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no onions

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    no onions got a reaction from KeepOnRockinMe in Pain Meds After Sleeve Surgery   
    I take 1/2 a pain pill (oxy/acetaminophen) at night to help sleep more comfortably. I generally haven't needed to take them during the day. I think I will be able to eliminate the bedtime pill soon. Best of luck to everyone,
  2. Like
    no onions reacted to LivingFree! in Cheated already!   
    Maybe think about your words a little. It wasn't cheating. It was a CHOICE. Every piece of food we put in our mouths for the rest of our lives is a choice, and OUR CHOICE ONLY. Grazing all day was not your best choice. You will have days that you don't make the best choices. You will have days when you make GREAT choices. That is life. You can either choose to live each day in regret and shame every time you make an unhealthy food choice, or you can decide that only you are responsible for what you choose to eat. Taking responsibility and having a willingness and open mind to let go of old habits and work on creating new life-long healthy habits (especially when we get just plain tired and don't feel like working on it anymore) definitely does make for a better life in the long run.
    There's going to be sooooo many "reasons" we have for our eating plan not going right (this party, that party, this crisis, that crisis). The more we cement in our minds that LIFE HAPPENS and we no longer need to use food as our comfort, our friend, our loved one, our celebration, the more control we gain over our food and the less control our food has over us.
    How about replacing that feeling of shame with a feeling of strength???
  3. Like
    no onions reacted to Babbs in Loss first month   
    Okay. Here's a little reality check.
    The lower the BMI, the slower you will lose. Those of you with 40 or below BMI as a rule will not lose as much weight the first month as those of you with 40 or higher BMI.
    Males lose faster than us gals. Fact. Infuriating, but true.
    You will not lose 20 or 30 pounds every month. After the initial fast weight loss month or so, it stabilizes to more "normal" losses. 2-5 lbs a week. Then as you get closer to your goal, it's more like 2-5 a MONTH.
    Don't compare yourself to others. There are just too many variables to what a normal rate is for weight loss. Any weight lost is a victory. And from what I've seen here, you all are winners!
  4. Like
    no onions reacted to jhclikesshopping@gmail.com in Eating out - I just need to vent.   
    So first of all - let me apologize. I normally do not complain - like never. But I am so mad right now that I need to do something or I am going to write an Open Table/ Yelp review from hell and the company does not need this.
    So I live in the SF Bay area. I am 3 months post op. My job makes me travel 25% of the month. Therefore, I eat out often. I have gotten really good as asking for exactly what I want - and people are usually wonderful. Today, we go out to lunch for a team member leaving for another job so we went to a goodbye lunch. I checked out the menu ahead of time and decided on an item on the kids menu ( or a modified entry in case I could not eat on the kids menu). So we get there and I ask for an item on the kids menu that is not on the main menu. I am told no - fine (even though I showed my card). I get it - it's annoying, but I get it. Then the manager comes over and says sorry - we do not allow adults on the kid's menu. Ok fine - did not need the attention. So then, I order the closest item to the kids item on the menu but its chicken and ribs platter. So I ask for just the chicken and a replacement for the potatoes (instead of just chicken/mash potatoes on the kids menu). I am told no substitutions. I said - what? That is never the case. What about food allergies - she said we have a food allergy menu for those people; she says, "we do not customize our entrees". Have you ever heard of something so crazy.....
    So basically I now have a to go box of ribs, mash potatoes and butter covered veggies that I will never eat.
    On my way out I decide to pull the manager aside. I told her I have never been so disappointed in my life - I can understand that not eating the kids menu but really, now I have wasted so much food and there was no need. I would have paid the regular price - in fact, I would of paid more for something I really wanted.
    Thanks for letting me bitch. I will continue to ask for what I want and remind people I do not need the food on the kids menu because I am cheap - I want it for Portion Control.
  5. Like
    no onions got a reaction from erika00000 in What weight do you count from?   
    I am counting from my pre-surgical diet weight here. However, my surgeon's office only counts from the last office visit prior to surgery, which makes for a lower loss in their records.
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    no onions reacted to imsoglad56 in Temptations   
    My desk sits about 12 feet away from the men's room at my office. I can personally vouch for this being way truer than anyone thinks. And it's not just that one weird guy that smells funny who does it. I no longer eat anything that is brought into the office unless it's brought by me or my bff, and even then I only eat it if I can get to it before everyone else.
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    no onions reacted to hockeyfan7 in Temptations   
    Now when you are at work, just think about all the nasty coworkers who do not wash their hands after using the bathroom and then touch that food. They're picking at those donuts with filthy hands and sneezing on that pizza before taking some. You know they have to touch every donut before they get the one they want.
  8. Like
    no onions reacted to Miss Mac in How did you handle the nay sayers ?   
    Well, it's no secret on this forum that bariatric surgey will exspose the raw dynamics of your relationships and you find out who supports you and who dissapoints you. The process is a blessing in disguise. Your presumed "friends" will boldly speak out against your choices for your own health care as if it is their business. Do not give away your power. Become your own baiatric evangelist. You can speak up just as much as she can.
    You could ask her to explain to you the different types of bariatric surgery and what specifically is the problem with the facility you are going to. Ask her who is the surgeon you will have and how you will be cared for. Ask he is she is willing to "gift" with the funds to have surgery done near your home. You will find that she knows nothing and is not willing to give you a dime. Some friend. Sorry, but it's no loss. Aren't you relieved now that you know what kind of "friend" she really is? Hugs from Miss Mac in Chicago
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    no onions reacted to VSGAnn2014 in WLS in the 80's and weight gain after.   
    Ignore My Fitness Pal right now. You're in such an abnormal situation that MFP "rules" don't apply at all.
    Focus only on your Protein and Water for now.
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    no onions reacted to rp1980 in Isopure Disgusting!   
    I saw this thread after buying two bottles of Isopure today! I was a little worried! But I tried the Blue Raspberry (over ice, cut with a little water) and it tasted fine to me. Funny how tastes can be so different. The only Protein Shake I like is Unjury. Tried about five others and yuck!
  11. Like
    no onions reacted to RobiDobi in Newbie Here!   
    Hi everyone! I'm a 35 year old mom of two wonderful boys (4 & 8).
    I'm 4 months into my 6 month process now. Hopeful surgery will be first week of October.
    I've been obese my entire life. (Aside from that 6lb birth weight that is).
    Currently I'm 286# and struggling mightily with that. My goal weight is 175. Stupid I know, but I want to shop at Gap again!!!!
    I have PCOS and weight does not come off no matter what, so I'm just praying this works.
    I'm even nervous writing this post!!
    In Maryland by the way.
    Really thankful I found this app to read all your stories!
  12. Like
    no onions reacted to WL WARRIOR in Anybody got some good bypass recipes for this newbie?   
    Bariatric Buddies cookbook: http://www.chicoweig...ookJuly2014.pdf
    Original Bari-Buddies cookbook http://www.mybaribud...46/cookbook.pdf

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    no onions reacted to James Marusek in WLS in the 80's and weight gain after.   
    I had a friend who underwent surgery back in the 80's. He lost significant weight as a result and maintained this weight loss over the years. Recently he dropped around 30 pounds and is more concerned about this additional weight loss and the cause. The process back then was radically different. They removed much of his intestines but he was able to eat as much as he wanted. He remembers them calling the operation a "Y". But it is very much different than the RNY performed today.
    The type of weight loss surgery available in the 80's was very different than what exist today. Since you gained the weight back after surgery, the same drivers might be around if you have gastric bypass and you might regain the weight back.
    I asked my nutritionist, why some people gain the weight back after they lose it from weight loss surgery? She said it was due to grazing (snacking). I tend to think that it is a little more complex and relates to what people graze on. I limit my grazing to Protein and fats. I avoid processed sugars almost completely and minimize my carbohydrates. I have been in a maintenance phase for about a year and a half, and my weight is flatlined.
  14. Like
    no onions reacted to CanyonBaby in Uncertain futures   
    Update for treatment 3....it went really well, Dave feels a lot better than for the previous 2 treatments, and he is carrying his pack around for the next 2 days. We found out he will have surgery around the end of August, after a couple of weeks off the chemo.
    Dave's sister is visiting relatives in Bath, England this week, and has discovered that 2 of their relatives on their father's side had colon cancer! AHA! At last a link and the "bad luck" reasoning is not the lone duck here! Scary for the rest of the family, though.
    The 3 reasons for the PET scan: To find out if the cancer is localized to the immediate tumor region in the colon. To find out if it has spread into the abdominal cavity. To find out if the cancer has spread to other areas of the body including but not limited to: lymph nodes, liver, brain, other organs... The oncologist is thoroughly disgusted with the insurance company representative who handles approval for these tests, and has requested another doctor with whom to confer. He has "plan B" ready to go, but won't tell us of it yet.
    Dave's bloodwork comes back excellent, and the doctor is pleased how he is handling this situation both physically and mentally.
    In the meantime, the chemo IS killing any and all cancer within, no matter where it may be located, so that is reassuring. We've found ourselves at peace about this, after much prayer. Something...has changed. I can't say what, but there is such a peace about all this now. While there is still frustration, we feel we're heading in the right direction, and the chemo should be doing what it is intended to do. We hopefully will hear about the PET scan soon, it should show where the cancers are, and if they have been killed. I have been "stuffing" Dave with all the supplements his dietician recommended, and I truly believe they are helping him to feel better this time through chemo. He actually has more to take than I do!!! I think I may take out stock on Vitamin companies!!!
    Again, thank you for your prayers and concerns, I can't believe how many are behind us on all of this...THANK YOU!! And God Bless You All.....
  15. Like
    no onions reacted to Babbs in No one ever answers my posts......so please comment!   
    Here is an awesome video of Dr Weiner and common WLS myths. All of his videos are great, by the way.
  16. Like
    no onions reacted to LISALOVESVEGAS in BariActiv chewable multivitamins - strong reaction (empty stomach?)   
    I was told to always eat before taking multi-vitamins.
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    no onions reacted to kimby1029 in BariActiv chewable multivitamins - strong reaction (empty stomach?)   
    I threw up the Bariatric Advantage multi when I accidentally took it on an empty stomach. Tummies do not like these Vitamins without other stuff in there. I was only 2 1/2 weeks out, thus it was quite uncomfortable. I take the Vitamins with some food. The Calcium goes ok without food or with a shake, but there needs to be a bit in my tum to do the vitamins. Sorry it happened to you!
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    no onions reacted to sa111antha in BariActiv chewable multivitamins - strong reaction (empty stomach?)   
    I put one in my mouth, started to chew and instatnly threw up. There is something in those that did not agree with my stomach right away.
    I switched over to OptiSouce Post Bariatric Vitamin Chews and have had no issue since.
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    no onions reacted to sparksrn in BariActiv chewable multivitamins - strong reaction (empty stomach?)   
    I take those mulitvitamins, the Iron and the Calcium. I don't think I have ever taken the mulit's on a completely empty stomach. I have the Calcium and it was fine. I've always had at least a Protein shake on my stomach before taking the mulit.
  20. Like
    no onions got a reaction from MrsSugarbabe in No one ever answers my posts......so please comment!   
    I don't care for beer and soda I can take or leave. I'm on purées and can eat very very little - like 3 tbsp tonight - so I cannot even imagine eating pizza. It doesn't even sound good to me, though it may again someday.
    @@VSGAnn2014 makes the good point about not eating and drinking at the same time. From what I can tell that seems to be one of the most consistent rules. I hesitate to say all surgeons follow it, but I've yet to see anyone say otherwise.
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    no onions reacted to shancanssleevejourney in No one ever answers my posts......so please comment!   
    I am under the impression that carbonation is a no no for life. I think if you tried it, the pain would outweigh the benefit. pizza and Beer are just a short list of comfort foods that got us here in the first place. Just the thought of a flat beer sounds so gross to me. I am thinking you're not getting many responses because people don't want to come across as being judgmental in their replies. My thoughts are if your big concern is when you can have Beer and pizza, you need to do some deep soul searching as to why you went with surgery in the first place. It isn't a magic pill and you still have to work really hard and give up some of the things you used to love and many bad habits such as eating too much,eating too fast, and eating the wrong combination of foods. I truly mean this in the most respectful manner. If you really are looking for Help, listen to those who are successful and I think you will find that the majority of the successful ones on here are following the guidelines set up before surgery and after. I wish you much success!
  22. Like
    no onions reacted to SoCalSue in At last - Op date tomorrow June 29!   
    Finally after months of tests, medical appointments, paperwork and hours of explaining to my good friends why I have finally come to this place in my life, my surgery is tomorrow. Check in for 5.30am and surgery at 7.30am.
    After fighting cancer 14 years ago, complications of the surgery, chemo and radiation caused significant side effects and damage that left me with health effects and took away ability to exercise and my love of trail running. My weight increased significantly. Failed diets made my weight yo-yo upwards. I started to withdraw, didn't want to go out socially. I've struggled to keep up a professional career, fit in plane seats, turned down job opportunities and put up with derogatory comments from business colleagues.
    I have everything planned, Protein Drinks, non caffeine tea (this will he hard), vitamins/calcium supplements and chicken broth..... I have lists of the to-do's and not-to do's from the folks in my Bariatric support group.....
    Today this has been the first time I have nerves and second thoughts. I so want this to be successful, I am tired of being overweight for so many years, of it ruining my life and my health. I want to throw my BiPAP in the trashcan!
    My journey starts now - I am scared but oddly excited. Have others felt the same way?
  23. Like
    no onions reacted to MrsSugarbabe in Portable Protein Snack Options   
    Looking for some portable Protein snack options? Check out this article from SparkPeople for some ideas.
    Above all else, follow your surgeon's and NUT's recommendations.
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    no onions got a reaction from Michelle Tarver in Gallbladder removal day of Sleeve surgery and deductible   
    This is tough and I'm sorry you are going through it.
    Having had my own (earlier in life) gallbladder problems, I wouldn't recommend waiting to have something done about it - the pain can go from nothing to 200 for seemingly no reason.
    Though I had my own removed in college (like 20 years ago), my understanding is that many people who have WLS surgery develop gallbladder issues. If you're having WLS surgery and know about it now, why opt for two recoveries by having something done later? I would have it all taken care of at once.
    That's my opinion with the following caveats - a. I don't know your financial situation and b. you should talk to the surgeon (if you haven't already) as he or she might have some helpful advice.
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    no onions reacted to jadama22 in Sleeved in 2 hours   
    I can hardly believe I am finally in the hospital all checked in. I'm so nervous- more so because I have no family with me and I feel very lonely right now. I live far from family and one of my friends was unable to be here with me. My other friend could not be here cuz she had to head back home to drive my boys back home, so I'm all alone????
    On the bright side - I'm staying strong and waiting.

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