surgery on an elbow he'd injured. The thought of him with anesthesia terrified me. Then two weeks later, I had surgery. We made it through Christmas and needless to say, food was a comfort through all of this. On Dec. 26, I went for my yearly mammogram and got a call two days later that it was abnormal and I had to have another. From there, I went to a breast cancer specialst and was informed that I had to have a biopsy. (I'm thinking to myself, are you FREAKING kidding me!! Yes, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself!) Good news, NO CANCER! Whew! In the middle of all of this, I finished that stupid grant that turned into a nightmare and things were starting to look up! Then, honest to God, I should be in a country song...I came home last week to find one of our furry, four-legged children dead. ARGH!!!!
    I've decided that if I've survived all of this, then I can DO ANYTHING!! Yes, I've gained 14 pounds since my lowest weight. However, I'm determined that this will not beat me!! I am so encouraged my the stories I've read here and am anxious to try some of the suggestions people have made. Thanks for giving me some inspiration!
  14. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    Awe! Thanks everyone! I'm inspired by reading everyone's stories to just keep fighting those pounds. As my mom always says, "this too shall pass." I'm ready to pass these pounds to the trash!
  15. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    In April 2012, I was driving to work one sunny morning when my life changed. A 19 year old drunk driver drove into my lane and hit me head-on. I know just how lucky I am not only to be alive, but not to have been injured any worse than I was. I had 3 broken bones and spent 4 weeks in a wheelchair, 2 with a walker and cane, and weeks in physical therapy, but I'm still here! The problem was even after physical therapy, my joints hurt. I thought I just needed to work-out and lose weight. Uh, yeah, I was about 316 pounds, so that should have been enough of a clue! However, working out wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, because I was in pain during and after. I realized that I needed to take off the weight in order to make the exercise work for me. I had considered weight loss surgery before and had even gone to an informational meeting, but didn't follow through. It seemed too extreme! What I needed at this time was the extreme.
    I had surgery Dec. 19,2012 by Dr. Teresa LaMasters. It was easily the BEST decision I've made to improve my health! I didn't have any problems. My insurance approved the procedure literally in less than 24 hours! I was fortunate that because of the car accident, my deductible was met and I didn't have to pay very much out of pocket for the procedure either. Nothing made me sick after surgery. My tastes changed some in that Protein drinks that I liked before surgery tasted like drinking Syrup after and I found that the only one I really like is chocolate powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. I also discovered Quest Protein Bars and love them! For about the first year, everything was easy. I got down to 209 pounds and stalled some. Some of the stall was due to the fact that I discovered I could eat anything and maintain for the most part as long as I worked out and didn't over do. So I'd gain and lose the same 5 pounds! (This is the point I should have been smacking myself in the head! lol) Things were going so smoothly for me, that my husband decided to have the surgery as well. He's 6'4 and was over 400 pounds. His surgery was June 2014. He's down 125 pounds so far.
    Now we're to the part of my story that got me here. In October, my sister started to not feel good and went to the hospital. She came home and they thought she had a virus. Two weeks later, she was worse and they admitted her. Three days later, no one had answers and she was transferred to a bigger hospital. In the meantime, I'm working on an important report for the federal government that will help me gain "points" towards re-funding the grant for my program. I was also informed at this time that my employer didn't want to spend the money on a grant writer and that it was now "my job" to write the grant that funds my job and 3 others over the next 5 years. Oh, and did I mention I was supposed to do this in my spare time for no money? We're approaching Thanksgiving and my sister is still in the hospital without a diagnosis, but with dozens of tests run. The week of Thanksgiving, we hear she's going to get to come home! Yea! The next day, they decided they needed to put a stent in and that she can't leave yet. Two days later, they decided she had polycythemia vera. She never got to come home. She passed away on December 1. 12 days before her son's 22 birthday...22 days before her 25th wedding anniversary...during her daughter's first semester of college. It's just so surreal to have my best friend and sister be gone. Our family is fractured. Two days before the funeral, my husband had surgery on an elbow he'd injured. The thought of him with anesthesia terrified me. Then two weeks later, I had surgery. We made it through Christmas and needless to say, food was a comfort through all of this. On Dec. 26, I went for my yearly mammogram and got a call two days later that it was abnormal and I had to have another. From there, I went to a breast cancer specialst and was informed that I had to have a biopsy. (I'm thinking to myself, are you FREAKING kidding me!! Yes, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself!) Good news, NO CANCER! Whew! In the middle of all of this, I finished that stupid grant that turned into a nightmare and things were starting to look up! Then, honest to God, I should be in a country song...I came home last week to find one of our furry, four-legged children dead. ARGH!!!!
    I've decided that if I've survived all of this, then I can DO ANYTHING!! Yes, I've gained 14 pounds since my lowest weight. However, I'm determined that this will not beat me!! I am so encouraged my the stories I've read here and am anxious to try some of the suggestions people have made. Thanks for giving me some inspiration!
  16. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    In April 2012, I was driving to work one sunny morning when my life changed. A 19 year old drunk driver drove into my lane and hit me head-on. I know just how lucky I am not only to be alive, but not to have been injured any worse than I was. I had 3 broken bones and spent 4 weeks in a wheelchair, 2 with a walker and cane, and weeks in physical therapy, but I'm still here! The problem was even after physical therapy, my joints hurt. I thought I just needed to work-out and lose weight. Uh, yeah, I was about 316 pounds, so that should have been enough of a clue! However, working out wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, because I was in pain during and after. I realized that I needed to take off the weight in order to make the exercise work for me. I had considered weight loss surgery before and had even gone to an informational meeting, but didn't follow through. It seemed too extreme! What I needed at this time was the extreme.
    I had surgery Dec. 19,2012 by Dr. Teresa LaMasters. It was easily the BEST decision I've made to improve my health! I didn't have any problems. My insurance approved the procedure literally in less than 24 hours! I was fortunate that because of the car accident, my deductible was met and I didn't have to pay very much out of pocket for the procedure either. Nothing made me sick after surgery. My tastes changed some in that Protein drinks that I liked before surgery tasted like drinking Syrup after and I found that the only one I really like is chocolate powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. I also discovered Quest Protein Bars and love them! For about the first year, everything was easy. I got down to 209 pounds and stalled some. Some of the stall was due to the fact that I discovered I could eat anything and maintain for the most part as long as I worked out and didn't over do. So I'd gain and lose the same 5 pounds! (This is the point I should have been smacking myself in the head! lol) Things were going so smoothly for me, that my husband decided to have the surgery as well. He's 6'4 and was over 400 pounds. His surgery was June 2014. He's down 125 pounds so far.
    Now we're to the part of my story that got me here. In October, my sister started to not feel good and went to the hospital. She came home and they thought she had a virus. Two weeks later, she was worse and they admitted her. Three days later, no one had answers and she was transferred to a bigger hospital. In the meantime, I'm working on an important report for the federal government that will help me gain "points" towards re-funding the grant for my program. I was also informed at this time that my employer didn't want to spend the money on a grant writer and that it was now "my job" to write the grant that funds my job and 3 others over the next 5 years. Oh, and did I mention I was supposed to do this in my spare time for no money? We're approaching Thanksgiving and my sister is still in the hospital without a diagnosis, but with dozens of tests run. The week of Thanksgiving, we hear she's going to get to come home! Yea! The next day, they decided they needed to put a stent in and that she can't leave yet. Two days later, they decided she had polycythemia vera. She never got to come home. She passed away on December 1. 12 days before her son's 22 birthday...22 days before her 25th wedding anniversary...during her daughter's first semester of college. It's just so surreal to have my best friend and sister be gone. Our family is fractured. Two days before the funeral, my husband had surgery on an elbow he'd injured. The thought of him with anesthesia terrified me. Then two weeks later, I had surgery. We made it through Christmas and needless to say, food was a comfort through all of this. On Dec. 26, I went for my yearly mammogram and got a call two days later that it was abnormal and I had to have another. From there, I went to a breast cancer specialst and was informed that I had to have a biopsy. (I'm thinking to myself, are you FREAKING kidding me!! Yes, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself!) Good news, NO CANCER! Whew! In the middle of all of this, I finished that stupid grant that turned into a nightmare and things were starting to look up! Then, honest to God, I should be in a country song...I came home last week to find one of our furry, four-legged children dead. ARGH!!!!
    I've decided that if I've survived all of this, then I can DO ANYTHING!! Yes, I've gained 14 pounds since my lowest weight. However, I'm determined that this will not beat me!! I am so encouraged my the stories I've read here and am anxious to try some of the suggestions people have made. Thanks for giving me some inspiration!
  17. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    In April 2012, I was driving to work one sunny morning when my life changed. A 19 year old drunk driver drove into my lane and hit me head-on. I know just how lucky I am not only to be alive, but not to have been injured any worse than I was. I had 3 broken bones and spent 4 weeks in a wheelchair, 2 with a walker and cane, and weeks in physical therapy, but I'm still here! The problem was even after physical therapy, my joints hurt. I thought I just needed to work-out and lose weight. Uh, yeah, I was about 316 pounds, so that should have been enough of a clue! However, working out wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, because I was in pain during and after. I realized that I needed to take off the weight in order to make the exercise work for me. I had considered weight loss surgery before and had even gone to an informational meeting, but didn't follow through. It seemed too extreme! What I needed at this time was the extreme.
    I had surgery Dec. 19,2012 by Dr. Teresa LaMasters. It was easily the BEST decision I've made to improve my health! I didn't have any problems. My insurance approved the procedure literally in less than 24 hours! I was fortunate that because of the car accident, my deductible was met and I didn't have to pay very much out of pocket for the procedure either. Nothing made me sick after surgery. My tastes changed some in that Protein drinks that I liked before surgery tasted like drinking Syrup after and I found that the only one I really like is chocolate powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. I also discovered Quest Protein Bars and love them! For about the first year, everything was easy. I got down to 209 pounds and stalled some. Some of the stall was due to the fact that I discovered I could eat anything and maintain for the most part as long as I worked out and didn't over do. So I'd gain and lose the same 5 pounds! (This is the point I should have been smacking myself in the head! lol) Things were going so smoothly for me, that my husband decided to have the surgery as well. He's 6'4 and was over 400 pounds. His surgery was June 2014. He's down 125 pounds so far.
    Now we're to the part of my story that got me here. In October, my sister started to not feel good and went to the hospital. She came home and they thought she had a virus. Two weeks later, she was worse and they admitted her. Three days later, no one had answers and she was transferred to a bigger hospital. In the meantime, I'm working on an important report for the federal government that will help me gain "points" towards re-funding the grant for my program. I was also informed at this time that my employer didn't want to spend the money on a grant writer and that it was now "my job" to write the grant that funds my job and 3 others over the next 5 years. Oh, and did I mention I was supposed to do this in my spare time for no money? We're approaching Thanksgiving and my sister is still in the hospital without a diagnosis, but with dozens of tests run. The week of Thanksgiving, we hear she's going to get to come home! Yea! The next day, they decided they needed to put a stent in and that she can't leave yet. Two days later, they decided she had polycythemia vera. She never got to come home. She passed away on December 1. 12 days before her son's 22 birthday...22 days before her 25th wedding anniversary...during her daughter's first semester of college. It's just so surreal to have my best friend and sister be gone. Our family is fractured. Two days before the funeral, my husband had surgery on an elbow he'd injured. The thought of him with anesthesia terrified me. Then two weeks later, I had surgery. We made it through Christmas and needless to say, food was a comfort through all of this. On Dec. 26, I went for my yearly mammogram and got a call two days later that it was abnormal and I had to have another. From there, I went to a breast cancer specialst and was informed that I had to have a biopsy. (I'm thinking to myself, are you FREAKING kidding me!! Yes, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself!) Good news, NO CANCER! Whew! In the middle of all of this, I finished that stupid grant that turned into a nightmare and things were starting to look up! Then, honest to God, I should be in a country song...I came home last week to find one of our furry, four-legged children dead. ARGH!!!!
    I've decided that if I've survived all of this, then I can DO ANYTHING!! Yes, I've gained 14 pounds since my lowest weight. However, I'm determined that this will not beat me!! I am so encouraged my the stories I've read here and am anxious to try some of the suggestions people have made. Thanks for giving me some inspiration!
  18. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    In April 2012, I was driving to work one sunny morning when my life changed. A 19 year old drunk driver drove into my lane and hit me head-on. I know just how lucky I am not only to be alive, but not to have been injured any worse than I was. I had 3 broken bones and spent 4 weeks in a wheelchair, 2 with a walker and cane, and weeks in physical therapy, but I'm still here! The problem was even after physical therapy, my joints hurt. I thought I just needed to work-out and lose weight. Uh, yeah, I was about 316 pounds, so that should have been enough of a clue! However, working out wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, because I was in pain during and after. I realized that I needed to take off the weight in order to make the exercise work for me. I had considered weight loss surgery before and had even gone to an informational meeting, but didn't follow through. It seemed too extreme! What I needed at this time was the extreme.
    I had surgery Dec. 19,2012 by Dr. Teresa LaMasters. It was easily the BEST decision I've made to improve my health! I didn't have any problems. My insurance approved the procedure literally in less than 24 hours! I was fortunate that because of the car accident, my deductible was met and I didn't have to pay very much out of pocket for the procedure either. Nothing made me sick after surgery. My tastes changed some in that Protein drinks that I liked before surgery tasted like drinking Syrup after and I found that the only one I really like is chocolate powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. I also discovered Quest Protein Bars and love them! For about the first year, everything was easy. I got down to 209 pounds and stalled some. Some of the stall was due to the fact that I discovered I could eat anything and maintain for the most part as long as I worked out and didn't over do. So I'd gain and lose the same 5 pounds! (This is the point I should have been smacking myself in the head! lol) Things were going so smoothly for me, that my husband decided to have the surgery as well. He's 6'4 and was over 400 pounds. His surgery was June 2014. He's down 125 pounds so far.
    Now we're to the part of my story that got me here. In October, my sister started to not feel good and went to the hospital. She came home and they thought she had a virus. Two weeks later, she was worse and they admitted her. Three days later, no one had answers and she was transferred to a bigger hospital. In the meantime, I'm working on an important report for the federal government that will help me gain "points" towards re-funding the grant for my program. I was also informed at this time that my employer didn't want to spend the money on a grant writer and that it was now "my job" to write the grant that funds my job and 3 others over the next 5 years. Oh, and did I mention I was supposed to do this in my spare time for no money? We're approaching Thanksgiving and my sister is still in the hospital without a diagnosis, but with dozens of tests run. The week of Thanksgiving, we hear she's going to get to come home! Yea! The next day, they decided they needed to put a stent in and that she can't leave yet. Two days later, they decided she had polycythemia vera. She never got to come home. She passed away on December 1. 12 days before her son's 22 birthday...22 days before her 25th wedding anniversary...during her daughter's first semester of college. It's just so surreal to have my best friend and sister be gone. Our family is fractured. Two days before the funeral, my husband had surgery on an elbow he'd injured. The thought of him with anesthesia terrified me. Then two weeks later, I had surgery. We made it through Christmas and needless to say, food was a comfort through all of this. On Dec. 26, I went for my yearly mammogram and got a call two days later that it was abnormal and I had to have another. From there, I went to a breast cancer specialst and was informed that I had to have a biopsy. (I'm thinking to myself, are you FREAKING kidding me!! Yes, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself!) Good news, NO CANCER! Whew! In the middle of all of this, I finished that stupid grant that turned into a nightmare and things were starting to look up! Then, honest to God, I should be in a country song...I came home last week to find one of our furry, four-legged children dead. ARGH!!!!
    I've decided that if I've survived all of this, then I can DO ANYTHING!! Yes, I've gained 14 pounds since my lowest weight. However, I'm determined that this will not beat me!! I am so encouraged my the stories I've read here and am anxious to try some of the suggestions people have made. Thanks for giving me some inspiration!
  19. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    Awe! Thanks everyone! I'm inspired by reading everyone's stories to just keep fighting those pounds. As my mom always says, "this too shall pass." I'm ready to pass these pounds to the trash!
  20. Like
    jayhawkgirl got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    In April 2012, I was driving to work one sunny morning when my life changed. A 19 year old drunk driver drove into my lane and hit me head-on. I know just how lucky I am not only to be alive, but not to have been injured any worse than I was. I had 3 broken bones and spent 4 weeks in a wheelchair, 2 with a walker and cane, and weeks in physical therapy, but I'm still here! The problem was even after physical therapy, my joints hurt. I thought I just needed to work-out and lose weight. Uh, yeah, I was about 316 pounds, so that should have been enough of a clue! However, working out wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, because I was in pain during and after. I realized that I needed to take off the weight in order to make the exercise work for me. I had considered weight loss surgery before and had even gone to an informational meeting, but didn't follow through. It seemed too extreme! What I needed at this time was the extreme.
    I had surgery Dec. 19,2012 by Dr. Teresa LaMasters. It was easily the BEST decision I've made to improve my health! I didn't have any problems. My insurance approved the procedure literally in less than 24 hours! I was fortunate that because of the car accident, my deductible was met and I didn't have to pay very much out of pocket for the procedure either. Nothing made me sick after surgery. My tastes changed some in that Protein drinks that I liked before surgery tasted like drinking Syrup after and I found that the only one I really like is chocolate powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. I also discovered Quest Protein Bars and love them! For about the first year, everything was easy. I got down to 209 pounds and stalled some. Some of the stall was due to the fact that I discovered I could eat anything and maintain for the most part as long as I worked out and didn't over do. So I'd gain and lose the same 5 pounds! (This is the point I should have been smacking myself in the head! lol) Things were going so smoothly for me, that my husband decided to have the surgery as well. He's 6'4 and was over 400 pounds. His surgery was June 2014. He's down 125 pounds so far.
    Now we're to the part of my story that got me here. In October, my sister started to not feel good and went to the hospital. She came home and they thought she had a virus. Two weeks later, she was worse and they admitted her. Three days later, no one had answers and she was transferred to a bigger hospital. In the meantime, I'm working on an important report for the federal government that will help me gain "points" towards re-funding the grant for my program. I was also informed at this time that my employer didn't want to spend the money on a grant writer and that it was now "my job" to write the grant that funds my job and 3 others over the next 5 years. Oh, and did I mention I was supposed to do this in my spare time for no money? We're approaching Thanksgiving and my sister is still in the hospital without a diagnosis, but with dozens of tests run. The week of Thanksgiving, we hear she's going to get to come home! Yea! The next day, they decided they needed to put a stent in and that she can't leave yet. Two days later, they decided she had polycythemia vera. She never got to come home. She passed away on December 1. 12 days before her son's 22 birthday...22 days before her 25th wedding anniversary...during her daughter's first semester of college. It's just so surreal to have my best friend and sister be gone. Our family is fractured. Two days before the funeral, my husband had surgery on an elbow he'd injured. The thought of him with anesthesia terrified me. Then two weeks later, I had surgery. We made it through Christmas and needless to say, food was a comfort through all of this. On Dec. 26, I went for my yearly mammogram and got a call two days later that it was abnormal and I had to have another. From there, I went to a breast cancer specialst and was informed that I had to have a biopsy. (I'm thinking to myself, are you FREAKING kidding me!! Yes, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself!) Good news, NO CANCER! Whew! In the middle of all of this, I finished that stupid grant that turned into a nightmare and things were starting to look up! Then, honest to God, I should be in a country song...I came home last week to find one of our furry, four-legged children dead. ARGH!!!!
    I've decided that if I've survived all of this, then I can DO ANYTHING!! Yes, I've gained 14 pounds since my lowest weight. However, I'm determined that this will not beat me!! I am so encouraged my the stories I've read here and am anxious to try some of the suggestions people have made. Thanks for giving me some inspiration!
  21. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to KeeWee in You know you lost weight when   
    When you can finally get pregnant after trying for 17 years and all it took was a major weight loss. My doc always said it was possible but it seems losing 20-30 lbs never did it but losing 100 lbs was the remedy!! Going on 11 weeks and super excited!!! What a great reason to gain weight...I just have to tell myself, I am not getting fat, I'm just pregnant!!
    I did what it takes to get down 100 lbs and I wasn't even stopping so I know after the baby, Imma be on the road again....EASY as 123!!! GOOOOOOO VSG!!! LOL
  22. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to mommyofLDS in You know you lost weight when   
    When the wedding rings that used to fit so snugly that they left marks fall off your fingers and you have to hunt around in the laundry basket to find them (time to find a jeweler to size them)
  23. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to ellemarie in You know you lost weight when   
    You can answer, "Either is fine with me.", when asked, "Would you like a table or a booth?"
  24. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to The Candidate in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    14 pounds - that's nothing! I gained 14 pounds in sympathy just from reading your tragic tale. One thing that's absolutely clear is that you're a survivor of incredible fortitude. If you can get through everything you've suffered than those extra pounds are probably already quaking in their boots for ever having the audacity to adhere themselves to your body in the first place. So get in there and remind them once again who's the boss here.
    I think you're my hero. No pressure. I'm just saying.
  25. Like
    jayhawkgirl reacted to wantingabetterlife in 2 years post-surgery- New to forum   
    WOW. First off, welcome! You have had so many heartaches and issues to deal with. I can't even imagine how tough it has been for you. There is no doubt in my mind that you will overcome the gain and get back on track! You are way to tough to let this get you down and not bounce back! Best of luck to you

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