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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chichigirl

  1. chichigirl

    Banded Yesterday

    Congratulations on you surgery and positive outlook. Someone posted here a while back, that if your mouth is dry, try taking in a fair amount of Water, swish it around in your mouth and then spit it out. That sounds like it might help to relieve some of the discomfort of the thrist. You also mentioned you have a lot of gas, also normal, but folks here have always recommend gas-x. Just a thought. Take care, each day will get better, and you'll be running around before you know it. Cindy
  2. Well, I have been banded so long, that I am sure things have changed a bit, but here goes: Friend dropped me off at the hospital at around 6:30 AM. Went to check in, then my room, where I got to don one of those lovely gowns that open in the back without anything on underneath. Transport came and I was put on a gurney, wheeled into a room where a nurse put in an IV. Anestheseologist came in, what a jerk, the only thing he said was, "You know you might be on a respirator when you wake up!" , which of course terrified me, like I needed any help in that department! The nurse saw my face when he said that and after he left, she told me, don't worry, he says that to all the WLS patients, think he has an issue with obesity. Ya think!?! The next thing I remember was a nurse calling my name and I just wanted her to go away, I was sleeping and didn't want to wake up yet. Anyway, I called my friend and let him know that I was out of surgery and okay. Went back to sleep and got up and into the chair in the room a few hours later. I realized the only thing that hurt, was where the port had been put in the muscle on my side when I got up from bed and sat down in the chair. While sitting in the chair, I realized hey, I'm not in pain, just when I get up and down. So I was happy, sat back watched some TV for awhile and then walked up and down the halls, also pushing my IV. I believe that the reason I got up to begin with was because I had to go to the bathroom, which I did and without assistance. Cripes, I've been doing this stuff since I was born, I know how to do it, LOL. It was after that I went up and down the halls. I was amazed at how I wasn't in any pain! No pain meds nothing. Talked to the late shift nurse for a long time, she was really nice and I welcomed her company. My friend was going to come, but I told him, I know you worked all day, I'll see in the morning when you come and get me. So I didn't have any visitors other than the really sweet nurse. Went to bed, back to sleep and woke up around seven or so the next morning. The nurse came in and gave me my discharge papers, I called my friend to come and get me. I got dressed and they even let me walk out to wait for my friend outside the hospital. No problems at all. I was very lucky because it was smooth sailing from there on. I had a follow up with the doctor that Friday, had the surgery on Monday, and slipt and said something about being back at work. His eyes got huge and he said, you can't do that, I haven't released you yet. I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders and said oh well. He laughed and he made the comment that either people go back to work too soon or they make excuses not to go back long after they are physically able. So that's it. Good luck with your surgery, I hope your's is as easy as mine was and with a super speedy recovery. Keep us posted. Cindy
  3. Hi Jeff, welcome to the board!! Glad to have you here and to answer any and all of your questions about the lap band. Does it work!!! Boy, I'll say, it is working for me a second time around. When I was originally banded I lost over 120lbs in about 18 months, freaked out, had all of the fill removed so there was no real restriction and in less than a year, I managed to put it all back on. I know, pretty dumb, but that's what happened. Once I resolved my emotional issues with the help of a great therapist, I went back this past August and got a fill. Since then I have lost over 60lbs. So you tell me, does it work? I think so. It is not a magic bullet, you will have to work with it and learn how to make it work with you. As far as cravings go, mine are gone totally. I was the world's biggest fast food fan, especially cheesburgers and fries. I thought they would be the things I would miss the most, but it never happened as long as I had restriction. I can't explain it but I just don't even think about it anymore. When I first got banded, the following week I was out driving around running errands, when time slipped away from me and I realized it was late in the day and I had not eaten yet. So what did I do? The usual, pulled into a fast food parking lot, headed for the drive-thru when it suddenly hit me, I can't eat this anymore, it won't go down. That was the strangest feeling. Never did it again, always caught myself before I pulled in. But that was a strange feeling for me. Anyway, I always talk too much, but I hope some of this information helps in your decision to band or not to band. I personally love mine and am grateful that I have it. Cindy
  4. chichigirl

    Needing a hug and a kick in the pants...long posts

    I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. You don't need to apologize to anyone here, this is where we come to talk about what we need to and what we want to share. What we all share here are very personal and intimate feelings and no one should ever feel like, just because they aren't ready to talk about something, that we are deceiving the others. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better about it and remember it does get better with time. BRAVO for you making the appointment for the fill and talking to yourself about what you were doing. Band or no band, we are people first with real feelings, both happy and sad and we are going to react as we always have no matter what. The trick is to be able to stop it before it does any real damage. Remember the band is patient(boy do I know that one) and will always be there for you, never pushing, never intruding on your feelings. I will have you, your family and your grandmother in my prayers. Losing a loved one is the most devasting thing we can ever go through. Lean on us if you feel the need or not, that's something only you can or should decide. ((((((HUGS)))))) (Witholding the kick, it isn't warranted at this time) Cindy
  5. chichigirl

    Do you weigh...

    As Jack would say, just as nekked as I can get!!! Sadly I can't do it like that at the doctors, so I actually track it both ways, with and without clothes. Cindy
  6. chichigirl

    WARNING: BAD picture!

    I want one!!!!! Or two, yeah make it all three, gosh they are cute! Cindy
  7. chichigirl

    3 Month Baniversary...

    Congratulations to all of you celebrating the three month bandiversity!!!! Way to go with the weight loss, you guys are really doing great!!! Thanks for sharing and inspiring all of us. Cindy
  8. chichigirl

    hi! i'm new here

    Hi and welcome aboard. What part of Florida do you live in? I am in Miami and there is a doctor here that will fill patients that were banded in Mexico. Just let me know if this is of interest to you and I will send you his information. I do know that he charges $300.00 per fill for those patients as well. Good luck and I hope both you and your Mom have successful surgeries and speedy recoveries. Let us know before you go so we can all say some prayers and send good thoughts for both of you. Cindy
  9. chichigirl

    PB''s huh?

    PB stands for productive burp. I also hate throwing up, I just swallow really hard to avoid it all cost. That's one of the reasons I had the lap band put on, I make a lousy bullimic:rolleyes: !!! I have pb'd only a couple of times, because I was so afraid of it, but it isn't as bad as throwing up. It's not something you want to happen or do it too often as it can cause band slippage, according to my doctor. Anyway as long as you remember to take very small sips and tiny bites, chewing extremely well, you really shouldn't have a problem. What happens is the stoma becomes blocked, usually by something that you might want to consider a food to avoid, like soft bread, rolls, things like that. My first pb was with chicken and I know it was because I wasn't chewing well enough and I was eating way too quickly. I just got this feeling in my stomach that I didn't recognize and the next thing I knew, it all just came up and out. No heaving, no gastric acid, it really was not a big deal. A lot of people here often complain about sliming before a pb, which is nothing more than excess saliva I believe, but I really haven't experienced that myself so please forgive me if this is incorrect(sliming that is). Whenever you begin to eat something for the first time after your banding, be verrrry careful, remember tiny little bites and lots of chewing. Eat slowly and learn to recognize whether or not the food is getting through. It's a sensation you will come to recognize, you body will tell you when you've swallowed something difficult. Everyone is different and depending on how much restriction you have will determine what you can and cannot eat. I hope this is helpful to you. Knowledge is power and fear is usually lack of knowledge about something we have never experienced before. I wish you the best of luck in your new journey, whatever you decide that to be. Cindy
  10. chichigirl


    I forgot to mention, all of the pretesting was covered by my insurance, never a problem with that, they argued about doing the surgery for a while, but finally relented. Cindy
  11. chichigirl

    Where's the Cookies?

    Oh Paula, how can you say that there is really nothing going on in your life right now? You're surrounded by the devastation of the worst Hurricane to ever hit the US. You had uproot your entire family, move in with relatives, go without having any of the things we take for granted on a daily basis. You have small children that you've had to help cope with this disaster and try to explain things you don't even understand yourself. Not to mention, what I am sure is happening there, as it is where I live, Miami, FL, the locally news constantly bombarding you with all of the people who are still displaced, their tear stained faces and empty blank stares. Talk about a guilt trip. Honey, what you did was soooo normal, as a matter of fact, I'm surprised you left any of the Cookies for your family, LOL! :-] I know that in many ways you were blessed, you did have family to turn to, your home wasn't totally destroyed, no one in your immediate family was harmed. But just because we are granted blessings, doesn't mean we need to feel guilty for those who were less fortunate. You didn't cause the hurricane and you didn't wish it on anyone, so please, please treat yourself with extreme kindness. And if eating a few lousy cookies helps you feel better, or you think at the time they will make you feel better, don't beat yourself up over it, you do not deserve that. I can so totally related to what you have been through, even though the second hurricane we got this year wasn't a cat 5, it still did a lot of damage in a very large area, covering three counties. I understand that feeling of helplessness, but it's our cross to bear for living where we do. Please take care of yourself, you are extremely special. (((HUGS))) Cindy
  12. chichigirl


    Good luck and I hope that you do get everything approved and done before the end of the year, you're off to a great start. Not everyone has had to do a sleep study, but many have, it's becoming alot more popular by request. It's simply to check for sleep apnea and it's no big deal. I had it done a few months ago when I was having breathing problems, they just stick a bunch of wires with goop all over your hair, and a couple on your lower legs. The place where I had it done, had rooms set up just like bedrooms, real comfy cozy, not as good as home, but better than a hotel or hospital. Then you go to sleep, they monitor your breathing on a graph which shows in another room, so it's not like someone is watching you personally sleeping all night. They wake you early, I got some juice and a bagel, then went home. That was it, but I do have to warn you, that particular test, get it done ASAP because it takes them 2-3 weeks to get the results and sometimes, like in my case you have to go back for a second visit so they can fit you for a mask and determine how high to set the CPAP machine. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that all goes smoothly and quickly. Cindy
  13. chichigirl

    Regret and depressed

    I'm so very sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. My best advice to you at this time would be to simply pamper yourself. Don't do anything, just lay in bed or on the sofa and watch your favorite tv programs, listen to music, or watch some dvd's. Drink only Water if that's all you can tolerate, so it won't cause cramping. That actually sounds like gas, do you have any gas-x, it's an over the counter medication that everybody here swears by. Try it, what do you have to lose? Take a nice warm shower, no baths right now, but just enjoy the warmth of the water and use some sweet smelling soap or lotion. As for you feeling tired, that's probably because you still have anesthesia in your system. I promise you, that will go away soon and you will have a lot more energy when it does. Sweetheart, I am so glad that you came to this site. There are many wonderful, caring and compassionate people here. We will all help you by whatever we can do to try and make things easier for you. You are so very young, I wish I had had this option when I was your age, it would have meant such a difference in my life. Shoot, it has even helped an oldie goldie like me. I still have diabetes and heart disease, but the diabetes no longer requires insulin and I just had a stress test done and it was great! So before you develop any of these lifelong disease, which believe me, will make you feel far worse for far longer, give your band a chance. I am not minimizing how awful you feel right now, I wish I had a majic wand to make it all go away for you, but I don't, sorry. What I can do is offer you my prayers and good thoughts, and if you want to cry, scream, complain or anything else you can always PM me and I will always get back to you. In the meantime, (((HUGS))). Cindy
  14. chichigirl

    Depressed and ready to give up

    Good for you!!! I know that most of us don't like to be ugly and have to fight things, but this is your health and your life we are talking about here. It is so worth you standing up to them and I am proud of you for realizing that. As for the bimbo in the doctor's office, kill her with kindness, it usually makes snotty people like her feel a little guilty even if they don't show it. If that doesn't change her attitude and it is bothersome to you, take the direct approach, ask her if you have offended her in some way. This usually catches people off guard, but it is far more effective than their passive-aggressive approach. It will at least put her on notice that you do not appreciated being treated this way and that you do recognize her for what she is. It's sooooo good to here you got your fighting spirit kicked into high gear, sometimes that's what it takes. It shouldn't be this difficult, but when it is, you have to fight fire with fire. I know and so does everyone else here, that you are good, kind and caring individual and you deserve to do whatever is needed to take good care of yourself. This is your twin sis speatking, so listen;). Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Also, take Jack up on his offer, he is a doctor and knows how the sytem works, so I am sure he will have some good advice for you. (((HUGS))) Cindy
  15. chichigirl

    Finally Got Filled

    How long has it been since you got the fill? 2cc's from 1.5 sounds like enough. 2cc's for mr was way too much even. Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks before the fill kicks in, you may want to wait to see if that happens. Sorry you are so disappointed. Did you at least get to see his new assitant? He alone would be worth another trip for me, LOL! :-] Whatever you decide, you know how you feel and I of course wish you luck on the next one. Cindy
  16. chichigirl

    a different issue

    Yes, their are insurance companies who will cover the surgery, United Healthcare seems to be one of the most consistent ones giving approval. Alot depends on which state you live in. My suggestion to you would be to do a search under your state for insurance information. This might be helpful to you and provide you more specific information for your situation. Good Luck. Cindy
  17. chichigirl

    Depressed and ready to give up

    Hi, me again, just wanted to say that I happened to be on Medicare when I had my banding done back in 2002. I was also on Medicare due to disability, which I am thrilled to say I am no longer on, thanks to my band. I did have a supplemental insurance along with Medicare which Florida offered at that time for my area. They initially turned me down, but once the doctor pointed out all of my co-morbidities, they finally agreed. I understand the frustration and aggravation of dealing with Medicare, however, I won't take garbage from anyone and if they are doing you wrong, you have the right to fight back. These two doctors in your area have to do your surgery under Medicare, they signed an agreement stating that they are willing to accept it and the terms of it. No one holds a gun to their heads and many doctors opt not to accept Medicare. They can't have their cake and eat it too. If they have made the agreement and are now refusing you I would let them know you will report them to Medicare if they refuse you. I would call them and tell them and follow it up with a letter clearly stating what you will do. If they still refuse, report them. I know it's a hassle, and you may not like to be this aggressive, but it really is the right thing to do, IMHO. Doctors are not above the law and they are no better than you or I. I respect doctors when they respect me. If these doctors don't like the terms of their Medicare agreements, than they should terminate the agreements and not accept Medicare period. Sorry, you'll have to forgive my rantings, but I live in Florida have had to fight for everything from recouping hurricane losses to fighting politicians over their unfair treatment of foster families(my former job was licensing foster parents). So I am used to standing up for my rights and the rights of others who are being treated unfairly, no matter who they are. Cindy
  18. chichigirl

    Free Puppy!

    Gives me the heebiejeebies too!!! Gosh, I thought you were serious, haaaa! RTFLMAO!!! Cindy
  19. chichigirl

    For Us Who Have Problems Starting Excercising

    Thanks so much for sharing Candy. I'm going to Amazon and ordering mine right now. I have always wanted to learn yoga, but felt too large and clumsy to do it. Now you have inspired me that maybe I can, thank you again. Cindy
  20. chichigirl

    can't quit sliming!

    After the chicken got stuck, which irritated your stoma, it causes some minor inflammation and probable swelling. Take tiny sips of something warm, the tea is probably a good idea, just sip it very slowly. You might even want to stay on liquids for the next day or so until it calms down. Hope this helps. All part of having a band, but I think it's worth it. Cindy
  21. My band is great and has changed my life by being patient while I struggle with old emotional wounds. It has allowed me the freedom of choice and let me know it's okay that I am not perfect. It has given me back my life and in addition a much brighter future! If something happened to cause me to lose it at any time, some how some way, I would do it all over again. I never want to be without it, it has become my best friend and allowed me to love myself in a way I never could before. Cindy
  22. chichigirl

    Depressed and ready to give up

    I know it's discouraging, there always seem to be more roadblocks on this path than is fair. But don't you dare give up. You deserve this and you need this, it's your health and your life we are really talking about here. I do not understand why the doctor's won't do the surgery as long as you agree to pay the difference that Medicare doesn't pick up? That doesn't make any sense to me, but then the red tape of government healthcare usually doesn't. I know it's frustrating and I am sympathetic to your feelings of discouragement and disappointment. Perhaps there is another doctor in your state or a neighboring state that will do it? Just a thought. Sorry you are having to go through this. Keep us posted on what is going on. I'll keep you in my prayers that things work themselves out quickly for you. Cindy
  23. chichigirl

    NJChicks New Biker Outfit

    Wow, you're looking great already, and just a few weeks after surgery, you're amazing!!! ROTFLMAO, thanks again for the grins and giggles!! (((HUGS))) Cindy
  24. chichigirl

    Infections and port removal

    Sorry to hear about your Mom's infection, but maybe a girl with the name of DeLarla on hear has been through having an infected port and having it removed. Perhaps you could private message her, I know she'd be glad to help out, she's really nice. Cindy
  25. chichigirl

    Goin in soon!

    Good luck to both of you, I will keep you both in my prayers for smooth and easy surgeries and swift recoveries. Yes it is normal to feel both excited and scared, especially since you have never been through a surgery and you don't really know what to expect. But as surgeries go, this is one of the easier ones if you will because they do it laproscopically so it's less invasive and a quicker recovery time. Best to you both! Cindy

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
