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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About simplyblessed

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  1. simplyblessed

    3 weeks post op

    I am 3 weeks also. Couldn't stand protein drinks so I have been drinking milk and eating canned shredded chicken with cheese or tuna salad. Haven't gotten my protein in but I don't feel bad. I do have a lack of energy tho.
  2. I have been getting most of my protein from drinking milk, can't stomach the protein drinks either!
  3. simplyblessed


    I am almost 2 weeks post opt, when can I start lifting a baby? He is only 20lbs but wasn't sure when I could, DR didn't tell me at my pre opt
  4. simplyblessed

    Any December Sleevers

    I had surgery the 11th and I have the same issue with feeling gurgling in my stomach. Mine does it with anything I drink :/ weird! But I can do water I just like it cold!
  5. A heated blanket/pad was my favorite thing the heat made my stomach feel so much better I also think it helped with gas pains!
  6. Maybe I am putting too much in. Thanks!
  7. simplyblessed

    North Carolina

    Morganton here, but had my surgery with Heider at Lake Norman Med
  8. How do you like the Syntrax unflavored? I have it but can't seem to mask the taste!
  9. My favorite thing I brought to the hospital was a heated blanket (heating pad). Helps with pain
  10. simplyblessed

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    I was sleeved 12/11 and my heated blanket has by far been my favorite thing. the heat feels so good
  11. simplyblessed


    What brand was your unflavored?
  12. simplyblessed


    I am 6 days post opt. And I'm having trouble getting protein in. I'm perfectly fine with liquids. I can drink no problem. I just can't find any protein shakes that I can drink. I have tried Syntrax Fuzzy Navel and it was grainy, the chocolate truffle was to sweet, and then I tried Unjury Vanilla and it was also to sweet. Any suggestions?!?
  13. simplyblessed

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    I had really bad nausea my first day but they gave me a iv of nausea meds and then I felt great.
  14. Slippers for you to walk around, a pillow for the ride home to cover your stomach, and mouthwash because your mouth is dry after and you can't drink. My favorite thing I brought was a heated blanket, it felt so good on my tummy!
  15. simplyblessed

    Doctors in Charlotte, North Carolina

    I was sleeved on Thursday and used Dr. Heider at Lake Norman. Highly highly recommend him!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
