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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    Anicka reacted to TheProfessor in My story, sad but true   
    Good for you jennhatten for taking control back over your banded well-being...! Like the other banders who have commented, I am perplexed and utterly astonished at the advice that was given you re: food choices.
    I was banded by a wonderfully reputable surgeon in Toronto who said Protein, veggies, greens, high quality nutrient rich food was key. Very few carbs (no doughy foods, certainly no breads or simple carbs...) exercise, small portions, healthy, healthy, healthy!
    And as for veggies and fruits, they are a great source of fibre, a wonderful source of Calcium... especially those greens and non-root based vegetables (high GI carrots, potatoes tubers... anything that grows in the ground).
    This is your opportunity to eat smaller portions of delicious healthy foods... and when eaten right, no sliming or vomiting. Vomiting and productive burps are NOT normal... they are the exception, not the rule. They mean you are taking bites that are too big, not chewing your food to a paste before swallowing or not waiting 45 seconds between bites.
    Learning curve...we're all on it with you!
    Get a bariatric specialist to support you and let the NEW stage of your journey begin WELL!
  2. Like
    Anicka reacted to Bandista in My story, sad but true   
    Hi there, so glad you found this forum as we all get a lot of support from one another here. It's good news on your band being fine -- now to begin anew. The links below in my signature really helped me understand so much about how the band is meant to work. I didn't use Dr. Simpson but I sure read his site -- a lot of great information there. And the Golden Rules of Lapband helped me a lot, too. Good luck to you and don't give up. Choosing yourself and your healthy future first and foremost is a tremendous step. Best wishes!
  3. Like
    Anicka reacted to lisacaron in My story, sad but true   
    @@jennhatten I'm sorry to hear of all the troubles you have been experiencing, and happy for you that you are working your way back toward being healthy.
    It is good news that your band is in good order and ready to help you on your journey. The first thing I have to tell you is that you need to find another Dr. It is NOT normal for you throw up all the time. You should be able to eat anything and everything. Yes there are some people who experience food intolerance, but that is true for everyone not just WLS or banded patients. You will learn as you go what works and what doesn't and how to modify your life style around those things.
    The key to eating with the band is practicing good eating mechanics. That does not mean eating soft and mushy foods or living on shakes. Mashed potatoes are not doing anything for you. There is precious little nutrition to be found there.
    Another key to being healthy is eating healthy, and that includes fruits and vegetables. Now it's true sometimes these items are hard for banded patients to consume. They may have stringy or rough bits that can become trapped in the stoma and cause a bolus that blocks up the stoma stopping food from passing.
    So these items should be minimized to avoid this, but if you cook vegetables well and eat fruits that you chew well and avoid things that might be difficult to swallow like apple skins etc you will be just fine. Another way to add these nutrients to your diet is by blending them if you need them.
    The number one nutrient our bodies need is Protein. Protein is not stored in the body for any length of time, so you must replenish it daily. You can do that in the form of eggs, chicken, fish, beef and many other things like Protein Bars and shakes. Not consuming enough protein could be the reason for hair loss and weakness.
    So my advice....
    Find a Dr. that is a band specialist, on that has a nutritionist on site and can help you learn good eating mechanics.
    For today...start from the very beginning. Go back to pre-band...were you on a pre-op diet? Follow that for a couple of days. Reset, and begin practicing good eating mechanics. Cutting things into tiny pencil eraser sized bites, chew chew chewing the food you eat, taking a minute between bites to allow that bite to pass the band before taking another bite. If you stack up one bite after another this could be the pain or stress you feel as your esophagus works harder to push the stacked up food past the band. Sit down and eat a meal, avoid distractions if possible. Plan your meals in advance and drink lots of Water.
    In no time you will be back on track and most importantly feeling better!!!
    Make an appointment with your regular Dr. for some blood work to find out if you are having any deficiency in vitamins/minerals or need any additional supplementation to start get a good chew able Multivitamin.
    Kick up your heels welcome back on the band wagon!!! Here we go!!!
  4. Like
    Anicka reacted to JustWatchMe in My story, sad but true   
    Wow. I don't recognize that advice you got whatsoever. Can you try to find a doctor in a bariatric center of excellence? This attitude seems way off, and you seem to feel that it is too. I hope you can get your band working for you with a doctor who feels right for you.
  5. Like
    Anicka reacted to jennhatten in My story, sad but true   
    My name is Jennifer and this is my story. It all started after my divorce. I had been gaining steadily since my youngest daughter was born. I tried weight watchers, exercise programs and carbohydrate addicts diet. I would lose no more than 20 and then start gaining again. I explored the lap band option and found good news. My insurance paid for it! I had my surgery in 2008 and started on my journey to losing 80 pounds. What I didn't know was that my hair would fall out, I couldn't eat anything healthy without throwing it up. I started bruising easy and my body hurt all the time. I tried some 5K's and walking but anymore than that I felt like my body had been tossed around in a cement truck. My doctor at the time kept stating that I was eating wrong and I needed to chew better. It didn't matter, I still threw up and sometimes threw up Water and my pills. I got another fill and immediately had to have an emergency unfill. I started gaining again. I lived on Protein shakes and mashed potatoes but only a little. Again, the doctor didn't listen and I insisted on having an unfill. Over the last few years I have gained back up to my pre-op weight.
    Now, I'm starting over again. I went to another doctor who told me it was normal to throw everything up and to be miserable. My band looks good and there isn't anything wrong. He went on to tell me that my diet was wrong and I was told wrong. He explained that I should only eat dry dense meats and doughy food and that no one should eat fruits and vegetables because all they are is sugar. This goes against everything I have ever read or learned. I went into this process to be healthier and stronger, not to feel like a bulimic, weak person
    At this point I'd like to use my band but I feel like I have no support and no one understands. I have been reading about food intolerance and inflammation during that "time of the month" causing banders problems. It seems like everything that could go wrong it has. I do want to continue this process but I really need some help and support. I need advice on how to deal with the pain everytime I eat. HELP!
  6. Like
    Anicka reacted to JamesJ4 in First Post - 4 1/2 year post op LapBand journey Ups and Downs   
    I remember many years ago going through these forums reading about the success of everyone post op. I'm sure if anyone will understand my post its people here. I liked reading stories that i could relate to, it gave me hope. Here is my story pre-op to present and what ive encountered as good and bad effects of the process:
    I grew up a big kid, the biggest in my class of course, bigger than grown men by the time i was in 7th grade. i was 6 foot tall and I tipped the scales at over 300 at the age of 12, and graduated high school around 318. After high school i ballooned up to 330, yoyo dieted for a few years, losing some weight then gaining it back plus some extra every single time, finally hitting my all time max of 388 by the time i was 27. I don't think i need to go into description of what that feels like but its a horrible life living that way. I was blessed enough to get a job that had insurance that covered the procedure and in late May of 2010 at the age 29 of i started my path to weight loss.
    The weight loss came slow as i would drop pounds here and there, never gaining but hitting many many plateaus along the way. By 2011 I was steady at 330, which while a huge improvement, was not exactly where i wanted to be. I read on here about how people dropped massive amounts of weight over 6 months and i wished i could do the same but i guess i just wasn't built that way. Working out was still hard because of my size and eating right was like pulling teeth but like all of you i pressed on. By the time 2012 hit i was back at my high school size of 315 and while i noticed the difference people started to judge me. See to your friends and some family they think this is a miracle procedure that will take you from morbidly obese to Brad Pitt over the span of a year max....wrong.....its a daily struggle and only your true loved ones and real friends will be there for you throughout this, some of us learn this the hard way. See once you start doubting yourself and think everyone is silently judging you it gets twice as hard and because I elected to let everyone know i was getting the lapband i couldn't make excuses - i had nothing to hide. To me it actually gave me motivation to keep with it to feel better that i would accomplish this and to make the doubters in my life see anything was possible.
    2012 was probably the hardest year in my life, i had many outside complications in my personal life that changed me and my family. It was the most devastating 12 months I hope I ever have to go through. That being said it drastically slowed down my weight loss progress, I never gained a pound but stayed steady at 315 all the way until November/December where i finally hit a milestone of 298. I was under 300 for the first time since my preteen years.
    In February of 2013 I went in for a adjustment, this was probably my 5th or 6th once since surgery and i had around 6.5cc in my band (large "vega" band). When I went to lapband meetings and read older posts people always talked about the "green zone" which is like your magic spot where it all starts to fall in place, well, I had FINALLY reached mine. Finally under 300 i started doing kettle bell workouts and choosing more active assignments at work. I started eating healthy, salads, high Protein meals, no cokes, no more sweets. I still indulged but in moderation. I lost 45 pounds by anniversary date in May and now sat at 249. I felt great, my clothes didn't fit, and finally...FINALLY...people asked if i had lost weight. I thought that was the strangest part so far. I had lost 88 pounds t get to 300..and it was like no one noticed, hell I barely noticed, most of my clothes still fit at that point and i was so discouraged....i mean really 88 pounds and i barely notice a difference, then i lose 50 and its like I'm a new person. You see yourself everyday so you'll never notice the changes, small or big. Take pictures, it will help to show your progress, that's a big regret i have. I was so disappointed with the amount of time it was taking I lost interest in a diary/journal, i wish i would have kept with it. I kept losing weight throughout 2013 until i hit my goal weight of 235 and continued a past it down to 225 by September 2013. Here i have stayed bouncing from 220 (my low was 213, didnt feel right at all) to 230. I did it and i've kept it strong for 16 months straight. It can be done, and you can live happily. I know this was long winded for a first post but i'm working graveyards and i wanted to give a snippet of what its been like for me. I willing to answer any questions you have, there is of course more to parts of this story than i feel like writing so feel free to contact me if you'd like. I tried to attach a picture of different times in my life from pre op and post op but i'm new to this site so i hope i did it right.
    The Good:
    buying clothes you never could get before
    playing with my daughter without having to sit every 5 minutes
    no more knee pain
    not sweating ALL THE TIME
    Better sleep
    Feeling more active and not wanting to be locked in my house 24/7 from embarrassment
    The Bad:
    My wife's reaction once I hit my goal weight. She wasn't used to me looking like i did, and she was concerned with me leaving. Her thought was if i finally feel good and have lost weight i was going to sew some wild oats from my youth. This still causes problems today.
    This one will sound arrogant, and i don't mean it to be, just simple truth that I'm sure a lot of us have noticed after successful surgery. People look at you different, you will garner some unwanted attention at times. This causes jealousy in your home life with you significant other. It happens a surprising amount, and while its a ego boost it can really hurt a relationship, even if its out of your hands.
    Learning your body, and when to say enough is enough can and will cause you to became sick at the most inopportune time (out to eat with family or friends). I have had at least 5 incidents where i had to quickly excuse myself to go to the restroom because i still struggle with eating slow and proportions. I'll probably always have to deal with it and it can be very aggravating. Take the good with the bad though.
    Not having anyone to go through the struggle with. If you can find a weight loss buddy do it. I was basically alone my entire time, its not easy.

  7. Like
    Anicka reacted to On_My_Way1986 in First post   
    Hey guys! This is my first post on here, even though I have been reading posts on here for months.
    I had the lap band surgery 12/19/14. I was supposed to get the sleeve, but chickened out at the last minute. My mom and my sister both have the lap band so I wanted something that I was more familiar with. They have both had lots of success.
    Anyways, at my highest, I was 368. On the day of my surgery, I was 332. It's been about five weeks and I am now 317. So, 15 pounds in five weeks. I don't know if that's a good amount or not, but I'm happy with it. It's better than going up!
    I go in for my first fill on the 29th, which I am both nervous and excited about. I'm hoping it will at least take away some of this hunger!
    My biggest problem right now is wanting to weigh all the time! I'm about to have my husband hide the scale and only give it to me once a week! Lol
    I can tell that my pants are getting a little looser which is exciting!
  8. Like
    Anicka reacted to TheProfessor in My First Fill - Success!   
    I am 5 weeks post-surgery, (I was banded on Dec 18, 2014) and today I went for my first fill.
    I was not overly nervous, but I will admit to dreaming a couple of nights ago that I climbed up on the table and a one-eyed Doctor took out a massive amniocentesis needle, squinted at my tummy, then said, lifting up the needle to plunge it in, "Let's hope we hit it!" (referring to my port) and plunged the 18 inch needle in. I woke up in a cold sweat!
    So...ok. Maybe a 'wee' bit worried about my first fill.
    Today was a breeze. I lay down on the examination table while the nurse filled the syringe with saline. Up went my top, she palpated my upper abdomen for a split second, found my port right away, disinfected the site, told me to take a deep breath, and boom, the needle was in. I didn't even feel it. NOT KIDDING. There was not so much as that awful "pinchy" feeling you get with a shot in the arm. There was no [ain, no discomfort, no sensation whatsoever. She may as well have brushed a feather over my tummy. Weird.
    The nurse drew back the Fluid from the port to see what I had been banded with - ends up it was 4.1 ccs. Based on my answers to the 'length of satiety?' between meals questions asked prior to my hopping up on the table, she added another .5cc to my band.
    A bandaid, a few sips of Water, a goodbye.
  9. Like
    Anicka reacted to Dolores33778 in 1st fill   
    Don't jump to conclusions. Just drink your dinner and give your tummy time to get used to this. It's OK to be hungry.
  10. Like
    Anicka reacted to JustWatchMe in First post   
    Good for you!! You sound well on your way. I'd advise staying off the scale for awhile as well but if you must, weekly works well for me. I happily weighed daily until my weight loss slowed, and then I got anxious about it. Weekly is a much better barometer.
    Your fills will help the hunger but until the right fill level is achieved, plan to stay vigilant about your intake and try to stop at moderate portions. I've had five fills. I'm in the green zone now. But when it was the early stages, I had to pretty much diet a lot of the time.
    Everything will start to get so much better now, and just think of the wonderful summer you will have with so much excess weight gone!!!
    Thanks for posting. Seeing this helped me today!!!!
  11. Like
    Anicka reacted to Sharpie in im a loser really,ilure..hate myself   
    you should definitely go back to your Dr . Don't worry about being embarrassed. There are no perfect patients, I am sure he/she won't be too critical . It's better for you to get back on track and decide that you deserve success. sounds like you are your own worst critic, and I hope you will see that you are worthy of success. Take Care and keep us posted.
  12. Like
    Anicka reacted to punkinvine in im a loser really,ilure..hate myself   
    Look.... you have the new tool! Just use it! It's ok to go forward. Hugs and happy you are admitting you struggled. I have too, but get back up and GOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  13. Like
    Anicka reacted to Elizabeth68 in im a loser really,ilure..hate myself   
    I read a great blog piece on the app from my gym today (yes, I actually go to the gym now!) about how weight loss is one of the only areas where we don't accept mistakes. At work, we make mistakes, we learn, we correct them and we move on. In relationships, we have a fight, we work it out and then we move on. We never expect perfection, but we do for weight loss. Its like we fall short of our goals and automatically label ourselves a failure instead of working it out and moving on.
    I think the fact that you wrote your post today is testament to the fact that you want to work it out and move forward. To that I say go for it! schedule an appointment with your doctor and don't worry about his/her reaction. I'm certain he or she will be happier to see you there to try again than for you to feel too embarrassed to restart.
    Good luck! You can do this!
  14. Like
    Anicka reacted to TheProfessor in im a loser really,ilure..hate myself   
    I agree with everything that has been said here so far - no one is the perfect patient. (Well, maybe this elusive unicorn is out there, but fear not, sister - you are in good, imperfect company!)
    I agree with other folks that have said that this weight gain is not really an embarrassment, so much as a hiccup. You absolutely DESERVE to get back on track. You are worth it, right? RIGHT. :-)
    The best thing to conquer the disgust you feel with yourself and your depression is to get out of the pattern of having no control over your band, and get some professional help! If your Doc or surgeon is not available, find someone who is. Make some calls, get on the web, do some research... the moment you begin to take this matter into your own hands, the faster a solution will present itself and the better you will be able to sleep at night.
    We are cheering you on!
    Keep us posted...!
  15. Like
    Anicka reacted to JustWatchMe in im a loser really,ilure..hate myself   
    Never ever ever give up on yourself. Yes. See a new doc and start fresh. Your life is worth saving!!! Use this board as support. Good luck!
  16. Like
    Anicka reacted to TheProfessor in Lapband removal   
    j-rod -
    Get the lap band removed...? Absolutely bloody not!
    I've never felt better in my life. I am 4 weeks post surgery, 27 pounds down, and feeling like I am making amazing progress.
    The lap band is a tool, not a solution. You have to work WITH it, in order to make it work. The band is the teacher.
    I have avoided vomiting and 'sliming' by taking small bites (no larger than 2 blueberries). I chew everything to a paste, and only then do I swallow. I eat Protein first, then veggies, then tiny amounts of carbs. I have learned about "First Bite Syndrome" and how to avoid it.
    I have invested $16,000 in this procedure, so it will ABSOLUTELY work - I have a financial obligation (and an emotional one, too!) to ensure it does! I have had an excellent (no... SUPERB) surgeon whose follow up program for me with a nutritionist and nursing team and webinars has been incredibly helpful and supportive.
    No one should vomit with the Band. Getting food stuck (on occasion) and having a sliming episode once, twice or even a few times, is, I've learned, to be expected when you forget the rules. I expect that I will forget at some point, lose my focus and eat too much/ too fast and have an episode. I will learn the lesson when the lesson is ready to be learned!
    In my learning and research I have learned that regurgitation at night is often caused by acid washing up through the esophagus because of a stretching of the pouch above the band. So what happened with "Your Guy"? If he was in the habit of pushing his band to fight back by taking large bites or eating the wrong foods, then he needs to change his habits. "Pouch dilatation" is something that needs medical attention to correct.
    You even said in your post since then he's been "super careful and it hasn't happened since". Well - we all need to learn new habits after being banded. If he wasn't ready to make the changes and begin a new relationship with food, he wasn't ready to be banded.
    I hate to judge or say he did anything wrong. Not my place. Hell, I am new to banding myself. I can tell you what I've learned - that is that the band will NOT work and is CHEATABLE and can/will FAIL if you do not follow the rules.
    The Rules:
    No bites over the size of 2 blueberries. Everything is chewed to a paste - anything not dissolving down gets spat out. Average about a bite a minute. About 20 bites makes a meal. No more than 20 minutes per meal. No crap food. (Really, does this need to be said?) Move your body, even if its just walking. No drinking calories (pop, juice, booze). Stop eating before you feel 'full'. Understand the difference between "fullness" and "satiety". Serve meals on a side/dessert plate. Eat with small utensils, like an oyster fork, to prevent big bites. Please do not caution anyone against the band. You are not in a position to do that. The band has changed lives and improved the health and well-being of thousands... THOUSANDS... of people. I am one of those people, and even though I have just started my journey, I am well on my way to losing 100 pounds and improving my health.
    I have reclaimed my life and would recommend this minimally-invasive, effective procedure to anyone, provided they are willing to LEARN ABOUT and IMPLEMENT the changes that are required for it's success.
  17. Like
    Anicka reacted to catfish87 in Lapband removal   
    You joined this site this morning, and asked "Is anyone getting their lapband removed???" and "anyone go through this" as you told of the near death experience of someone. Is it your "guy", your "BF" or your "Husband" that has the band? You refer to them differently each time you post.....
    You've chimed in on a couple of peoples post giving your opinion ( as someone who isn't banded ) and then started a couple threads of your own.
    Who is this doctor that doesn't seem concerned when you describe these symptoms? When was the last time your BF/Husband/Guy seen the surgeon?
    I hope everything gets better!
  18. Like
    Anicka reacted to PSRS520 in Lapband removal   
    Orry to hear that. That's very scary to read. I just got the lapband 4 days ago. Hope it all gets better for u guys, good luck.
  19. Like
    Anicka reacted to JoJoNYC in Time for a New Me and a New Life! My surgery is complete!   
    Well after six months of planning, lab tests, docter visits, psychological evalutions and a 14 day liquid preop diet. My Lap band surgery was completed 2 days ago.
    I was truly blown away of what an amazing and truly professional job the staff and my Docters at NYU Langone Hospital in New York City did for me and my surgery.
    From me being admitted, surgery, recovery and discharge, the staff at NYU will go above and beyond for you and your family.
    I was released the same day and I have to say the only discomfort I had was some bloating and pinching near my incisions which is normal.
    In the beginning, I was skeptical and a little scared of going under the knife. But I totally agree with all the other past banders on this site who gave me the support I needed to make the first step.
    I thank you all for that and for your support. And to all you contemplating WLS for yourself. Think it over, then think it over again and if its right for your by all means go forward and enjoy your life to the fullest.
    I will check in from time to time to let you all know how my progress is going.
    All the Best!!!!
  20. Like
    Anicka reacted to Alan Brooks in I'm getting the band back together!   
    G'Day Banders...
    I was banded in 2010 by a very good Bariatric Surgeon in Australia, Dr Paul Caska.
    The preparation on an Optifast packet/powder diet of 900 then 600 calories per day was gruelling (especially as I cut booze and coffee at the same time) was very successful. I lost around 30 lbs in six weeks.
    The operation went very well, two nights in hospital and home I went.
    The liquid phase went fine with some more weight loss.
    Over the next four years, I had minimal success. I visited the surgeon for adjustments and food advice. My weight hovered around 300 lbs. The band restricted my meals sizes but I was hungry between meals. I was still c. 50 lbs lighter than before this journey began, most of the loss occurring in the preparation stage. I was disappointed that the results were not better.
    Finally, after me avoiding the surgeon for a while, I went back and laid my cards on the table "I want to get this band working better or it is time to remove it and go for a sleeve". I did not want more surgery and expense but I did want to loose more weight.
    The surgeon suggested we use radiography to determine the maximum the band could be adjusted to and check the positioning. We did this. The band was perfectly placed and we did a big tighten.
    The next day I could not even swallow fluids. I was at my nephew's graduation from the Police academy and it was a Friday. A hurried trip back to the surgeon saw me arrive just in time to get an emergency adjustment.
    The new adjustment worked and I lost 10 lbs. Things seems to loosen again and they made another small tweak.
    This was early 2014 and I was off to live in Toronto, Canada for a couple of years. I still felt the band needed adjustment.
    Finding someone to maintain the band in Toronto turned out to be a nightmare. Surgeons don't seem to want to work on bands placed by others here. Even though I have a common band that they approve, they want a king's ransom to stab me every now and again. This was very depressing.
    Through the Bariatric Pal Forum, I learned of a doctor who would take "stray" patients for band maintenance. Dr Hazrati is wonderful. He made the extra adjustment after doing some checks and the band is working perfectly.
    I am now down 88 lbs and have 79 to go. I feel great! I did get a little reflux when the band was tightest, but it seems to have gone.
    I am the lightest I have been since 20 years ago. I hope you find your path to a healthier weigh as well.
    Thus, I once felt the band was coming out, now I have the band back together
    Some pics...
    The aftermath of the surgery

    The scars six weeks later

  21. Like
    Anicka reacted to gowalking in Today is my Bandiversary!   
    On the day of my surgery, January 14th, 2013, I was morbidly obese with a BMI over 50. I was suffering from horrific knee pain and was seriously looking at spending my life in a wheelchair. I couldn’t walk more than a block without having to sit and rest. I couldn’t do the simplest of things like put on socks, or pick up my legs to shave them in the shower. I knew I was probably done traveling. I had just been on a cruise where I couldn’t get off the ship because of the pain I was in. I was wearing 4X tops and 26/28 slacks. I knew I was going to have to buy clothes online soon because I was growing out of these sizes and even places like Avenue didn’t carry sizes much bigger. The larger I got, the more invisible I felt. I worried about being able to move in spaces that were no longer big enough for me. I made sure to get to the conference room at work before anyone else so I didn’t have to bring unwarranted attention to myself by forcing my colleagues to squeeze in just so I could pass them if I couldn’t get a seat near the door. I worried about restaurants with tight seating…airplanes with narrow seats and the looks from whoever was stuck sitting next to me. Oh God…just thinking about this even now makes me so very sad and hurt because the list of painful and embarrasing situations is a long one.

    That, however, was before my surgery. Today is my two year bandiversary and during those two years, I have lost around 150 lbs. That’s an amazing amount of excess weight to carry around on a very small frame. No wonder I was so uncomfortable. Today, I feel light as a feather. I can move normally again. As many of you know, I needed my hips replaced even before dealing with my knees. Turns out that my knees are fairly stable now as there is no excess weight to put unnecessary pressure on the joints. I can do all those things healthy people take for granted. I can walk anywhere and everywhere, I can cross my legs like a woman should be able to do, I can go up and down stairs…..hell, I can open my legs again and feel that marvelous weight of a man on top of me (sorry if that’s TMI but we're all adults here and sex is an important part of life that I thought was also in my past) Most of all…I fit in the world again and because I fit, the world has opened back up to me.

    After 20+ years, I'm wearing petites again. I'm in small sized tops and size 6 slacks. My legs aren't tree trunks anymore and I'm wearing dresses. And just an FYI for you ladies…If you want to attract a man, wear a dress. Works like a charm.. I love to clothes shop again. In these small sizes, the clothes are cute and pretty and I don't buy anything anymore just because it fits.

    I wear makeup again. My hair is styled attractively. I match the jewelry/bag/shoes to the outfits. Like I said above, I am very much aware now that people notice me. What an amazing transformation that is. To know that people see you again is such a powerful feeling….especially when you've felt invisible for so long.

    I’m traveling again. In fact, I’m planning a trip to China or now possibly a Nordic cruise to Finland and Norway sometime later this year. I hope to go on one big trip every year. There are so many places I didn't think I'd ever get to and now I need to make up for lost time and go wherever my heart desires.

    My grandson is due in April. I’ll be able to play with this one. My granddaughter missed out on a lot because I couldn’t keep up with her. She and I did a lot of arts and crafts, and reading books together or watching TV. I’m sure she didn’t feel like she missed anything but I know she did and this time around, Grandma is planning on climbing the monkey bars with this little guy when he gets old enough.

    One last thing I wanted to put out there. I must thank Alex for creating this site. It has been my salvation. The people here were and are, instrumental in my success. I have said things in my posts that no one outside of this place can truly understand and for that I am so very grateful. I am also blessed to call many of the folks on this site good friends of mine and I can’t wait to meet some of you face to face so I can give you a big hug.

    Here’s how I feel today..and most days in fact….I’m a person with two birthdays now. One in August of 1958 when I was born, and one in January of 2013 when I was re-born.

    For anyone reading this post, congrats if you have also found success in your weight loss journey and to those struggling, or who are pre-op and full of doubts and worries, know that a new life is possible for each and every one of you. I'm not special so if I could do this, so can you...no matter what your co-morbidities, starting BMI, or any other challenges you are facing.

    Here's a couple of before/after pics so you can see what 150 lbs. gone looks like. The ticker is just data but a picture is worth a thousand words as they say.

  22. Like
    Anicka reacted to JustWatchMe in All Ready for a New Me and a New Life!   
    This is so exciting. Post here as soon as you feel up to it. Good luck !!!
  23. Like
    Anicka reacted to JoJoNYC in All Ready for a New Me and a New Life!   
    Well after 6 months of Doctor visits, Blood tests and a 14 Day PreOp liquid diet. I go into surgery to get banded tomorrow.
    After all the failed diets, fad diets, pills and everything else I have tried. "And I have tried them all"
    It is time for a new beginning and a new me.
    I was thinking last night how being overweight had kept me captive in my own body. Watching my kids grow up and not being able to run in the park with them, sit comfortably in a movie next to them, even go to amusement parks only to be told I was too heavy to ride some attractions.
    This all comes to an end tomorrow. With my new weightloss "Tool" and am now ready to take on the world and everyone in it.
    Hope to all speak to you later on this week!
  24. Like
    Anicka reacted to PeachAero in My Journey   
    Hello from Leesburg, GA. I am Denise, age 56. I am one week today post op lapband. I feel good but sore. I started strained Soups today. Looking forward to a pureed diet next weekend.
    Besides extreme soreness, I have a dry cough after some meals. Anyone have this?
    Looking forward to reading all your stories and interacting
  25. Like
    Anicka reacted to Zouave33 in Ready to Go   
    Surgery scheduled for 1/19. Had pre-op yesterday and ready to go.

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