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Everything posted by acbayliss

  1. acbayliss

    5 month post op diet

    Good morning! My surgery date was 1-12-2015. I eat around 550-750 calories a day. I make a point to try and eat every 3 hours. My pouch is picky, so there are a few staples that I have. I usually make a batch of chili or buffalo chicken in the crock pot. Then I portion it into 1.5 oz containers and freeze it. The buffalo chicken I usually it with a small salad. I also eat the Morningstar farms spicy bean burgers. I can't say that I love them, but I can tolerate it. I can't eat a full bean burger. I can do about 3/4. Sadly, I am still supplementing most of my Protein with shakes. Here's a sample menu of what my day looks like: 7 am: lite and fit vanilla yogurt flavored with sugar free raspberry syrup 10 am: 100 calorie bag of roasted edamane (from sprouts) 12:30 buffalo chicken with salad 1:30 1/2 bottle of protein h2o Water 3:00 premier Protein shake 5:30 veggie burger patty with slice of cheese on it 8:00 100 calorie popcorn (bad habit I need to stop) or 1/2 peeled apple I have asked my nutritionist about how many calories I should be consuming and she tells me not to worry about that. She wants me to focus on getting 60-70 grams of protein daily. I hope I was able to help you. Good luck on your journey!
  2. acbayliss


    I am expecting on this week weigh in to have hit losing the 100 pounds. So, as a treat I am going to get a much needed pedicure. I haven't decided what I am going to do for the next 50 pounds. Its good to have something to work towards.
  3. Hi!!. So, recently I bought a mysync pedometer. It's suppose to keep track of my steps, time I am active, the amount of calories and fat burned. So today I did 84 minutes of exercise. My pedometer says I burnt 341 calories. If I enter 84 minutes on my fitness pal it says I burnt 693 calories. I am frustrated because this is a difference of 352 calories. I would be fine if the amounts were similar, but that's a large gap. Both go by my current weight. Any suggestions or advice of which I should go by? Thanks!.
  4. acbayliss

    Not telling anyone

    I only told my husband, son and one very close friend. It wasn't till I was 2 weeks post surgery that I told my parents or other friends. It was the best decision for me. Those two days in the hospital, I was in pain and would not wanted visitors. You are doing this for you! You do whatever makes you happy.
  5. acbayliss

    What's everyone eating?

    I will tell you what I have planned. It defiantly doesn't mean that it will stay down. I am 9 weeks out and struggle to get my Protein and Water in. Nothing tastes good and my pouch is super picky. breakfast: premier Protein shake lunch: 2 pieces of turkey rolled up with shredded cheese in the middle. cook on the stove to melt the cheese dinner: 1 ounce of buffalo ranch chicken with 5 Keebler low fat crackers snack: Yoplait whipped greek yogurt and a bottle of protein h2O water. This should get me close to my 60 grams of protein.
  6. I just want to say what a wonderful group of people I have interacted with on this site. You are all supportive and helpful. No one has made me feel stupid for anything I have asked and everyone is so nice and polite. This is the only WLS site I have signed up with. Being only 6 weeks post op I have visited some of the other WLS sites to get information. I can't even believe the behavior on some of the other sites. A majority of the people seem nice, but there are some that are mean and rude. I was just shocked at some of the comments- WOW! So, I just wanted to appreciate everyone here and say thank you!!
  7. I am two months post op. At the beginning, I expected to have changes with my taste buds. As time goes on, the less I like the taste of anything. I am forcing myself to try and eat something for lunch and dinner. Nothing tastes good. I know this makes it easier to lose weight, but I am worried about my health. I have recently noticed that I am having extreme dizzy spells. Has anyone else had this problem with food? With time will food start to taste decent? Thanks for your help!
  8. acbayliss

    Introducing myself

    I want to wish you the best of luck with which every surgery you decide on. Our stories are similar. I am 39 and a mom to a wonderful 11 year old. He was diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome and ADHD about 3 years ago. All my focus went into him and how I could help him. I begin to notice I couldn't do everyday things with him and that my weight was hampering my life. That's when I knew I needed to focus on me. I don't want to leave him without a mom. As for family, I too was berated by my family as a child for my weight. I wasn't even chubby back then. My relationship with my dad isn't very good. So, I didn't tell him about my surgery until 2 weeks after I had it done. I regret every saying anything. Now I get constant text messages asking how much weight have it lost now. Best of luck to you!
  9. acbayliss

    I want to eat

    I would watch cooking shows all the time. I couldn't wait to eat. Then I got to where I could have pureed foods. It was a let down. Nothing tasted good. I am 7 weeks post op and some food taste okay, but I just don't get the same "high" from food that I did before. Which is good. Now I basically force myself to eat. The head hunger is vicious and messes with you.
  10. acbayliss

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Yesterday I was able to wear my seatbelt while wearing my winter coat!!!! Also, I was able to go shopping without sweating and running out of breath!!!
  11. acbayliss

    Pain in left side

    Mine went away around 2 weeks post op. Then I bent over the wrong way and it was back. It took another two weeks for it to go away. I made a point to baby my left side so I wouldn't make it worse. It makes moving around a huge hassle. I kept seeing posts from people about how little pain they had from surgery and didn't need pain medication. They were up and back to working by week two. That was NOT me. It took a lot of pain medication and four weeks before I didn't have any pain and felt human again. Each person is different-try to get some rest and heal. Good luck to you!
  12. acbayliss

    Celebrating small victories

    I am six weeks post op also. I have lost 51 pounds and I also don't feel like I am a rapid loser. Yesterday was my check up and I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks and I was disappointed. I wanted it to be around 20 pounds. My doctor tells me that I am doing great and that I am being impatient. I guess as long as we are losing weight, we should be happy!!
  13. 6 week check up yesterday- lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks!

    1. ProudGrammy


      good for you - have a good check with doc - write down any more questions you dan think of - keep up the good work kathy

  14. I had my surgery 4 days before you! I have a Protein shake a day and I also drink one bottle of Water with protein called Protein20 (has 15 grams of protein). My pouch is so picky and barely holds 1/4 cup food. I can barely get any protein by eating food alone. That would be impossible for me. Its so interesting how each doctor does something different!!
  15. acbayliss


    I love funyons!! Before bed I like to snack. So I found a small bag of sun chips and I was able to eat some of them with no problems. Now I can't stand the taste of regular food and it doesn't like to stay down. I was kind of disappointed that junk food still tasted good to me. No more bedtime snacking for me or this surgery would have been for nothing. I do think every once in a while we need to indulge!!
  16. acbayliss

    Craving pickles!

    I am six weeks post op and I also have been craving pickles. I don't want the regular kind, I want spicy!! I never liked spicy food before, but now I want spicy in my chili, my tuna salad sandwiches and pickles. Yummy!
  17. I am 5 weeks post op. So, I am still depending on Protein shakes for my protein. What I have been doing was eating something small like Soup and then having 4 oz of Protein shake. I have been having both at the same time. Should I be eating the soup and waiting 30 mins before drinking the protein shake? If so, do I have to wait 30 more mins after the protein shake to drink Water? Thanks for the help.
  18. You have been more open with people than I was. The people that I told before surgery was my husband, child and two friends. I finally told my dad and step mom when I was three weeks post op. Here's the great thing about family (meant to be sarcastic) I only had to tell one person for EVERYONE to find out. I feel that my permission should have been asked if it was okay to tell people before it was announced to the entire family. My friends and husband have been great. They listen to me go on about what I tried to eat and how I am feeling. Since post op I have told a couple more friends. I only plan on telling people close to me. You do whatever is comfortable for you. This is your journey, not theirs. Good luck!
  19. Good morning! I am almost 6 weeks post op. I can get a little hungry, but anytime I try to eat, the food tastes disgusting to me. I am eating on plan. I get my Protein daily, but its from liquids. I just can't stand to eat anything. I cook foods allowed on my diet, and I have to force myself to eat it. Is this normal? Will it get better as I continue to heal? Thanks!
  20. Next Tuesday is my 6 week check up. Hopefully I will be able to change my weight on my profile!!

    1. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      Good Luck just had mine and it's an awesome feeling!

  21. acbayliss


    I also thought we were not allowed to ever take NSAID's again after surgery. I hope I am wrong. I can't stand Tylenol. It doesn't seem to help. I miss my ibuprofen
  22. I am so sick of eating eggs.....

    1. Beni


      You can eat something else. What about tuna with low fat maio? I lived on that for a while. Hummus is also a great option

    2. Stevehud


      i have an egg every morning for breakfast usually with cheese, and two slices of turkey bacon but once a week my nutritonist okayed 1/4 of regular cheerios, ( only 6 grams of carbs 1 sugar and 2 fiber not bad) with just enough 1% milk to make em wet. its a good break.


    3. Zoey716


      How about greek yogurt, cottage cheese, cream of wheat?

  23. acbayliss

    Post op pain?

    Two weeks out and I was still on pain meds every 4-6 hours. I stopped taking pain meds about 2 1/2 weeks out because the doctor made me. I was still in a lot of pain. It took up to 4 weeks to subside. I hope you start feeling better soon.
  24. acbayliss

    I'm freezing!

    Glad I found this thread. I couldn't figure out why I am so cold. Now I see I am not alone. Thanks!
  25. acbayliss

    Homemade Pureed Food

    I didn't puree very much. The only thing I pureed was vegetable Soup. Then I poured it into ice cube trays to freeze. Each cube is 2 oz of food. I would eat 2 cubes at a meal. Otherwise I ate a lot of cottage cheese, eggs and tomato soup. I would just make a point to chew, chew, chew. They idea of pureeing food just really turned me off. I hope this stage goes better for you.

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