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    susancae reacted to B-52 in I keep reading horror stories...   
    I have noticed, the majority of people who come to this forum are those who are seeking help or advice...that would be those just starting out who, in all respect, have very little experience and don't know much except what they have heard...mostly from other people with little experience.They say the craziest things, from where it comes from I haven't a clue.
    Just look at how many posts there are from people who have been banded only a few weeks and already they're talking about stalls...!!!
    Then there are people who do have legitimate concerns or have/are experiencing major problems...they feel that need support so here they are...and in reality, there are not that many. It just seems that way And IMO, the problems they are experiencing are not the bands fault, but the person's...in the first few months I had some issues, problems also...but it was not the band giving me problems, it was me having to break bad habits, etc, learned over a lifetime which was the reason I was Obese...and now they had to go...just like that.
    We are fat because we eat wrong, way too much of the wrong things....so we have WLS...what do people expect this WLS is going to do?
    It is going to make it impossible to live the old life and force you to start doing things differently.
    Some people are just not ready for that, and insist on fighting change...the first time they get "Stuck" they run back toi their Dr.'s saying there is something wrong with the band...(and not them themselves) then complain 2 years later the band is a failure, or they fell off the wagon....
    It wasn't the bands fault, and I wonder what wagon they were on??? Jenny Craigs?
    How many posts do I read about eating pizza??? WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO IN THE FIRST PLACE? That's the real question! Same with rice, and many other things not good for you in the first place!
    The staff at my Surgeons office tells me stories all the time about people coming in to get Fluid taken out of their bands so they can enjoy Vacations, holidays, weddings, etc....They don't get it...either you want to loose weight, which means change, or you don't....you can't have it both ways.
    There are a lot of successful people out there...many who were here when I joined are long gone.
    Frankly, why would they want to hang around? They have a new life to live and enjoy, and don't want to be around people with such negativity....
    I left for about a year, could not take it anymore...but as time goes on I just get more founded in my new life.And I will probably leave again when I can't take it and need another break.
    I am 100% successful..having lost ALL the excess weight possible, resulting in a very low (athletic) body fat %.
    I am NEVER hungry, have no cravings, head hunger is a thing of the past.
    I have absolutely no fear of failure or ever gaining weight again...no more dieting counting calories...none of that. I have been set free....
    I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and the holidays....don't need ant clever strategies to get through it......
    THAT statement right there will raise eyebrows and draw criticism from many people here who have no idea what I am talking about, and would label me a heretic.. ,,,,....that being said, why would I, or anyone else successful, want to hang around here?
    Lets just pretend everybody has problems and difficulties and lets stick with the horror stories, and keep telling each other how much hard work this is and it's just a tool after all, don't get your hopes too high.....That way when we do fail we won't feel so bad....misery loves company.
    Sorry, I'm ranting...It's 4:30am and I tend to do that with my first cup of coffee......
    But know this, the band does work and there are more successful people out there than you may think...and this forum does not represent everybody...
    Either you want to accept change, loose weight and get a new life, or not....the band is adjustable, and even reversible.
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    susancae reacted to flmommyof2 in Getting scared as it gets closer!   
    After my above reply to your question, I read a thread just this morning on here that made me have some of the scared feelings as well. But I will not allow that to discourage me. Every person does not have the same experience with the band. The good results outweighs the bad. I'm going for it! Going after my happy and healthy!!!
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    susancae reacted to flmommyof2 in Getting scared as it gets closer!   
    My son is thin. My husband wants to lose about 20lbs. My daughter takes after me. I was over weight as a child but I was bigger than she is at the same age (8). She is about 20lbs more than her ideal weight but she is the one who exercises with me mostly. She has been jump roping ALOT lately and that will definitely burn calories and fat. I try to jump rope as well. I'm sure that looks pretty comical lol It feels good when my kids or husband say they are proud of me. That is definitely motivating. I love that they are embracing this lifestyle change. Support of your family and friends I believe, is the key to reaching your goal:)
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    susancae reacted to Luvin_Life125 in Getting scared as it gets closer!   
    You can do this! Remember why you want to do this surgery and keep your eye on the prize. I started a new journal when I started my WLS journey. The cover of my journal has my reasons and hopes for surgery to remind me every day. Being afraid is a normal part of the pre and post op experience and a perfectly valid experience. You are voluntarily cutting out a piece of your body , permanently changing your relationship with a long time companion (food), and the changes & impacts it will have on the rest of your life. I highly recommend you start journaling and working through your worries, feelings, and doubts. The mental aspect has been way more work than the physical journey so far. Keep your eye on the prize and stay committed! You can do this. It isn't easy and it isn't without risk, but it is so worth it! Keep us updated and I can't wait to see your progress!
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    susancae reacted to pholtzclaw in Have surgery date   
    Hi my name is Phil. New to this forum. Just received surgery date. Dec.16th. Can't wait my weight is 420 lbs. Am 68 years old. Been overweight most of my life. Am having gastric bypass
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    susancae got a reaction from flmommyof2 in Getting scared as it gets closer!   
    Ty. I'm also dieting. I have been for a few months now. And I do it alone. My husband is thin along with my kids. However they do not eat red meat. Lol I use turkey burger abd turkey sausage etc. And I don't buy Snacks for myself but I do the kids. My daughter does excersice with me though. She's a good motivator (:
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    susancae reacted to Elode in Prior weight loss atempts?   
    @@nmsugirl06 Have you called BCBS and asked them what your exact requirements are? If not you should defiantly do that. Most surgeons deal with multiple insurance companies so it's good to know your insurance process. Maybe that will help with your frustrations. Ask them all the questions you have. Make sure they clarify everything you need to know. I hope that helps.
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    susancae reacted to Sophie139 in Getting scared as it gets closer!   
    Hi!!! I'm 6 days post op and on the day of my surgery I wanted to run out of the hospital!!! I'm not going to lie, it's been a painful process so far, but I'm looking forward to my journey and the new life that this tool is going to help me attain!! Also, remember "everything that you're going through is preparing you for what you asked for."

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    susancae reacted to flmommyof2 in Getting scared as it gets closer!   
    I am having surgery next month. I am on a low/no carb and lots of Protein diet until my pre-op diet. I am super nervous also but the excitement outweighs the fear. The impact I have had on my family of me dieting now, makes me know that I am making the right decision. My husband and kids eat better now and exercise with me. This journey I began has become one for all four of us. Good luck to you hun and God bless you:)
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    susancae got a reaction from flmommyof2 in Getting scared as it gets closer!   
    Lol really no advice guys?
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    susancae got a reaction from flmommyof2 in Getting scared as it gets closer!   
    I dont know why but the closer surgery gets for me I want to call and say no way not coming. I'm probably reading way to much about all the bad. Does anyone have any advise to get me out of this funk?
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    susancae reacted to finediva in Pre op diet!   
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    susancae reacted to GreenEyes604 in Did anyone NOT tell their job about surgery?   
    I am having surgery on December 12th. I haven't told anyone but my boss, and all I told him as that I was having surgery and that I wouldn't be back in the office until the first of the year. Didn't give any details at all. It's none of their business. Its great to be having surgery in December because there is absolutely nothing going on at work.
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    susancae reacted to OhSoNique in My surgeon office called me today   
    My surgeon office called me today and told me I got.......... APPROVED!!!!!!!!! Took only about a week!!! Just need hematology clearance n I can get a date!! I go on Mon to see him!! So excited!!!
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    susancae got a reaction from TheProfessor in 4 Month Bandiversary!   
    Ty (: I keep hearing about all these gas pains lol. Makes me even more nervous!
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    susancae reacted to Garifab_VSG in Pre op diet!   
    I am loving this terminology. That's exactly what it is. I am very, very early on in this process (I've only just met with the bariatric surgeon for the first time yesterday) but I feel like ever since I decided to go forth with VSG, I've been having mini food funerals every time I eat!
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    susancae got a reaction from Jacqbult in Pre op diet!   
    I too have no comorbidities I just barley met the standards. But I'm still eating healthy but like ive been eating the stuff I bake for the kids and husband when I usually dont. Ik my last meal will be pretty greasy haha just have to decide between fried chicken or pizza!!!!!
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    susancae reacted to lisacaron in Pre op diet!   
    @@susancae Ah yes what @@gowalking said! My hubs and I the DAY we decided we were going to have this surgery also decided we were going to tie on a couple of bibs and start mourning our food.
    We did that for a day or so, and as Liz said...I was sick to my stomach and had an epiphany! What the hell were we doing?! We were going to have WLS to make our lives better!!!! We weren't going to the electric chair!!
    Cheesecake would be there after surgery too!! So would Key Lime Pie, Steak, Taco's and Spinach dip! The best part about them today...I actually ENJOY eating them!!! Before I would devour the cake before I even knew I had taken a bite of it....what did it taste like? I have NO idea, I just know it was gone...and maybe I needed another so I could tell you how it tasted!
    Today...I enjoy the "idea" of the cake before it even arrives, I enjoy the aroma of it and if it's garnished with strawberry I enjoy them as well. I enjoy the texture and flavor and I can tell you if it's a NY cheesecake or not! IMO Brooklyn still has the corner on cheese cake.
    My point is that yep I eat it again but now I only have a quarter of the slice I share with my husband or friend and that's IF we can fit it or even want it after eating a meal.
    So hubs and I focused on what pre-op testing would mean to us...and for me I'm PICKY. I don't like the taste of things, and drinking things that smell bad or have a nasty texture to me...well it's not gonna happen. You should see the dance and faces and howling that goes on over cough medicine!! I try REALLY hard NOT to get sick!
    So I started "sampling" shakes and Protein bars..and when we found one we liked we started weeks before our actual pre-op and replaced a meal at a time until we were in full pre-op diet mode. That made it much easier for me because I had a plan.
    Do you have a plan? If that makes you more comfortable like it did for me...work on it write it out, put reminders in your phone what ever works for you...and I wish you all the best!!!! You can do it!!! and you will eat again just remember that in the back of your mind...
  19. Like
    susancae reacted to devint in Mindless eating and daily no no's ...   
    I've made some stuff from bariatricfoodie.com and my family ate it up with minimal complaints
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    susancae reacted to gowalking in Pre op diet!   
    I had many many food funerals. So many in fact that I made myself sick and couldn't eat anything the actual day before my pre-op diet.
    Here's the great thing though. I'm almost two years post-op and am able to eat all of it again. However...I choose to do so sparingly. I had Chinese food last night. First time I ordered it in since before my surgery. Nothing special...wonton Soup and pepper steak. But because it's been so long, I enjoyed it immensely...and there is so much left over, I can easily portion out and freeze a half dozen more meals out of it and eat it for weeks to come.
    So because I eat certain foods occasionally and more important...slowly now...I enjoy it so much more than when I used to shovel it in my face without really tasting it.
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    susancae reacted to joatsaint in Pre op diet!   
    I had a small panic attack when I thought about all the food I WASN'T going to be able to eat. But then I had to summon my inner pimp and Pimp Slap myself to remind me that I would be able to eat again and the whole point of surgery was to STOP me from eating large amounts of food.

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    susancae got a reaction from Jacqbult in Pre op diet!   
    I too have no comorbidities I just barley met the standards. But I'm still eating healthy but like ive been eating the stuff I bake for the kids and husband when I usually dont. Ik my last meal will be pretty greasy haha just have to decide between fried chicken or pizza!!!!!
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    susancae got a reaction from Jacqbult in Pre op diet!   
    Lol idk how I will do with the diet. Did anyone cheat? Ik if its that important to me I can do it. I will pray all the way through it!!!! God will help me! Hes got my back (:
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    susancae got a reaction from Deez416 in Medications before the surgery!   
    Yeah my surgery is on December 9th. Im just going to stop taking it. I'm definitely not going to do anything that's going to effect my date.... ive been waiting to long lol. Tyvm
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    susancae got a reaction from Deez416 in I got a surgery date (:   
    I havent been on here in so long but im updating that I have a surgery date for December 9th (: at 12:30p.m. I am nervous but so excited at the same time! (: I am so ready for this change!

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